what movie still scares the crap out of you?



  • qwills2cats
    qwills2cats Posts: 108 Member
    I still cannot erase Helter Skelter and Sybill from my brain even though I have tried.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    The Shining and Children of the Corn...Sounds like a great double feature for Friday the 13th courtesy of Steven King!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I had night terrors about him whenI was a young girl :((
    For some reason, "Nightmare on Elm Street." It's a cheesy movie but it's something about him coming to kill you in your dreams. :indifferent:
    So did I, my sister teased me relentlessly. The stupid rhyme still creeps me out.
    Honestly, I'm a big baby, several movies still freak me out. The Ring, Strangers, The Omen, Children of the Corn, IT, Nightmare on Elm Street, Exorcist, I could go on.
    All of them. I am a big wuss when it comes to scary movies. I always have been, but I think it has gotten worse since I've gotten older.
    ^^^ This about sums it up.
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    Burnt Offerings and The Car creeped me out when I was a kid... probably still would if I watched it :laugh:
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    I can't watch The Shining or The Grudge. In fact, I can't even think about them.
    The Shining. I forgot about that one. Add it to the list, super scary, demented, twisted, etc.
  • mogadad
    mogadad Posts: 41 Member
    The Birds
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    All of them. I am a big wuss when it comes to scary movies. I always have been, but I think it has gotten worse since I've gotten older.

    This x 2
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    It. Yup. Clowns scare the *kitten* out of me lol

    Oh that and Paranormal Activity [the 1st]. I can't go to sleep without having my feet covered and the light on :)
    What kids like clowns anyway?

    Oh, they STILL scare me lol. I cried when I was 16 years old and a clown came near me at a circus.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member

    I don't know why but it gives me the creeps!!

    But I LOOOOOVE scary movies. I am totally writing down all the ones in this thread and watching them. Yee-haw!!
  • ElisetheQ
    ElisetheQ Posts: 58 Member

    For reals, that little alien scares the crap outta me, always has!

    As a kid, I still insisted on trying to watch it ... I'd build a fort out of pillow and barricade myself in, with a little peephole to view the terror.

  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    The Strangers... that *kitten* could really happen.

    Scariest movie ever!!!!

    I absolutely have to agree! that movie was horrible and scared the *kitten* out of me beyond belief!!!

    Yes!!! It was so scary because it was so realistic and so possible!! Ahh!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Any movie that has someone or thing race towards the camera. Freaks me the *kitten* out

    OMG me too!! Like the scene in the basement in The House on Haunted Hill when she is video taping. I screamed like a 6 year old!
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    A Stir Of Echoes

    This is an amazing movie that hardly anyone has seen (probably because it came out right when the Sixth Sense did, and was overshadowed)

    We saw Insidious in theaters - probably the scariest movies I've seen to date, and I watch them all :)
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    The Strangers! I am a scary movie fanatic and have very few that s care me but that movoe was fuked up!
  • Glitter...only saw part of it, but that was scarry enough....hair pulling out by the roots scary
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Children of the Corn and The Blair Witch Project. I've never watched an exorcism movie because I KNOW I'd be freaked out and unable to get it out of my head!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    mine is poltergeist. saw it when i was 8. it was stormy and i had a tree outside my window where that branch would scrape it. my brother was 10 and he had that exact clown in his room. everytime i still see it to this day, im almost 35, it always is on at night and its always raining. still scares the crap out of me. the clown stayed is still in the room where my brother was to this day, although he doesnt live there, he moved out, found it, and says im not taking that thing with me, at 25. still scares me.

    I was thinking poltergeist the second I saw the title of this topic, before I opened it. :) oooooooooooooo
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Silent Hill

    It takes me awhile to finish it and never while I'm alone. :laugh: That junk is creepy!
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    The Exorcism of Emily Rose

    Haha I laughed thru that entire movie! It was hilarious.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    He he he I went through the list to write down the scary movies I hadn't seen.

    You guys are a bunch of big sissies!! It's so cute.