At what price do we eat meat?



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    My diet is Doritivoious
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    All the photos I have posted are of vegan recipes, by the way. In case anyone was wondering. Just pointing out vegetables can look good. And a damn sight healthier than the meat pictures posted on this thread.
    "Healthier" is subjective.

    The meat ones look a million times tastier to me.
    Really? They look gross and dripping in fat to me.
    Didn't see any dripping fat. Weird. What browser do you use?

    prolly IE


    I like the cute fox picture.

  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    All the photos I have posted are of vegan recipes, by the way. In case anyone was wondering. Just pointing out vegetables can look good. And a damn sight healthier than the meat pictures posted on this thread.
    "Healthier" is subjective.

    The meat ones look a million times tastier to me.

    Really? They look gross and dripping in fat to me.

    What's wrong with fat? It's a necessary component to your body's function

    Some is. I eat dairy so I have a reasonably high fat intake. If it is dripping off your food that's a different matter IMO.

    How much fat is dripping here?


    If you cooked it....All the white bits.

    And the problem would be?

    It looks gross?

    It looks like what it is. Lumps of bloody muscle. The thought of eating that turns my stomach. It's probably full of parasitical worms too. Gross.
  • NayaP
    NayaP Posts: 46
    I've seen FOOD INC. Disturbing indeed. I however continue to believe in the circle of life and consciously decide to keep meat, fish, chicken in my diet from sources I believe to be the most reliable. It is an individual choice for each person. My biggest pet peeve is when people who have made the choice not to eat meat (to be a vegitarian or vegan) try to strongly influence or force their ideals on me. If that's the road they have taken, I respect their choice and would hope they would respect mine. Thankfully I don't have any digestive issues or gluten allergies so unless any of that changes, I will continue to enjoy the wealth of foods God made available to us :0)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My diet is Doritivoious

    I am a melevore. Or possibly a houmivore.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I take back all my former comments on this post. I broke the forum rules by suggesting a member use Firefox to catch his multiple spelling mistakes. I'm so done with the forums, MFP.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I would hit that so hard. Just scramble the egg.

    No way, you need the runny yolk to dribble into the burger and all down your chin.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    All the photos I have posted are of vegan recipes, by the way. In case anyone was wondering. Just pointing out vegetables can look good. And a damn sight healthier than the meat pictures posted on this thread.
    "Healthier" is subjective.

    The meat ones look a million times tastier to me.

    Really? They look gross and dripping in fat to me.

    What's wrong with fat? It's a necessary component to your body's function

    Some is. I eat dairy so I have a reasonably high fat intake. If it is dripping off your food that's a different matter IMO.

    How much fat is dripping here?


    If you cooked it....All the white bits.

    And the problem would be?

    It looks gross?

    It looks like what it is. Lumps of bloody muscle. The thought of eating that turns my stomach. It's probably full of parasitical worms too. Gross.

    Looks doesn't equal health value. And yes, the plant based foods are most likely invested with deadly mold too. I mean come on. Really?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    All the photos I have posted are of vegan recipes, by the way. In case anyone was wondering. Just pointing out vegetables can look good. And a damn sight healthier than the meat pictures posted on this thread.
    "Healthier" is subjective.

    The meat ones look a million times tastier to me.

    Really? They look gross and dripping in fat to me.

    What's wrong with fat? It's a necessary component to your body's function

    Some is. I eat dairy so I have a reasonably high fat intake. If it is dripping off your food that's a different matter IMO.

    How much fat is dripping here?


    If you cooked it....All the white bits.

    And the problem would be?

    It looks gross?

    It looks like what it is. Lumps of bloody muscle. The thought of eating that turns my stomach. It's probably full of parasitical worms too. Gross.

    Looks doesn't equal health value. And yes, the plant based foods are most likely invested with deadly mold too. I mean come on. Really?

    If you are going to debate by adding pictures of gross looking lumps of meat, I am going to reply with equally inane reactions to it. See the vegan food pictures.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I take back all my former comments on this post. I broke the forum rules by suggesting a member use Firefox to catch his multiple spelling mistakes. I'm so done with the forums, MFP.
    Yeah, they frown upon calling out spelling errors.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    See it as a form of flirting, if you will.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I was headed towards plant based foods anyway, but although I love the taste of meat, I look at my 4 legged buddy Cody and can't help but think that all animals given the opportunity have charm and personality, like he does.

    You let me know when you teach a cow or pig to sit and lay down..........Don't worry I'll wait!

    Pigs are as intelligent as three-year-old children.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    All the photos I have posted are of vegan recipes, by the way. In case anyone was wondering. Just pointing out vegetables can look good. And a damn sight healthier than the meat pictures posted on this thread.

    Really? All but one look rather fried and not low calorie to me.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I don't eat meat. I am too much of an animal lover.
    I'm an animal lover. I love them fried, roast, baked, poached, etc.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    All the photos I have posted are of vegan recipes, by the way. In case anyone was wondering. Just pointing out vegetables can look good. And a damn sight healthier than the meat pictures posted on this thread.
    "Healthier" is subjective.

    The meat ones look a million times tastier to me.

    Really? They look gross and dripping in fat to me.

    What's wrong with fat? It's a necessary component to your body's function

    Some is. I eat dairy so I have a reasonably high fat intake. If it is dripping off your food that's a different matter IMO.

    How much fat is dripping here?


    If you cooked it....All the white bits.

    And the problem would be?

    It looks gross?

    It looks like what it is. Lumps of bloody muscle. The thought of eating that turns my stomach. It's probably full of parasitical worms too. Gross.

    Looks doesn't equal health value. And yes, the plant based foods are most likely invested with deadly mold too. I mean come on. Really?

    If you are going to debate by adding pictures of gross looking lumps of meat, I am going to reply with equally inane reactions to it. See the vegan food pictures.

    What's inane about it? I had no problem wtih the vegan foods? Did I post anything derogatory about those pics?
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I think after watching FOOD INC. and other documentaries, the question should really be "At What price do we eat? PERIOD." The herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides that are used in farming the beloved fruits and veggies you are eating aren't much better for you than the fat on some meat.
    (I eat plants and animals, though I'm slowly moving more toward organic produce and meat. But I'm not blind. I realize even organics contain run off, winds blow pesticides onto crops, etc.)
    So if the treatment of the animals bothers you, the treatment of our entire food supply as a whole should have you reeling.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I find meat eaters to be extremely threatened by the position of vegetarians, and I have to wonder why. As a vegetarian, I don't feel threatened by their position; I simply disagree with it. But the people who feel that human beings have a "right" to eat animals do make me see slightly red. As the OP stated, when plants will sustain us, why kill? And those who consider themselves "carnivores" but have to have their (purchased, not self-killed) meat cooked to perfection? C'mon. REAL carnivores kill their own and eat it raw and bloody. The hypocrisy just gets to me. And the poster on this thread who cautioned against anemia for vegetarians, may I say that I am vegetarian and am healthier than I have EVER been in my 54 years of life. My family is healthier because I cook less meat for them. We are almost never sick, and when we are its just a cold or mild bug. No chronic anything. I exercise daily and have amazing stamina and strength. I am 54 years old and can still dance all night. :) Vegetarianism does NOT equal anemia or poor health. You CAN get all your nutrition from plants with the possible exception of B12, which can be supplement by fortified foods. Research! Don't just believe what you hear! Vegetarians and vegans who pay attention to their nutritional needs instead of just scarfing down everything that isn't meat will find themselves healthier, and probably lighter of spirit, as their own spirits begin to resonate with the respect they are showing the animal kingdom. If you say you love animals yet you allow your spirit to be numbed to the "industry you rely on for food", then perhaps YOU should make changes so that you no longer rely on that industry...or seriously question your own love of animals. If we are truly honest with ourselves, and make ourselves recognize the absolute devastation that the animal meat industry for food is causing to our health and to the environment, I don't believe we could continue the process.

    Do you grow all your own food that you eat I doubt it im sure you do not grow every veggie, fruit tree, fake meat , grow your own yogurt, tofu.if you are a real vegetarian you will grow you own food ALL your own food nit just a tomato plant My friend is a vegetarian and she is a breast cancer survivor you just have good genes vegetarians get sick too
  • mgmt7498
    mgmt7498 Posts: 5 Member
    It's not about becoming a vegetarian! I love me a good steak. It's about knowing where your food comes from and demanding better food handling practices. I am not rockafella but after watching that movie I definitely try to buy organic, locally grown foods and meats! You really should see it and decide for yourself!
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member