WHY keep your food diary hidden?



    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Mines private. I eat healthy. I just did not join for people to tell me more or less of this and that.

    Bottom line, If I see your diary or you see mine. The choice really lies in the person! If you are going to eat right and exercize you are!
    If you see another diary or not.

    I do however think it gives people good ideas on what types of foods to eat or better choices.However, that can be seen on forum too. As far as people saying accountability....We are accountable for ourselves. Whatver works for you, is what you have to do;-)
  • heathero76
    heathero76 Posts: 8 Member
    At this point, I do not feel the need to share or hear feedback (whether negative or positive). I guess it depends on what people need to hit their goal. If they need the accountability, great make it public.

    My problem is with those who chose to get on their soap box and condem if the diary is not open. I dont understand the need or desire for others to see everything I eat.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I just opened mine to my friends only. I kept it private for the last 10 months for a couple of reasons. One, I like to have a cocktail in the evenings and I didn't want anyone to give me a hard time about it and tell me that I am wasting calories (they're my calories to "waste). The second reason is that I would see friends open diaries complete their day and then make a comment about how they know that they went over on sodium and will do better tomorrow and then the very first comment under that from a "friend" would ream them for how much sodium they had eaten. Ummm, they already know they ate too much sodium. Back off!

    Third reason is that I am accountable to myself and only myself. If I am going to succeed, it will be because of what I have done, not because of what my friends have to say about my diary.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    My diary is not open to the public because:

    1) I eat a SHOCKING number of cupcakes
    2) I don't care a fig about watching sodium
    3) I still eat donuts occasionally
    4) I have a chocolate pastry for breakfast every Thursday
    5) I drink hard cider several days a week
    6) I sometimes eat half a large homemade pizza
    7) I hate whole wheat bread
    8) I eat a SHOCKING amount of cheese
    9) I went to McDonald's a month ago and I did NOT order a salad with grilled chicken and no dressing

    A lot of MFP'ers get very judgmental about stuff like this, and I simply don't want to hear it. :-)

    However, my MFP friends can see my food diary and are accepting of the fact that I believe whole-heartedly in 'all things in moderation'.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    im not going to lie.. i so look at other peoples to see what they eat.. sometimes im like what the heck is that? then look for it in the grocery store and try it out LOL =)

    mine is open bc it is what it is what i eat. but nobody has ever said anything to me regarding my food choices.. that would be rude IMO... but i haven't been on this site for years either so, to each their own!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    My diary is not open to the public because:

    1) I eat a SHOCKING number of cupcakes
    2) I don't care a fig about watching sodium
    3) I still eat donuts occasionally
    4) I have a chocolate pastry for breakfast every Thursday
    5) I drink hard cider several days a week
    6) I sometimes eat half a large homemade pizza
    7) I hate whole wheat bread
    8) I eat a SHOCKING amount of cheese
    9) I went to McDonald's a month ago and I did NOT order a salad with grilled chicken and no dressing

    A lot of MFP'ers get very judgmental about stuff like this, and I simply don't want to hear it. :-)

    Hahaha, sounds like my diary!
  • shamika624
    Love this.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Why would i open mine? For what purpose? I KNOW what im eating. I KNOW what i "should" be eating if i wanted to be 100% healthy. I dont need some pompous tit saying "Omg you have chocolate every day! Thats SOOOO bad for you!". Sigh...
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,733 Member
    Why would i open mine? For what purpose? I KNOW what im eating. I KNOW what i "should" be eating if i wanted to be 100% healthy. I dont need some pompous tit saying "Omg you have chocolate every day! Thats SOOOO bad for you!". Sigh...
    Well said! :happy:
  • grannygethealthy1111
    My diary was open when I was losing weight. I locked it when I reached my goal weight. Why? Because I wanted to and it is MY diary. I eat healthy each and every day. I exercise 6 days a week. This is not a diet to me. It is a total lifestyle change. I am cheering my friends along on their journeys. Sometimes I look at their food diaries, sometimes I don't. I would not care if each and every one of them locked their diaries. Why? Because it is THEIR diaries and I am not the food police. :bigsmile:
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I've earned the right to do whatever I please.

    ^^^THIS^^^^^^ I have to admit, I never look at anyone's diary. I am not that interested, sorry if that sounds mean or not being a good friend. As for mine, I don't feel I have to have it open. Its my choice. I know when I have eaten bad and when I do, I log it. I don't need anyone telling me that pizza and beer is bad and full of calories. Uh, ya, no shi*t. But I still log it, and if I am over for the day, that's my burden to deal with. I am not that confused by what is good and bad, what has too much of this or that. If I were to ask for help, then I will open my diary, but for the time being, I am fine keeping it private. If one of my friends really has an issue with this and feels they absolutely can not give me a "well done" for the day because they can not see my diary, then that is their choice. Besides, my diary is not that interesting. I am a guy, I eat meat and potatoes and a lot of grilled chicken. You wont see tofu or greek yogurt.... because I cant stand it.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I didn't even know mine was until I saw people commenting about hidden diaries on this board! I went in and changed it. So...I'm thinking it's lack of knowledge for some, privacy preference for others maybe?
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    My dairy is open to my friends only. A lie is a lie no matter how it is told. I can have my diary open to the public and if I am not accountable to myself then I can just pretend to forget to log everything to make it look like I am doing great. How can you tell if someone is really being honest with a public dairy? The answer is you can't. You just have to take their word and hope that they are being honest. I can easily manipulate the weight lost tracker and the diary. However, I choose to be honest.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I am a guy, I eat meat and potatoes and a lot of grilled chicken. You wont see tofu or greek yogurt.... because I cant stand it.

    HERE HERE!!!! *CHEER!!!*
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I've earned the right to do whatever I please.

    ^^^THIS^^^^^^ I have to admit, I never look at anyone's diary. I am not that interested, sorry if that sounds mean or not being a good friend. As for mine, I don't feel I have to have it open. Its my choice. I know when I have eaten bad and when I do, I log it. I don't need anyone telling me that pizza and beer is bad and full of calories. Uh, ya, no shi*t. But I still log it, and if I am over for the day, that's my burden to deal with. I am not that confused by what is good and bad, what has too much of this or that. If I were to ask for help, then I will open my diary, but for the time being, I am fine keeping it private. If one of my friends really has an issue with this and feels they absolutely can not give me a "well done" for the day because they can not see my diary, then that is their choice. Besides, my diary is not that interesting. I am a guy, I eat meat and potatoes and a lot of grilled chicken. You wont see tofu or greek yogurt.... because I cant stand it.

    There aint nothing better than a big *kitten* barbeque grill and smoker going with chicken, beef, pork ribs, and drinking a beer all at the same time!
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,493
    On several occasions, I have asked some of my running/training friends to view mine and critique it. I keep it open to friends, as I am not ashamed of the things I eat or drink. I have found among my selection of friends that we all go astray from our plans and are accepting and encouraging of each other. Also, especially if we eat overboard and off plan, others will encourage us to get back at it and shake it off. This is the reason I use MFP, not only to stay accountable to myself, but to gain insight from others, because to be quite frank, I don't have it all figured out.
    Some of my friends in the running community open theirs to their friends, and I am so grateful. I peek in on their diary to see what they eat before and after training runs and it really is beneficial to me. Luckily, everyone is not under the umbrella of thinking: "I eat/drink what I want and it is no one else's business."
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I think its important and helpful to share food diary with friends!! its helped me a ton to stay more accountable to what I eat and to logging everything
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I've earned the right to do whatever I please.

    ^^^THIS^^^^^^ I have to admit, I never look at anyone's diary. I am not that interested, sorry if that sounds mean or not being a good friend. As for mine, I don't feel I have to have it open. Its my choice. I know when I have eaten bad and when I do, I log it. I don't need anyone telling me that pizza and beer is bad and full of calories. Uh, ya, no shi*t. But I still log it, and if I am over for the day, that's my burden to deal with. I am not that confused by what is good and bad, what has too much of this or that. If I were to ask for help, then I will open my diary, but for the time being, I am fine keeping it private. If one of my friends really has an issue with this and feels they absolutely can not give me a "well done" for the day because they can not see my diary, then that is their choice. Besides, my diary is not that interesting. I am a guy, I eat meat and potatoes and a lot of grilled chicken. You wont see tofu or greek yogurt.... because I cant stand it.

    ^^^^Double This^^^^^...but I'm a meat and potatoes girl!!!!!
  • jenn_is_trouble
    I'm not on here to be held accountable for my actions, I am on here for myself: to make better choices and make changes in my lifestyle. If I make friends along the way, great. I like to hear feedback from others on how they have made changes in their lifestyles and ideas on how to eat better. I also changed my news feed settings so people I friend don't get bombarded with updates on every little thing I do. IMO, that's what blogs are for...
  • jenn_is_trouble
    I've earned the right to do whatever I please.

    ^^^THIS^^^^^^ I have to admit, I never look at anyone's diary. I am not that interested, sorry if that sounds mean or not being a good friend. As for mine, I don't feel I have to have it open. Its my choice. I know when I have eaten bad and when I do, I log it. I don't need anyone telling me that pizza and beer is bad and full of calories. Uh, ya, no shi*t. But I still log it, and if I am over for the day, that's my burden to deal with. I am not that confused by what is good and bad, what has too much of this or that. If I were to ask for help, then I will open my diary, but for the time being, I am fine keeping it private. If one of my friends really has an issue with this and feels they absolutely can not give me a "well done" for the day because they can not see my diary, then that is their choice. Besides, my diary is not that interesting. I am a guy, I eat meat and potatoes and a lot of grilled chicken. You wont see tofu or greek yogurt.... because I cant stand it.

    There aint nothing better than a big *kitten* barbeque grill and smoker going with chicken, beef, pork ribs, and drinking a beer all at the same time!

    Amen :drinker: