Are you a GYM IDIOT?



  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    A lot of these are reasons why I don't go to a gym anymore!

    I do have yoga studio peeves though:

    1. Girl who wears see-through leggings and positions her mat in front of me every damn day. At some point, I'm going to start demanding payment for vaginal exams. No one wants to see your labia in down dog.

    2. Woman who puts her mat so close to mine it's touching. If I don't notice you, and you get kicked in the face - it's your own fault.

    3. Space savers. Get there early and "save spots" for your 3 or 4 friends who are going to show up late and disrupt the class. I'm pretty sure they can get a good workout in the back of the room with the rest of us who left 5 minutes late.

    4. Copy cats. I've been doing this for years. Don't stare at me and mimic everything I do. Your going to seriously injure yourself, and it makes me really uncomfortable.

    Here's some general ones:

    5. Guys who hit on me at the gym. It's not a night club perv. I'm not going to stop in the middle of my set to talk to you.

    6. The people who lean over to see how many calories you're burned on the treadmill.

    7. Faux trainers walking around giving absolutely terrible advice.

    and so many more. I'm an angry person apparently.
  • Missaprilnichole
    Missaprilnichole Posts: 23 Member
    Amen girl!!!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    I'm accepting of all people at my gym. Working out in public makes you vulnerable. I respect anybody who's courageous enough to step foot in one of those places.

    So true about making you vulnerable.
    I work out in public, but I was working out long before I had access to a gym. I knew what to do and all the ways to do it. If I hadn't, I would no doubt have been a gym idiot for doing simple, mindless things like being too shy to workout on a certain piece of equipment, or too afraid of turning red and sweaty to push myself on cardio.

    I'm a fitness instructor and I see all kinds of people with all kinds of habits. Makeup? Fine. Sometimes I wear concealer just to feel better about myself. Texting? I rarely do, but if I'm in the gym I'm texting about the bus schedule or getting a ride after I leave. Strange shoes? Whatever. Don't judge my oversized shirts and shorts that ride up, and I won't judge your shoe choice.

    So I've been searching but I haven't found the one that I am entirely guilty of... hogging one piece of cardio for over an hour. Yes, I know there are only three AMT's in the gym... but I've only got so long that I can workout, and I wanna utilize every minute! So, ladies and gentlemen, I am a gym idiot.
  • Missaprilnichole
    Missaprilnichole Posts: 23 Member
    Brought your handbag into the weights room.
    Full face of makeup.
    1 set, update your facebook status on your iphone, next machine.

    Ohhh I HATE the girls who come to the gym looking like they are at a damn night club, Hair all curled and makeup on, tiny little tanktop with no sportsbra. I go to the gym to work my *kitten* off and expect to look like crap doing so

    So true!!!!:)
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'm accepting of all people at my gym. Working out in public makes you vulnerable. I respect anybody who's courageous enough to step foot in one of those places.

    I agree with this.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.

    that just makes you have to turn the page more often...which is kind of tough if you're running at an 8 min mile

    True. I only use mine on the elliptical because if I'm on the treadmill it's to do intervals and sprints. To each his own I say, I just don't understand why it bothers people. I see people criticize others for this A LOT around here and have never understood that one...:huh:

    And people are assuming everyone WANTS to run a 8 min mile. You CAN get a nice burn going at a slower pace, ya know.

    Um, yes? :huh:
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.

    that just makes you have to turn the page more often...which is kind of tough if you're running at an 8 min mile

    True. I only use mine on the elliptical because if I'm on the treadmill it's to do intervals and sprints. To each his own I say, I just don't understand why it bothers people. I see people criticize others for this A LOT around here and have never understood that one...:huh:

    And people are assuming everyone WANTS to run a 8 min mile. You CAN get a nice burn going at a slower pace, ya know.

    Um, yes? :huh:

    Sorry, I was trying to agree with you, but I worded it weird.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    No one bothers me at the gym except for the lady who's yapping (loudly) on her cell phone while on the treadmill. First of all, hasn't she heard that if you can continue a long conversation, you're probably not working hard enough? Secondly, I hate hearing people's conversations anyway. Grocery store, bank, etc. I think people think when they're on their cell phone, they're invisible to the rest of the world. :glasses:

    Yeah the only things that bug me are perfume and loud talking. Everything else I just use to amuse myself and feel superior :tongue:

    ETA and reading the Kindle bugs me but only bc I get motion sickness and can't do it.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.

    that just makes you have to turn the page more often...which is kind of tough if you're running at an 8 min mile

    True. I only use mine on the elliptical because if I'm on the treadmill it's to do intervals and sprints. To each his own I say, I just don't understand why it bothers people. I see people criticize others for this A LOT around here and have never understood that one...:huh:

    And people are assuming everyone WANTS to run a 8 min mile. You CAN get a nice burn going at a slower pace, ya know.

    Um, yes? :huh:

    Sorry, I was trying to agree with you, but I worded it weird.

    LOL gotcha.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    hmm... young lads who travel in packs. I mean, hell, I'd love a spotter too (I'm too nervous to bench without one) but I don't think you need assistance to use a weight machine. Even if you do, would you mind moving this party along a bit faster so that I may also use said machine?

    Not re-racking weights. I don't really want to lift my body weight off all of the machines. And I really don't want to have to play switchy switchy with the weights because you decided to mix the racked weights around so that damn ten pound is behind the 25 and in front of the 45.

    Ladies lifting 5 lb weights, 20 reps. It's none of my business, but I'm totally judging you for 1. wanting to look like string bean 2. having no desire to be strong 3. not working hard.

    Weight jerkers- Their whole body is violently thrown into the movement in order to lift the weight. It looks painful, and I might not understand your goals, but I don't think ripping a ligament is one of them...

    I do fully support people in the funky shoes though. I will be one of them soon :) I think they are good in practice, you are strengthening your feet like everything else.
  • Janemnich
    Janemnich Posts: 1 Member
    I agree! Those of us who are working out at 5am in the morning (or any time) are all business. We want to finish our routine to feel good the rest of the day at work. We don't care about special bags or anything else. :happy:
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    I'm accepting of all people at my gym. Working out in public makes you vulnerable. I respect anybody who's courageous enough to step foot in one of those places.

    I agree, there is a difference between people being inconsiderate and leaving too much weight on a machine or not wiping the sweat up after themselves but reading while they work our, wearing make up, holding on on the treadmill, this makes me think that every suspicioun I have at the gym about being judged is right.

    And for the record I crank the treadmill up to 7 and the incline up to 10 and I hold on and I burn a lot of calories doing it, eventually I won't have to hold on, everybody has to start somewhere.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    some of these comments are hilarious..
  • Missaprilnichole
    Missaprilnichole Posts: 23 Member
    You all have very similar things that irrritate you as well as me..

    Nothing wrong with bringing a kindle, tablet, bookk, etc..I do a ton of cardio right now so when i try to wind down my workout at the end i pull it it out on my stationary bike.
    Typically the only time i bring my small tablet is when im in school and have a test, Im in Nursung School and work two jobs i stay VERY busy!I make noted and save them on there. So if i can squeeze in study time with a workout, damned right i will!:)

    I love the guy who i was on next to an elliptical who you knew with out a doubt smoked a nice blunt before he got there and covered it up with a ton of cologne. Nothing wrong with what you do in your off time but im not a fan of that smell :( Sad thing was he used to work there and signed me up the 1st time i applied to the gym!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    This happened to me the other day and I about killed the guy. I was squatting, Doing drop sets and I had 300lbs loaded up. I knocked out 6 reps and as I was leaning in to hang it up some DB steps right into the line of the bar to grab an effing weight of the squat rack. I damn near dropped it trying not to hit him in the head. (Fortunately someone saw it happening and came to my rescue and helped me rack it.) DO YOU NOT SEE SOMEONE SQUATTING TWICE WHAT YOU WEIGH YOU INCONSIDERATE PR*CK?!? I layed into him pretty good about paying attention and that next time I would TRY and hit him because he deserved it.

    So yeah, that guy- he or I could have gotten seriously injured.

    Preeners- Do 6 curls (lift up sleeve and flex in mirror) repeat for 10 sets, do decline sit-ups get up and walk around like you just lifted something heavy (perhaps your fat head) and then check abs in mirror. Nod at yourself like you're God's gift (repeat until the b*tchy girl in the squat rack glares at you until you're uncomfortable and leave)

    Chatters- I go to the gym to do work. Yes I have made friends BUT if I'm having a conversation I step out of the way of other people lifting and don't occupy a bench, machine or rack. The Chatter is inevitably working with several friends and they will hog a bench press for the better part of an hour talking about NOTHING and getting NO work done. If you're brave enough to ask them how many more sets you're likely to get the "oh, we just started."

    Equipment Theifs- Not like you might be thinking... (although if you steal from the gym you should be beaten with the 5 lb dumbell you smuggled out.) I superset a lot. I make sure I'm set up in a corner and not hogging 10 machines. Usually, I have a squat rack loaded, a couple dumbells and step for box jumps, decline push-ups split squats etc... I HATE it when I'm let's say doing sets of man makers between sets of good mornings and some a-hole comes over and starts using the rack for something else. The bar's loaded- I'm RIGHT THERE... ASK!!! If I'm done you can have it- maybe I only have one set but I don't want to have to reset all my stuff just because you want to do curls in the squat rack.
  • Missaprilnichole
    Missaprilnichole Posts: 23 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.

    that just makes you have to turn the page more often...which is kind of tough if you're running at an 8 min mile

    True. I only use mine on the elliptical because if I'm on the treadmill it's to do intervals and sprints. To each his own I say, I just don't understand why it bothers people. I see people criticize others for this A LOT around here and have never understood that one...:huh:

    I think those people you know are jealous they cant kill two bird with one stone ;) jk. I brought my notecards one day i had a huge exam the following day and an older woman yelled at me saying how it will ruin my eyes... I said thanks for your awesome insight and gladly continued to read them :)
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    I started a thread a while back called NEW RULES for the gym:

    Here are a few New Rules I've personally come up with from my experiences and observations at the gym. Please note that if any of these rules speak to you personally, now is the time to adhere to these rules. It will make the world a better place.

    1. If you’re a man, DO NOT wear tank tops with a plunging neck line down to your belly button that barely covers your nipples, tucked into the elastic band of your muscle pants… and capped off with a nifty fanny pack. Hey buddy, 1986 called…they want their outfit back. Just saying…

    2. DO NOT bring a 5 gallon Sparklets bottle to the gym. I mean, I don’t get it. Water is essential but there is no need to walk around with such a huge bottle of water so you can do a curl motion when you drink it to flex your biceps. If your best workout is when you drink… you have to rethink your routine. Just saying…..

    3. Do Not… I mean DO NOT bring a mask and snorkel to the gym to be used in a lap pool. I have a feeling that if you’re one that does, you probably have to register for more things than just your car. Just saying…..

    4. DO NOT use the public steam room as an opportunity for shaving. Hearing a scraping noise and tapping sound against the wall is freaky. But when the foggy steam disappears only to see that those sounds are you shaving and tapping out your lil hairs from your razor onto the wall is just disgusting. Just saying….

    5. If you’re one to bark after every rep of every set while lifting weights please remember to never leave home without your bark collar. “Sit Ooboo sit…good dog *ruff*”. Just saying…

    6. If when you are doing bicep curls and your lower back is getting most of the workout from your constant swaying back and forth….. Put the “ego” weights down buddy and try using something not so heavy. Seriously…no one is paying attention to how much you’re lifting. Just saying….

    7. Although the gym has an abundance of awesome flat screen TV’s everywhere you go….Its a gym…not the movies. So the seats on the machines are NOT to be used as a place to sit and watch. Put the popcorn down, get your set in and move on. Some of us here are actually trying to sweat. Just saying…
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    3. Do Not… I mean DO NOT bring a mask and snorkel to the gym to be used in a lap pool. I have a feeling that if you’re one that does, you probably have to register for more things than just your car. Just saying…..

    This really depends. A lot of triathletes that I know train with a snorkel. Also, my hubs is a swimming coach and all of his kids have training snorkels that they work in periodically for long training sets. So yes, if they're looking for tropical fish that's a little off, but there are valid reasons for training with a snorkel.
  • We have a D B that brings his laptop with his PX90 dvd and does it at the cable machine! One machine, 90 minutes!?!? Your a GYM IDIOT!!!
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    People who do curls in the squat rack, even deadlifts for that matter--duh, that's what the platform is for boys.

    My personal favourite are the guys who feel it necessary to ask you questions while you're lifting. Pay me the same courtesy and don't speak to me until I'm done. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm not serious about my workouts...grrr.

    Lastly, don't f*%$# laugh at the book I've brought with me to the gym and say "who brings a book to the gym, eh? You can't learn anything from a book". Really? Just because you don't recognize my NROLFW don't knock it. It may be that books are truly perplexing objects to you, but I doubt you'd say that again if you thought of Mark Rippetoe or Dave Drapper, etc.