40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Wellsangel
    Wellsangel Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! - I'd quite like to join, I'll be 40 on Jan 27th, and really looking forward to a whole new decade,since the last one has not been kind, so I'm planning to get pro active, improving in all areas starting with my health!
    My main aim is to be fitter and happier in my 40's (and beyond I hope) than I have ever been, taking it one day at a time, and educating my children into a healthy life style along the way.
  • Wellsangel
    Wellsangel Posts: 18 Member
    Fantastic time, well done!
  • darrindlb
    darrindlb Posts: 6 Member
    looking forward to participating.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I'll be 42 next month! It's my favorite time of life so far! Will post more later
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone! Sounds like everyone is doing an amazing job taking care of themselves. Love all the posts! Good Job Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    My week was very good. Did a good job of tracking and stayed within my wt loss calorie settings. Lost 3.5lbs from the prior week just from making my diet clean after the holidays but I was up a total of 7lbs total since before the holidays so still have to make up lost ground. We'll see what happens at Tuesdays weigh in.

    Had a very nice weekend with my husband. We went into SLC and saw the new Mission Impossible movie at an IMAX theatre, stayed overnight and then headed up to Park City to work on some animals there. So had fun and made a little extra $$ on the side to finance our little excursion !!!!!:happy:

    Hope everyone has a great week! Stick with your goals......you're all going to do WELL! :flowerforyou:
  • groovygirlnextdoor
    Count me in! 49, looking at this like i can learn a long term way of eating & regain some energy. So 30 pounds to go! I'd like to know how y'all manage the full time work, kids, family and fitting in the workout time. I know I can get 2 days on the weekend and maybe once or twice during the week. Any tips for mini-workouts at work (I work mega-hours during the tax season and I could use some ideas for getting blood moving with so much computer face-time).
  • sreeves1429
    sreeves1429 Posts: 23 Member
    Felt much better this weekend after starting the week on a down note. Started 30 Day Shred yesterday and by the time I finished day 2 earlier today, I was feeling some serious burn throughout my body. Didn't eat the greatest this past week, so definitely going to up my nutritional game this week. Hopefully 30 Day Shred will get easier as time goes on and the combination of exercise and healthy eating will yield great results.

    Hope everyone has a great week!!!
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    My 10-mile run today was tough -- I don't recommend running with a hangover! ;) But at least I got it done.
  • claresusan
    claresusan Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, i am 49 and my height is 5ft,6 in and have decided that this is MY year. Way too many years have passed with me being unhappy and feeling isolated in my weight problem. I started this regime on the 6/01/12 and hoping to lose approx 28kg's.(61.6 lbs) So far, it is going brilliantly, feeling motivated and fully in control of my healthy eating plan. I am excluding all processed foods (because of the hidden fats and sugars) and diligently watching my cholesterol, fats and sodium intake. I lead a fairly sedentry lifestyle as i work from home and slowly but surely starting an exercise plan too.
  • phytgirl
    I am 40 plus with a ton of goals. I am ready to take control of my weight again! I now have my husband on board with eating healthier and my daughter is coming along slowly but surely. I am learning a lot and hope to understand this new way of life with greater ease in the near future.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My 10-mile run today was tough -- I don't recommend running with a hangover! ;) But at least I got it done.

    :laugh: I so know what you mean. :laugh: Next time try drinking a lot of water. That will hydrate you and hopefully ease some of the hangover symptoms.

    YES, a new week. I am planning on doing all my exercise classes. If I do then I will have 8 hours and 20 minutes in.
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Hello cool kids

    I am 42, soon to be 43. Happily married most days, 3 kids.

    Started wanting to get healthy 3 yrs ago, have lost 20, every year I say I will get into a bikini, planning for it this year, 16 more to go.

    I have 3 half marathons under my belt, another one coming up in march. I walk.

    I use a stationery bike and my trampoline most days.

    Realized I need to log every day.

  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    So, I committed myself to losing the last 16 pounds on December 11, 2011

    Here's what I do

    Log all my food
    Have a 1,000 cal deficit on my body media fit(missed a few)

    In December I biked 221.32 miles, 436 minutes on the trampoline, 65 minutes on the gazelle, 20 minutes on the elliptical, 5 minutes rowing, walked 1.5 miles.

    In January, I biked 160 miles, 608 minutes on the trampoline and did the six pack DVD once

    This got me to lose about 6 pounds
  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    Are we really middle aged? I don't really feel any diff than I did in college, so this sort of sneaked up on me.

    I am 41, 5'8 and sit at a computer most days. Was a skinny minnie until baby #2 and have now, for 6 years gone back and forth trying to get rid of those last 20 pounds. Looking in the mirror, I think my figure ages me more than the years do - and I want to get back to where I look the way I feel.

    Since New Year's, been sticking pretty tightly to a 1200 cal diet, swapping in taco salad in lieu of tacos, coffeemate for cream and doing some form of exercise pretty much daily. For my husband's 40th we're going to Atlantis in the Bahamas and I will be darned if I'm going to show up there looking like a loaf of unbaked bread dough in a bikini.

    Anyway, cheers everyone. It seems to be much harder physically to lose weight past 40, but we're also more together than we were 15 years ago, so in theory, better prepared for the challenge. Right?
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,070 Member
    Well hello, everyone. I think I love you :wink: This really looks like the place to be! I am 41, mother of two (son 11, daughter 9), married. I have been on MFP since October and have lost 19 lbs so far.
    233 was my heaviest after having my daughter, and I lost 75 lbs eating well and moving more, I was into running and have done many 5ks, some 10ks and some half marathons. Sadly, I have been unable to run for the past year and a bit and have gained back some of that weight. Yuck. I am 179 as of this morning :drinker:

    My wonderful SIL introduced me to this site and it meets my needs perfectly and I love it. I have been losing steadily since joining, my workouts have mostly been 30 Day Shred and walking (either fitness or race-walking) and the calorie tracker is FANTASTIC! I love being able to see the numbers - it makes all the difference in the world. I have joined the New Rules of Lifting for Women group - I have the book, but have yet to start the workouts. I am looking for some weights to do this at home. I cannot wait to start lifting! One thing I have noticed while working out is sounding like a bowl of Rice Krispies with all the snap, crackle, popping of my shoulders. It's not painful, though.

    Recently on the news, I saw a feature about Kangoo Jumps. Has anyone else heard of these? They look freaking awesome. So much fun. I miss running and think I would be able to with these. The only drawback I see (other than the cost) is the ridiculous factor. If hot people look moronic using them, how bad will I look? I don't care, really, after all I race-walk and look weird doing that. At least I'm not on the couch, so who cares? That is definitely one benefit of maturing.

    Anyway (long post), feel free to add me, I'd love new friends.
  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member
    I was soo lazy this weekend and didn't workout once (unless you count dodging people in the grocery store. I did do rather well on eating most of the weekend. I even handled myself for our annual work kickoff party, and that included 2 glasses of wine. :drinker: Man did that go to my head. I haven't been partaking as much since I've been working out. This morning I kicked things back in gear with my morning boot camp. My shoulders and arms are still a bit weeble wooble. My goal this week is to get at least 3 days of running in. I've registered my daughter and I for the Hot Chocolate 5k. It's on my 41st birthday so why not enjoy a run and chocolate all in the same day. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Hi everyone; just wanted to introduce myself and join the fun. I'm 43 (turning 44 this Summer) and today is my first day on MFP! I joined the site so i can start eating sensibly to compliment my fitness efforts. I know my poor eating habits are hindering any good results I should be seeing, so looking to MFP to help me see the error of my eating ways.

    Look forward to getting to know everyone. :smile:
  • fitnfuntastic
    Hi everyone, this seems like the club I want to be in :) I will turn 40 in just under two weeks, I'm married, with two teenagers. I joined MFP a few weeks ago, because I decided that it's time to listen to my body and stop doing fad diets that just mess it all up. My body knows how to be healthy, now I need to let it do its job. I'm therefore tracking like there's no tomorrow -- the good, the bad and the ugly -- hopefully more good than the other two, and eating what my body tells me it needs. For instance, I don't eat as much protein as MFP tells me I should, in contrast to the high protein diet I was on before this, but my body seems happy with that and I've begun to lose weight, including the 9 lbs I gained over 1 month during Xmas.
    I've started going to Zumba classes three times a week and have also started JM's Ripped in 30 (Day 3). Used to run, but feel too heavy atm to do that, too uncomfortable, particularly on my knees and ankles. I'm 5'2", currently 171 lbs, aiming for around 130.
    See you around the club :happy:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    78 (26+26+26) Push Ups Today. Scheduled rest day for cardio. Tomorrow is a 2.5mile run. Missed a couple push up sets in the middle of the day 'cause I was out having lunch with my date :)

    Been very busy lately, start of the rental season at work and seeing someone on a regular basis now as well. I do read all of the posts, and I reply to you in my head. So if you hear a whisper congratulating or consoling or just saying hello...it was probably me :D
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi. This looks like a good group. I've lost 100 pounds and kept it off but I had more to lose that just doesn't want to come off. I'd lake to take off another 40 pounds. I've been certified and working as a personal trainer for 2 years now. My grandkids just moved in with me. They are 3 and 4 and have kind of put a kink in my workout time. I love road biking..usually do a few hundred miles a month. Not so much with the kids. I'll have them for 6 months, so I'm doing different things for now. I usually lift 3 days a week and I joined a second gym that has childcare so I can continue to do that. I train my clients at an independent gym (because I don't work for a gym, I'm independent) and it doesn't have childcare. Have to schedule my training sessions around when someone can watch the kids. I'm working on getting more sleep. I have trouble staying asleep at night and I think that and the fact that I forget to drink my water is what is stalling my weightloss. I'm planning to run a mini triathlon in July and I really want the rest of my weight gone by then.