What is a Food your afraid of??



  • sandybeach11
    sandybeach11 Posts: 198 Member
    I agree w/ the chicken wings comment. I will also add white asparagus. Both gross me out.
  • angela72023
    Totally afraid of asparagus too! A friend of mine loves it the way PP does it, olive oil, salt and pepper and garlic I think, in the over or grilled. But I'm just not sure I would like the taste, so haven't tried it.

    Danger food: Sausage Egg McMuffin for breakfast and Chicken carbonara sub from Quizno's. That is my go to breakfast and lunch when I work in the office and so so bad for me! I did have one for breakfast the other day, and felt like poo the rest of the day, so that made me not want it again!
  • LittleFootHafner
    Cottage cheese (the little fruit flavoured cups).

    I LOVE cottage cheese in lasagna's and stuff like that!
    And it's a low calorie snack that is full of protein!
    Therefore, I keep telling myself that I WILL like it, and I buy it to try it, but get too scared and let it expire... haha
    27 year old trapped in a 2 year old body! haha ;)

    P.S. Asparagus is really good! ;) Roll it in a bit of olive oil, out on some salt & pepper, and either grill or bake it...
    Makes your pee smell funny though! haha
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    fish with the eyes and head still attached.
    organ meats of any kind.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member

    OMG... yes! That stuff is freaky! I thank my lucky stars that I'm allergic to soy. Now no one can try to goad me into eating tofu ever again.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I'm terrified of prawns. And shrimp. But mostly prawns.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member

    Oh, but when prepared right, tofu is amazing! There's a great Korean place near me that makes it so well. I try to refrain from any meat besides poultry, so I'm always looking for good tofu when we're out.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    I'm terrified to try pickled eggs. Every time I see them in the gas station I vomit in my mouth a little. Maybe they're delicious but I doubt it.
  • mixedmak86
    When I'm dieting, the food I'm afriad of is pizza. It's one of my favorite foods and being from St. Louis... I LOVE St. Louis Style with the super thin crust and provel cheese. Definitely a sin.
  • 77Maria
    77Maria Posts: 90
    I am afraid of Bagels and butter....they are my worst enemy.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If there was a food I was scared of, it would be the only thing in my house! It would make losing weight sooooo much easier.
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    I never really tried asparagus until I got married. My husband sautees them in a pan with olive oil, crushed garlic, salt & pepper. Cook them until they are slightly still firm. So good!
  • whencynstops
    whencynstops Posts: 109 Member

    And Foam… anything with foam on it. Foam is not natural.
  • Nesha79
    Nesha79 Posts: 2 Member
    I really am creeped out by ricw pudding and tapioca (sp?)

    I love chips, carb carb carb...so I try to find foods that give me a similar crunch without the empty calories and carbs

    This is my food phobia too! Not because I can't stand chips, but because I think they are amazing! There's honestly not to many I won't eat! My favorite "right now" are Sun Chips, but I have been trying my best to completely avoid them. (I try to avoid the isles they are sold in the stores. :) ) And then there's sweets! I LOVE sweets. lol I have a love/hate relationship with them.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Anything that is slimy or smooth in texture (like jell-o), or mealy (like ground beef) or squishy/crunchy (like shrimp.. not sure how describe that texture). It's all about the texture which rules out most meat, things drenched in sauces, things like smooth mashed potatoes or jellied anything. :laugh: It makes it sound like I'm really picky but I'll eat almost any fruit / veggie / grain / nut / seed / legume / seasoning. Makes it really easy to be healthy actually... haha

    My husband laughs at me because I won't eat things like plain ice cream, it has to have chunks of something in it, same with orange juice, has to have the pulp. I know it's the opposite for most people...
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    Milk. It absolutely grosses me out. The way it leaves a film on glass and how it's so thick, ugh. Ew, thinking about it right now is making me gag.

    Me too! I'm sensitive to all dairy, particularly milk and cream, and when I was in preschool I had an evil teacher who made me drink milk before I got to play. I would guzzle it, vomit, and then go on my way. This went on a for a week or so before my mom found out and chewed her out. Thinking about it still makes me shudder.
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    I love so many of the foods listed here! Mushrooms, sushi (veggies only please), asparagus, avocado, yummmmm.

    My foods that I am too afraid to eat are;
    Fish- the texture grosses me out even though I know its good for you.
    Tofu- same deal with the texture

    On the other hand, the foods I'm scared to go near because I have no self control include;
    Candy- anything gummy and sugary
    Cheese and crackers- enough said.

    oh, and i just read the post above. I don't like milk either, GROSSSS
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Milk. It absolutely grosses me out. The way it leaves a film on glass and how it's so thick, ugh. Ew, thinking about it right now is making me gag.

    Me too! I'm sensitive to all dairy, particularly milk and cream, and when I was in preschool I had an evil teacher who made me drink milk before I got to play. I would guzzle it, vomit, and then go on my way. This went on a for a week or so before my mom found out and chewed her out. Thinking about it still makes me shudder.

    My stepdad once made me drink the milk from my cereal (which is another thing that grosses me out about milk, ugh.) and then in the car I puked all over him.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I never really tried asparagus until I got married. My husband sautees them in a pan with olive oil, crushed garlic, salt & pepper. Cook them until they are slightly still firm. So good!

    Ooooohhhh. I may try that. My oven is broken, so no roasting this week. I usually eat a couple batches a week and I miss it!
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    My husband just had steamed wasp's larvae in Laos, so that is my new afraid food.

    He said it tasted mothy and not like chicken AT ALL.

    I just can't..... how??...... and why??........

    Well. It was what he was served, so he ate it. Insects are consumed both as staples and as delicacies in huge numbers across the globe. Our Western proclivities mean that we turn our backs on an abundant and palatable resource and oh god, he ate wasp's larvae.

    The worst thing I have eaten is raw sea urchin. Tasted like iodine snot.

    I agreed with the first response. The next question has to be how the heck does he know what moths taste like??? and why???
    I'm not even going to ask about the iodine snot......eeewww.

    My danger food is cheese. Love it!!! Born and raised in WI ..so cheesehead through and through.

    I am afraid to try eel, foam (looks like soap), sweetbreads.
    I am paranoid of avacados. Love them but haven't been able to eat them for the last four years. I've developed a food sensitivity or allergy to them and get horribly nauseated if I eat even a 1/4 x1/4 inch piece.

    Asaragus can be eaten fresh. Cut it up and put it on a salad. Ta da!!! I love it grilled and roasted too. Not a huge fan of steamed.