At what price do we eat meat?



  • rrrbecca11
    As to the Biblical right to eat meat, the Genesis quote is this:

    Genesis 1:29

    "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; TO YOU IT SHALL BE FOR MEAT."

    There are verses in the Bible which pertain more to eating meat, but is this the Genesis verse ya'll were referring to? Because if it was, then THIS VERSE says to me that we are intended to eat plants. :)

    I'm about to have to be out of here for a while, but I have noticed several references to "God given right" to eat meat, and on that note, I'd like to invite those who feel that way to state the Bible verses to back that up. And I'm not saying they aren't there, because I do think there are verses in the Bible to support that position. I'd just like to see if the folks who are calling it a God-given right can tell us where they are. :)
  • mstemen
    mstemen Posts: 111 Member
    If you actually watch the movie it isn't just about the meat industry it's about the food industry in general. Even the farmers who harvest corn and other vegetables are victims of these large corporations. Farmers who planted soy beans were driven into debt when that company (don't remember the name) put a patent on modified soybean seeds forbidding them to save their seeds for the next year and then bankrupting them with legal fees. Not to mention all the GMO foods in the grocery stores today where tomatoes and other produce are ripened with gases.

    Yes it's terrible the way these corporations treat not just animals but also their workers and it's a real eye opener to watch but if you really want to make a difference, vegetarian or meat-eater buy your food from local farmers.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Those animals live and die in fear and that is transferred over to us in their organs and muscle, which is what we eat.
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I don't care if you are carnivores, omnivores, vegan, vegetarian, omnomnom-igan, but I get pissed of at anyone who's self-righteous about being so.

    I have not seen the movie, and I really don't care if I do or not. I don't approve of the practices of SOME of our food producers in this country. I'm not going to stop eating meat because of it. Growing up in a farm community you realize that most farmers are NOT cruel to their cattle. If you hate it that much there are some places you can go to and get an entire side of beef the farmer butchers himself. You can see the type of environment they live in etc etc before hand if it makes you feel better.

    I personally prefer to buy my meat from a local butcher whose practices I know, or from an organic market with field grass-fed beef.

    On a side note of documentaries, these movies are made to show you ONE side. The director's point of view only. Before you really get up in arms about any documentary make sure you do research on all sides. This is just my opinion of all opinion-based media in general.

    I just want to say, you are awesome. This is 100% how I feel.

  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    tried to and i couldnt i love meat and im not a vegan but this was just to much
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    tried to and i couldnt i love meat and im not a vegan but this was just to much
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    The last Netflix show I "watched" was FOOD INC. I challenge all carnivores to watch that show for more than 5 - 10 minutes. I could not.

    A very sad tribute to our food industries such as McDonalds and others.

    I was headed towards plant based foods anyway, but although I love the taste of meat, I look at my 4 legged buddy Cody and can't help but think that all animals given the opportunity have charm and personality, like he does. I just don't think it is right to eat animals. Not when plants can sustain us. Dr. Fuhrman and his Eat To Live book. That cinches the deal for me.

    I absolutely do not agree with this. We are not carnivores-we're omnivores. We are meant to eat both meat and vegetables. Granted there are some really horrible things that go on in the meat industry but that does not mean we all need to stop eating it. It's part of the food chain and it's natural. This is just my personal opinion.

    well said tunk :wink:
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    [I only eat farm raised, pastured meats, eggs and raw dairy. My fruits and vegetables come from a local CSA and a Coop and they have yummy farm raised meats also.

    It is natural for us as Omnivores to eat both plants and animals. We need the nutrients that come from both places, not taking pill formed supplements to replace what we are not getting.

    Ditto. I've visited the farms, know the farmers and know the animals are treated well.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Imagine wild animals and how they eat.

    Meat eaters = 220px-A_tiger_in_Pilibhit_Tiger_Reserve.jpg

    Plant eaters = 250px-Rabbit_in_montana.jpg
  • gunmetalsunrise
    I've seen Food Inc. I watched all of it. I'm also very much so a meat eater and an animal lover. The way I deal with this is to eat, as often as possible, local meats or kosher/halal meats. It's not easy to get these things, but with a little effort we can.

    Human beings are omnivores. This means that we are designed to eat both meat and plants. The fact that an animal has to die in order for me to live is not a problem for me. It is the circle of life. I am no more upset by eating meat than I am by seeing a lion kill and eat his prey. At the end of the day, we human being are animals as well. We live off the land. I'm comfortable with that.

    This. All of this.

    Although an addition for me: I don't disassociate between animals and the effort to "turn" it into food.
  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    I am a pescatarian, meaning I only eat fish. I choose not to eat meat not really for moral reasons, but even when I ate meat, I typically only ate chicken. I did read Skinny ***** which kind of turned me off all kinds of meat and I have also seen Food, Inc. as well as just various videos on the PETA website and from that point on, I just decided that I do not *need* meat to function and it is sad how some animals are killed/treated just for their food.

    I don’t impose my opinions onto other people as I really don’t care. Everyone has the choice and freedom to eat as they wish :)
    There is no “right” or “wrong” way to eat, that’s what makes us human and all individuals with our own minds an decisions.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I'm about to have to be out of here for a while, but I have noticed several references to "God given right" to eat meat, and on that note, I'd like to invite those who feel that way to state the Bible verses to back that up. And I'm not saying they aren't there, because I do think there are verses in the Bible to support that position. I'd just like to see if the folks who are calling it a God-given right can tell us where they are. :)
    "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things." - Genesis 9:3

    "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." - 1 Timothy 4:3
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Those animals live and die in fear and that is transferred over to us in their organs and muscle, which is what we eat.

    Yes, I'm really quite well known on MFP for my timidity.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Food Inc isn't even that bad. Try watching Earthlings sometime. I didn't even make it through the trailer.

    Oh, and about that local family farm, except for chickens, those animals have to be slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, not on the pretty farm you may be imagining.

    Sorry, but the meat I get is slaughtered in the basement of the farmers home.

    Yea im not sure where you got the idea that all of it gets slaughtered in a slaughter house

    My grandma has a chicken farm. She buys little chicks and raises them. She goes out and feeds them, and talks to them every day. She collects their eggs so that she does not buy from the super market. Then when she has to, she says a prayer for them and thanks them for what they give to her. My grandpa rings their necks then the chickens feed my grandma for a long time. She eats animals, but appreciates them.
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I did not read all replies but this is what I think>....

    When you eat LOVED plants fruits and veggies, do they taste better. yes
    When you go to the Grocery store and eat food that is mass produced by lrg companies where they have to pick and ship before the food has ripen the food doesnt taste as good....
    When eating meat if you eat meat that has been LOVED on by the caretakers you can taste the love.
    When the animals didnt come from a place of love and were abused then you can taste that or you know that something isnt right in the product, (weather it be taste or texture or due to hormones or other chemicals given to the animal it effects your body as well)

    I watched many Documentaries and think sometimes they are taken too far, they will always be the EXTREMES in everything, people themselves are very different and some chose to go either one way or another no matter what subject there is. If you are vegan to any extreme of it good for you if you are a meat eater good for you but to push your way of thinking on other people is wrong unless they personally ask for it.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I'm about to have to be out of here for a while, but I have noticed several references to "God given right" to eat meat, and on that note, I'd like to invite those who feel that way to state the Bible verses to back that up. And I'm not saying they aren't there, because I do think there are verses in the Bible to support that position. I'd just like to see if the folks who are calling it a God-given right can tell us where they are. :)
    "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things." - Genesis 9:3

    "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." - 1 Timothy 4:3

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The last Netflix show I "watched" was FOOD INC. I challenge all carnivores to watch that show for more than 5 - 10 minutes. I could not.

    A very sad tribute to our food industries such as McDonalds and others.

    I was headed towards plant based foods anyway, but although I love the taste of meat, I look at my 4 legged buddy Cody and can't help but think that all animals given the opportunity have charm and personality, like he does. I just don't think it is right to eat animals. Not when plants can sustain us. Dr. Fuhrman and his Eat To Live book. That cinches the deal for me.

    I absolutely do not agree with this. We are not carnivores-we're omnivores. We are meant to eat both meat and vegetables. Granted there are some really horrible things that go on in the meat industry but that does not mean we all need to stop eating it. It's part of the food chain and it's natural. This is just my personal opinion.

    I agree here. If your concern is how the animals are treated on the farm, then why not take a more proactive approach to the problem and fight for stricter regulations. I mean, honestly, you are never going to be able to recruit enough people to be able to boycott the meat industry. But if you took the approach of regulating the way animals are treated, then you might get more support. (I was so afraid this was going to end up sounding like PETA's mission statement. LOL!)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    I have no problem with anyone being vegan/vegetarian, animal rights activist, etc. What I do have a problem with is that some feel that people that eat meat lack morals.
    While I don't have the same emotional feelings towards animals that many animal lovers do, that doesn't mean that I'm insensitive to how some animals are treated. Here in CA for example a bill was passed for more humane treatment of farmed livestock for human consumption. I voted YES for it. It costs us more, but it was for the right cause.
    Eating meat is cultural for many and asking people to give up an identity is not going to be an easy crossover. MONEY will always be the driving force behind just about any subject regardless of how many feel.
    Realistically, I couldn't see myself NOT eating meat. I enjoy a good steak too much, and culturally, my ethnic background has many dishes that include meat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member

    I'm about to have to be out of here for a while, but I have noticed several references to "God given right" to eat meat, and on that note, I'd like to invite those who feel that way to state the Bible verses to back that up. And I'm not saying they aren't there, because I do think there are verses in the Bible to support that position. I'd just like to see if the folks who are calling it a God-given right can tell us where they are. :)

    There's no need to feel like you're about to get slammed! :smile: Nobody's telling you that you have to eat meat. It's just a right that you can exercise if you want... kind of like voting.

    There are quite a few passages that let us know that eating meat was something that God approved of... Think of the Passover meal which would have been a lamb, which, by the way, Jesus Himself would have grown up eating. Also, there is more than one passage that tells of Jesus eating fish, and in one place even cooking fish. I'm assuming a fish qualifies as an animal?
  • lublue
    lublue Posts: 123 Member
    We are supposed to eat meat as humans, but I think it makes sense for people to not eat meat these days when the industry is the way it is - or try to eat meat sustainably - ie. not from McDonalds :)