WHY keep your food diary hidden?



  • Because I just dont feel like sharing that with everyone. I don't think it matters though......I don't have friends on my account. I like to keep track of everything for myself.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I have no idea if mine is hidden from anyone or not, can't remember how I set it all up originally but I *can* think of one very good reason to keep it private or to friends only... INSURANCE COMPANIES! It is not beyond comprehension for insurance companies to investigate an insured's actions through Facebook, Twitter, MFP or competing fitness sites for their own purposes. For example: If someone is attempting to apply for coverage to get gastric bypass surgery, their health insurance company may want to check up on what they've been doing to prepare when considering whether or not to approve coverage. What you eat in preparation for that surgery is certainly of interest to them and if it's public information then they're well within their rights to reject a claim based on information collected. Same thing goes for Workers Comp cases. If someone is logging in their public MFP exercise journal that they've been running/biking/lifting weights when they're supposed to be "injured" and getting paid by the state for that work-related injury, then the state/employer has every right to reject further benefits if they can find proof online that someone hasn't been following the physical restrictions set by their doctor. You'd be surprised what information people post online that can be held against them in some way. I personally don't have any of these concerns (which is why I'm not running to set my own to private) but can honestly see where information like food intake and physical activity could be used against a person if they were not careful.
  • Personally, I keep mine private not because I don't want anyone seeing what I've eaten but because I got tired of reading the "bravos" and "great jobs" when I KNEW I hadn't done a great job. I felt like a hypocrite and it made me feel worse about my day. Perhaps that's not a very good reason to keep it private, but it's mine.
  • I have no idea why anyone would do this. What's the point on being on here? I have friends look at my diary and say things about it that are so useful, and I do the same. Even if it's just to get food ideas! Those people that have their diaries closed will not be as successful or are missing out huge.

    Not necessarily true. We can still be successful with our diaries closed. Leaving it closed allows us to be perfectly honest with ourselves without worrying about what anyone else will say about what we've charted.
  • I didn't even know u could show it to just ur friends or that mine was hidden.. but I don't follow a strick diet because I would completely fail, I still eat what i want just under the limits. so those true "health addicts" might not like what they see on my daily foods, but I'm gonna eat what I want and be smart about it. What i am eating and doing now works for me and im still losing weight and working out and still able to eat the foods I like.
  • I'm not on here to be held accountable for my actions, I am on here for myself: to make better choices and make changes in my lifestyle. If I make friends along the way, great. I like to hear feedback from others on how they have made changes in their lifestyles and ideas on how to eat better. I also changed my news feed settings so people I friend don't get bombarded with updates on every little thing I do. IMO, that's what blogs are for...

    hear, hear!!
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    WHY do you care?
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Mine is open to my friends only. I've tried to fill my friends list with positive motivating people, so I trust them to give me good feedback if they feel the need. The rest of MFP has no business peaking at my diary. There are some really nasty negative judgmental people on this site. I'm not willing to let some food bully derail my progress.
  • mmonconduit
    mmonconduit Posts: 51 Member
    mine is private because i do not eat healthy and I do not plan to do so and I don't want others making suggestions for me to eat healthy. I eat whatever I want and monitor my portions and stay within the calories and I still loose weight
  • Everyone is allowed to make their own choices just because they are not showing everyone teir diary doesn't mean they are cheating, ashamed or not losing, it's just their choice!!
  • I dont have mine set to private because I dont mind people holding me accountable. I noticed that I have more success with scruitny and it also helps others find meals that are low in calorie and high in protein. I belive it helps us all.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I have no idea why anyone would do this. What's the point on being on here? I have friends look at my diary and say things about it that are so useful, and I do the same. Even if it's just to get food ideas! Those people that have their diaries closed will not be as successful or are missing out huge.

    Not necessarily true. We can still be successful with our diaries closed. Leaving it closed allows us to be perfectly honest with ourselves without worrying about what anyone else will say about what we've charted.

    That is just silly to say that someone won't be successful for not showing their diary...I don't show mine because I don't care what you think about what I eat! I've managed to stay right on track for my 1lb a week goal...I'm at 22 weeks and down 23lbs I would say that is a success!
  • Can someone please tell me how to UNhide it because I've been looking and can't seem to find it.... (yes, user error)
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    mine is private because i do not eat healthy and I do not plan to do so and I don't want others making suggestions for me to eat healthy. I eat whatever I want and monitor my portions and stay within the calories and I still loose weight

    This :tongue:
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    Can someone please tell me how to UNhide it because I've been looking and can't seem to find it.... (yes, user error)

    Go to settings then Diary settings (six down) then to the bottom it has where you can set it to private, friends only...etc! Nevermind I see you figured it out :)
  • I found I was LESS honest when it was open (very briefly). When I have no one but me judging me, I can be open and honest.
  • I keep mine private so I will be honest with myself, because that is why I am on here. I needed to find a way to honestly assess what I was taking in versus my outcome. I don't know that it will be permanently that way, but for now, I just need a place for me to know what I am eating, honestly, and without concern for scrutiny.
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    I want to loss weight so mine is open for I need to be held accountable or I will stumble. To each is own. But mine is open cause that is what will help me!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    This tends to be a big debate. I personally keep mine private because I make a lot of notations in the food and exercise section for notes. Personal goals, how I felt that day physically and emotionally, what my exercise consisted of, if the exercise class I caught that day was taught well........lot's of my own personal observations. I don't need to make my diary open to the public to keep me accountable. I'm not hiding any deep dark secret. I'm an adult, it's my own personal business what I eat or don't eat. There are a lot of us using this site not so much for the social aspect..but as our own personal fitness diary and calorie counter.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    I think some people don't like the idea of disclosing something so personal; it's a way to avoid judgement (which of course wouldn't happen here, but it's a valid concern). Some people probably don't know how to make their diary public.

    That is an interesting point, I can see where you are coming from. I joined so that I could have my diary up here and get help with it, go ahead look everyone!!!