Gym starers -thoughts? feelings? outrage?



  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I don't like being checked out at the gym, at all, just because I feel like I look icky but at the mall or out and about. Please do, I could use the boost, just don't get creepy!
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 175 Member
    I don't mind being admire for my hard work.... but admire from afar and for a BRIEF period of time. Chances are if you are being gross, you are not going to get anything besides a dirty look from me (maybe even the finger if needed).
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I don't mind a second look or a whistle, but when it feels like harassment, it is. I'd consider the guy watching my *kitten* when I'm on the bike harassment. What other creepy thing is he willing to do? Take pictures? Stalk me?

    Go find a trainer or staff and explain the situation. They should be motivated to make the gym a safe and friendly place for everyone. The creep isn't doing this to just you.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Mine was meant to be sarcastic, not arrogant. There's a difference.

    Hey if she feels that everyone she comes into contact with is giving her the stare then good for her. It's nice to be confident. I wish I had that much confidence.

    Believe it or not, some people notice others staring at them because they do not have confidence and it makes them uncomfortable.

    And Mal is completely hot, I know I would totally stare is she was around me..... :love:
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    meh, what are you gonna do? Snatch the eyes out of their heads? As long as no one is playing grabby hands or being nasty about it to my face then who cares.

    Yup, this! I'm a live and let live kind of person. If they're not hurting/threatening me then I don't care. But, it is annoying when someone comes up and starts talking when I'm in the MIDDLE of a routine. At least have the courtesy to wait til I'm done!

    I do think I get some extra stares because I'm often in the free weights area, where unfortunately many women fear to tread!

    And personally, I'm not a starer, but I have to say some quality people-watching is part of what keeps me entertained when I'm at the gym busting my *kitten*!
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    Hot or Not all staring is flattering to me. However, I'm a nervous wreck 75% of the time so my treadmill was the best investment I ever made!! No gym staring for me!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I am okay with people looking. But when they tell me crap like, "Ay mami, lookin' good, you should teach me some Japanese sometime!"

    I'm not your mami AND I'm not Japanese.

  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I can only get guys to stare by wearing my "I'm slow, I know, get over it" vest.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have lost 70 lbs, so I notice this now.
    Before, I was so fat and ugly and since losing the weight, I GET AND LOVE THE ATTENTION!

    People treat me differently.
    Being fit means we can contrast the way others related to us then vs now.

    There is a bias.
    Beauty gets VIP allowances while non-beauty gets what it gets.
    No, but get this; the world is not a fair place.

    Enjoy the attention - Use it!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    no one stares at me at the gym. I must not be hot enough..yet another blow to my fragile self esteem.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    If I was someone using poor form, I would want someone to tell me so or I will think I am doing it correctly and continue to do it that way.
  • mo_is_here
    I emailed Mal and apologized for my comments re: her post and my response.

    And you are all right, she IS gorgeous!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I emailed Mal and apologized for my comments re: her post and my response.
    Today we have learned the interweb is a serious business.
  • swedishwillow
    swedishwillow Posts: 89 Member
    Im hoping, that maybe one day - just one- Ill get those stares so I can validate through something else other than the clothing I wear or how much sweat I can produce how much hardwork, dedication ability it took for me to get to my goal!

    at the moment Im still reeling from the fact that the EX is one of those starers and it drove me batty (that shouldve been a warning sign) LOL
  • pkdreilly
    I don't think there is anything wrong with an occasional glance or a look. What boggles my mind, is the guys that have stood behind my treadmill while I was running and just sit there and watched me run. What they don't seem to realize is the huge plate glass windows in front of me, are basically like mirrors, so I can see what you are doing!


    Men must think i stare, because i take my glasses off in the gym to avoid steamage and cant see clearly more than 6ft, lol. I guess i also screw my face up a little, i get bored, and look around a bad.....all the beefys in my gym are always flexing in front of mirrors and stuff!! Kinda attracts attention!!! (or a screwed up face glance at least lmao!!!)
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i watch as people do their weights or workouts wrong and wish i could help them.

    but i dont creeper stare..sure i notice all the hot girls in the place lol

    ive had creepy people stare at me before and it makes me un easy, or noticed someone watching me jog but whatever. maybe i inspire them for all i know.
  • jennifer2977
    This thread is seriously cracking me up! But really, it's almost like gyms set up the equipment to encourage mine, the treadmills are directly behind the ellipticals and stair steppers. It's almost like you can't help but stare. LOL
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    I watch people do weights and sometimes watch if they do something differently on machines than what I normally do. I get stares, but convinced it is because I am 6'4. You can't miss me!

    I think girls have a thing for tall guys. To bad they are not my thing. lol. But I do find it very flattering and makes me feel good.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    If I was someone using poor form, I would want someone to tell me so or I will think I am doing it correctly and continue to do it that way.

    This actually was helpful to me the other day. A guy in the free weight area gave me a tip about widening my grip on my incline bench press. That kind of interaction I can definitely appreciate.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I absolutely LOVE to people watch at the gym. I watch EVERYONE. I'm inspired by those that are not in shape working/sweating their A$$es off to get into shape. I crack up at the people that hop around to all the machines barely spending 30 seconds at each one and not putting in any real effort. I'm sure they stare at me as I #1 wear my makeup from the day to the gym #2 wear cute workout clothes (I want to feel good) and #3 I breath hard/grunt while doing weights!

    Honestly, I am flattered no matter the sex/hotness of the person staring. To me it means I'm getting to where I want to be in my physical fitness. Either that or I'm making a total fool of myself at the gym! :laugh:

    Edit: I get a total kick out of the muscle heads staring at me when I'm in the free weight section doing my physical therapy exercises with the barbie bells. The looks on their faces is PRICELESS!:noway: