

  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Why is the OP wasting 1 more second on this relationship? Clearly she thinks it's more than he thinks (despite what he says).

    He married someone else and adopted her kid.

    Time to move on.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Really folks??? this sounds like a bad Jerry Springer show...

    You beat me to it!..Oh well..

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Wow, I bet you're sorry you asked an extremely personal and non-fitness related question to a bunch of anonymous and complete strangers.

    Forget about his wife. Sounds like you only want to tell her so she'll dump him and you can have him. The smart thing for you to do is exit this "relationship". You're being played, darling.
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    I can't believe I read this entire thread... it's like a train wreck, when you can't look away.

    How bout this, everyone is right, she deserves to know, you don't deserve to be the one that tells her, she will figure it out, or someone close to her will, you've done enough, leave them alone. Let them create their own drama.
  • poohpasmommy
    LOL!! Crystal you are so right!! he just wanted some side tail and she allowed it happen...
  • determined136
    You are BEAUTIFUL woman and he doesn't deserve you! You deserve to be treated like a Queen...he will never do that! I know that it is SO HARD but you have to stop this. There is someone out there for you that will give you everything you have ever wanted and he is waiting for you....while you are waisting your time with this joker! He had his opportunity and he BLEW IT!

    Best of luck girl!!!
  • PamelaB43
    PamelaB43 Posts: 50 Member
    My feelings exactly LOL Love it!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
    Truthfully... why would you tell her? WHAT WOULD YOU TELL HER?? that you were hoping to have his first Baby and he divorce her? You should accept he was playing with you... he is married.. you ned to check his *kitten* if he does it again. You are beautiful.. make yourself available so incase someone who IS available comes along you are ready. Sorry he played with your feelings.. but honestly you never should have considered it.. HE IS MARRIED! you didnt need proof on that... he wasnt being wishy washy he was trying to get some side *kitten*!

  • poohpasmommy
    Truthfully... why would you tell her? WHAT WOULD YOU TELL HER?? that you were hoping to have his first Baby and he divorce her? You should accept he was playing with you... he is married.. you ned to check his *kitten* if he does it again. You are beautiful.. make yourself available so incase someone who IS available comes along you are ready. Sorry he played with your feelings.. but honestly you never should have considered it.. HE IS MARRIED! you didnt need proof on that... he wasnt being wishy washy he was trying to get some side *kitten*!

    LOL! You are so right, Crystal... he wanted some side tail and she had her legs open to him. (A common mistake that females make). Now her feelings are hurt and she wants to blow his cover... well in exposing him, you would also be exposed ESPECIALLY since you have known for sooooooooooooo long that he was married and he proved over and over that you were the side chick and not wifey material. *Let me guess, the promises he made were probably made either right before, during or after a good session...

    As NeNe Lekes says "Close your legs to married men!" and you will be ok. :)
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    I really have a problem with people who cheat! But at the same time, I'm not going to sit here and judge anyone (only God can do that!) If it were me though:
    1. I'd ask myself WHY would I want to be with a man that cheats on his wife. If he did it to her, he'll do it to you! No matter what he tells you. Obviously he has no problem lying!
    2. You will bring NO good by sharing this with his family. He will reep what he sews, don't worry about that. And really, what good would it do for you to cause pain for his family. He's doing that fine on his own!
    3. You need to start thinking more about yourself. Get your self-worth in check before you start worrying about him and what he wants.
    4. Go by a dog if that's really what you want in your life!
    Good luck!
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    He married her so he is hers. It doesn't matter if you have known/loved him longer. He gave her a vow, a wedding ring, and his last name. Leave him and her alone.
  • Maria_t02
    Truthfully... why would you tell her? WHAT WOULD YOU TELL HER?? that you were hoping to have his first Baby and he divorce her? You should accept he was playing with you... he is married.. you ned to check his *kitten* if he does it again. You are beautiful.. make yourself available so incase someone who IS available comes along you are ready. Sorry he played with your feelings.. but honestly you never should have considered it.. HE IS MARRIED! you didnt need proof on that... he wasnt being wishy washy he was trying to get some side *kitten*!

    ^^^^Great Advice! Follow it!^^^^^
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    I.....just...don't care enough to reply....

    We will have forgotten all about this post by tomorrow but you will be working through the consequences of your actions - not us.

    If those are your abs, ROCK ON!

    Yeah... that was off topic... *shrug*

    Why thank you so much. And yes, they are mine. I LIKE off topic!!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I can MFP crush the OP if it will make her feel better.
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    Truthfully... why would you tell her? WHAT WOULD YOU TELL HER?? that you were hoping to have his first Baby and he divorce her? You should accept he was playing with you... he is married.. you ned to check his *kitten* if he does it again. You are beautiful.. make yourself available so incase someone who IS available comes along you are ready. Sorry he played with your feelings.. but honestly you never should have considered it.. HE IS MARRIED! you didnt need proof on that... he wasnt being wishy washy he was trying to get some side *kitten*!

    I am so with Crystal on this. I have had 2 ex-boyfriends--now married try that same thing with me (more than once) and I have put them both in their place. I could have definitely told their wives, but what would it solve nothing. Especially because I will not entertain the thought at all. I keep everything strictly platonic. A man will do and say whatever it is that he has to in order to get what he wants. If he is doing it ot his wife, he would do it you. You guys were together for 6 years---no marriage. He met someone else, married her and then adopted a child of no blood relation
    and you think he loves you. He just gets off on the fact that he can still have you. You need to think better of yourself because everytime that you even slightly entertain the thought of being with him, you are telling him that you like 2nd place---because that's what you are--2nd and probably lower than that. If he loved you, he would have married you.
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    You just made page 35 of my new book


  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    You should wait for him.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    You are a young, attractive woman and you should not be anybody's backup. If he wanted to marry you, he would have. You could be missing out on a real relationship by staying hung up on a guy who has no intention of ever leaving his wife. I know it is hard to let go of this, but you need to do it for yourself. I know you are hurt and angry, but please consider your next step carefully. I am not sure what telling this woman will accomplish, but please if you do, don't do it in such a way as to make it big and meladromatic. Talk to her with sensitivity and be prepared for whatever reaction she has and expect it NOT to be gratitude. There is an innocent child involved here and whether the child is his biologically or not, he has adopted that child and is now that child's dad.
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    when you put your business out like that, you open yourself up for all that has been presented. i understand that you were with him first but the fact still remains that he chose someone else..that in itself should have been your clue to get to stepp'n and leaving that loser alone.. but you didnt.. you decided to continue on with him be it emotional or physical, both bad by the way..i'm not name calling, i'm not judging..but since you asked for opinions i'm just giving my 2 cents worth.. let it be and find someone who is all about you because clearly "he" is not.. and like some others have said, if he continues after you ask him not to, then consider telling her..until then.. move on..

    I agree with uniquemove whole-heartedly
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