Teacher Criticisms...(rant)



  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    My daughter goes to a great public middle school. I work with her when I get home. I made sure she could READ in 1st grade.

    I teach 5th grade and most of my children come to me at 2nd grade level...or they do not speak English.

    Stop judging what you do not know. I'm a woman, not a miracle worker.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    And as far as I know, my district doesn't pay for the Masters program. LOL We don't even have writing paper for our kids!

    THIS! All you teacher bashers, do YOU buy all of the supplies for your job? Because I do!
    We have a pretty fair-sized list of school supplies we purchase every year, in addition to the school fees and property taxes.

    Not complaining, just sayin'.
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    Teacher here - college level. I hear you loud and clear and couldn't agree more. Same issues, just moved to college.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    Before I get attacked, I taught elementary emotional support to put myself through grad school and my husband is a teacher for kids with autism..so it's not like I don't understand. I'm now a school psychologist and work in a school for end of the line kids with behavioral problems. While I agree full-heartedly that teachers do not get the respect that they deserve, I do not believe that most are underpaid or overworked <---in most situations// Again, I have all the respect in the world ...for MOST teachers.

    Teaching should be something that you love to do. I get so angry when I hear teachers tell me that they are not paid enough to deal with *that* kid or spend that much time doing lesson plans. It's your job! If you don't absolutely love working with kids and you are outraged at the salary that you make, you should probably do something else.

    I agree. My husband loves his job. Yes, it's stressful at times....yes, he has the occasional "difficult" child...but, he has wanted to teach his entire life. He rarely complains, and when he does, it's simply to let off a little steam and then he's good.
  • TeeRaceFisher
    TeeRaceFisher Posts: 44 Member
    I always respected teachers, but then I married into a family of all teachers and it tripled my love and admiration of them. It is CRAZY the amount of work, time, effort and LOVE that these people put into their jobs. One of my brother-in-laws teaches middle school civics- he chose to stay in that job at a small rural farm town school without any pay raises,(but insurance copay increases) because he wants the best for the kids. Even though he was offered non-teaching jobs. He gives up personal days to help kids who are struggling, he spends his weekends and afternoons coaching the basketball team. Our other family members give up just as much UNPAID time to help their students,and people complain because they get a holiday off when office workers don't? (and believe me, family holidays are often cut short due to the teachers needing to finish preparations or grading)

    These people are responsible for the education, and more often than not, entire upbringing of future generations. Shouldn't they be treated with a bit more respect and compensated fairly for their efforts?
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Woah...teachers get paid in the summer? I don't!!! I signup for summer school so I can have some income. I also have 2 part time jobs. Missouri makes it so you have to get your M. Ed. I did...spent a year unemployed because who wants to pay for an over-qualified teacher??? I now have 30,000 in student loans!!! I make before taxes, union dues, health insurance, appox $41,000 and thats Master level pay. Its livable, but I am barely making a dent in my loans. I have seen teachers easily get fired numerous times, so unions don't protect us that well. I am expected to be a teacher, a nurse, parent, counselor, social worker, chef, bathroom attendent, friend and baby sitter with my kids. Its a hard job that requires constant training! Its not a nine to five job. I get here at 7am and I am home by 5:30...and I do bring work home with me. So much wrong with everything!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    And as far as I know, my district doesn't pay for the Masters program. LOL We don't even have writing paper for our kids!

    THIS! All you teacher bashers, do YOU buy all of the supplies for your job? Because I do!
    We have a pretty fair-sized list of school supplies we purchase every year, in addition to the school fees and property taxes.

    Not complaining, just sayin'.

    Nice! We have nothing.
  • espruell
    Teachers should be paid in gold bullion and be allowed to retire at age 45. If it was left up to me, just based on my experience with homework with my ONE child, our nation's children would not only be uneducated but I would have murdered them all by the second day of school.

    Thank god for teachers!!!


  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    And as far as I know, my district doesn't pay for the Masters program. LOL We don't even have writing paper for our kids!

    THIS! All you teacher bashers, do YOU buy all of the supplies for your job? Because I do!
    We have a pretty fair-sized list of school supplies we purchase every year, in addition to the school fees and property taxes.

    Not complaining, just sayin'.

    ^^ This
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Woah...teachers get paid in the summer? I don't!!! I signup for summer school so I can have some income. I also have 2 part time jobs. Missouri makes it so you have to get your M. Ed. I did...spent a year unemployed because who wants to pay for an over-qualified teacher??? I now have 30,000 in student loans!!! I make before taxes, union dues, health insurance, appox $41,000 and thats Master level pay. Its livable, but I am barely making a dent in my loans. I have seen teachers easily get fired numerous times, so unions don't protect us that well. I am expected to be a teacher, a nurse, parent, counselor, social worker, chef, bathroom attendent, friend and baby sitter with my kids. Its a hard job that requires constant training! Its not a nine to five job. I get here at 7am and I am home by 5:30...and I do bring work home with me. So much wrong with everything!

    Our salaries are spread out over 12 months. That's all.

    I have been teaching 11 years and brought home 33,000 last year. I don't complain about my salary. I have never marched for a raise, etc. I became a teacher because I love it...not for the money. I have lived comfortably, albeit paycheck to paycheck, but who doesn't these days?

    I, too, have about 28,000 in student loans (since 1998! The interest just grows! UGH!) But I was told to wait to get your Masters as you won't be hired at entry level with a Masters and they don't want to pay.

    I really hate the politics of the educational system. I just love to teach. Last year's class was SO AWESOME! We had a ball and most kids went up 2 levels on the state exam. I was in heaven. This year...it's trying my patience and I'm a bit frustrated, but...they can be taught. I just have to up my game a bit.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I'd pay them babysitting wages.

    $300 X 180 = $54,000. (Just a minute, I think my calculator needs batteries.)

    ...they could get the minimum wage, and instead of just babysitting, they could read the kids a story. We can round that off to about $5.00 an hour, times five hours, times twenty children. $5.00 X 5 X 20.

    That's $500 a day times 180 days. That's $90,000.

    Babysitting wages are too good for those teachers. Did anyone see a salary guide around here???!

    that's perfect!!!!


    In our district, the HIGHEST level teacher with a PhD and more than 9 yrs of experience makes $67,281. They get a longevity raise after 15, 20, and 25 yrs of seniority. Our benefits are pretty decent, but as in all things, they are going down each year. Yes, they get summer vacation, winter recess, and spring recess......and staff development days, etc.........but I love how you put the numbers together based on babysitting wages and such.

    As I said earlier, you could not PAY me enough to be a teacher in today's world. Just the basic lack of respect is disgraceful........these people are with our CHILDREN for 9 months out of the year! They must jump through hoops, fill out forms, update websites on the kids grades, etc daily, be professionally-developed constantly (which pulls them out of the classroom, and disrupts the cycle). and this doesn't include the "kid contact" time..................unless you are in the school on a very regular basis, people just do not GET it. They remember how school was when they were kids (especially people of my age group - over 50), and they think "what's the big deal?" It IS a big deal......and the changes aren't necessarily for the better.

    Teachers have my utmost respect!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    And as far as I know, my district doesn't pay for the Masters program. LOL We don't even have writing paper for our kids!

    THIS! All you teacher bashers, do YOU buy all of the supplies for your job? Because I do!
    We have a pretty fair-sized list of school supplies we purchase every year, in addition to the school fees and property taxes.

    Not complaining, just sayin'.

    Awesome for those teachers. I work in a Title 1 School District. This means the majority of the children live below the poverty line. They don't buy the things on that list, because they can't.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Woah...teachers get paid in the summer? I don't!!! I signup for summer school so I can have some income. I also have 2 part time jobs. Missouri makes it so you have to get your M. Ed. I did...spent a year unemployed because who wants to pay for an over-qualified teacher??? I now have 30,000 in student loans!!! I make before taxes, union dues, health insurance, appox $41,000 and thats Master level pay. Its livable, but I am barely making a dent in my loans. I have seen teachers easily get fired numerous times, so unions don't protect us that well. I am expected to be a teacher, a nurse, parent, counselor, social worker, chef, bathroom attendent, friend and baby sitter with my kids. Its a hard job that requires constant training! Its not a nine to five job. I get here at 7am and I am home by 5:30...and I do bring work home with me. So much wrong with everything!

    Take your pay, divide it by 12. That's how we get paid.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Just the other day I was yachting with a few pubic school teachers, we dined on a lovely pheasant and caviar fresh from Russia.

    Pubic school? Is that like one of the performing arts schools, but specialized for the adult entertainment industry? This is awesome!!
    I wanna be a teacher there!! :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    The average national salary for teachers in the U.S. is $49,720. That's a decent salary.

    I'm personally kind of tired of the rhetoric myself. I hate to be "that guy", but Teaching is something you need to have a calling to or a love of. A large majority of teachers fit into that category, but there are those that saw teaching as a profession where you get 3 months off each year.

    I am tired of every time they want to raise our taxes, the "Save the Children" , "Educate or Future" banners are thrown up.Personally, I spent as much time teaching my daughter's as they got in school. I have spent a fortune on schoolbooks, supplies and events.

    I salute those teachers that make a difference in our children's life, but I have no use for the politics. If they are not happy, choose another profession.

    Go ahead. Beat me up.

    That average salary means that half the people in the profession make less than $49,000. In New Mexico where I live, a teacher's minimum salary is $28,000. If you start in the mid-$30k's here then you're making more than a lot of teachers.

    Also, cost of living is a huge consideration. A teacher making $49k in San Francisco or Manhattan is going to be eating a lot more ramen than someone making $49k in Idaho.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    And as far as I know, my district doesn't pay for the Masters program. LOL We don't even have writing paper for our kids!

    THIS! All you teacher bashers, do YOU buy all of the supplies for your job? Because I do!
    We have a pretty fair-sized list of school supplies we purchase every year, in addition to the school fees and property taxes.

    Not complaining, just sayin'.

    Awesome for those teachers. I work in a Title 1 School District. This means the majority of the children live below the poverty line. They don't buy the things on that list, because they can't.

    Me too. South Central Los Angeles. We can't even send home supply lists to the parents.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    <<<<<<< Homeschooling parent... Guess yelling at my wife is out of the question huh? :laugh:
    Praise her efforts
    Get out of her way
    All the best :flowerforyou:

    My kids are older now (16 and 19), but we home schooled both of them. My oldest is in his first year of law school, my youngest is finishing up her associate's degree. These were kids who were very poorly served in public school for various reasons, and it wasn't because they were geniuses. They aren't little Einsteins--just average kids who needed to be taught to their talents, and otherwise left alone to explore.

    I am not politically conservative in the least, but would just like schools to go back to emphasizing academic excellence. Let kids learn at their own pace; don't dumb down, and don't whip kids with learning differences to perform beyond their abilities and make them feel like total failures.

    I think the educational system in the US is broken, and needs a major reinvention. Until that time, I think throwing money at it isn't going to help. And, yes, I think teachers work very hard, and deserve to be paid well, but I think unions hurt their cause by making people resent that they keep the bad apples at work and advocate for payment methods that do not reward the best teachers.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    And as far as I know, my district doesn't pay for the Masters program. LOL We don't even have writing paper for our kids!

    THIS! All you teacher bashers, do YOU buy all of the supplies for your job? Because I do!
    We have a pretty fair-sized list of school supplies we purchase every year, in addition to the school fees and property taxes.

    Not complaining, just sayin'.

    Awesome for those teachers. I work in a Title 1 School District. This means the majority of the children live below the poverty line. They don't buy the things on that list, because they can't.

    Me too! I have to find ways to make the little bit of school supplies we get from a local charity last all year.
  • Dnc2Luz
    Dnc2Luz Posts: 33
    Hot topic for sure. I workout with many teachers, and I hear you. It's easy to negative. Wish teahers and parents both peace. .
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    And as far as I know, my district doesn't pay for the Masters program. LOL We don't even have writing paper for our kids!

    THIS! All you teacher bashers, do YOU buy all of the supplies for your job? Because I do!

    I think you are forgetting the small business owners (and micro business owners) - like myself. I work my *kitten* off. I buy my supplies. I do my own business development. I do my own work. I am the IT guy. I am the mail guy. but HEY...I am not complaining. because I CHOSE this profession. Just like the teachers did!

    seriously, why are some teachers on here bashing those who aren't teachers. Just because you buy your supplies (and trust me, I know you do..and I KNOW you spend a LOT OF $$$ And time on doing outside work)...but don't think you are the only ones.

    #GRINDING daily.