Depression - This is my story and this is why I am here



  • Wow. I applaud you my friend. What an absolute leap of faith, courage and strength. Not only to make the choices you have to make these positive steps in and for your life, family and future but also being able to talk about it here with people who can give you the support you need. You have everything inside of you to make it, you just have to believe in yourself! Much Respect :)
  • I suffer from depression as well,after reading what you have endured,it gives me strength to work through some of the issue that I am going through. I have gotten better about eating sugar,that was a major problem for me. I am addicted to food but I am taking it one day at a time.One good thing that I have discovered it that I can blog about my problems; and for me this is a major milestone. Please add me as a friend.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    You sound like a tough person and I'm glad you are taking control of your life!
  • I really admire you for sharing your story. You are a very strong person, not only for going thru what you are, but for sharing so openly and honestly. Thank you so much, it really touched my heart. I have also been going thru alot over the last 2 years and have had my bouts of depression, and a mom whom i am sure is in the early stages of Alzheimers, but I am also here to get strong not only physically but as a person!. I too have decided to stand up and fight for myself and my life, your story is so inspirational to me. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Thank you for the friend requests and the support!

    I have started a blog that I will be updating a few times a week to keep everyone up to date w/ my progress.
  • vickijank
    vickijank Posts: 73 Member
    I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story. It seems like you've really been through a lot and it shows how much strength you have that you've gotten here. Best of luck in your journey!!!

    Please feel free to add me!
  • doba01
    doba01 Posts: 1
    You are prave *^▁^* . Feel free to add me
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    How does the saying go . . ."it's not how many times you fall, it's how you pick yourself up"? All of the challenges that you have faced is making you a much stronger person; and it's truely inspiring to see you be so open about your journey. All the best to you; you deserve it.
  • I just started here and your story has inspired me to stay with it!! Thank you so much for sharing and good luck!!
  • Amanjo
    Amanjo Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I've struggled with depression for 25 years. I've tried so many times to lose the weight, and have done it several times, only to gain it back. So, maybe we can get through it this time together. I also lost my grandmother to Alzheimer's and it is a very difficult disease, both for those afflicted and their families. You can do it! Feel free to add me.
  • I just want to give you a big hug! I thank God for people like you, who are brave enough and open enough to share their story and their feelings. I also had a major life collapse a few years ago, some details different but very similar nonetheless. I also used my anger at my situation to fuel my weight change, and I even got down to my goal weight. But I found that as soon as life started easing up on me I went straight back to my old habits and old weight because the negative emotions that had sustained me weren't as strong any more. Since then I am trying to learn to let go of negative emotions completely and embrace hope as a motivation, most of all the hope I have found in Christ. It's made such an internal change in my heart that I now want to look and feel as wonderful physically as I do on the inside. I wish you success and hope in your journey ahead. And to close I'd like to share a Bible verse that got me through some very tough times ...
    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    I can relate to the Alzheimer's situation. We just lost my grandmother on my mother's side to Alzheimer's on the 5th of December. Thankfully she went peacefully in her sleep. My grandfather on my father's side also has it. He is in the earlier stages but he is declining quickly. It is tough to watch them go through the stages and not be able to speak or remember you. You are exactly right, it is a devastating disease.

    I wish you the best of luck in your journey to becoming a healthier you in all aspects of life - physically, emotionally.....

    Feel free to add me as well. The weight loss alone is a journey and it is different for each of us but if we all pull together and offer support, we can do it!

    Best Wishes!

  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    You have your life back. Rock it.
  • sorry to hear what you are going threw! inspiring story!! I went threw alot of terrible losses in my life. I was 18 and lost my dad to cancer. I am now 33 and I just lost my mother to cancer. We were the best of friends!!! I was with her threw her whole journey and seen her take her last breath!!! I felt helpless I couldnt save her!!! I beat myself up and ate and slept and became very depressed1 I use to work out and was a decent weight and felt good. Untill this oct. when she passed I geined 17 lbs on top of my other 30 I geined prior. I finally woke up and said this is enuff I have to get in shape again and be healthy for my 2 girls I have and mom wouldnt want me to be so depressed and let my life get out of control! I am back on track and WILL continue this time!!! Best of luck to you!!!
  • Blodnie
    Blodnie Posts: 66
    Thanks for sharing your story. I've suffered from depression off and on in my life, and I know what it's like to face losing your Mom as I lost mine to cancer when I was 29, after watching her suffer for two long years. It's these heart wrenching events that life hands us that often make it hard for me not to just give up and say, 'WTF.. it's not worth the effort'. But I too have decided to get my life back and never be in this place again. I wish you well in this journey we are all taking.. together. :-)
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I didn't realize so many people were struggling with the same situation as me.. based upon a lot of the friend requests and comments on here. wish you all a healthy recovery and hope you're enjoying the new lifestyle! i feel 100x better than I did a month ago.
  • You have gone through a lot in a short time and while my situation isn't close to the same, the motivation you have gained is what I now feel for the first time in years. Lose weight, gain never mattered to me. I always believed that no matter how I looked, you should love me regardless. That's changed. While I will never wish anything that has happened to you to anyone, I am glad that it has given you the strength and determination to make yourself healthy again. You're already halfway there, whether you've lost any weight or not. :) Keep it up. You've got this.
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    I really feel for you my friend and even though our stories are different, I can relate. I had a major life change a while back, coupled with loss, taking care of a dying parent and other events and fell into a depression. If felt like the rock bottom. On top of all that I gained weight and I don't think it's vanity to say that I felt pretty awful about myself--even avoiding social situations because of it. I'm much better now, still have the weight to lose but I'm working everyday to transform myself not just physically but mentally and emotionally too into a better and stronger person! Best of luck to ya and I've sent you an add if you're interested in mutual support:)
  • staceycamp
    staceycamp Posts: 39 Member
    wow, Thanks for sharing your story. I have been through divorce, The loss of my mom to Cancer and a year later the loss of my brother to a motor cycle accident. I know the depression you are talking about, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can be happy agian. Good luck and you will be in my prayers!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    A very amazing story. I am sorry you have gone through quite a lot but I'm glad you're not trying to continue on and fight through it. You're a very strong person. Good luck with your life and I wish you happiness in the future. :heart: