Email to the ex-husband



  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Turn him into the state to collect.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I like what you've written.... as a single mom to a little girl whose father doesn't pay child support, I understand where you are coming from.

    However, "child support" is supposed to be money that supports the child. I probably would have spun my letter in that direction rather than in the "look at me, I want to date" direction. I feel like that will cause an argument... regardless of how you REALLY want to use the money, it's meant to "support" the "child".

    I agree, child support IS supposed to be for the child(ren); however, MY funds are tied up in paying HIS portion of financial obligation for OUR children. If he was paying his child support then MY funds would be freed up to do with as I please. :wink:
  • aagnew01
    aagnew01 Posts: 33 Member
    I totally get it! You spend all your money paying rent/mortage,groceries, bills, gas, and just plain supporting your child..... while this "father" gets to spend his cash on his own needs and wants. PAY ME MY MONEY!!! I always put my child's needs first. I dont get "free time", I dont get the option to say I am too busy to spend time with my child, nor have the option to take or pick up from daycare!I also dont get to say well I'm not feeling well, I dont feel like being a parent today...... The least a "man" can do that does not participate in their child's life is to PAY ME MY MONEY! As long as I put my child first, whatever I use that money is what I use that money for!! More power to us single parents!
  • Bdde
    Bdde Posts: 133 Member
    FunnyGirl dont even explain yourself! it's obvious that you were being sarcastic and just getting stuff off of your chest! **** happens and unfortunately we moms are left with our beautiful babies to care for all on our own while our dumbass fathers go on with their lives! our lives change drastically and although this happens to a thousands of mothers a year very little support and understanding is out there for us!
    For those fathers who are in fact present fathers and not "peek a boo" fathers they know as well that a few dollars here and there doesnt mean anything if you are not spending quality time with your children.

    Funny Girl you are not alone and your humor is just that humor! and those that can't take a ****en joke move on to another message board where your opinion somewhat matters...... comment on someone's *kitten* or drastic weightloss.......
  • RyanDanielle5101
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    As a father who has always paid child support to an x wife who spends the $$ on herself I find this to be in poor taste. It is really sad when people feel they should be supported by someone else. Child support is to support the child, not party with friends.

    I applaud the fact that as a Non-Custodial parent, you are taking care of your child(rens) financial needs. I agree that child support is to support the child(ren). Please also understand that support includes rent, utilities, food, gas in the car getting them to and from school, activities, doctors, doctor visit co-pays etc.

    If your child(ren) is going without the things he/she needs despite your payment of child support then I would definitely find this to be concerning and try to take action. If your paying your child support opens up "her" money to spend on herself then that's great for her!
  • achief192
    achief192 Posts: 192
    As a father who has always paid child support to an x wife who spends the $$ on herself I find this to be in poor taste. It is really sad when people feel they should be supported by someone else. Child support is to support the child, not party with friends.

    I applaud the fact that as a Non-Custodial parent, you are taking care of your child(rens) financial needs. I agree that child support is to support the child(ren). Please also understand that support includes rent, utilities, food, gas in the car getting them to and from school, activities, doctors, doctor visit co-pays etc.

    If your child(ren) is going without the things he/she needs despite your payment of child support then I would definitely find this to be concerning and try to take action. If your paying your child support opens up "her" money to spend on herself then that's great for her!

    My X is re-married and a stay home mom with several kids by her new husband. She drives a mercedes and lives in a half million dollar home. I continue to pay child support. The money I give her easily takes care of any needs/wants my child has and I am an active parent who spends considerable more money and time with my son above child support and visitation.

    My X still complains that she wants more money. I tell her to get a damn job! :)
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    :laugh: The poster of this message DIDN"T write it! This is an OLD joke email meant to make people laugh. I would hope all of us here on MFP are smart enough to realize that.:laugh:

    No, I actually wrote it. All by myself. I smart like that.

    Yeah, so smart, what with all of your grammatical errors. I've seen this before, you didn't write it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    As a father who has always paid child support to an x wife who spends the $$ on herself I find this to be in poor taste. It is really sad when people feel they should be supported by someone else. Child support is to support the child, not party with friends.

    I applaud the fact that as a Non-Custodial parent, you are taking care of your child(rens) financial needs. I agree that child support is to support the child(ren). Please also understand that support includes rent, utilities, food, gas in the car getting them to and from school, activities, doctors, doctor visit co-pays etc.

    If your child(ren) is going without the things he/she needs despite your payment of child support then I would definitely find this to be concerning and try to take action. If your paying your child support opens up "her" money to spend on herself then that's great for her!

    My X is re-married and a stay home mom with several kids by her new husband. She drives a mercedes and lives in a half million dollar home. I continue to pay child support. The money I give her easily takes care of any needs/wants my child has and I am an active parent who spends considerable more money and time with my son above child support and visitation.

    My X still complains that she wants more money. I tell her to get a damn job! :)
    Sucky situation. But why are you offended by the OP who is clearly not in your wife's cushy situation?
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    If you did actually send this to your ex-husband. **edited by moderator**
    If he gets taken to court, he can say this is why he didn't pay child support & they will believe him; they wont take into account that it was a joke.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    There's no way in hell I'd give you money so you can have money to date...wth LOL...seriously? That's called abusing the system. It's created to support the CHILD not the mothers entertainment. Unreal.

    Please come back to Mother Earth. Thank you.
  • ffuunnnnyy__ggiirrll
    If you did actually send this to your ex-husband, you're an idiot.
    If he gets taken to court, he can say this is why he didn't pay child support & they will believe him; they wont take into account that it was a joke.

    I am sure the judge would overlook him owing 10's of thousands of dollars in support because of a joke on the interwebs.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    It would actually benefit (I was going to say behoove but I know you don't know what that means)

    That's AWESOME!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    If you did actually send this to your ex-husband, you're an idiot.
    If he gets taken to court, he can say this is why he didn't pay child support & they will believe him; they wont take into account that it was a joke.

    I am sure the judge would overlook him owing 10's of thousands of dollars in support because of a joke on the interwebs.

    Speaking from experience (in an Ohio court), a judge doesn't give a crap what anyone does with his/her spare time. If the person owes, he/she has to pay. They base it on a formula using both parties' incomes, not how much one of them gets laid, gets his/her hair done, etc.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If you did actually send this to your ex-husband, you're an idiot.
    If he gets taken to court, he can say this is why he didn't pay child support & they will believe him; they wont take into account that it was a joke.

    That isn't how it works, dear.

    Clearly, you've never been involved in a child support issue.
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    a sexually satisfied ex-wife is a happy ex-wife! That means when you blow-off your son's game again or forget to call the kids for weeks, I will be less likely to b*tch you out about it.

    This is the part that bothered me. Joke or not. I read "As long as you keep sending the checks so I can "play" I will be a lot more forgiving of you missing out on spending actual time with our child." I'm sure being a single parent is frustrating on a good day, but if bikini waxes and manicures are the things you are missing out on because you aren't getting your child support, you should probably consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I have one for you:

    Dear ex-husband,

    Just because your children have extracurricular activities on *your* weekends doesn't mean it's a free pass for you. It does not exempt you from your 4-day-a-month visitation. You need to pick them up Friday night per our custody agreement, cart their *kitten* all across town to their choir concerts, swim meets, birthday parties, sports banquets, doctor's appointments, etc. (as I do the remaining 26 days of the month that I have them), then return them to me Sunday evening. You will buy the birthday gifts and pay whatever fees are due at these functions. You will watch, enjoy, & cheer them on from beginning to end (that means you don't leave after 15 minutes). "Not having gas money because you pay their mother too much child support" is not a good enough excuse. Death is a good enough excuse. And in the winter, you're unemployed and lay on your *kitten* all day long so you can save the "I work more than anyone on this planet so I'm tired" routine. Thank you. See you next Friday at 6pm (or not).
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    If you did actually send this to your ex-husband, you're an idiot.
    If he gets taken to court, he can say this is why he didn't pay child support & they will believe him; they wont take into account that it was a joke.

    I am sure the judge would overlook him owing 10's of thousands of dollars in support because of a joke on the interwebs.

    Now it's completely obvious that you're probably some 24 year old, basement dwelling, internet troll.
  • ffuunnnnyy__ggiirrll
    If you did actually send this to your ex-husband, you're an idiot.
    If he gets taken to court, he can say this is why he didn't pay child support & they will believe him; they wont take into account that it was a joke.

    I am sure the judge would overlook him owing 10's of thousands of dollars in support because of a joke on the interwebs.

    Now it's completely obvious that you're probably some 24 year old, basement dwelling, internet troll.

    Damn, am I really that obvious? You really have me pegged. It's like you know me.