Girls over 200 pounds...



  • My heaviest weight was 119.5kg I think thats about 250 pounds.

    My sister is a very big woman, when i saw the scales say that much i was like omg, this has got to stop otherwise im just going to get bigger. I already had health problems from my weight, sores hips and ankle, really bad chaffing etc.

    Im now 112.6kg Two years ago i was 112.3, i did hit that goal last year, but i had a really stressful time, quit my course, got married and then had holidays! So here i am back at it!

    I also stopped smoking, 5th smokefree day today and its hard, i still feel like having one!

    Im from New Zealand.

    HW: 119.5
    SW: 117.9
    CW: 112.6
    GW: 65kg

    I changed my ticker recently, because i felt depressed about the LONG way i had to go and thought man thats gonna take forever, so im doing it in 10kg lots instead now, seems more achievable when i view it like that. My first goal is to get to 110kg, so only 2.6kg to go!
  • I started out at 214... I've taken a very long break and am probably close back to that starting weight. Anyone can add me :) Trying to be positive in all aspects of my life, and my weight loss is the last peg in that to complete :)
  • alosea2012
    alosea2012 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm at 303.2. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Was 265lb at birth of 2nd baby in December 2010....started MFP in March at down to 213lbs then thanksgiving and Christmas happened and I am stuck at 218......want to be 199lb sooo bad! Add me if you are similar....
  • I'm 247 :)
  • Started at 283 and am now at 232! Feel free to add!
  • sunshinel397
    sunshinel397 Posts: 206 Member
    Highest was 221.8 last year. Down to 208.3 now. At 5'2 I am hoping to get down to 136. Feel free to add me!
  • cali_kid88
    cali_kid88 Posts: 19 Member
    5 years ago at my heaviest i was 316. I droped 100lbs and stayed there for over a year then my weight began to creep back over 2011. I'm currently at 275 and have made a life style change, I'm looking forward to what the next 3 months bring!
  • My highest was 252lb (I was doing my A-levels so that was a fun time to be 'big') I'm currently 220lb and really want to get down to 170lb. I'm 5'9.
    And advice is greatly appreciated.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I started at 215, and am down to 200...I want to be 190 by easter :) feel free to add me!
  • curvy_ca_mama
    curvy_ca_mama Posts: 110 Member
    My highest weight was 276 this past summer, and now I'm at 244. My goal is 140. Friend requests are welcome. :)
  • Girl you're not alone. My highest weight was 283lbs and I'm 226lbs now. Add me!
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 262, 5'10", 21 years old and hoping just to get back safely to Onederland....

    Feel free to add me!
  • Oh by the way my lowest was 203lbs and I gained 40lbs so now I'm going back down.....TALK ABOUT DISCOURAGED! Hang in there!!!!
  • kb5185
    kb5185 Posts: 3
    Same boat here! :( My name is Krista, I'm 26 and I just started on the 1st and would really like to connect with others as well. Add me if you like, I hope you don't mind if I add a few of you too :)
  • KSHorne
    KSHorne Posts: 38 Member
    Just like a lot of women on here, I know exactly where you're coming from. When I first started here on MFP(13 June 2011), I was 300+ pounds; in fact, I weighed close to 400 pounds. But like others, I took it one day at a time (aka "baby steps").

    I'm now proud (and somewhat scared at times) to say that as of right now, I weigh 283 pounds. I have my good and bad days, high and lows, triumph and tribulations, etc. The only thing you can do is push yourself to new heights. doesn't hurt to have an awesome MFP support group cheering you on!

    So if you're looking for motivation or a soundboard to vent to every now and then, feel free to add me! And that goes for any and everyone!
  • I was around 355-360 at my highest. Started here in June at 330. Now at 292. Feel free to add me if ya like as well :D
  • jjohnston9
    jjohnston9 Posts: 2 Member
    I started out at 248, went down to 184 at one point, but after dieting for 3 years, I gave myself a hiatus after I got married because I needed a breather and bopped back to at 202....It's tough getting back on track, but it'll be so worth it! Even 4 pounds down I started feeling better!
  • 276 was my heaviest and now I'm 246.
    I'm hoping to at least be out of the 200s by July.
    (I wanna look semi-not-disgusting at the beach).
    Feel free to add me.
  • Glad to see someone else who is going through what I am . I started at 273 and I am now 264. It sucks that it takes so long to notice any difference because I am so big!