Girls... Is muscle a turn off?



  • gem_cat
    gem_cat Posts: 62 Member

    THIS is a turn on.


    THIS is not.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...But lean muscle and a nice six pack is definitely hot :) Just as long as it's not too bulky or body builder type.

    ^^^ This. Muscle-bound steroid-looking guys are NOT hot, but there's nothing wrong with a well-toned man. I don't understand why a fit man would be a turn-off...
  • newarkco05
    This is just my opinion... It is a huge turn off for me! The reason being though is most of the guys I have ever met that do have a lot of muscle and really in shape were complete @ss***** and very cocky. It is not that I not "used to seeing" a built dude, I have not met one that wasn't cocky about it.
  • shasha_84
    shasha_84 Posts: 170
    I like a guy with muscle. Obviously there is a point where it "too much muscle" but a guy that has nice abs, pecks, shoulders, biceps is HOT!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So upon talking with most of the girls I know around 90% of them say that lean muscle and a guy having rippling abs is just pure gross!!!

    I somehow think that these girls re misguided and just are not used to seeing a well built guy...

    Do the girls here agree?? If not what is your ideal guy??

    I know that there is more to a guy than a 'hot body' and that his personality plays a huge role... But who wouldnt want a guy with a hot body?? Am I right???
    What is gross looking are those body building types with 7% body fat, steroid bloat and a fake tan all oiled up in speedos grinning, flexing and looking foolish. That's a far result from an athletic build and good physique.

    And the ladies like a fit body just as much as we do - some don't like admitting that.

    I love how you paint "all women" and "all men" with the same brush there. Cute how you did that.

    Because, of course what ONE woman likes, ALL women like. And what ONE man likes, ALL men like.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Not a fan of Body Builder muscle but, I love the bodies of Randy Orton, Triple H, Seamus, John Morrison and The Rock. (Hubby is a WW fan and I watch it with him to 'oggle' at the men's bodies.)

    I get frustrated by the classification of BODYBUILDER look being only the huge steroid-user trend. People don't understand. ALL OF THOSE GUYS are bodybuilding.

    Check this Triple H out :)

    Check this Dwayne Johnson "The Rock"...
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    According to woman choose their life partners in the following order:

    Confidence> Money > Looks > Height

    How true that is I don't to be a shy poor ugly manlet lol

  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    What? Those girls are probably talking about the really muscular ones because that's not that attractive.

    But lean muscle and a nice six pack is definitely hot :) Just as long as it's not too bulky or body builder type.

    ^^ This!^^ goes for me as well. Men are attractive when they look like they respect their bodies, but not to the point of copper tube veins :)

    ofc, this is just MHO...I know a girl who likes the no-neck-pump-you-up type fellow...but again, it just boils down to personal taste.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Well I am not going to go insanely over board... I just want to get a decent lean musclular look!! But apparently thats a turn off to the majority of the girls I know... However this wont stop me hahha!

    A lot of girls say that, until some buff dude gets sweet on them. It's weird how fast their attitude can change.
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    First let me say that no man who is not intelligent will draw my attention for more than a quick "looksee." There is an "entrance exam," so to speak. Personality counts way more in the long run, beyond the initial attraction. That having been said, let's talk physical build.

    I prefer a tall, lean runner's physique to that of the typical "bodybuilder." I don't want to be able to see every fiber and/or vein in your body; it just reminds me of a comic book (and not in a good way). I like a man with a natural "V" shape, not some exaggerated form of it. I like a man who looks as if he got muscles naturally, by being active and working outdoors, rather than by being a gym rat. Obviously, no one likes a beerbelly, either, but I don't require a championship level six pack to think a man looks great.

    My college algebra professor was also a bodybuilder, and he had very poor flexibility. The poor man could barely extend his arm far enough to write on the bottom two-thirds of the board. It wasn't pretty.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    This is hot....


    This is not....


    EXACTLY :heart:
  • shasha_84
    shasha_84 Posts: 170
    This is hot....


    This is not....

    Totally agree!!!!! Thanks for the eye candy pic this morning btw :happy:
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Muscles - GOOOOOD! Of course a man doesn't have to have huge bulging muscles to be attractive. People come in all shapes and sizes for a reason. I think a healthy looking person is just as attractive as a ripped muscle guy.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    So upon talking with most of the girls I know around 90% of them say that lean muscle and a guy having rippling abs is just pure gross!!!

    I somehow think that these girls re misguided and just are not used to seeing a well built guy...

    Do the girls here agree?? If not what is your ideal guy??

    I know that there is more to a guy than a 'hot body' and that his personality plays a huge role... But who wouldnt want a guy with a hot body?? Am I right???
    What is gross looking are those body building types with 7% body fat, steroid bloat and a fake tan all oiled up in speedos grinning, flexing and looking foolish. That's a far result from an athletic build and good physique.

    And the ladies like a fit body just as much as we do - some don't like admitting that.

    I love how you paint "all women" and "all men" with the same brush there. Cute how you did that.

    Because, of course what ONE woman likes, ALL women like. And what ONE man likes, ALL men like.

    We are programmed to like a fit person. ALL OF US. Just because we grow to look past that, doesn't mean we all don't like a "HOT" body.
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    maybe they just say that because their boyfriends are scrawny weeds so they try and pretend that they like that in guys xD

    i agree with some of the ladies above, lean defined muscle is sexy OT bodybuilder guys are not lol
  • DoubleDworks
    DoubleDworks Posts: 12 Member
    I love lean muscle over bulked up muscle.

    My husband calls the guys that work out their top halves but not their legs roosters. Don't like them at all, they look out of proportion.
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    I don't know....I think I generally tend to associate really muscular guys with aggression, anger issues, and a generally shallow, jerky attitude towards others. I am aware that this is not reality but just a result of my own personal life experiences, nevertheless, when it comes to chemistry these types tend to be completely off the radar for me due to my past experiences.

    Oddly enough, my husband of twenty years has always been in *amazing* shape. No sixpack - he has an eight pack. He was kind and decent enough to others to totally bypass my natural prejudices. But as a rule, when it comes to that instant chemistry thing, guys like that are still sort of reflexively rejected in my brain.

    Again, for those who might have read the first sentence and then got blinded with indignation before they read the rest - yes it is a prejudice, and unfair. It's just baggage from living with an abusive stepfather who was an ex footballer. And a couple of butthead marine boyfriends in my teens.
  • Capt_Chev
    Capt_Chev Posts: 93 Member
    As a general rule I won't be attracted to a guy who's got bigger tits then I do, that goes for man titties and those weird muscle protruding ones, peck's I think they're called!!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Well I am not going to go insanely over board... I just want to get a decent lean musclular look!! But apparently thats a turn off to the majority of the girls I know... However this wont stop me hahha!

    Then why ask the question. Look the way you want to look.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    This is hot....


    This is not....

    Totally agree!!!!! Thanks for the eye candy pic this morning btw :happy:

    that's alright ;)