Guys who find curvy girls more attractive...



  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    If you' re man think's you are sexy now, he will definitely think you are sexy when you lose weight because you will be more confident. Of course he might say things like 'that girl on TV doesn't look as good as she used to because she lost weight' so visually he finds her less appealing, but he doesn't know this woman. He has no emotional connection with her so to say he finds her less attractive doesn't mean much. He liked her for her boobs, not her other qualities. Be confident and get sexy for yourself, and I bet you that your man will love it :)
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I don't know any guys who'd say, "I like short, pale girls with small boobs and a big bum. Bonus points for bad eyesight and crooked teeth!"

    But I've known plenty of guys who liked me.

    It's a lot more satisfying to find someone who appreciates who you are than to try to mold yourself into what you think the stereotypical "they" might like.

    I think that's a great point. Sometimes you fall in love with someone that isn't your "type". I know I've been attracted to people I wouldn't look twice at in a photo. Pheromones, personality, lots of things go into what is considered sexy. I learned in sociology in college that only 2% of the population is considered classicly good looking, so that leaves the rest of us to pine for that 2% or find attractiveness in something else. lol That's why I hate online dating and having to specify a "type", a lot of people aren't going to choose to search for short or chubby, or whatever else people. In real life, you like what you like. Online, people look for their ideal. I find it hard because it seems like where I live, people like very slim, or have a fetish for very large. If you are in the middle, you don't attract either side. And white guys especially seem less likely to appreciate a thicker frame, IMO. I agree that curves are different than rolls but some people will never be built that way. Two women can be the same size and weight but one have hips and bust, the other all stomach. We can't decide where our weight will go. I think a lot of guys who do like extreme hourglass still want a flat stomach--big butt and boobs but no muffin tops! lol You can't mess with genetics.
  • frankhuerta
    frankhuerta Posts: 18 Member
    I assumed this all throughout high school. I had a great body then, very curvy (started at the age of 10) but I thought I was fat because I wasn't super-skinny like the other girls. Once I got to college where women tend to fill out more--and even in grad school where some people REALLY fill out-- I found that men like all different body types when they're attached to a confident girl with a nice personality. Personality aside, most men like women with shape, although some like the super-waif look.

    I'm personally open to different body types although I prefer some curves & shape. Personality and compatibility go a long way in a relationship but being a shape helps with confidence and self esteem.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I love a curvy girl!
    Skin and bones?
    No thanx!
    I feel that 15-20% body fat on a woman is perfection!

    Personality is 100% though.

    Do you know what 15-20% BF on a woman looks like? I'm not saying it doesn't look good, but it's very lean and athletic.

    I agree! He must be thinking about how BF% looks on men. On women, this is a better estimate (found this on the web)


    Oh and the stats for those models showing the national average / men's ideal / women's ideal look WAY off. I look pretty much like the women on the far left (allegedly a US size 10) and I am US size 6 or even 4 :\
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    If you' re man think's you are sexy now, he will definitely think you are sexy when you lose weight because you will be more confident. Of course he might say things like 'that girl on TV doesn't look as good as she used to because she lost weight' so visually he finds her less appealing, but he doesn't know this woman. He has no emotional connection with her so to say he finds her less attractive doesn't mean much. He liked her for her boobs, not her other qualities. Be confident and get sexy for yourself, and I bet you that your man will love it :)
    This was WELL SAID^^^^
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    Funny you should mention this.

    When I was married to my first husband, I was overweight when we married. Over the course of the marriage, I lost weight. We divorced. His new wife is overweight. I guess he just likes women that way.

    My current husband loves my curves, but he's also loving the muscles I've been putting on since I started dieting and working out.l
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I love a curvy girl!
    Skin and bones?
    No thanx!
    I feel that 15-20% body fat on a woman is perfection!

    Personality is 100% though.

    Do you know what 15-20% BF on a woman looks like? I'm not saying it doesn't look good, but it's very lean and athletic.

    I agree! He must be thinking about how BF% looks on men. On women, this is a better estimate (found this on the web)


    Oh and the stats for those models showing the national average / men's ideal / women's ideal look WAY off. I look pretty much like the women on the far left (allegedly a US size 10) and I am US size 6 or even 4 :\

    Women need between 13-18% but normal range is 21-32%

    I live curvy girls too btw. I might be bias because I fall into that category. :P
  • lowliar
    lowliar Posts: 26
    For me, there is no perfect body type. I have seen girls who were beyond curvy, quite large, who I still found very attractive because of their smile, eyes, or otherwise. I have also found girls who were nearly anorexic looking to be attractive. No matter what you are, there can and will always be something left to be desired, but that doesn't mean you are less attractive there, you are just "TYPE A".

    Which is more tasty, pizza for dinner or ice cream for dessert? ((by the way, that totally doesn't mean that a guy should, you know eat both))
  • BooLives82
    BooLives82 Posts: 26 Member
    When I told my Future Husband that I wanted to loose weight, he said to me, "Please do not loose too much." He too thinks I am hot as I am, But I know he will still find me hot when I loose my weight. I am short so 140 on someone who is 4'10" still leaves curves...
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    If there were no men that like curvier, thicker women, I'd be doomed! I'm never going to be tiny. I've always been tall, broad figured, big boobs and hips... When I'm thinner, I'm a very solid hourglass figure. That being said, even me as I am now, I haven't had a lot of issues finding interested parties.

    My biggest obstacle has been myself. I'm self-conscious of my body, so I expect it to be a big deal to the people I date. I really dislike chubby chaser type guys who are all about the body, but sometimes I feel like I have to resign to that section of men if I ever want to date.

    Then again, my last boyfriend, he loved me for every pound, ever inch, every scar... He broke up with me, but because he believed I didn't want HIM. It was a really difficult break up, to have someone say they wanted me for the rest of their life, but they didn't think I want them for mine.

    I just hope I can find someone who will love all of me again. I would feel good and happy that you have someone that loves you like that!
  • nicolebunny55
    Its funny because when I was younger guys did not pay me much attention and I always felt like they looked at me as fat because I was so curvy at a young age. The older I got though and the older the guys got, the more and more they would tell me how much they loved my body.

    Even though sometimes I wish the top was a little smaller and the hips were not as curvy, I know I would hate being stick thin with nothing to hold on to :)
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I fell in love with the Jolly Rogers (Renaissance Faire pirate band) after I heard them sing this song:

    "Curvy Girls" :smile: Great song for the self-esteem of the large-bosomed wenches like me.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I think women have a skewed sense of what is sexy. I think most men want a woman who doesn't look like a skinny little boy like most of the "super models" look like.
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    It depends on the guy, I think. My boyfriend tells me he loves how small I am (in height as well as size) but I could put on a few pounds if I wanted, but mainly he tells me he loves small girls, lol it's just his thing!
  • maryzell
    My husband of two years and also boyfriend ten years prior (combined investment 12 going on 13 years) explained to me plan and simple, "you look gaunt and unattractive at your "ideal weight" and your curves are what I enjoy about you." It made me start to really love my body even if it is not what I thought was attractive. Those 10 pounds, over my idea weight, are my beauty curves and I am happy that he pointed that out to me. From my own perspective, I had an awful understanding of my physical appearance and am now genuinely learning how attractive my physique truly is.
    You have a good man. Congrats on all your achievements!
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Definitely LOVE curvy girls! I am far more attracted to really a few things... personality to go along with a cute face and sweet smile and lovely painted nails (yeah... one of those weird things I suppose. LOL) . The rest is just icing on the cake. Stick thin is not hot to me, either... Love me some voluptuous boobies for sure! :P

    Now... on the flip side... I DO think healthy is HOT! You should definitely do this for YOU and not worry about anybody else along the way. If you're losing your motivation to get and/or stay fit because of something your guy said... then you're not in this for the right reasons. *hugs*
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I haven't read through ALL 5 pages of responses.... BUT, OP, what I can tell you (after almost 40 years of being in relationships sexual and non sexual is that boys/men just want to be "IN" you........doesn't matter what you look like or act like. In the end, they are completely entranced by how they feel once inside.

    All young women should get this in their heads and stop wondering......AND, then act accordingly!

    WHAT do YOU want?
  • jules7664
    I feel so shallow . . . I find curves very, very, sexy. But I think it's just how a lot of us (guys) are and a lot of it has to do with biology and brain sex. Curves mean fertility, etc, which at the end of the day is what drives us all to find a mate if we want kids or not. It's always lurking in the background.

    I would say he's with you because of a mix of how you look and who you are. Afterall, I bet he saw you before he talked to you. It doesn't make you any less valuable inside. You're, well, you're just attractive weight loss or no weight loss.

    Loose what weight you feel you have to if you like for you, feel good. Please feel good about yourself.
    I'm on here becaue I don't think curves are sexy on a guy, namely me. I want more confidence and energy.

    I have to totally AGREE with you, ultimately you have to be able to look in the mirror and LOVE what you see!!!:)
  • frankhuerta
    frankhuerta Posts: 18 Member
    Guys, what EXACTLY is the kind of preferred body type?


  • gatecityradio
    we like curvy girls, it's in our genes.