Why do you honestly want to lose weight!?



  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I'm single and finally getting the nerve to put myself out there. When I'm heavy, I feel like being invisible. I go out in yoga pants and no make up and try not to make eye contact. I used to be very extroverted, even though I was never really skinny, people thought I was cute and funny and I liked attention. The last few years I've just been hiding. I want to flirt. No more checking "a few extra pounds" on online dating sites. I'm tired of the types of guys I would want passing me by because I'm not thin. I should want someone who wants me for who I am I know, but they gotta get in the door first. I feel strong and fit and I want my outside to match my inside.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    Feel gross and uncomfortable.
    Tired of 22 years of yo-yo dieting.
    Sick of my own excuses.
    And I refuse to pay money AGAIN for bigger clothes.

    You said it exactly! I will add that this fat hanging off my gut is disgusting to me-my belly lays on top of my thighs when I sit! It's like wearing a big sign that says "I won't control myself and I'm a big failure"
  • well I could careless what people say about my weight if they dont like it Keep on a moving LOL... I want to lose weight for a few reasons...

    1. I want to be able to run around and jump around without being a huffer fish afterwards
    2. I want to be able to go shopping without all the hassles , be able to shop with my friends, try on each others clothes u know!
    3. be able to be comfy on rollercoasters i went to cedarpoint over the summer and lit. had to suck it in and I really couldnt enjoy myself like I wanted to.
    4. Not worry about am I to big for that???? am I gonna break it??? LOL
    5. Just tired of carrying around the ol' spare tire
  • I want to lose weight to make myself feel better! I am so ashamed when I look in the mirror and see what my body has become over the many years....I want to be a good example to my son, and since I have been overweight I feel that I have let him down and let myself down! 2012 is the year where I am going to re-gain control and look in the mirror and be proud of what I see!
  • I want all my hubby's friends to check me out! Lol! I also want to prove to certain people I can do it and put others in their place! I am so tired of failing at my goals. I am struggling through school because I decided to have a family first and being over weight keeps from doing what I want to do. I also want to go to the store and not feel as if everyone is looking at me a judging me by my weight. I want to be proud of myself for once. Complete something just for me.
  • daisilou
    daisilou Posts: 5 Member
    1. I want to wear cute clothes.
    2. My husband deserves for me to look good.
    3. I want to keep my eye sight. My doctor told me in July that if I don't lose weight I will lose my sight.
  • I love clothes and want fo wear anything i feel like, to include a fab bikini alll summer long!
  • yulinerinwang
    yulinerinwang Posts: 36 Member
    I want to lose weight because:
    - I want to get into fight shape and compete in MMA at 125 or even 115 weight class.
    - I want to look hotter on my motorcycle! For the next riding season and all the riding seasons after that.
    - I still remember when I was 180 lbs, being called a fattie, having my thighs rubbing, struggling in my PE test... and I NEVER ever want to go back there again.
    - I want to be size 0, and I would love to stay there.
    - I want a hot, fit boyfriend and I want me to look good beside him.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm fit, but I don't LOOK fit. And I want to. I want to SEE all the muscle I've spent two years building. I'm guessing 30ish lbs is covering that up.

    I want to wear sleeveless tanks at the gym this summer and be proud, not feel like I want to hide my guns. lol I'd also love to stop feeling like I want to hide whenever a guy looks my way. I always feel like I'm being judged for my excess, not appreciated for the beauty I actually have. It's ridiculous what we do to ourselves, isn't it? I'd love to know what it's like to NOT hold myself back because of the way I feel about the way I look.

    AND finally, I'd love to wear clothing and not re-adjust the waistband to conceal my spare tire. I can barely imagine what that would be like; I've always had one.
  • rubsters91
    rubsters91 Posts: 2 Member
    What is the reason you honestly want to lose weight!? Everyone says they want to be healthy and because they want to have confidence and all that stuff! Yes I want to be healthy and have self confidence, but I really want to lose weight because of all the people that called me fat or a cow (like I don't all ready know) and whatever else rude things they said to me! I want to lose weight and look HOT and just rock it! I want my body to say look at me now and look at what you can't have! I want to make them regret everything they ever said!

    What about you?

    You took the words right out of my mouth!!!!!! You'll get there girl!!!! You can do this!!!! Don't give up!!!! Use this as a motivation cuz i sure as hell am!!!!! :tongue:

    Good Luck!!! :smile:
  • yulinerinwang
    yulinerinwang Posts: 36 Member
    Because I lost 50 lbs before and I have gained half of it back.
    Because 60% of the beautiful clothes I have don't fit and look beautiful on my body.
    Because I see pictures of myself and think.....how did I let myself go?

    living with a man (boyfriend) who loves to eat was my downfall. Still is a struggle. I also cannot motivate myself to get up and do a 30 minute workout.

    I have exactly the same experience: I lost 60 lbs and gained 30 back... :(
    I don't fit 99% of my clothes because I threw away all my fat clothes and bought new ones when I was the skinnest..
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Because I got tired of looking in the mirror and going, "Oh God! Who the hell is that!?"
    Because I live in a beach town and want to go to the beach in a bikini top and shorts.
    Because I want to be sexy.
  • I have two children and I want to be able to keep up with them. I feel like I am letting them down the way I am now. Also my husband is battling cancer so it is very important for me to get healthy so I can continue to care for him!
  • Be healthier and look better.
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    because i am tired of getting winded going up the stairs.
    I love my big boobs and i love my round plump booty, but my belly has to go, honestly if i stopped being winded going up the stairs and my belly vanished i'd be perfectly peachy
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    I honestly want to lose weight because I'm starting a new chapter of my life, moving away, and I want to find a boyfriend
  • rrgrove
    rrgrove Posts: 73
    Because I'm a fat mess and I'm sick of being constantly uncomfortable and embarrassed by my size! Not being able to wear nice clothes and getting out of breath easily!

    I'm disgusted that I've let it go this far :embarassed:

  • Because I want to feel the way I did when I was thin and fit - like nothing could stop me. I want to be able to wear cute clothes again without bulges everywhere. I don't want to look in the mirror anymore and wrinkle my nose at what I see.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    What is the reason you honestly want to lose weight!? Everyone says they want to be healthy and because they want to have confidence and all that stuff! Yes I want to be healthy and have self confidence, but I really want to lose weight because of all the people that called me fat or a cow (like I don't all ready know) and whatever else rude things they said to me! I want to lose weight and look HOT and just rock it! I want my body to say look at me now and look at what you can't have! I want to make them regret everything they ever said!

    What about you?

    There are a ton of reasons why I want to, but the biggest reason why is the same one you listed, Look at me now beaches! lol When I was a kid I even had food thrown at me, tough!

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  • trevsgirl89
    trevsgirl89 Posts: 16 Member
    1.Because I want to look.through my closet without breaking down in tears.

    2.Because I finally came to the realization that I AM.WORTH IT! I deserve to wake up in the morning and feel.good!

    3. To look amazing for my husband! He tells me everyday that I am beautiful! He loves me unconditionally! But I want to look better for him and make him even more proud of me! (So thankful for the amazing man I am married too!)

    4. To love to go.shopping again!

    5. I'm not huge by any means but I feel like I am...so I want.to feel skinny!

    6. I want to get healthy now while I'm still young!