Why are you fat???



  • Padao
    Padao Posts: 15 Member
    I'm fat because I love food and I'll eat even when I'm not hungry. I gained most of my weight because I fell in love and got too comfortable. We've sort of gained weight together. Now we have a 15 month old, and we have excuses about being to busy.
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Let's see.....I became over weight because I made too many excuses and I finally realized that my excuses were keeping me overweight. As much as I hate to admit the truth, I simply stopped taking care of myself. I got lazy and stopped working out, I started eating terrible foods and I slowly watched myself go from being lean and feeling great to being 40 pounds overweight and feeling miserable. Who knew that just 40 pounds could cause you to grunt putting shoes on! I did this to myself and now I have to work hard, break bad habits and remind myself every day that I am worth taking care of!!

    Good luck on your journey and congratulations on your decision to make you better!!!:smile:
  • Why am I fat? There are so many reasons! AS I sat here reading these testimonials I was munching on cheese popcorn. I am so good at sitting at my desk and mindlessly eating. I also like to eat when I am stressed, alone, bored and tired. Sugary foods are a major downfall. I will eat almost anything and I mean anything!

    I spent a year teaching in South Korea and I was called fat, pig, elephant and a slew of other names almost daily by the students and adults. I decided to do something about it. I got a membership to the gym which was literally next door to my apartment and I started watching what I ate. I made sure to plan healthy snacks and meals ahead of time. Eating healthy in Korea was so much easier. Sure there was fast food and pizza around but the healthy food actually tasted good there. By the end of the year I had firmed up (worked out over 2 hours a day at least 5 days a week). Oh I also cut drinking back to once a week...I used to drink 3-5 days/week!

    Now I have been home for one year and 5 months. I have put back on just over 20 pounds of weight. I moved in with my boyfriend who loves unhealthy food and over sized portions. I stopped working out as much and am struggling to not gain more! I currently weigh 170. At my highest in 2009 I got up to 199 then back to 185 and in Korea to 145. When I was 18-19 I weighed 125 and looked damn good. My goal is to get to 135 but right now it seems impossible as the scale keeps tipping in the opposite direction.

    Why does food have to be so delicious?!
  • enigrebua
    enigrebua Posts: 113 Member
    I've always been on the heavier side...I am heavily built for a girl - naturally high ratio of muscle and bone. However, I have been at a healthy weight and size before, and it was when I was at my most active. I would walk for an hour a day and go to twice-weekly dance lessons, I also ate set meals instead of snacking. At this point I was 147lbs and a very comfortable size 10 (UK)...I don't think I would be very happy smaller than this as I would actually feel too small and would clearly be starving myself! So...over the last few years I've just been lazy and depressed and eaten/drank everything in sight. I've out on about 40lbs but I'm very fortunate it hasn't been more. I must have a normal metabolism.
  • I simply didn't give a hoot about exercising, and I love food.

    Simply put: I didn't care.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I never had to worry about exercise or eating right before since my metabolism was high, I ate anything and everything I wanted and never exercised and was always slim. At about age 22/23 I started gaining weight, I guess my metabolism slowed down so now I'm forced to watch what I eat and do. I'm glad it happened sooner rather than later though.
  • I am fat because that is the way I was raised. I've been overweight ever since I was in probably 2nd grade. No one ever taught me portion control or what were the right foods to be eating until I reached about 12 or 13 years old. I just loved food in general and that is all I knew. I'm not a very picky eater. If I was not extremely active in sports like I have been my whole life, who knows how much I would weigh today....

    These days I still struggle with portion control and still have slip-ups on what I'm supposed to be eating. That's what college does to ya. :/ Another problem that I've been dealing with my whole life is eating way too fast. I'm not sure why, but I don't know how to eat slow. That just isn't the way my family eats.

    I also believe that I look much fatter than I really am because I have extremely large bones and muscles for a girl. I think this has come from intense weightlifting from softball in high school. Yes, I know that a lot of the extra weight is fat, but I don't believe that my body will ever look skinny. That's just not how my body was created. My entire family is like that. I got the Cuban curves from my mom's side and my muscles from my dad's side (especially my calves).
  • LaurN326
    LaurN326 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm an emotional eater...
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    Could never find motivation to exercise, lacked will power to stick to an exercise routine for long, and I LOVE CAKE!! :D
  • I got hit by a car training for my third marathon and spent months and months on crutches and wearing a brace. Took 2 years for the swelling in my knee to stop. Therefore spent a lot of time on my butt which got bigger.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I like food and I binge eat from time to time
    I also eat out of boredom or because I'm anxious
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    When I was a kid I had horrible asthma problems. So right off the bat, I couldn't do any of the active things that other kids did. Even just stepping outside would give me an attack. Combine that with all of the steroids I had to take to control it, and I turned into a really really tubby kid. not chubby. thats cute. TUBBY. I didn't really know what it like to be active, and didnt learn that being active could be fun. I taught myself that.
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    Because of alcohol and some diet choices. I don't think I eat horribly but I think I could do better.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    I was super morbidly obese because food is my drug of choice. I am addicted to food, I used it like a drug to cope with life when things didn't go my way heck I used to to celebrate when things did go my way. I ate and ate and ate..more more more and it got progressively worse over time. Binge eating on weekends or special occasions only...progressed to 2 or 3 times a week to 5 days a week with only 2 days of recovery. It was horrible the quantities of food, the depression the horrible body, being unable to clean myself properly (yes I said that)...at almost 400lbs something had to give..and it was me I had to give up my drug, and I have. With the grace of my higher power one day at a time I have not touched a binge food. I also got a band..which helps remind me to take things slower, food is nutrition and my body does not need excessive amounts to be healthy and function properly. Now I run, now I kayak, and I can climb stairs unwinded and take care of myself properly. I know why I was fat...I won't go back there if I keep up the work I've been doing over the last 2.5 years!

    You are an inspiration! Good for you. I didn't make it up to 400lbs (only 50 over), but food was my passion and counselor I'm still working on giving up the emotional power of food. I ate when I was sad, happy, bored or frustrated...I didn't even think about it. But hormone problems, type 2 and Obesity run in my family and when I saw a "big girl" picture of me, I snapped. I've been trying to get back to a healthy BMI with some off again on again success for the past 3 years. I will do it.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    BUMP - will post later!
  • I was ok until about 6 years ago, I'm 49. I worked in the field a lot, electrical heavy-commercial. Back then I could eat about anything and it would just burn off. Six years ago I took an office job and have put on an average of twelve pounds a year. So from 190 to 265 in six years.
  • kimcar598
    kimcar598 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm with you there I have 7, ages from 12 yrs to 8 months bed rest with all but one of my pregnancies and here I am a nice 50 lbs overweight!
  • kimcar598
    kimcar598 Posts: 6 Member
    I know I'm over weight from the last round of pregnancies ~ i have 6 !
    After teenagers i lost the weight and I started working in Boston; met an amazing guy married him; then he wanted more children.
    Had three more but the last two are twins and i was stuck in bed or the hospital so much that i packed on 65lbs!
    So, I'm here to lose, lose, lose and i'm getting there 1 lb a day and happy about it.
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    LAZY,like to eat, eat when not hungry, over eat, drive thru, take out, not cook at home, drank too much, then got a hernia and had hard time with surgerys and recovery was real hard, then hernia came back and more surgery, still have to have surgery to fix hernia for the 3rd time, gottta lose weight was too hard on me the last 2 times, so going to gym 5 days a week and working on cutting down the intake amout and so for have lost 1 pound, but one leads to 2 and I just plan on building on that..
  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    I just LOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEE to eat and used to be totally LAZY! Low self-esteem in middle and high school only made it worse. But it was all down to ME and my own choices. Can't blame anyone else.
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