Ripped in 30 Challenge - start Sunday



  • I just finished Day 1! I made my husband do it with me and we both took before picts (yuck!). He's being a good sport about it. :) Even my 3 year old son had jars of spices for weights and joined us for a little of it. Then he started running between my legs and had to be removed from the room. ha!
  • I'm in. I started last Thursday.
    I'll count day 1 as Monday since I missed Saturday and Sunday
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I have just spent 5 days in bed with some horrible virus. I am feeling much better today and will hopefully start tomorrow. I just wasn't at the point that I could exercise yet.

    I have a clogged ear and am hoping that Jillian will get it to unclogged with her vicious exercise cycles.
  • Logansmom2011
    Logansmom2011 Posts: 81 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 done! Good job everyone, keep it up!! I also did 30 minutes of yoga today, it was a nice cool down after doing the ripped!
    was day 2 for me and the back of my thighs were still sore from yesterday lol!
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 248 Member
    Level 1 day 2 done as well as day 1 of c25k, did my run first then straight into ripped.......boy did I notice the difference!
  • misselk
    misselk Posts: 18 Member
    Finished day 2 today- I was impressed that even though I just finished 30 day shred, I am still sore from my first two days of ripped in30- mostly in my triceps and hamstrings. Hoping I can continue doing well!
  • I just did Day 3, and OMG am I tired!? It looks so easy when you watch it, but actuallly doing it is hard work! Eeew -- the sweat dripping on my keyboard is a testament to that!
    I find that the 2nd round of Running Man and the second set of forward lunges really get me. I really struggle to keep going. But I did. Yay! Here's to being ripped in 30 :happy:
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    Day 2 level 1 Done! It was a little rough I must admit but its all for the best Im telling myself lol
  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    Finished day 3 of level 1 this morning! It is getting a little easier and I am starting to feel a little stronger! I decided to give myself a reward if I finish this on time, a new yoga mat! Keep it up everyone!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I started today with Level 1 after a round of 30 DS. Level 1 seems easy now. ;O). Is anyone else doing ripped after finishing 30 DS?

    Don't worry, I was still sweating. Thanks for starting this thread so I know there are others out there with this workout!
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 978 Member

    I didn't start this dvd on Sunday but the other thread for this workout has kind of fizzled out. I'm supposed to be on my last day of level2 today but I think i might stay here for a few more days (at least). I want to feel more confident with the workout before moving on to level 3.
  • I just started this DVD today. Man she is tough. I was sweating a lot by the end of the session. So count me in!
  • I am on week 3 day 2 :)

    Yesterday was hard, makes week 1 & 2 look like pre-school since I work out they pretty much were but Week 3 is kicking my butt and making me see the light :)

    I am using JM's 3lbs dumbells and will incorporate her weights DVD into my routine :)
  • ChelleBelly2012
    ChelleBelly2012 Posts: 7 Member
    Holy~moly Jillian is relentless!!! it hurts to cough, walk...move in general. This 1st full week is a killer but I know by the sweat that was pouring out, that I will be a much smaller person this time next month!! Rock on ya'll...Great Job!!
  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    I started today with Level 1 after a round of 30 DS. Level 1 seems easy now. ;O). Is anyone else doing ripped after finishing 30 DS?

    Don't worry, I was still sweating. Thanks for starting this thread so I know there are others out there with this workout!
    I did 30 DS before starting ripped, so far it seems to be a wise move!
  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 is done, seems to be getting easier. Does anyone else feel like they are extremely uncoordinated when it comes to some of the moves?
  • Ouch ouch ouch! My legs hurt so bad today it hurt to go from standing to sitting. And walk. I am going to use my day of rest today. I am proud of all of you who could do it consecutively in the beginning. I think my muscles might rip apart if I try today (is that even possible?). Back on tomorrow though! Go team!!
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 is done, seems to be getting easier. Does anyone else feel like they are extremely uncoordinated when it comes to some of the moves?

    Yes! The side lunges with the raises especially, I can never seem to get it just right.
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    Day 3, level 1 done! :)
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Ok I'm kind of cheating participating in this thread because I'm doing 30 Day Shred again, not Ripped in 30. Is that ok? Anyways, doing well - have done 4 days out of the last 5. Already feeling stronger!!! I <3 Jillian!