Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • It drives me crazy!

    My mom brings home a reese blizzard from Dairy Queen and says, " It's not THAT high" ...yes it is mom

    I have my mouth full of junk food and I'm telling my husband that he was cute when he was 15 and he says, "Yeah? Well big girls always liked me"

    The worst is when my husband picks up a pizza, ice cream or anything bad and ask, "Is this in the diet?"
  • SweetPea482
    SweetPea482 Posts: 155 Member
    my boss' diet: "my slimfast is better than your soup. its only 190 cal and it has TEN GRAMS of protein"

    I didnt have the patience to explain to him that my BIG salad with chicken was only 210 calories and had 21g protein.

  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member

    Mom & others: You're starting to look like an anorexic.

    This!!!! I so hate that one.

    seriously I dealt with that for the whole holdiay season how is being a healthy weight anorexic it's annoying
  • LOL some one posted on my pics on FB when my ffriends and fam asked how i did it. The "crack" diet!

    Or the better one im taking adipex, or (insert diet pill here) What are you taking?

    or my aunt yesterday how much more are you going to loose about 25-30 more. Oh no dont do that youll look like a "druggie" Just go to therapy obviously you have no self esteem. Sad part is i feel so great about myself right now.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Another one that really bugs me is "When are you going to stop dieting"?"

    But I'm not dieting, I am eating healthier and exercising, why would I stop that?
  • zontuin
    zontuin Posts: 72 Member
    I find this SUPER annoying: "What?! You're trying to lose weight!? You're so skinny!"

    ARGH! Well, if you call skinny being 25lbs overweight (and having an unhealthy BMI), then yes! But PLEASE people... Can't I strive to have a healthy BMI, FEEL good, and look good for myself?! I'm now considered skinny and don't need to lose weight because other people have more to lose than me? Let's not lose sight of the target here and lower our standard of what healthy means because we have an obesity epidemic going on.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Oh, so is that piece of cake like your one bad thing for the day?
    No, no, this piece of cake is not your business. *eats happily*

    Great response!!!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    now that i am on maintenance

    "oh here, eat this, you look even skinnier today " - coworkers who bring in food
    "this won't hurt you, just have one piece"
    "go to the (insert random) department, they have all this great food. you look good, you can have it"

    i love how others think they give me permission about what i should and shouldn't eat. so aggravating.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Co-worker #1 - OMG you are so skinny! What size are you now?
    *Note - I am effing 180 lbs and she is maybe 120 lbs ... WTF is wrong with her?

    Co-worker #2 - Do you ever eat?
    *Note - No b*tch, I don't.. so get like me.. WTF

    Co-worker #3 - Girl you need a hamburger because you can't get smaller than me!
    *Note - WAKE UP you conceited wh0re; I am already smaller than you. WTF

    Hubby - Your @ss is so flat now I could do laundry on it...
    *Note - well, most of the men in my office enjoy my new, smaller @ss.. and since when do you do laundry anyway?!?!
  • Mum: "It's low fat oil!"

    That's my mom's fvaorite commet too!
    "Liver is good for you!" -mom "Not when it's covered in flour, cooked in oil, and simmer in a freaking pot of gravy!!" -me
  • Tams297
    Tams297 Posts: 15
    My boss - constantly telling me to have a cake have some chocolate you don't need to diet.
    I feel like I'm NOT dieting but I am watching what I eat and getting healthy. Sush trying to get me to eat cake because YOU want to eat it (i say this in my head obviously!!)
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    how about this one ( I am starting to rant LOL)

    wow you look great, how did you do it, I cant believe how great you look

  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Here are some nuggets I've heard from work colleagues

    "Are you going to eat THAT?"

    "You shouldn't be eating THAT"

    "Ham has sugar in it, and sugar is why you struggle with your weight"

    "How many meals have you had today?"
  • My MIL loves to tell me that I can run tomorrow, just eat today. Well, the crap you want me to eat will make me VERY sluggish on tomorrow's run. How about I'm doing this for my health, anything else is an added benefit.
  • the best one comes from my cousin who has an eating disorder and lives on snack a jacks, for some reason she feels the need to tell me muscles look horrible on women and i am too skinny. her jealousy is delicious pmsl I just agree and move on as its true anyone who puts you down is jealous so in reality they are really saying "you look amazing and I wish I had your will power " :)
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    My grandmother over the holidays would always seem to be in the kitchen when I would prepare a meal.

    If I put mayo on my sandwich, she'd chime in "can you have that?"

    If I grabbed a cookie (or two :P) she'd say "is that on your diet?"

    etc, etc. No matter how much I told her that "it is the holidays, and I will eat what I want!" she still had something to say every single time I ate something. SO ANNOYING!!!!

    I think after losing 60 lbs I can enjoy a guilt free holiday, FFS!
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    the number one most annoying thing i hate is.........."omg how did you lose so much weight??"..........I feel like saying back to them just to see their reaction "cocaine, heroin a little bit of speed and a whole lot of sex with strangers!" hahaha!!! or "I climbed the magic beanstalk where a pixie gave me a magical diet pill to make me skinny overnight" lol

    honestly some people just can't use their brains these days! lol!

    Hilarious! I'm going to use that!
  • bcr1559
    bcr1559 Posts: 62 Member
    "Your really want to loose more weight? I don't think that is a good idea"
    My reply "well actually I am still considered overweight and think it's a great idea!"

    When I first start I got this a lot, "are you really going to keep this up?"
    Well I have kept up my life style change for 10 months so far and have lost 33 pounds!
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    #1 Would be anything my MIL says! She *****es about what I eat if its healthy, what I eat if its junky.
    How my clothes fit, I had on a tank top that I guess was tight, and I came down stairs when she was over with a sweater ontop of my tank top "wow you look like you lost 15 lbs, let me see your tummy" No i say, she insists ugh fine, show hee. "oh it was just the shirt, you cheated" OUCH!
    My hubby and I were taing our son to the beach as we left she says"oh dont do that !" me-"do what?" "be the fat girl in the bikini" UMMMM! I weighed 180 at the time, and am 5'5 I liked my body then , and I felt like I looked good. NOT fat, ( MIL is also very very overweight, like a size 28! and a 4XL).

    My hubby talking about my sister and how shes overweight "yeah she has to be like 200 lbs and she sat there eating fried chicken on a biscuit with 6 bacon slices and fries at 7am!, shes so fat" 4 weeks after having a baby, struggling to get past the 200 mark stuck at 200 for like 2 weeks. Yeah, that felt good.

    My step mom"Here try this chocolate crossaint, their so good!", me 39 weeks pregnant, "no thanks I dont want another 10 lbs baby lol" ( my first was 10lbs 11.2oz, second ended up being 10lbs1.4oz despite my healthy diet), "oh just have it, it wont make a difference, well here take it home then" UGH she just sent cake over yesterday left from her bday. She wont keep that stuff in her house because she doesnt want to gain weight, but knowing Im trying to loose she sends it to me WHAT?

    My Dad " why do you even care? " UMMMM Really Dad? Why do i care what I weigh or how I look? Why do I care about my health? Do I really even need to answer that>?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I get this on here, and on Facebook when MFP updates my weight loss, "What's your secret?!"

    How about click the link to my profile, then check my food and exercise diary for the past year? I also have a blog that I post regularly to Facebook where I talk in great detail about how I eat and exercise. My "secret" is the worst kept secret ever! :laugh: