SWaT-January Walk with Leslie Sansone workouts



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    333 minutes / 720 exercise minutes so far this month
    Started aqua jogging tonight. Hadn't done this kind of class in at least 17 years. Forgot how good it feels without the impact on your joints. I'll be sore tomorrow I'm sure!

    Night Night!
  • KimA1
    KimA1 Posts: 47
    Got 3 miles in yesterday. Two more tonight. :)
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Forgot to post yesterday that I completed Day 3 of Leslie Sansone January walking challenge and once again I am sore but still feel great. 6 miles done and I noticed by the workout calendar she provided with her challenge the miles wil start to increase on Friday. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    2 fast miles done last night...total is 20 miles so far

    Had to cut the 4 miles fast walk short to pick up my daughter...2 miles is better than nothing.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning!

    I walked 4 miles today, So a total of 29 miles this month. I HAVE 46 MORE MILES TO GO.

    So far, I think this is going to be a good day. Eating wise :wink: LOL, I haven't eaten lunch yet, But I have faith in myself :bigsmile:

    Good Luck group on accomplishing your goals
  • bigmamajo
    bigmamajo Posts: 6 Member
    I just ordered the dvd this week. I would like to join this group...I just need to get moving. Dieting alone is not working for me!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Got in two 2 mile walks yesterday. Going out today and will be doing a lot of walking.

    My mom passed away peacefully in her sleep early this morning. I am doing okay but naturally I am sad.
  • beverlywu
    beverlywu Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! I just discovered the Leslie Sansone series around Christmas 2011 when I went to go visit my parents for the holidays. My mom has been having some health issues lately and I wanted to try something with her that would get her moving around a bit, even if it would be just a light walk. So I got her one of the DVDs and did them with her for a few days.

    I got hooked.

    So I now have 6 of the DVDs...

    I'm moderately fit, and had been rowing with my university team up until last semester. Ran my first marathon last September. But then, my migraines and exertion headaches started getting really bad and dealing with that and a couple new medications for that made me dizzy and low energy made me look for alternatives to stay active yet not induce headaches, because high intensity exercise seems to occasionally knock me out for the day.

    Anyway, really enjoying the DVDs. My mom is too, apparently. She emailed me saying she did two miles yesterday and wasn't out of breath! That is REALLY great news.

    January goal is to work out twice a day, doing the 5 miles whenever possible.

    Happy walking, everyone :)
  • tamaramoreau
    I love Leslie's walks, I live in a very small apartment, when i am limited to go outside, she is a step and a kick away.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • Tobarbshealth
    I'm brand new to this site. Just now opening my box with Leslies DVD. Reading this at least got me to OPEN my Christmas gift. I prefer to walk outdoors, but 30 degrees, windy with light snow is just to cold! So I' m going to give Leslie a try:-) Thanks!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    That's great Beverly - I too got hooked on Leslie. I never thought I would be someone that would exercise regularly, now I can see doing walking videos for the rest of my life.

    Goal 50 / 30

    M - 3 Miles (Wii Walk it Out)
    T - yoga
    W - 2 Miles (Start! 2 Miles)
    Tonight - Wii
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm brand new to this site. Just now opening my box with Leslies DVD. Reading this at least got me to OPEN my Christmas gift. I prefer to walk outdoors, but 30 degrees, windy with light snow is just to cold! So I' m going to give Leslie a try:-) Thanks!

    Let us know what you think..........
  • AnnieDrews
    Hello! I did 4 Miles Fast and Firm Really Big Miles w/ resistance band this morning!!

    Total for week 1: 11 miles

    Total for week 2: 11 miles


    Total for January: 22 miles
  • nwkirk03
    got my 5 miles in today for 85 mins. wont be able to walk tomorrow will be at the hospital. so my total this week is 20 miles my all together total is 45 miles so far.:smile:
  • Taymay75
    Taymay75 Posts: 753 Member
    Goal: 60 miles

    I walked 3 miles today with Leslie’s 5 mile Fat Burning DVD.

    Total completed – 30 miles
    Left to complete – 30 miles
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Day of of Leslie Sansone January 21 Day Walking Challenge completed. Total mile 8. Tomorrow it changes to 3 miles.
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    I'm joining with a goal of walking 12 miles (starting mid Jan). Hi everyone!
  • constancemwj
    hi everyone,
    pmjsmon, Sorry to hear about your mom, its a hard thing to go through no matter how peacful it happened. Hope your doing well.
    I walked 3 miles yeaterday
    and 3 today with leslie. putting me at 20 total
    keep walking everyone.
  • AnnieDrews
    Happy Friday!! I did miles 1, 2 and 3 of the 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk this morning!

    Total for week 1: 11 miles

    Total for week 2: 14 miles


    Total for January: 25 miles
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hi....I love Leslie and have been doing her programs for almost a year.
    I do Leslie Sansone walking programs (I choose from 5 different discs) and follow up with exercises to get a good burn (Choose from: The Firm Girls...3 discs/ Biggest Loser programs....3 discs/Jillian Michaels ..4 discs/ 5 generic discs ).

    I plan 45 miles again this month

    Jan 01: - 3 miles LS
    Jan 02: 2 miles LS = 5 miles ...40 to go
    Jan 03:- 2 miles LS = 7 miles...38 to go
    Jan 04: oops
    Jan 05 oops
    Jan 06: - 2 miles LS AM/PM = 11miles ...33 to go
    Jan 07: - 2 miles LS = 13 miles ...31 to go
    Jan 08: - 3 miles LS = 16 miles ...28 miles to go
    Jan 09: - 3 miles/2 miles LS = 21 miles ...23 to go
    Jan 10:oops
    Jan 11: - 4.7 miles pedometer = 25.7 miles ...19.3 to go
    Jan 12: - 3.8 miles pedometer = 29.5 miles .... 15.5 to go
    Jan 13: - shoveled instead !!!
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31: