ever been told you werent good looking?



  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Uhm, they're wrong. You have amazing lips, cheekbone structure, and fabulous eye-makeup-model eyes and brows. SCREW them....
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    @horrorchix89 - im sorry but that is the worst response ive ever heard.

    you are far from ugly! i hope you do not have that mindset that you are because you would be completely wrong!

    Thanks :) idk how I feel about myself. Depends what I wear, how my hair looks, if I'm breaking out...yeah I'm weird I know

    Nope, not weird. Completely normal. Some days I look at myself and think, "looking good" then a hour later I think, "fat cow". Same body, same eyes, totally different image. It causes me to wonder what folks with Eating disorders see.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    My whole life until I was 15.
    Now everyone who called me ugly has been hit in the face by Karma.
  • Maid4richie
    Maid4richie Posts: 78 Member
    I have been told i would be hot if i lost some weight and it did bother me and made me upset , i got told alot in high school that i had a pretty face but that was it and i had a ex tell me if he had the money he could do somthing for me and get me a eye lift and nose job (yes he was a *kitten*) I have learned to love the me i am along to road to where i want to be :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    all the time
  • jacobsonmandy
    jacobsonmandy Posts: 30 Member
    I had begun dating someone and he let it slip that I wasn't as pretty as his ex girlfriend was, that I was cute but definitely not
    as hot or whatever. I got up and left and, told him not to call me again. - There's a reason why people like this don't need to be in your life. If they can't handle you now, while you're trying to make a change to improve your life, they don't deserve you once you reach your goal. To hell with it :P
  • rae_mayer
    rae_mayer Posts: 226
    Not directly. I usually got the back-handed compliments and the "you'd look so much better if you would only do _____". Also, (this has happened multiple times) I've walked by groups of guys and they'd start snickering and then outright laughing after I walk by. I've looked back at them and they either all quickly look away or once one of the guys was holding his arms out wide and puffed his cheeks to make himself look fatter.

    None of those prompted great feelings. Usually it was anger, but there's always a little hurt buried in there too.

    The make-or-break moment was when I returned to an old employer one day and three different people made comments about my "pregnancy". I'm not now, nor have I ever been pregnant. It was the final straw and so now I'm working on changing myself for myself.
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    In my first year of high school I had a wee crush on a boy in my class. One day, he had turned around to talk to his mate and I just happened to glance over at him. He met my eye and said "f**k you're ugly". Totally unprompted - just like that!
    Needless to say I wasn't too fond of him after that, and its amazing how much that kind of stuff can affect someone. Even now, when my husband tells me I'm gorgeous, part of me suspects that he's lying as I've always found fault with how I look.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Yes, by a guy I rejected. After he tried to make out with me and I stopped him, he texted me the next day just to tell me I was ugly. No, I can't say I was bothered, I just thought it was sad he was such a mean spirited person just because I was not interested.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    my dad was chatting to some random girl and told her that i was "not a pretty girl but beautiful to him".

    what an a-hole.

    His statement made no sense.... but ouch.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    3 kids later... much, much less hot

    Motherhood is beautiful no matter how big or small you are.

  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    I'm another who was always told "You have such a pretty face..."

    What I heard was "You'd be hot if you lost 50lbs or so."

    I agree with alot of you ladies out there. Worst... compliment... ever!!
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    I haven't been told that I'm ugly in a long time now. The first and last time I remember was when I was in middle school. There was this girl who was 2 years older than me. Since we were next door neighbors we hung out a bit. I called her my best friend. Then new girls her age moved into the neighborhood and she started hanging out with them and ignoring me. I cared a bit but I didn't cry about it. I just went on with my life. About 2 years later my body and feature changed. I turned 16. I started hanging out with her brother since we were the same age. He said to me as a compliment, "Wow you're gorgeous now. Can you believe that my sister used to be embarrassed to even be seen with you back then. She used to tell me that she would hide from you if her friends come around. But you look different now" Now that really hurt. Someone didn't want to hang out with me because they thought I was ugly and not because I'm a bad or mean person. That right there is pretty shallow.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Yes and No

    I've heard, "You're a pretty woman, BUT if you had: [insert from list below] you'd be hot.
    bigger boobs
    were blonde
    lost 20lbs
    weren't a mom
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Um, maybe when I was like in second grade when we were fighting over barbies....but no. I'm not hung up on looks at all, and the people I keep around me are the ones that remind each other we are all beautiful.

    While typing this, I did have a vision of someone telling me I was ugly, me punching them in the face and retorting "At least my nose isn't all crooked!" So it's probably for the best that no one has ever tried it.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    yup sure have not a great feeling
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    shortly before i met my husband (less than a month), i was out shopping for a birthday present for my mother at one of those knick-knack shops. a guy came up to me and started talking to me... nothing special about him, he was decidedly average looking, with the exception of maybe his eyes. after a minute or so he asked me if i was single and when i said 'yes' he gave me this head to toe look and was like "yeah, i can see why" then walked out and started laughing with his buddies. it bothered me for a little while until i talked to a friend later and realized that people who are going to judge my worth by the size of my waist (big or small) really aren't worth my time anyway!

    then a few weeks later i met my husband (at my highest weight!) and i've felt beautiful ever since. :)

    the jumpstart to my journey was having my doctor tell me that trying to have kids at such a high weight could kill me and/or the child. :)
  • buggasmom
    buggasmom Posts: 1 Member
    I have been told I'm unattractive or plain or ugly since I was in elementary school. Even now being married, my husband's dad has informed me if I have another baby I won't be allowed to eat at their house (our two kids are only fourteen months apart and the baby is eight months old). When we were dating he informed me that it was good his son found a plain girl so he wouldn't get too distracted. In my family I consider myself the "ugly" sister (there are five of us).
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I was told by a girl at work, when talking about this boy she likes and how much hell he puts her through, "Well, you don't really have to deal with boys, do you? I mean... attractive people have these issues. You're lucky."

    I then mentioned that I had a boyfriend of 6 years to which she replied, "Holy crap. How do even -you- have a boyfriend?"

    I just stared at her. It didn't offend me, really, I was just incredulous at the fact that there are people who are old enough to vote or drink (in the US) that say things like that.
  • emaline614
    emaline614 Posts: 86 Member
    more often than not. I've always been the "laugh along with the joke" sort of person. I've also been told... you'd be so much prettier if you were thinner... which is pretty much the same thing as saying... you're not that pretty.