Who is 5'1-5'2



  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    Who is 5'1-5'2? What is your weight goal? How many calories do you take in? For clean eaters what foods do you eliminat
    I'm 5'2, weight about 160 and looking to get back to 120. I cut out anything that I don't make myself (any of those healthy choice meals. I stick to the outside of the grocery store and only delve into the isles for rolled oats, cereal for my son and dog food) with the exception of my coffee creamer, I can't seem to let that one go! I snack on frest fruit and veggies through out the day and try to make meals with a meat, veggie and complex carb such as sweet potato or natural brown rice...It's made me feel much healthier going "clean" and I don't feel so sluggish and my stomach never gets upset anymore. Also no sodas, no artificial sweeteners, if I want to sweeten anything I use honey which I am trying to find locally now.
  • Hey everyone! I'm 5' 1" at a current weight of 176.2 lbs. I started back on MFP on Saturday weighing in at 181.6 :( I've used MFP before in the past with success losing 41 lbs after having my son but then it quickly piled back on once I met my wonderful boyfriend and got "too comfortable". NEVER again. lol This time around I couldn't be more determined to reach my goal weight between 110-115 lbs and MAINTAIN it once and for all. I consume 1300 a day, give or take, and right now the only exercise I'm doing is JM's 30 Day Shred since I need to ease my lazy out of shape body back into exercising lol Tomorrow will be Day 7 Level 1 and have lost 5.5 lbs so far since Saturday. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journeys! :)
  • Hey everyone! 5'1" here and last weight was 128. Not sure what my SW is since I don't own a scale, and I know that muscle weighs more than fat, etc. so I'm just focused on losing inches and developing lean muscle mass. I've changed a lot of my eating habits and eat a variety of veggies, fruits, dairy (yogurt, skim milk, almond milk) and my starches are mainly wheat pastas or brown rice, but not much of it. I have also been doing the 30 Day Shred workout by Jillian Michaels for about 5 days now and drinking a lot more water than I normally do, also with unsweetened, fresh brewed green tea. Post my workout I drink a protein shake and thinking about adding one for breakfast. I can feel a difference in my body and see some changes coming along, but I find it really hard to eat back my exercise calories. Granted, the 30DS doesn't burn that many calories (200ish, I think?) so is that going to be a big problem? MFP nets me at 1200 and I get around 100 cals of that without eating back the excecise cals. It's really hard for me to get past that amount for some reason, but I do snack throughout the day and feel very very full at the end of my meals. Also trying to fit in some elliptical/treadmill for minimum 30 mins a week, so I'm expecting to increase calorie intake then. Ultimately I guess I'd be happy w/ 115 being toned with lean muscle definition, not bulky.

    Any suggestions on what I have been doing and what I can do to get results I want? Thanks and good luck everyone! Support all around =)
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291

    My goal weight is 180. I love my curves i just want less of them
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member

    My goal weight is 180. I love my curves i just want less of them

    I love my curves too, but there are some unauthorized curves as well. :(
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am 5'2" and have not weighed myself in a long time. At my last weigh in I was 158lbs. My goal is also 125lbs. I have the extra booty aswell.LOL.
    I am hoping to reach my goal weight by April of 2013 which is only approx.2.2lbs a month. But it is very hard for me to lose weight. I have been having the best results with TurboFire and Shakeology.

    Shakeology, eh? Interesting. *researches*
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 5' 1" at a current weight of 176.2 lbs. I started back on MFP on Saturday weighing in at 181.6 :( I've used MFP before in the past with success losing 41 lbs after having my son but then it quickly piled back on once I met my wonderful boyfriend and got "too comfortable". NEVER again. lol This time around I couldn't be more determined to reach my goal weight between 110-115 lbs and MAINTAIN it once and for all. I consume 1300 a day, give or take, and right now the only exercise I'm doing is JM's 30 Day Shred since I need to ease my lazy out of shape body back into exercising lol Tomorrow will be Day 7 Level 1 and have lost 5.5 lbs so far since Saturday. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journeys! :)

    Ah the "comfort". It IS their fault isn't it?! LOL. JM's sounds so fun and challenging. Good luck with that!
  • i'm 5'0 and 113 pounds. id like to get down to 95-97 and still be healthy and curvy and toned.
  • I am 5'2 i started out weighing 142 my goal is 115 my second week doing this and i'm down to 138. How long is it before you start to see a difference. The other question i have is doing you have a 1 day a week splurge. If i do my splurge i feel so guilty . I also try to go to the gym at least 4-5 days a week
  • Jenny111372
    Jenny111372 Posts: 87 Member
    I am 5'2" and have been "dieting" since the first of the year but started working out a week ago today. I stay within 1200 calories per day unless I exercise and then I add calories as needed. I work out 7 days a week at home, at least an hour of cardio if not 2 hours. I do one in the morning and one in the evening. I was very disappointed and discouraged this morning when I checked my weekly progress to find I lost all of .2 pounds!!!! :/ What am I doing wrong??? I've cut out all pop, junk of any kind and drink at least 8 to 10 cups of water a day. I'm currently 164 and would like to be at 135-140. Any ideas or suggestions??? Thanks!
  • soontobeskinnysara
    soontobeskinnysara Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I do 1200 calories a day. My goal weight is between 105-110, but I've always had a small frame and it's a healthy weight for me. I am vegan, and eat CONSTANTLY throughout the day, and sometimes I don't hit my calorie goal! I mainly eat fresh fruits and veggies, tofu, and some snack foods (rice cakes, granola, etc).
  • I'm 5'1" and I have a 1200 calorie diet. I want to have 110 lbs since 105-110 is the suggested weight for my height and frame. I am a medium frame and I'm currently weighing 120 lbs. I drink water most of the time, usually consuming 3 liters of it. I eat every 3 hours minus chocolate and some other sweets for AM and PM snacks, but no eating beyond 6 PM. I do Hip Hop Abs in the evening when I arrive home from work. My food is usually protein-rich and fruits. I'm currently working on eating lean protein and veggies.
  • I'm 5'1".
    HW: 250
    SW: 230
    CW: 157
    GW: 145
    UGW: 135-140

    I started mfp eating 1200 cals a day sometimes even fewer, had no knowledge what so ever of nutrition just wanted to lose weight. Now I'm currently at 1350 cals, working my way up to 1500- 1800cals for maintenance since I'm 12lbs away from goal.
    I've lost 72lbs, 13%bf, and well over 50in. total & I feel GREAT! In my adult life, I've always been between 160-165lbs & size 14s, in college I gained the "freshmen 15" & then some..became pregnant with my first & hit the big 250. Now, I'm currently at 157, 33% (which is still high) & wearing size 10s.
  • I am 5' 2 and I currently weight 154.6 lbs. I have come a little way with losing 7 lbs already, but am finding motivation hard. Between a 2 1./2 year old with home speech therapy, driving him back and forth to his dads every week just to have to reteach him everything when he comes home, on top of that I am perusing my Master's degree. And we all know how addictive facebook is. I also live in a bad house with a terrible roommate which puts me under stress. I am trying hard but no one seems to care much about me exercising and losing weight.
  • Seaki
    Seaki Posts: 9
    I'm 5'2" - I normally take in around 1200, but sometimes I go as low as 800 when I'm not hungry. I started at 205lbs and my goal is 115 at the moment :3
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 5'1" and hit 183lb at my worst. I've been losing weight since May 2011 and am now at 143lb.
    My bmi healthy range is up to 132lb but I set my self a target of 140lb.
    That's because I think at my age (almost 52) you have to get a balance right between your face and your figure. I don't want to put years on by going too thin and looking baggy faced :D

    My target calls are 1200 to lose 1lb per week.
  • I'm 5'1 and got up to 142 lbs while in grad school. My goal is 117 lbs and I'm down to 135 lbs. As an undergrad, I was underweight (around 98lbs) and I want to be careful not to let my weight get too low.

    I've been trying to get to the gym 6 times a week and keep my calories around 1200. After reading some comments on this website, I'm afraid my calories might be too low. In addition, I'm worried that once school starts Monday I won't be able to exercise as often.
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    I'm 5'1 and my goal is 130... currently at 202 so long way to go but its coming off!! since I have so much to lose I am at minimal cals-1200 plus exercising
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I am 5'2". I am currently at 156 and my goal weight is to be 125-130. I take in 1200 calories a day (sometimes less...but always pretty close). I work out 7 days a week....at least 30 minutes of cardio...I try for 1 hour.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I'm 5'1 - my highest weight was 172 lbs. I'm now at 144 with goal weight of 130. I'm plateau'd right now and 13 pounds feels like 100!! I am carb cycling -- I do low carb, 1200 calories on days I with light exercise and high carb, 1500 calories on days with heavy exercise. Hoping to break past 144 soon!