Who is 5'1-5'2



  • sarasashas
    sarasashas Posts: 11 Member
    Oh and I've lost 3 lb since starting 5 days ago, I've also just discovered the joys of soup!
  • myoldselfback
    myoldselfback Posts: 36 Member
    Hi , I'm new here and the same height 5'2.5 ( have to add that extra .5 LOL

    My goal is 125 too! I haven't been at that weight since we had our 1st son.

    I've tried a lot of various diets and I'm going back to basics I'm 9 lbs down from my sw but I was at that before x mas! :grumble:

    So if you want add me. It would be nice to talk to someone at the same stage.

    Enjoy your day
  • ammietue
    ammietue Posts: 7 Member
    (._.)/..I'm 5'1 sadly. My weight goal is 170 but my ultimate is 160-150, and I take in 1200 calories :-)
  • Crtny
    Crtny Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'1". My current weight is 115 and my ideal weight is 108. I love to workout and run. My body wants to hold onto these last few "vanity lbs" but I feel so much better at the lower weight. I don't have love handles or the fat on my back when I get under 110. Of course, they are the hardest lbs to lose! At my heaviest I weight 190 so I have my poochy tummy that will always be there unless I opt for surgery. Fell free to friend me if you have similar goals!:smile:
  • myoldselfback
    myoldselfback Posts: 36 Member
    Hi new here.... what does ugw mean? that's awesome that you've already lost so much!:happy:
  • My goals are similar to a few that replied to this post. I am 5'2, currently 149. Trying to get back down to about 130lbs (maybe a little more, we'll see). I've been taking in 1200 cal daily. I've only lost a few pds because I haven't been exercising like I need to but 1200 cal works well for me. I don't want to lose my curves so I need to work out more to maintain them. I really want to get my abs back and tone my thighs, but I need to get my eating under control which I have done. :wink:
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    UGW = Ultimate Goal Weight..

  • I'm at about the same place as you. 5'0 or 5'1 on a good day! I'm at 166, I started at 171.. ughh highest I've ever weighed. I began the WL/exercise journey right after Thanksgiving, I had gallbladder surgery at the beginning of November and I realized how being out of shape did not help my recovery at all. I haven't lost much but the holidays got in the way and I fell hard =) I exercise 5-6 days a week mainly cardio right now, I throw in a few minutes of strength conditioning 2-3 days a week. I'm eating around 1200 calories, I'm thinking I may need to raise that a little to be able to start losing more. My GW is 125-130..but I'm older (in my 40's) so I don't really want to push it. I will be here, checking in with my progress.
  • shelby623
    shelby623 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 5'2 and currently weigh 179 lbs. My goal would be 135 (ideal would by 120 but seems out of reach). I really started taking my diet seriously the past week and a half. I am extremely disappointed that after working out the last 6 of 7 days, and averaging 1400 cals over the past 7 days that I have not lost one single pound!

    I have had my thyroid tested and they said it was "normal."

    Hopefully I can find some support from you other shorties who are in the same boat.
  • I am 5 ft and its been comforting to read about other people who have started out in the same place: SW - 176, CW - 160s (don't weigh often so that I dont get discouraged), and GW - 130. I have a medium build and that GW is where I know I'll feel good. I was 108 when I graduated from high school ten years ago and that weight doesn't seem realistic at this point in time!
  • chenoamac
    chenoamac Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 5'1 but I think I am the biggest one here... I was 236.5 lbs in October 2011 I have lost 34 lbs so far and I have lots more to go... I'm hoping to hit my first goal soon which is to be under 200 lbs

    My finally goal is to be 120-130 lbs

    I gained lots of weight when my mother was dying from Cancer I became a emotionally eater. then got marry a few year later to my supported hubsand then had 2 wonderfuly kids 26 month a part

    I want to be healthy for me and my family.
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member
    Ok i think im feeling a little fat now i am 5'1 but 255lbs My goal is 175lbs I say this knowing that i have always had an extra bust and booty so im comfortable at 175lbs
  • missescrawford
    missescrawford Posts: 23 Member
    I am 5'2". Trying to lose 50 lbs by the end of the year. On 1200 calories. Finding it hard to get motivated to go to the gym but not hard to watch calories. If you are at the same place and want to motivate each other -- add me!
  • I'm 5'1" and at my heaviest weighed 172. I have now surpassed my goal and am down to 122. I ate 1200 calories a day to get here. I worked out a minimum of three times a week, but very hard workouts. Spinning is my weapon of choice. On spin days I would burn about 600 calories and eat back 200-300 of those. I found if I didn't I would plateau. I started eating breakfast within the first 45 minutes after getting out of bed. I learned to eat fruits and vegetables, ate more protein and lower fat foods. My staples are Shredded Wheat, low fat string cheese, protein bars, chicken, fish, eggs, low fat cottage cheese.
  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    I started at 165 and got down to 120 by pretty much starving myself and doing 2 hours of cardio a day. BIG MISTAKE. The weight came back very fast and before I knew it i was back up to 140. Since then I have started lifting weights and cut down on the cardio. Now I eat a lot of protein and veggies and some fruits. Ofcourse I have cheat meals where I go all out once a week. But I try to get my body weight in protein in grams everyday to build muscle so thats about 135g.

    My weight is going down slowly since I started lifting but I have lost a lot of inches and I am getting really strong so that I feel like is better than having a small number on the scale.

    My goal is to be 125-130lbs and 18-20% bodyfat.
  • jswartz2
    jswartz2 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5' 1 3/4 (always wish I made it to 5'2'') I eat around 1200 calories a day. SW: 155 and I'm trying to get to 125
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am 5'2" and have not weighed myself in a long time. At my last weigh in I was 158lbs. My goal is also 125lbs. I have the extra booty aswell.LOL.
    I am hoping to reach my goal weight by April of 2013 which is only approx.2.2lbs a month. But it is very hard for me to lose weight. I have been having the best results with TurboFire and Shakeology.
  • Lsipe
    Lsipe Posts: 1
    I'm 5'1 1/2" and currently weigh around 127 which makes me feel fat but I wear between a size 0 - 3/4 (depending on brand). I've always weighed much more than I look and understand that measurements are much more accurate than the scale but that darn number on the scale still drives me crazy! Last year I did a lot of running and while I was training at 25+ miles per week I had dropped down to about 112, the lowest I've been since Jr. High! I was super happy with 112 - 115 and was able to eat basically whatever I wanted, however I had lost a lot of muscle. Now I am recovery from a stress fracture and since I can't run I've starting weight training again and I'm really focusing on trying to watch what I eat. I would love to be back down to 115 but my body seems to be more comfortable at at least 120.
  • I'm 5'1 and my cw is 165lbs. I would like to be at 125-130lbs. My nutritionist suggested I eat 1500 cals a day. I only lose wight if I bust my *kitten* everyday for an hr or more which makes it hard to stay motivated. I'm looking for friends to help me stay motivated and friends to help motivate.
    Also anyone that is in the 5' club can you share your weight loss secrets if you have any?
  • I'm 5'2" and my ideal weight would be around 125. Currently I have to take in around 1700 calories a day but that is due to breastfeeding, if I were not breastfeeding I would be at 1200 calories. I try to not deny myself anything (there are brownies on my counter right now) but I make wiser choices and watch portions more than I did before.