What are you reading?



  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    If you like kids fantasy you should definitely try the Hunger Games Trilogy. Best young adult books writtenin ages, seriously. Beautiful.

    Loved those! Currently reading a Vampire series by Parker Blue. Along the lines of Harry Potter, Twilight etc.
  • twest109
    twest109 Posts: 14 Member
    Love James Patterson so I am reading Kill Alex Cross and have his other new one Tick Tock....Can't wait for the Movie to come out I am Alex Cross...based on the book CROSS. with Tyler Perry playing Cross...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Reading the Spenser series by Robert B. Parker. In order. There are 39. I am about 90% through them.
  • monaghme
    monaghme Posts: 25 Member
    I loved Kite Runner and I'm trying to get my daughter to read it soon. When you're with Kite Runner, read his other book A Thousand Splendid Suns, almost as good as his first.
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    I'm currently reading Pride & Prejudice. Next in line is The Help. Both movies on my top 5 list!

    My favorite all time is.... Twilight. Yea... I am a adult who is a lover of teen vampire love stories and not affraid to admit it. Those teen books rock! :laugh:

    If you like Twilight check out Parker Blue with his Val the Vampire Slayer series. I am on the third book and they are really good.
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    At the moment im reading Soul Music by Terry Prattchet :) my daughter has also got me hooked on the House of Night series which are about a vampire finishing school. Loved all the HP books.

    I Love Terry Prattchet! You should try Christopher Moore if you like Terry.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I am about a quarter of the way through IT (Stephen King), much better than the film.

    The book scared me more than the movie. The movie was interesting though.
    I read IT when I was in 6th grade and had broke my leg, I'd lay in bed terrified crying for someone to come help me up 'cuz I wasn't able to get up and down by myself. Scared me for life, my now 12year old has seen the movie (at her dad's) and finds it hilarious that to this day I still have a fear of clowns and sewer grates.
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    I said previously The Room but it is actually just called ROOM. It is by Emma Donoghue.

    This one is on my list. Heard it is fantastic!
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    Steven King's novel 11/22/63....I just finished it last night. This has been my favorite book by far. It's not the normal blood, gore...etc that you relate to King like I did (Pet Cemetery, Carrie, The Stand) I would recommend it to everyone.

    Definitely my favorite King book!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Appointment in Samarra by John O'Hara. One of my favorites.
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    The Dashwood Sisters Tell All by Beth Patillo. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. And a book of poetry by Charles Bukowski (I LOVE him).
  • lmeksayo77
    Hunger Games best trilogy I have read in a long time can't wait for the movie. Also a good trilogy is the "Trylle Trilogy" these are all young adult reads but I find them more interesting sometimes. :)
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    "Being Peace" by Thich Haht Nahn
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    I wouldn't call either of them favorites, but I'm in the middle of reading Fool (by Christopher Moore) and Brave New World (Aldus Huxley).
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Rereading Girl With The Dragon Tattoo before I go see the movie. I know it's surrounded by a lot of hype but I'm just in love with that series. Lisbeth Salander kicks some *kitten*!

    We just watched all the Swedish versions of the movies. I had read all the books (LOVED them!!) but my husband hadn't. He is now reading the books!

    I'm seeing a lot of my favorite authors and books on here so won't repeat them (Hunger Games, HP, Dean Koontz, Stephen King) but some I love who I don't see listed yet are :

    -Ken Follett-World Without End, Pillars of the Earth and the first book in his new Century Trilogy (can't remember for the life of me!)
    -Harlan Coben-anything but especially his Myron Bolitar series
    -John Sandford
    -Tami Hoag

    I read a book called The Passage by Justin Cronin. It was so good, really hard to put down.
    -One Second After-can't remember who wrote it but it's really good
    -Every Last One by Anna Quindlen-have your tissues ready for this one too.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    Mercedes Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs, otherwise inhaling each and every vampire book, also R. A. Salvatore the Forgotten Realms.
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I'm also currently re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! (Prisoner of Azkaban will always, always, ALWAYS be my favorite, though!)

    I'm so happy to see people posting so many of my favorite books! Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Help, Lord of the Rings, the Sookie Stackhouse series, Steven King, Terry Goodkind... You guys are made of awesome!

    I suppose it's more of a teen book, but I also recommend the Bartimaeus Trilogy, by Jonathan Stroud. It's about wizards and genies and magic, and parts of it are pretty funny. Oh! And the His Dark Materials series, by Phillip Pullman. That one's a bit heavier, but they're excellent. And the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke!

    I can think of a dozen more, but I'll stop. I love books. :bigsmile:
  • cookikim71
    I'm reading the complete collection of the wizard of oz. by Baum l. Frank don't really know how many books there are as it is on my e-reader .but in at least on book 7 or 8 book. very interesting
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I am finally reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and it is fantastic.
  • karenlesley47
    karenlesley47 Posts: 36 Member
    At the moment im reading Soul Music by Terry Prattchet :) my daughter has also got me hooked on the House of Night series which are about a vampire finishing school. Loved all the HP books.

    I Love Terry Prattchet! You should try Christopher Moore if you like Terry.

    Thanks, i will be sure to look out for him :) Have just made a long list of all the other books everyone has recommended, will have no problems with my book worm habit this year....yeah....