For all the *actual* CAT lovers out there...



  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    This is my first time posting pictures so I hope it works!

    This is my baby Zoe. I adopted her about 5 years ago from the humane society. Right now she lives with my dad because I relocated to the UK for a bit. I miss her!!

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    How funny this is here. I was doing a workout video this morning and my 23-pound black cat was so cute straddling the couch arm that I took a picture (not the greatest shot) and made it my new profile picture this morning.

    When my coworker found him on the floor of the loading dock, he was 2 weeks old, no teeth and weighed so little he didn't even register on the vet's scale when I took him to get checked out and find out how to keep him alive! I guess I managed. :-)
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 183 Member
    I had a maine coon about 25 yrs ago that definitely has been one of my favorite kitties. I would take one tomorrow, but hubby says no more kitties. Next came two more kitties.........1 a tabby and 1 a siamese. Tabby ran away and the siamese died too. Finally when I was looking at the shelter for our missing kitty this 9 month old kitty begged to come home with us. He was a Siamese-Himalayan and he was the most affectionate kitty ever. Never could understand why someone gave him up as he was loved by everyone and he loved everyone too. Had to have him put to sleep last year at 16 yrs old. :( Definitely miss him and our maine coon, but now have a toy poodle (2 yrs old) to enjoy. He definitely is a lap dog ! Jacque is the last of our pets, but I will always have a soft spot for kitties...................
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Savannah, my 6 month old (was ~4 months here) seal point Siamese:

    Liam, my 3 1/2 year old lynx/blue point Siamese:


    I love both cats and dogs, but cats are easier and don't interfere with my running :-D Siamese are GREAT cats, a bit vocal (okay really vocal!), quite trainable - my oldest can fetch, sit on command, walk beside me while not on a leash (and he'll come back to me if I lag behind), comes on command and when I whistle. The youngest is getting there with the fetching and the sitting on command. They are a more dog-like breed, which is why I chose to rescue through a Siamese rescue :heart:
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member

    Not the best photo but here's my two, Sox and Stella, sunning themselves on the rug. Sox is the tuxedo, Stella the chubby one (she needs MFP.)
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm in kitty heaven!! Love it!

    We have 3 cats. Two which are ours, then we have our Maine coon Betty who just decided to live on our porch one day years ago. Shes been here ever since. Our inside kitty's are a tuxedo cat, Foxy who we adopted at 6months. She's 7 now. Our other gal is a Tabby who we found trapped under our house with her babies. Her poor claws were rubbed down from trying to scratch her way out I guess. We're we're doing our stucco years ago and I guess she found her way under the house to deliver her kittens. She was tested positive for FIV. Her babies which all founds homes were all negative for FIV. We kept Taloula. She an old fat happy gal now.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    This is my first time posting pictures so I hope it works!

    This is my baby Zoe. I adopted her about 5 years ago from the humane society. Right now she lives with my dad because I relocated to the UK for a bit. I miss her!!


    One of my girls has similar coloring and markings as yours!
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    This is Sybil. She is four years old. She was named appropriately for her many personalities....

  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    This is my first time posting pictures so I hope it works!

    This is my baby Zoe. I adopted her about 5 years ago from the humane society. Right now she lives with my dad because I relocated to the UK for a bit. I miss her!!


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Mookie and Baby. Cats are so fickle.



    and Bella.

  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    My baby girl! She's my best friend in the whole world.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    bumping for later, I will upload pics of my Daisy
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Here is my Kitty Brassos. He passed away in November. He is missed.

    RIP Brassos ♥
  • pussycat626
    pussycat626 Posts: 129 Member
    :heart: This is my baby Marley. :heart:


  • I have a cat named Joy who goes to school. I think she and Zoe are "sisters!" She has a chocolate milk mustache and chin!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I need to figure out how post into threads still, but I have 4 babies. Sasha the b^tch, Buttercup, the mama. Mini my sweet baby girl who I rescued and hand feed and Bitty the lone boy.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I am a HUGE cat lover! In fact, my kids tell everyone that I'll end up being the crazy cat lady someday with a hundred cats in my house! LOL :laugh: But as for now, I only have 3 and they are my babies! :love:

    My oldest cat is Benny who is 5 years old. He is a beautiful solid gray cat with beautiful green eyes! He is a big cat, very long. He has a very unique personality. He loves to come in the front door just to go out the back door and vice Sometimes this drives us all nuts! At night he loves to sleep on top of me for as long as he can get away with it. When he's ready to go outside in the middle of the night, he starts messing with stuff to annoy us long enough that we'll get up and let him outside just to be rid of him and his hijinks! :laugh:

    The other two are my babies. They are siblings that someone rescued at around 6 weeks of age and were given to me at 8 weeks. They are now 6 months old. One is solid black with little sprinkles of white hairs here and there and he has the most beautiful golden eyes. His name is Midnight. The other is a beautiful gray tabby with hazel eyes and his name is Oscar. They have been very unique to watch since they are being raised together. They play together all the time, where Midnight kinda whoops on Oscar a little, but just when you think you need to pull them apart, they stop and snuggle up together...:laugh: . They come to me when I call them saying.."Where's my babies?" Midnight is a talker and a lover where Oscar is quieter and more apprehensive and shy. They are constantly purring and are very happy babies!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    EDIT: DAMN, that didn't work. I will have to upload them and edit this in a bit. Sorry about that.

    Here is one of my girls, Harvest Moon, from when she was a kitten. I found her outside of my condo during the Harvest Moon, hence her name. It took me 3 days to catch her. Once I did, I immediately took her to the vet and had her checked out as I knew nothing about cats. (Up until her I had always been a dog person.) I also hung up flyers and tried to find her owner. I didn't have any luck so I decided to give her a forever home. I have been in love and a cat person ever since.


    Harvest Moon and my hamster Feisty (also a rescue). They were best of friends and hung out all the time. Sadly Feisty crossed the rainbow bridge in her old age.

    Notice the writing on the box. :laugh:


    I have more recent ones that are really cute. I have to upload them. I also have a ton of pictures of my Persian. (Another rescue!)
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    I'll post some photos in a little while... my heart strings! ach!
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    if I knew how to post pics, you would all be bombarded, haha. I have three cats, an almost 9 year old, an almost 6 year old, and a 5 month old. They are my children, and I love em!