What are you reading?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides was excellent. That's the last really good one I read over my holiday break from work. I'm currently reading Pym and it's ok - good enough that I want to finish it.

    Have you read Middlesex? Excellent book. I need to read more of his stuff.
  • BrandiLynn8064
    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books:)
  • karenlesley47
    karenlesley47 Posts: 36 Member
    At the moment im reading Soul Music by Terry Prattchet :) my daughter has also got me hooked on the House of Night series which are about a vampire finishing school. Loved all the HP books.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I'm a dork, I don't read novels, but I read textbooks for fun. I'm currently reading Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine. Interesting stuff.
  • abookreader2
    abookreader2 Posts: 49 Member
    I just finished reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult. Probably one of the best books I have read in awhile. If you have a passion for children especially children with special needs (autism in this case) then it is a must read. I work in the education field (in a "out of school time" capacity) and it was phenomenal.

    I have also recently started reading the Janet Evonovich (sp??) series (One for the Money, etc) and those are fun as well!

    I am on 18 of the Janet Evanovich series. You will love them. They just keep getting more funny. My husband always looks at me cause I am laughing outloud LOL Enjoy!!
  • GetThinKim
    My favourite book(s) EVER are the What Katy Did books...I first read them when I was 6 and I read them the other week and still love them! Also obsessed with Harry Potter :P
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Women by Bukowski. I'm addicted to him.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Faithful Place by Tana French. It isn't at all what I thought it would be! I thought for some reason it was about relationships or some other estrogen-filled topic. It's totally not, it's a very well-written mystery. Two thumbs up.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hard'N UP by Shannan Ponton <3
  • abookreader2
    abookreader2 Posts: 49 Member
    I strongly suggest the Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah. Sooooo good. I just finished that one and loved it, but have some tissues ready. I can only read books like that a couple times a year. Enjoy :)
  • KimH313
    KimH313 Posts: 162
    Anything by Jennifer weiner, the Help was excellent, love to get new ideas for books!
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    Shadow Game , Christine Feehan. I have read every book in the series , except the first one. So I'm finally doing , I like contemporary paranormal .
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I love to read and was recently visiting a friend who loaned me the first of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J. R. Ward. It's about warrior vampires, not my normal stuff... but I can't put them down!!! I'm on book 3 already!! Vampire smut... but well done!

    I've re-read the Twilight series each time a new movie comes out, so 4 times now... probably will again before the last movie releases. Loved the HP series as well. Still looking forward to the Hunger Games series, hopefully soon before that movie comes out. Yes, I like the books better, but I do like seeing what they come up with for movie adaptations.

    Oh, and I'm doing a challenge at church to read the entire Bible this year. We're doing it chronologically... so far it's awesome and I'm reading the Message version so it's more contemporary and I'm finding it easy to read and understand that way.
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    Garrison Keillor... ;-)
  • ppenton
    ppenton Posts: 27 Member
    "V" is for Vengance by Sue Grafton. I started with "A" is for Alibi and now I wait every year for the new book to come out. V came out in November and I got it for Christmas.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I am about a quarter of the way through IT (Stephen King), much better than the film.

    A million times better than the film.

    Nothing at the moment; I guess Sizzlin' Sixteen by Janet Evanovich has about fifty or so pages left from when I ... kinda stole it from the library four states away. I've read almost all her stuff, but I like Jeffery Deaver [yeah, the guy who wrote The Bone Collector] better.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    Atonement. I have read it three times now and this will be the fourth time. Great book! Movie is so-so.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    I am currently reading the house of night series.. just start book #2 Betrayed.. so far great series!!
  • twilightsm
    When Rabbit howls by the Troops for Trudi Chase.
    I like disturbing non-fiction...
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    Oh gotta say, if you haven't ready Tueday's with Morrie or for one moreday by Mitch Albom, I highly recommend it, i honestly felt like crying at the end of those books haha and it changes your view on life for the better.