Girls over 200 pounds...



  • I just started here, too - Thought I was about 240 and that was my breaking point, but weighed myself and I'm 250 so yeah - really need motivation and support - glad I'm not the only one in that range.
  • I am on the same page as you are and have been for most of my life. I am 233lbs right now and slowly gettin it off. I go to the gym 5 - 6 times a week for about 2 hours a day. So I hope with some support from here and my family I will be able to get the weight off. I really dont want to have to have another heart surgery, I was born with a heart problem and I have had 2 sergerys already on it and the doctor told me in november that if I did not get some weight off I might have to have another sergery because they have seen some changes on the test. So here I am tryin to make a change in my life. I just joined this evening so we will see how it all goes.:smile: You can add me if you would like
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    I'm 257.0 started at 274 feel like Im never going to get to Onderland...

    yall friend me would love some over 200 friends!!
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    i started at into the 240's.... was a tight size 28 I tried on a size 16 ... ;) and they were tight...but just about fit...soon! You can do this!... no matter how long it takes... keep workin'!
  • I started around 230 before myfitnesspal but I lost 5 pounds running around with my foster dog (she has since gotten adopted!) So at 225 I started coming here, now I'm around 222 =]
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    I started at 225 lbs, and I'm down to 211 at the moment. Feel free to send a friend request my way! :)
  • Veronica44
    Veronica44 Posts: 3 Member
    My high weight was 422 pounds on January 15,2010. Now down to 325. I have a long way. To go
  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    Feel free to add me...I'm at 242.
  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    My high weight was 422 pounds on January 15,2010. Now down to 325. I have a long way. To go

    You're an inspiration, great job!! :flowerforyou:
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    My highest known weight was 264. I started MFP at 234 and am currently 212. Feel free to add me.
  • 33 yrsold

    CW 280
    GW 180
    UGW 150

    I want to lost 100lb in 1 year to go wedding dress shopping! Wedding date Oct 6 2013 in Oahu, HI.

    Add me! I figure the more people who know my goal, the more to hold me accountable!
  • runtrx
    runtrx Posts: 17
    My starting off weight is 205. I would love to get as close to 140 by May. I'm a full-time nursing student with a 4 year old daughter. Feel free to add me, I could really use the extra motivation and support.
  • My starting weight it's 217. My highest was 220. I start keeping real track of food just Jan1st. In order not to hit it and quit again, I need friends for support. I need to keep track of everything even if I do go over my calorie budget. Please add me as a friends as I need help :))). My goals are small, I want to be 200 and then set a new goal. I will never set a goal of 50 lbs as I find it hard to reach it, but 15 lbs every time will do the trick, get a cookie as a reward and set a new goal
  • My heaviest was 237, I'm now down to 224 - would LOVE to make friends with other ladies for motivation and support. I don't have a lot of female friends, and am typically very shy and quiet but hell if I'm going to change I may as well go all out and actually change.
  • samanthasky
    samanthasky Posts: 114 Member
    My highest was 232, but now I'm at 219. I'm still 200+
  • Hi,

    When I started in June I was are not alone... I've seen posts from people that when they started were over 200. Congratulations on your progress so far - excellent!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I started just a few days ago at 268. Right now my goal is to get below 200. Then I will set a new goal!
  • sncmaddie
    sncmaddie Posts: 37 Member
    Looking for friends who started 200+. Anybody may add me as a friend. I was at my heaviest at Christmas at 260. Now I'm 246. Hope to hear from anyone soon.
  • Hi there - listen, way to go. I started at 252 about 5 years ago; its been a long journey, but it starts with a single step of cutting back. Its not easy. And it seems like there is so much farther to go but I guarantee you it goes fast. I admire what you're doing and I can tell you that it really truly changes your entire life in ways you cannot even imagine. Its not about image. Ok, yes that's a nice bonus of losing weight but its your mind and body and soul that will be absolutely changed and you will love it.
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    My starting weight was 240 and I am now at 224.6. Add me if you like! =)