you know when your overweight when....



  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    When you go on the trampoline with your 3 year old son you jump and bounce him off...!!! :embarassed:

    HAHAHAHA, funny visual :)
    When your 7 year old says " How come I'm flat ( skinny) and you're fat?"
    Or sits on your lap and pinches your fat rolls and says " seriously mom, this is gross"
    When your 7 year old refuses to wear her winter coat because she thinks it makes her look fat like her mom :o(
  • rahonda28
    The Wii said I was overwight yet Im the smallest person at the table at my fiances familys christmas (my family hasnt got together for any holiday in 3 years not sure if they are even coming to my wedding in june)
  • dreamzvt
    Take the elevator instead of the stairs!
  • AtomicLemon
    AtomicLemon Posts: 60 Member
    When your 7 year old says " How come I'm flat ( skinny) and you're fat?"
    Or sits on your lap and pinches your fat rolls and says " seriously mom, this is gross"
    When your 7 year old refuses to wear her winter coat because she thinks it makes her look fat like her mom :o(

    Sounds like your 7 year old needs to learn some manners..
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    You know you're overweight when you roll over in your sleep and wake up to a dead spouse.
  • AtomicLemon
    AtomicLemon Posts: 60 Member
    When you[re taking clothes out pf the dryer and your husband says, "Sweetheart, you dropped a T shirt", and you look back and realize it's not a T shirt, but your underwear.. :embarassed: I have a shirt the same crazy color, but of course I never told him it was my huge *kitten* undies.
  • BrandiParsonRNC
    BrandiParsonRNC Posts: 25 Member
    WOW! These are all so great and made me laugh quite a bit!!!

    Most are taken but.... When you do the chicken dance at weddings and you actually have wings to fully fit in with the song!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    when ppl ask you to do the chuffle shuffle

    when you eat butter with a spoon

    when you eat sugar sandwiches

    when you lick everyone elses plate

    when you clean yourself with a rag on a stick
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    When you could definitely pass for being 8 months pregnant...
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    When you rip the butt of your pants and the hole is so big you can fit your head in it! lol..I was in class with my ripped butt pants. fortunately both the pants and my panties were black so hopefully no one could tell! haha
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    When you burst through THREE pairs of Spanx within the span of a few months
  • vadiane1
    When your OLD baggy jeans are suddenly to tight to wear
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    you cant fit in a size 26 jeans any more
  • KristinC4
    the clapping you're hearing while exercising is not your imaginary cheering squad, it's your fat!

    HAHAHA! So true!
  • Manda_H
    Manda_H Posts: 80
    when my son asked me if my butt was pregnant cause it was so big .... and that same butt kept turning the burners on at the oven
  • radosti1
    radosti1 Posts: 198 Member
    When your three year old asks why you have your pants on backwards.
    I asked him to elaborate and he pushed on my stomach and said this is your butt, so you have your pants on backwards.

    And this was one day after I went out to buy size 12 pants and came home with 10's, so I was all flush with NSV happiness.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    When your gyno recommends gastric bypass because you are so big she thinks you need it! (I didn't even meet the weight requirements, I was and am still too light)
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    When you turn around because you think you hear someone behind you, but it is actually just your butt & thighs slapping together under your gym shorts.

    Gym shorts (that you stole from your 6' tall husband) that you're wearing not for working out, but because their elastic waist makes them one of the few pairs of bottoms you can fit in.
  • mazza2marilyn
    you struggle in a turnstile