Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • Mrs_ALM
    Mrs_ALM Posts: 39 Member
    "What you should do is chew sugarless gum."
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    When I got down to a size 4, my husband said i looked like someone you just came out of a concentration camp and my mother in law would tell him "She is looking really anorexic". His whole family is over weight too! I was in a healthy BMI. Actually could have lost 15 more pounds and still been in a healthy range. Took me a year to lose so it's not like i did it the unhealthy way. People are so ignorant!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    My co-worker mean well but ugh:grumble:

    Oh are you trying to lose wieght to be skinny like your sister" GRRR (my sister is 5'2 and 100 pounds and has a birdlike bone structure)I'm 5'8.5 and currently191 with a large bonestructure and an hourglass build LOL. My reasponce has become "I cant get skinny like my sister with cutting off parts of my body

    "You don't need to lose any more weight why are you trying to be so skinny." I need to lose at least 28 more pounds
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    "I just don't see where you need to lose the weight . . . but if you think you need to . . . " Grrr! I think people get used to seeing everyone overweight that they forget what a healthy weight looks like.

    The other day I went out to dinner and got "How many calories do you have left? You can go over just a little bit, can't you?" Uh, hello? We have been over this before....I need to lose another 20 lbs.

  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I sometimes have to use a cane due to severe arthritis, though those days are getting fewer as I lose weight and gain strength. I was in the office for a meeting and a co-worker said that I wouldn't need the cane if my *kitten* was smaller. I very calmly looked at him and stated that I didn't need it to walk, but to hit rude and ignorant people when they say stupid things. I thought I was going to have to give a Heimlich to my team leader as she was laughing so hard. :laugh:
  • How bout family members who have picked on you saying "you're looking pudgy" or "watch her eyes when she eats, she gets so excited!" and nonstop comments like that? When they start seeing me resist food they love feeding, it's considered a new challenge to make me eat again! Literally, my dad eats horribly and whenever he's eating something, he comes over and puts the bag in my face or tempts me another way..

    "You know you want it" ...yes I do.. but thanks anyway.

    Or also my physical trainer boyfriend who thinks he knows everything about fitness and health commenting on my MFP and how I'm eating and what i'm doing at the gym, etc. etc.

    "I can't wait to show you how to really work out!" ...thanks, i'm doing fine on my own.

    some people need to GET OVER IT!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    You don't need to lose another pound.
    My Dad likes to hold his thumb up and say that he can't see me.
    I don't like when someone says they feel fat because of my weight loss.
    Here, take another bite you need it.
    Seriously, I could understand if I weighed a lot less than I do...haha!
  • mickn
    mickn Posts: 15

    "muscle weighs more than fat"

    errr, no it doesn't!

    errr.. Actually it does in the context of body size and dieting. Muscle is more dense than fat therefore 5lb of muscle will take up considerably less volume than 5lb of fat and the person with muscle rather than fat will be slimmer even if they weigh the same.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I think the most annoying comment I have gotten so far was by a colleague who came up to me and said, "Wow you lost a lot of weight. Did you do it the right way or did you cheat?" I still am not 100% sure what she meant by "cheat" but I can guess. Irritates me that people assume you must have done something drastic to lose a lot of weight.
  • floweringcurrant
    floweringcurrant Posts: 112 Member
    I've definitely had all the "you're getting way too skinny," even from people who have told me I was looking big before.

    The most annoying ones, though: I was sitting at the dinner table with my friends and someone asked me if I was going to eat something (if they should pass me the dish) and my friend says in a really snide voice "no, she's dieting." This same friend has made countless other comments like that, and when I first started losing weight, she told a ton of people, whose business it certainly was not! Then I had to deal with figuring out how to respond to her weird comments.
    Note, this same friend is now dieting! I haven't made one condescending comment about it!

    One friend also asked if I was anorexic and told me if I was she couldn't be my friend anymore. I assured her I wasn't and explained my lifestyle (she sees me eat all the time)! She then told me she couldn't spend time with me anymore regardless of the fact that I was eating healthy because it made her feel bad about herself.

    I also have had people comment "you can't eat that" or push food on me "please, won't you just try one bite, come on" and then act personally offended if I don't. Ugh, so frustrating that people can't just offer basic respect, understanding and support.
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    Yeah, I always hate the "don't lose any more!!!" I get this from my family especially... it's like, I PROMISE I'm doing this the healthy way; I'm building muscles and eating well. If I lose more, it's because my body deems it necessary still.

    I get this from family as well. "you're skinny enough, make sure to don't lose anymore"
    I think this happens because everyone was so use to seeing me one way that it takes some getting use to.
  • ElyMaeOR
    ElyMaeOR Posts: 17 Member
    "You are trying to lose weight? So what do you eat... Salad?"
  • Hedone
    Hedone Posts: 92
    One of my sisters said that she was tired of hearing about weight loss, to me and my boyfriend (who have been doing this for almost a year). Really made me upset.
  • You're not losing MORE weight are you???
  • "You're still a fatass. "

    " you eat healthy stuff, why are you so HUGE????"

    " no matter how much you diet you're still going to be ugly"

    And the list goes on.

    OMG WHAT????
    Who talks to you like that??
    Whoever he/she is that talks to you like that - you need to say buh-bye!!!
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    Guy I am "Seeing": *
    *Talking about how someone we know used to be really overweight*
    "Oh yeah, she was probably about 250 lbs...that's huge, it's obese! (I was about 250 lbs at the time when he said that. All I could think was "uhhhh...really cuz you're seeing me and I'm 250lbs" I guess I didn't look like I was 250 lbs! lol)

    My husband said something similar to that when we first started dating, he was like "I would never date anyone over 200lbs, I don't even know how people get that big!" I admit though I was 215 at the time, but I looked closer to 180lbs (i carried it well cause I'm tall) I was like...err I guess he'll never know how much I weigh and I never told him until we got pregnant and he went to the doc with me and she was like "You weigh 240 at 12 weeks what was your starting weight?"

    I think the worst thing though is when I'm around my husbands family (who all of them in my definition are skinny, even my husband who can't gain weight hardly) and they are like, "oh I need to lose weight!" Then make a really unhealthy (but delicious) meal, and say stuff like, oh one plate isn't going to kill you!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    my cousin says " your not trying to look like Angela basset when she played tina turner are you?"
    another cousin " i hope your not still trying to lose weight!"
    my mom " you only cook for yourself" - umm no i dont you just like everything fried
    coworkers " I hate yall skinny health conscious chicks!" huh?? do I say anything about your mcdonalds tirades
    Im sure I can think of more but thats enough for one day
  • Calvinator24
    Calvinator24 Posts: 73 Member
    I get real annoyed when MFP closes out my day and people comment to nit pick on me using mayo or BBQ sauce even though I am short like 825 calories for the day!!!!

    I'm pretty sure the folks I've friended on here wouldn't do that to me, but I don't make my diary available for viewing because I don't want people to comment about the food choices. I know I don't eat "good" food, but I eat what I like. I just eat much less of it than I used to.

    If I did have my food diary viewable and a mfp friend made a negative comment about something I chose to eat, that person would soon find themselves a former mfp friend.
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    omg! thats funny!
  • michelledyan
    michelledyan Posts: 98 Member
    "What type of diet are you on, Mom! You keep eating and eating!" (I was eating fruit and a piece of candy.)

    "I don't want you to lose too much weight." (My boyfriend upon telling him what my end weight is going to be.)

    "Here, have this (huge) piece of cake. It won't hurt you!" (Ongoing problem with friends and relatives. They don't understand that I am REALLY going to lose weight this time!)