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T.H.E. (Trying Hard Every day) Team - Week 17



  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good morning Team,

    I dont have long I have to go get my son from school this is his last week of class and half days kill me when I get home i have to go right back and get them!!! GRRRR...

    anyways tonight is ucher night and I am the host!!! we have 8 famlily members that get together once a month and play and every month it is a someone elses house.. so I am trying to get everything together get the pool supplies finish planting the garden... so much to do in such little time.. so I really have no time to work out today... so I will be watching everything that goes in my mouth and working extra hard tomorrow!!!

    I still havent talked to my son... I had bought my grandson a t-shirt while we were gone.. I am just going to have my hubby take it to work with him on Sunday and give it to my son there and then they cant say i didnt give it to them and if he wears it he wears it...I am sure he wont even wear it!!! anyway gotta run chat later.

  • 4Maria
    4Maria Posts: 18
    Hello all!

    I'm having a very BLUE day...I'm not quite sure if it's hormonal or detox from sugar/carbs/fat or that I'm just going CRAZY!...I'm sitting here crying at work....pretty sad...:sad:

    I am looking forward to weighing/checking in....I feel good about what and how I'm eating. I realize that I need to start the exercise portion of my "new way of lfe" I'll figure it out....

    Have a wonderful day! Thnaks for letting me vent!:cry:

  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Big group hug for you, Maria...

    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Your crying could be the result of anything you mentioned, or a combination...
    Definitely, it could be withdrawal from carbs. I got pretty flippy when I cut most of them out.

    But whatever it is, Maria, we're all here for you. And you never have to thank us for letting you vent.
    We're all in this together. We share our ups and our downs.

    I'll be thinking of you, and hoping that your day gets much better.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    cyndee- not sure if you know my story but I'm the adopted child with 3 adopted children married to an adopted child, my mom and uncles are adopted, etc on both sides (hubby's and mine) back 100 years. So as far as having a "right" to know, yeah, I'm totally for the adopted child having the right to pursue and know - or not. My bmom was 15, I would love to meet her, but I was born in the last state to have such strict laws. I want to tell her thank you, it could not have been an easy decision for her. When you're adopted there's this hole in you that is always there - and the hole is filled with information. You have enough love, you were well cared for, adored by your adopted parents - but there's this hole anyway. Son #1's birth history is not fun and nice, but some day, when he wants to know, we'll explain it to him as well as we can. Sons #2 and 3 remember their mom and dad, well at least the older one does, and so he says he has two families, a brown one and a white one. We are totally supportive of that. We hope they can go back and find living relatives when they are older (chances are slim).

    Maria, I totally went thru withdrawel from carbs. It will pass!! Just grit ur teeth!
    nita, sorry about the hair! So BTDT got the tshirt!
    reynab I laugh when you say you're not a cat person. Cat people always know who they are. This little guy is adorable with a capital A though. Never saw a kitten that young be so cool with whatever. The momma is just like that, which is why if any of the kittens had been girls I woulda wanted it, because the momma is so loving and laid back.

    Good morning to everyone, welcome new people, check in here and let us know how you're doing!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Today, for the first time in a long time, I don't have to rush away to something. It rained here yesterday, and I love the sights and smells after a storm. Wonderful, beautiful, sunny day!

    Nita, so true, no morning chats in a long time! You were up early today, online at what, 5:20. Gotta admit, I was no where near up then. Sounds like we have both had near death experiences at the hair dresser..... Whats up with that?

    Renaye, Nita and I obviously need some help in that department! Can you just move to the western US, preferably somewhere between Salt Lake and (Northern?) Nevada? Like, you might really like Moab, Utah. I LOVE IT!!! Then we can both visit you there to get our hair done. By the way, is that pic on your ticker three generations of your family? I love that!!!

    Cyndee, wow, lots going on for you! I just wanted to mention, though as I think of it, ir really doesn't apply, since you're in Canada - but here in the US, EVERYONE is routinely denied disability the first time they apply. You have to appeal and keep jumping through the hoops. Good luck with that, friend.

    Lisa, gotta say, even though you have had your share of stress and then some recently, you have come such a long way, baby! You are so much more positive, so much more confident, and so open to giving and receiving help when it is needed. I don't know if you know how much difference this makes in our journey. But anyway, I noticed, and wanted to let you know.

    Sheila, family can be our greatest source of joy or heartache. We don't always get to choose which. Seems like the old AA prayer applies here - God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we can not change. You can't fix that girl - and right now, your son seems to be tied to her. Maybe giving them some space will bring them around. If you set your home up to be a loving, safe place for the kids and grand kids, maybe they will be drawn to you. In any event, seems like somethings gotta give, cuz its hurting you too much. Try letting it go.

    Jamie, and Lulu, good to have you guys back! How are things going?? Vacation stories, please. But, LuLu goats? You've really been back to nature. How fun! I find goats a little scary. They have that sort of knowing look in their yellow eyes. I don't like em. Not like sheep. Or pigs. But, I digress..... I am anxious to hear how you guys do eating after the vacations. That was a rough time for me. I want to hear how you do with it.

    prayerfulmom - you always have such great advice! How are things going?

    Kelli, good luck on getting things moving. Maybe consider some herb tea - and I still recommend lentils. Great source of fiber. Oh, I was gonna mention Kashi products. I am learning to love em! Good fiber and protein usually.

    Cyndi - just wanted to say you are doing a great job! Between you and Kelli, you guys rock at keeping the thread going! Thanks so much.

    Healthymom- ditto what Nita said - WTG!!!!!

    4Maria - hey welcome! Has the crazed look gone out of your eye yet? :laugh: Don't worry - it will.

    April - welcome. This is a great place, and as you can already see, there are some really knowledgeable folks here. We are so lucky to have them.

    Anyone I've missed - sorry - I am getting back into the swing of the thread after crazy days at work. Ya'a;; take care! Gotta go exercise.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm having a very BLUE day...I'm not quite sure if it's hormonal or detox from sugar/carbs/fat or that I'm just going CRAZY!...I'm sitting here crying at work....pretty sad...:sad:

    I am looking forward to weighing/checking in....I feel good about what and how I'm eating. I realize that I need to start the exercise portion of my "new way of lfe" I'll figure it out....

    Have a wonderful day! Thnaks for letting me vent!:cry:


    Sorry, girl - it sucks! But, like adopt4 said, it will pass. It took me the better part of a week. There is some evidence that the carbs we crave have similar effect in our bodies to opiates. I blogged about it a few weeks ago. In the mean time, what works for me is (1) eat some lean protein and (2) exercise.

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm having a very BLUE day...I'm not quite sure if it's hormonal or detox from sugar/carbs/fat or that I'm just going CRAZY!...I'm sitting here crying at work....pretty sad...:sad:

    I am looking forward to weighing/checking in....I feel good about what and how I'm eating. I realize that I need to start the exercise portion of my "new way of lfe" I'll figure it out....

    Have a wonderful day! Thnaks for letting me vent!:cry:


    Ahhh Maria it takes time to get used to this.. I think we all go a little nuts when we start taking things away from our bodies (( hugs))... It will get better.. My advice to you is if you need a snack of something have it.. Don't go overboard.. It's all about portion control.. You will get it all figured out I am sure. Just logging on here and typing seems to help me. Of course when I want to kick my boss in the go-nads if he even has those and that's pretty much daily... But I promise it will pass...
  • Good Morning everybody :)

    SO much to read!

    Today is weigh day- I'm going to jump on the scale before my lunchtime workout and see what happens. This weekend was the hubby's b-day and his mom made SOOO much food! I (guilty-faced) have to say I had 2 plates that I stacked high but it was so good, and all home-made. Then MY parents took us all to a baseball game, so of course I ended up eating a hot dog, beer and a churro. And peanuts. And the GIGANTIC all choco-cake they had at home. **stuffed**

    So back at home Monday, Our friends and roomies decided to "make dinner" (mind you, they are both guys in college) and so I said "great" and then looked at my plate- A GIANT sausage stuffed with instant potatos and cheese. WOW. No veggies in the house, of course. blah. It was so greasy and fatty I couldnt even eat half! Then Tuesday, my work friends wanted to take hubby out for a drink after I got off work and it turns out to be... Taco Tuesday and Margaritas. I mean it was good, but MAN!

    SOOOO, now that I have told you my weekend food blah's, I also have to admit that Monday and Tuesday, no exercise. Well, other than the walk to work, but its really not worth counting, lol.

    That said I officially feel stuffed and stressed and gross. So much for my decleration of "back on track" last week! Today, I really am actually looking forward to my 30 minutes on the elliptical or stairclimber or run (one of them will happen, just not sure which yet) I think I will feel better.

    I also took the questions from the "daily check in" thread and wrote them down in my notebook, so that every day I have it with me.

    Does it feel like Monday to anyone else? haha. Lesson learned tho- After changing some of my eating habits, my body really doesnt like the amount of food that I ate, nor the types. AND I have realized that I really shouldn't allow myself a "weekend-no-exercise" deal- All that ends up leading to is REALLY not wanting to get up on Monday. Even if I go for a morning walk on the weekends, I think it will be better.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good afternoon Team,

    I am back home again my I just got home from getting Neko, and he just finished rotatiling the garden for me so I can get the rest of the plants in the ground!!! now its 2pm and I am off to take him to his friends house and to pick up my hubby from work then back home to get the rest of the stuff ready for tonight.. I cut up a whole bunch of fruit to munch on tonight green grapes purple grapes water melon, cantalope, strawberries... salad... I have no junck food for them LOL they dont need it anyway ha ha ha I even cut up some green peper red peper and yellow peper orange peper...mmm and I am making turkey toco's mmmm

    anyway I am off again.. talk to you later...

  • 4Maria
    4Maria Posts: 18
    Thanks for the support....it's just what I need right now!:flowerforyou:

    I really never had an outlet for my feelings with food....thanks everyone, it really helps to know that I'm not alone!
  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    Anita- what is funny is it takes me only an extra 10 minutes to get home than if I drove. The morning takes longer but no biggie. Nice workout you did. Doesn't if feel sooooo good afterwards!

    Sheila- gardening is a good workout; maybe not a huge calorie burner but those muscles do get a workout. Dang that food sounds good. How about some hummus to dip those peppers in=)

    Maria- sending you a webhug. feel it? hope it helps put a smile back on your face.

    Adopt4- nicely stated on the adoption issue. The perfect analogy of the hole.

    Kristi-my hubby is oggling over Moab. He wants to do a mountain bike ride their something serious. My father-in-law was transfered to salt lake about 10 years ago and loves it there. I'll keep my sunny California and visit UT when its not snowing=)

    PJ- you know for me there is always and outing or special occasion. I'm learning the best thing for me is moderation vs deprevation. Really trying to remember that the first 2 bites are the best. I will admit I exercise like a maniac and love it. Before I loved it though: if I did my exercise in the am I was more likely to eat better because I had worked out and didn't want to ruin the effect. I like that you've writen stuff down to remind you.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Afternoon everyone. Well, that hour and a half of swimming I did yesterday wore me out. I woke up with VERY sore arms, which is not normal, but we did alot of the harder exercises, then the 30 minutes of laps on top of it musta just wore me out more than I expected. I woke up at 4am in pain. I may go for a good walk tonight, but otherwise Im giving my arms a day to recover. LOL. I did go out and clean out my garden. Picked a bowl of radishes (yum!) and got the weeds under control. Its funny tho cuz there are not alot of weeds, just a bunch of tiny little tomato plants from all the seeds that dropped off last year. So Ive been picking out tomato plants here and there. I have a full crop of lettuce growing too. Ready to harvest this next week for sure and a few strawberries are starting to ripen.

    After lunch I sat down to check my email and saw that the cake I made for Adopt4's hubby was accepted to be featured on coolest-birthday-cakes.com. http://www.coolest-birthday-cakes.com/coolest-meat-bbq-cake-12.html :happy:

    Im off to shower. Its muggy and humid outside but cloudy. I wish it would make up its mind!
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Hmmm...LI4G...What's the name of that cooking show, where the contestants compete for a cash prize, and a chance to have their dish on the menu at Friday's???
    Maybe we should enter you.

    PJ...I admire your "get back up on the horse and ride" attitude. Because even when we sabotage our best intentions, we get a whole new opportunity the next day.

    When I read about your munchies, Sheila, I had the urge to run down to the grocery store and load up on fruits. Sounds delicious...

    I walked for about an hour today! Very rare for me. And I was toting a bunch of stuff when I got home...so that's Strength Training...right?
    You have to excuse my enthusiasm over taking a walk. I've only been out walking about 4 or 5 times this year. Never in the winter. And so far, no sore muscles, no exhaustion...
    So if I get through this walk unscathed, I'll try going out a few times a week.
    Otherwise...It's housework for my exercise.

    Maria...That's what we're here for...support and morale boosting. Hope you're feeling better. Something else I thought of - While your body is withdrawing (and trying to figure out what you're doing to it), it helps to get a lot of extra sleep.

    Okay. Judge Judy is about to come on, and then it's my baseball game...
  • Hi

    Jamie - Welcome Back - if I said that before well I'll say it again Welcome Back.

    Prayerfulmom - WOW - to the 26 miles biking - Good job. Good inspiration. Gonna try to work on upping my walking miles this weekend myself.

    4Maria - Hugs to you Hon. I had those kind of days myself. Like everybody else has said - keep plugging away - they do get bettter.

    Pinky Jane - Sounds like you got a plan of action with the exercise - now just put it into motion. And like Prayerfulmom said moderation vs. deprriving yourself

    Cyndeebee - good job with the walking. Don't overdue - progress slowly. Who won the ball game?

    LI4G - Congratulations on the cake feature - you deserve it - it was a beautiful cake. Sounds like you are getting in some good workouts - WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lulu - Glad to hear you are back home girl. Keep the slipper in hand - it comes in handy but I think - NO I KNOW Adopt4 has an awful powerful Whack job she can do too. Not for sure what she uses but it is powerful and helpful. HAHA

    Prayerfulmom - You give really good advice. I am learning moderation and portions over deprivation. Thanks for posting it - it helps to be reminded

    Sheila - have a good time tonight. I love playing euchre.

    Adopt4 - Anita - Big hello to you two.

    April - missed your post today

    Kristi - Thank - you for what you have said about me. I have noticed and it does help me to realize it. I have had a bad two weeks at work and that is killing me but I woke up thinking today - I am dealing with everything else ok but the stress at work. I t has cause me not to log correctly for two days and not to exercise since Sunday and to overeat but overeat healthy stuff the last two days.. So I got up and done 54 minutes of Walk away the Abs tapes and felt better. It is my mind set back to logging every morsel correctly that goes in mouth tomorrow and back to exercising better. In my mind, I am thinking how to deal with it - I know an ahhhhhhhh day - got that from Cyndeebee and I love it - is coming soon. But right now, I am really tasting that $150.00 for perfect attendance in two weeks that I will be getting if I make it. If pressure and stress gets to be too much - I will take the ahhhhhhday over the money. Kristi by chance if you missed it an ahhhhhhhhhhh day is calling in sick.

    Well gang a lot of what I was going about my day is in Kristi's part. Have been overeating healthy stuff the last two days cause of work. I come home and start eating and it is like I can't stop - emotional overeating - plus the fact I didn't log it all either. But finally realized what is happening so back on track for logging in the morning and back to getting more exercises in.

    Thanks for listening
  • This is something that has been on my mind for a few days now - so I am going to say it. As most of you know, I told you that my friend has cancer and is not dealing with it well - well I found out another one of my close friend's wife has lung cancer. My mom past 16 years ago of bone cancer and a best friend of mine died of lung cancer. So I have to decided to walk one of the local counties Relay for Life Walk - you walk from 3pm to 6am to raise money for cure for cancer. You all have been so helpful and kind to me - this thread is the biggest reason I am succeeding in my lifestyle change - and I mean that. I have fallen so many times and I firmly believe without everyone of you all I would have not gotten back up a lonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg time ago. To say thank you to you all, if you would like to post or send me a message of a name of a love one, family member or friend who has any type of cancer or past on of cancer, I would like to make a list and carry it in my pocket and in my heart the day I walk. I will walk in memory or for a cure to be found for every name you send me. This would truly be an honor to me and just a small small way of saying thank you for everything you have done for me. This includes everyone who post or has posted in this thread - whether it be one time posting or you have been here the whole 17 weeks. Thank you very very much
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Hard to post when I'm tearing up, but I'd like to post 3 names...
    My grandmother - Muriel Foshay, passed away from breast cancer 15 years ago. I still miss her...
    and my stepsister, Melanie Matzold, who passed away 8 years ago, also from breast cancer.
    I never had the opportunity to meet Melanie. My mother and stepfather had just got married, and Melanie went quickly - within 5 months of their wedding. Age 40.
    My father...Bill Bailey...passed away 13 years ago, with mesothelioma.

    What a wonderful person you are, for offering to carry the names of our loved ones...
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    indiana, what a wonderful thought. I'd like to add - Abby Riggs, 6 yrs old, being treated for luekemia. She's been fighting it a few years and has a few more years of chemo left... And Sally, my mom and dad's friend, does a lot for them, was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 4 a few months ago. She's undergoing chemo....
  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    IG- I love it! Congratulations for taking something so dear and helping to support a cure. I'd like to add my grandmothers who both died of cancer: Bonnie and Patsy

    I'll be walking in 1 1/2 weeks for the National Kidney Foundation. Its near to my heart as my dad had kidneys disease and so do I. I'd love to do the same to honor loved ones.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Evening Team,

    I really sucked tonight at cards!!! I didnt win any money for the first time in months.. but no biggy it kept my mind off my son for a while.. of coarse I had cooked more then enough food!!! everyone loved my turkey taco's they couldnt even tell the difference!!

    Prayerfull - Hummis is so good they had made this roasted salsa hummis..mmmmm yummy!!!

    Indiana - My Step Mother ( Sheila Cline) breast Cancer just finished her last kemo about a month ago...Ken Cline my Uncle 4x Hodgkins lymphoma remission turning 60 in Feb.. and doing Great... A very Dear Friend of the family Gloria Hawes.. who has passed on just after my grandson was born...she never got to meet him...but she will always be in my heart...she was like my second mother..she would take my children on vacation with her and her hubby.. Now he is all alone...I try to call him oftern to check in with him to make sure he is doing okay...

    Anyway I have to get to bed cuz my daughter has Field Day at school and I have voul to work it...cuz I never could do it before.. she is soo excited that I am going it make me feel so good...

    My oldest daughter wants to go audition for America Idol they are coming soon.. Hmmm looks like we are going on a road trip to Chicago I wish her so much luck......

    good night... talk to you tomorrow...

    Love ya guys...

  • indiana - please add my grandmother (Eva Gray) who died of breast cancer in 1989, grandfather (Ken Gray) who died of cancer in 1992. My aunt (Audrey Truba) is going to start chemo this month after a lump was removed to treat breast cancer. gosh, everyone knows so many....

    Today was my day off exercise, so I drove to the bank. It felt weird to drive to something so close. I think I did ok on calories - ate lots of veggies and chicken for supper. No carbs (had them earlier).
    Trying hard to hit the 170's this week. :drinker:
This discussion has been closed.