January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member

    January 5 goals
    1. Water 10-12 glasses (was up drinking in middle of night so know I didn't get enough yesterday!)- YEAH DONE
    2. Stay close to calories! (500 extra yesterday was a killer! Especially since sitting on butt most of day!)- YEAH DONE
    3. Order bio orb stuffs for tank- ACTUALLY GOT DONE!
    4. Extra movement in for at least 30 minutes!- MARCHING AND WIGGLING MY WAY TO SKINNY ;)

    So yesterday was a productive day. Hoping today is too!

    January 6
    1. Water (10-12 glasses)
    2. Watch that calorie intake!
    3. Dance for 30 inutes (fast not slow! ;0 )

    Have a wonderful productive Friday everyone and WELCOME!!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Well, I am off to a good start.l I met my goals for both days just an idea for someone that needs help making their goals. The first night I made a list of things that I need to accomplish, cut them out and put them in a box to draw out of. It is keeping it kinda innteresting because I don't know what I will get each day, but I know it is something I need to do or be working on. So here are my goals for tomorrow
    1. Plan a grocery list (I did this today so I will select another)
    2. Do 1@ min of stretching
    3. Clean out refrigerator
    4. Shred for an hour

    I love the idea of pulling out goals! That does keep things interesting!
  • mmurray22828
    My first post

    I've been doing good so far but wish to do better. But I need to incorporate on other days other thans Saturday
    My goals are :

    1: Size 10 by June
    2: Contimue to eat heatly
    3: cut the port out
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    Ok so January 5th was a fail day for me, I was over calories, and missed my water by 1 serving lol. And I hung out with a friend and had a playdate for my daughter so I didnt get my exercise in. Going to make up for it today!
    Jan 6th goals
    1. meet water
    2. do wii and/or clean for at least 1 hr
    3. have better self control, no munching out uncontrollably like i did yesterday!
  • kittybitz79
    Accomplished my logging and was only slightly over my calories for the day. Still not drinking pop, which is causing me one killer headache. Still haven't gotten my applications done, was going to do them when I got home but forgot to bring a black pen home. I have 6 millions of any other color no black. I did pretty well at work , although it might have helped that the worst negative offender had been talk to the night before about her attitude.

    Today's goals
    1) Log everything good or bad
    2) Stay within my calories for the day.
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water today.
    4) GET MY APPLICATIONS FINISHED. (sorry this is all caps but it is most important)
    5) Get my gym membership started. (need to go 12 times in a month for insurance)
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    Did good yesterday! Could have drank more water, but overall good day!

    Todays goals:

    Do TurboFire
    Drink a minimum of 4 glasses of water
    Stick to calorie goal
  • sgreg2090
    1/5/12 Results:

    1. Yes - got my 8 cups in
    2. No - did not do that well
    3. Yes - got all Laundry done
  • sgreg2090
    1/6/12 Goals:

    1. Walk with friend this afternoon (going to be 51 degrees in Ohio today)
    2. Stay under my calorie goal
    3. Reward myself (done - cafe mocha to drink for breakfast)

    I have gotten to the gym 4 days this week. Each day doing at least 30 mins of cardio/strength training.

    Weekend coming & maybe I can get to the gym to spend some time in the sauna - to ease my slightly sore muscles.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 5:
    1. Day 5 of walking workout calendar. (3 miles with the Walk Belt) --Ye,s and 2 mile walk to the bank and store.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices! --Mostly. Just over, though.
    3. More liquids--water and tea.--Yes.

    Going to apply for a job today--one I would REALLY like. Hope I get it!

    Goals for January 6:
    1. Day 8 of walking workout calendar. (2 miles)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.
  • AmyRenee32
    Well....I was sick yesterday with a killer earache so I did not port my goals. I did do a small workout though last night!!! Today is my rest day so I have new goals for the day.

    1. Eat under my calorie goal
    2. Completely organize my desk at work
    3. Drink lots of water
  • kltobin2010
    kltobin2010 Posts: 80 Member
    Jan 5th, 2012
    Goal 1: do a quick morning workout
    Goal 2: do 20 military push-ups in a row
    Goal 3: have a smile on my face when doing my evening workout

    Completed, Goal 1 and Goal 2 - love that I can actually do 20 military push-ups in a row, I screamed with joy when I finished. In the middle of Goal 3, I was not feeling well at all and ended up stopping the workout, so no smile from me :(

    Jan 6th, 2012
    Goal 1: Do an Insanity workout
    Goal 2: read a chapter in the book of John in the Bible
    Goal 3: read an extra book at bedtime for the girls
  • tinks72
    tinks72 Posts: 6 Member
    Well I managed 2 out of 3 of my goals yesterday so not a bad start.

    My goals today 6/1/12

    1 To get to the gym
    2 To clean my sons room
    3 To stay within my calorie allowance.
  • dmwaski
    I met yesterdays goals!
    Today's goals
    1. Plan meals for the day-done
    2.Treadmill 30 mins
    3. Do Mother in Laws shopping-that's a workout-all by it's self!:happy:
  • kjconway
    This is a great idea. I already have some goals in mind for today.
    My name is Kate, I am 24 years old. I have a pretty band new career, as a TA with a school baord. I live with my boyfriend of 2 and a half years. He has a son, 2 and a half as well, who visits with us one full week each month. Our lives are pretty busy and being "part time parents" (as I like to call it), makes things really interesting. My step-son lives about 4 hours away from us and we do all the driving to get him... which means a lot of meals on the go.

    My goals for today, Friday Jan 5th are:
    2. Easy on the wine at dinner (it's my Dad's birthday today= full roast dinner with cake and wine right along side it)
    3. Go for a walk at lunch rather than sit at the computer :)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Yesterday's goals:

    1. Water - better - but I still need work on this.
    2. Walk - Yes - did my 60 min. walk and really worked up a sweat
    3. Logging - Did log all my calories.


    1. Work on that water intake

    2. Walk at lunch again

    3. Cut the carbs - I have been logging but I really need to work on cutting my processed carbs.

    Also, I think I need to make myself step on the scales so I can really track my weight - will do that on Monday and every Monday thereafter. Time to face the music!
  • jnehlsen
    #1 Goal - Increase water intake
    #2 Goal - Decrease snacking because I am bored
  • shanaenichole
    shanaenichole Posts: 22 Member
    Goals for 1/6/2012

    Finish everything I have been putting off at work.
    Have a good day at the gym.
    Work in my 30 day shred video. Go me :)
    Stop eating sssoooo much at dinner. Yuck.
  • jennieholmbergmn
    So I met all my goals yesterday except the nap, I took a nap but it was only like 20 min instead of the normal 2 hours.

    Today I want to be happy, drink water, and enjoy what I am eating!
  • NanciKay
    NanciKay Posts: 86 Member
    Jan. 5 goals:
    1. do not stayed "glued" to my desk at work - accomplished!! :happy:
    2. Stay under my allowed calories - accomplished!! :happy:
    3. Bob Harper's yoga dvd after work - took my 3 dogs for a brisk 25 minute walk instead :wink:

    Jan. 6 goals:
    1. grocery list (I do this every week so I'll make 4 goals)
    2. complete monthly, quarterly, & annual reports at work :noway:
    3. drink 2 cups of green tea including my daily water intake
    4. Bob Harper's yoga after work!!!
  • tbraund111069
    tbraund111069 Posts: 16 Member
    Jan 6th goals:
    1. 30 min yard work (have to take down free standing car port), 60 min bike trip (40 degrees here right now - SWEET!) & 30 min stability ball work.
    2. 1200 - 1300 calorie budget
    3. 100 oz. H2O

    Have a happy/healthy day everyone!