P90X Support Group...



  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    I plan on doing the P90X Lean routine shortly after I finish the Classic version Im currently finishing up now

    Remember that lean is not to get leaner. it is a leaner version of p90X, i.e. easier.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team! Sorry I missed my update yesterday... but I didn't miss my workout! :happy:

    Yesterday was Yoga X for day 74, and this morning was Legs & Back / Ab Ripper for day 75. Only 15 more days to go in this round!!!

    Glad to see so many of you still pushing play, even through tough times, illnesses, and other stresses. This group has definitely helped me to stay focused through this round, and I'm thankful for that!

    Hope everyone is having a great day! I know I am! Kenpo X tomorrow!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey guys.

    We seem to be a bit split between the original thread and the new group...

    As a reminder, the new Team X group is at:


  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Team X!!!!!!!
    Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!! :explode:

    How are we all doing?Thats the AMAZING thing about p90x. When we finish our workouts and we give them 100%, WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING.. AND WE KNOW IT! I hope none of us have lost sight on the fact that we are BEASTS for making it this far.

    People quit all the time... BUT NOT TEAM X. Not Jaybone.... Not Sassy.... Not Mike.... Not Ro.... Not Mocha.... Not miss p90x.... Not Wendy... NONE OF US! WE WILL NOT FAIL.... TEAM X IS THE BEST AND I AM SO FREAKING PROUD TO BE A PART OF THIS GROUP! YOU GUYS ROCK! CRUSHING THIS THING LIKE ITS OUR BUSINESS... BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! :explode:

    Heres to this group... May all of us bask in the light of our incredible results...Let us soak in the kudos we receive from the people in our lives... Victory... Power... Effort.... Desire! BELIEF! Lets own this last 4 weeks yall!

    Cheers Yall...

    Awesome! Insipring!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hi Good People!!

    I'm still here! still at it! Today is Day 17 for me (Shoulder and Arms) ...lately I've been getting my workouts in late in the evening. However, I was a little confused as to if were using the Team X group or this thread for check ins? Glad to know folks are still at it!
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! It so wonderful to see your progress! I believe my back injury has recovered and I finished my 1/2 marathon with a brand new PR: 2:41:30, huge improvement since my first 1/2 at 3:02:00. So what do I do now, you are all about to finish, which is awesome!!! Will there be another new start date in January 2012? Let me Know :flowerforyou: OC Runner11
  • sweetbritt23
    Started P90X yesterday... =) looking for an accountability partner.
    Search me on facebook: Brittany Colleen Adams
    I created an accountability group and would like to fill it with dedicated and commited P90X challengers.
  • lylaburns123
    I'm new to this site, and can I just say that P90X is amazing?! I have been on a <a href="http://www.Extremely-fit.com">p90x workout program</a> for about four months now, and I just started the 60 day challenge. It is SO hard, but totally worth the awesome results. I find it helpful to do it with friends! http://www.Extremely-fit.com
  • Mackman99
    Mackman99 Posts: 34 Member
    Been using P90x for a couple of months and have had success with it. Looking for some P90x friends for support and motivation.
  • fitwithfood
    Hi everyone! I started P90X about a week and a half ago. Loving it so far, but looking for some accountability buddies to keep me motivated as I do the same :)
  • fitwithfood
    Hi! I'm all about accountability. Here if you need a buddy! :)
  • fitwithfood
    I did Insanity twice and I loved it! The results are amazing for anyone who sticks with it! Good luck!
  • latnluvsbaby
    I'm starting P90x and though I consider myself to be moderatley fit I can't do half the the things in the first one, Back and Bi's. I can do only one pull up and the triangle pushup hurts my elbows. Anyone else?