Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!! Take 2!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Seems there is a LOT to catch up on... Unfortunately, this morning has been a train wreck for my schedule already so it will have to wait!

    I will definitely be coming back tonight when I have time to catch up and reply to a few things...

    I will say this..
    Cynthia, Meg, - You two hit the nail on the head! I was absolutely coming from a place of experience and concern. I've had years now of a very tumultuous relationship with foot, fitness, and weight and my number one priority for myself and everyone else is working towards being healthy and happy in body, mind and soul. I wish that for everyone on this board and I am 100% here to support and motivate, without judgement. I know we all make our own choices based on what's right for us. That said, I feel like it's important to speak up if someone is making choices that are dangerous to their health, especially since there are many folks on here that peruse the boards looking for advice and taking what they can find. It definitely needs to be addressed for any third parties that might be reading our group to know that eating 600-800 calories a day is just simply not sufficient.

    The be all end all? Your body needs fuel so that your organs don't fail. It's just dangerous to starve yourself.

    I'll follow up on the rest later. I hope you folks have a great Thursdsay! Much love to you all :heart:
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Just to add to this, you will lose more weight if you are eating enough calories. Whenever I feel like I'm eating a lot (of healthy foods) I end up losing weight. Sometimes you just need to boost your calories a bit.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Eufy - if you still reading this...I dont think anyone is trying to lecture you...its really just out of concern. And many of us have been around this block a few times and have seen where it can lead. Myself, I am a nurse and also have degress in BioChemistry and its hard not to respond to something that we know is harmful. And when you say that you arent trying to eat more then that its kinda scary. And thats all I will say.

    Meag - You right...I do need to find more time to try out these recipes!! Not this upcoming weekend but the following, I am finally off for 4 days in a I will be cooking up a storm then!! It sounds like your having another busy week...but I hope you are fitting in some time for yourself!! Oh and I did get on the stationary bike at the gym yesterday and rode for 45mins...I liked it...that is until today when my butt bones hurt soo badly I can barely sit!!! Just figured youd get a laugh at that!!

    Cynthia - I agree about using the TM for tempo and speed intervals...I actually like it better for those because I know exactly how I am doing and not just guessing at it!! I think it forces me to run faster sometimes too!! I just want to be sure that it wont effect my training by doing it that way!! But so far it seems OK...and I will keeping getting outside when I can!! Hope you have fun at your bootcamp!! You are kicking @ss with all of those workouts!!

    Meghan - It awesome to hear that your convention went well!! Sounds like you had fun and grew as a group!! And you are amazing keeping up with Insanity and work and have a lot on your plate!! Sorry that your boss was being crappy again!! Maybe its time to look for a new job??

    AFM - Had a horrible day at work today...a 2yr old came in who needed stiches in her forehead...and I had to hold her head still while she was kicking and screaming so the Dr. could place the stiches. It was awful and broke my heart!!! I am such a softy and can't stand watching children cry. It made me cry and upset me all day!! I know I need to toughen up a little bit...but its hard when it come to kids. I love children and actually want to move to a pediatric facility but I hate it when I feel like I am torturing them. I need some thicker skin!!! Other then that....things have been good. I have not been making the best food choices every day but I am struggling with my busy schedule. Doing the best I can and taking it one day at a time!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ahhh I'm CRASHING badly tonight. Not nearly enough sleep the last few nights. For whatever reason I can't get more than a few hours of disturbed sleep each night... up at 2am, 3am, 4am, then finally at 5am to get to the gym. Definitely feeling it! No caffeine for me tonight :ohwell: That's for sure!

    I made a cabbage roll casserole tonight - made 2 versions, one with rice and one without (for me, since I don't like rice). It turned out OK but the rice was definitely a necessary element so my version was a bit disappointing. There was too much liquid for sure, and I think I'd use tomato sauce along with diced tomatoes instead of only the latter. Either way, it was super easy and very healthy.So here's the recipe.

    Cabbage Roll Casserole - Serves 8

    1 medium head cabbage, roughly chopped
    500g (or so) of ground chicken/turkey/lean beef
    2-3 leeks or 1 large onion, sliced
    2-3 carrots, shredded (2 large, 3 small should suffice)
    1 large red (or any colour) pepper, chopped
    1 Tbsp paprika
    1 tsp mustard, ground
    Pepper to taste
    28oz of diced tomato/tomato puree (I would use half of each, but whatever you like!)
    1 cup of dry rice (whole grain, brown, or white - whatever you have) - cooked per the package instructions - or 2 cups cooked
    Optional - Shredded cheese

    Heat a large, deep skillet or dutch oven with a little spray or oil and cook the cabbage on medium high until it's soft and about half-way done. It should still have a little crunch. Stir every few minutes and when done, take off the heat and reserve.
    In the meantime, brown the ground meat in a large, deep skillet (12inch at least). Once browned, add in the leeks, carrots and peppers and cook for 5-7 mins until soft. Add the spices, and then the tomatoes/sauce. Cook over medium or medium high heat until thickened slightly. Remove from the heat and mix in the rice to combine.
    Using one huge glass casserole (or two medium sized white ceramic casseroles), spray or grease lightly. Cover the bottom with a layer of cabbage, half of the meat, veg and rice mixture, more cabbage, and the rest of the meat mixture. We saved a little cabbage to top the dish, but you can equally top with shredded cheese for the last 15 minutes if desired. Cover with foil and bake at 350F for 40 minutes. Remove the foil and continue cooking until the top is browned and the casserole is bubbling (15 minutes or so).

    And that's it! Super easy. Based around this recipe: -- I ignored her spicing and only mixed rice in with 1/2 of the meat mixture. I also have no clue what the additional water would be needed for, since it was plenty moist.

    Abby and El - thanks for posting those replies! You are so right :happy:

    Abby - Ttry out those recipes when you get a chance. If you have some spare time just cook a lot and freeze tons! It's great for mid-week meals when you want to eat well, but not have to think about preparing food. The above casserole can easily be split in 2 dishes, cook one tonight and freeze the other to bake in a week or two. Same with most recipes. And leftovers are so easy to re-work into a totally new dish. I could write a book about it! :bigsmile:

    Alright, off to bed folks. Sorry I can't catch up more.

    See you guys tomorrow and HAPPY FRIDAY! :heart:
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    Hi, I'm joining kinda late, is there room for me?
    I'm 21 and a stay at home mom.
    My goal for January is to loose 5lbs and work out 3 times a week for at eat 30mins a day.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Meag - I just had to post real quick after you posted your recipe....I make a version of this all of the time!! Its one of my favorite dishes. I do make it in the crock pot (slow cooker) though, so its ready when I get off a 12 hour shift!! It does work fine that way. And the real reason that I am writing is to tell you that I replaced the rice in the recipe with Bulgar Wheat and I love it that way!! Not sure if you like bulgar but if you do give it a try!!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    cynthia- Job hunting is so hard to do around school, hopefully you will find something soon though. Yes Insanity is insane lol it's insane in many ways though. It's challenging but it works and I don't know what is so different this time around, but since high-school when I danced 40+ hours a week, I have never stuck to any exercise program. I like it though because its never old, every day I am getting stronger and every day I am able to more and more in the dvd's. I looovveeee chili! Did you make in on the stove or in a crock pot? I am looking for a good stove chili recipe because I have no more room in my apartment to store a crock pot.

    abby- Yes I tend to over fill my plate more often than not. I wish I could quit this job, but unfortunately it's just not in the cards. If I don't have a job in theater which is my career goal, then this current one is just to practical to give up. Hopefully this summer I will get some internships and can say goodbye to this current one. Sorry to hear your day didn't go well, and honestly I like the nurses better as a kid who genuinely seemed sorry for me, the tough ones scared me more. I am sure you are very comforting to the kids that come in!

    cassandra- of course you can still join! Welcome to the group :)

    meag- Need to try these recipes you are posting! I am making me a list this weekend :)

    AFM: I am so tired! I know why, I got busy and haven't taken my iron pills in 4 days (severely deficient) , and the past 2 days I have seriously cut my calorie intake because I am so busy and refuse to sabotage with fast food. I did a little better today, tried bringing fruit with me that I could snack on through the day and almonds. Idk if I am the only crazy person, but when I get busy and stressed, it turns into nervousness and then I lose my appetite all together. In all honesty I should probs go see someone about my anxiety but that would require finding time in my schedule...which is the stressful part! What a viscous cycle lol .

    But thank you, truly, to all of you beautiful ladies who continue to post and be supportive of me and everyone else on here. As I mentioned above, its been 6 years since I have stuck to anything, and I couldn't ask for a better support system. Have a great Friday and weekend :)
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Read your posts will be back tomorrow when I can give 100% attention to everyone of you EXHAUSTED barely home from bootcamp and have a few things I need to do have a great night! TGIF!!! WOOOHOO! Cynthia:bigsmile:
  • asbelle
    Hello! I am really new to the MFP world, but I am college student trying to create some job habits while in school. My goals:
    1) Attend pilates classes once a week at my school's gym.
    2) Loose 2 pounds before the month's end.
    3) Be able to run 3 miles on the treadmill (I ran all the time in high school).
    4) Do 3 outdoor sports (I live where it is cold and snowy) before January is gone.
    5) Limits my desserts to 3 a week in the cafeteria.

    I seem to have a trend of 3 going on in my goals!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Good morning!

    Abby - My mom tells me she's done the same in the crockpot and it works great. Bulgur wheat was my suggestion to replace the rice, as well, but my family is part german and they wouldn't have it at all :laugh: We use bulgur wheat in our chili, however, and it's AWESOME! Love it! :bigsmile: Thanks for the tip!

    Welcome asbelle and cassandra! :flowerforyou: We're always happy to welcome newcomers into the group. We just ask that you stick it out for at least the month and come back in Feb if you found it motivating. So many people pop in here, post their goals, and never return. Hope you guys come back to us! :bigsmile:

    I'll post an updated goals list later tonight if I can to reconcile all of our goals in one place. I just don't have the time right now, unfortunately :ohwell:

    Meg - Couldn't say it better myself! My MFP family is the best I could ask for and honestly, I can't imagine this journey without them all :heart:

    Happy Friday my dears!
  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm new to this challenge, but not new to MFP. I'd welcome any friend requests, please just put a note in with it so I know you are from this group :) I'm currently starting a plan where I will work out 6 days per week. I'm going to try to do that the rest of January and throughout February to get "re-dedicated" and then I might slow down a bit in March to give myself a rest. Anyway, rest-of-January goals:

    1)Workout 9 times in 11 remaining days
    2) Below 165
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm new to this challenge, but not new to MFP. I'd welcome any friend requests, please just put a note in with it so I know you are from this group :) I'm currently starting a plan where I will work out 6 days per week. I'm going to try to do that the rest of January and throughout February to get "re-dedicated" and then I might slow down a bit in March to give myself a rest. Anyway, rest-of-January goals:

    1)Workout 9 times in 11 remaining days
    2) Below 165

    We're already friends Welcome!! You'll love this group!! We try and post daily or whenever we get the chance!! :bigsmile:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    selfish vent:

    Okay soooo, my room mate seriously tells me nothing anymore and I have honestly had it! She is all around nicer to me, but like I heated up some soup for dinner cause I was hungry. She didn't know what she wanted, 5 min. later I get a text from a mutual friend that says, "yay can't wait for our Chinese take out / homework study night." uugghhhh huh? ask my roommate and she was like, yeah I invited her over, I didn't really know what I wanted to eat, and she was bored so yeah we are getting Chinese.

    awesome. 1) thanks for the invite. 2) thanks for as always bringing crap food into the house when you know I am desperate to lose weight.

    well instead of caving I am going to be a brat and say, "no I don't want any Chinese take out, sorry I already ate...I wasn't aware of the dinner plans."

    k, I am done. Thanks.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Meag - I will have to try bulgar wheat in my chili...I never even thought of doing that!!! Seems like you are having another crazy busy week, so I hope you get to relax and have some "me" time over this weekend!!

    Meg - Its ok to rant....thats what we are here for!! And I would have been mad/upset about that too!! Is she purposely trying to hurt you or do you think it was just an honest mistake?? I hope its not intentional, thats just mean!! But good for you for standing strong and not giving into the Chinese food....thats always a hard one for me!

    AFM - well I am still flying high from my run today....I did 10 miles without walking at all. I have never done more then 8 before and even the 8 still had bits of walking in it. Now this was a road run and fairly a lot easier then the hilly trails that I am used to but non-the-less it was 10 miles!! I finished with a 10:10 min/mile average which is awesome for one of my longer runs!! I am psyched!! Possibly this makes up for the binge eating I did last night???? I hope so. Had a stressful day yesterday and ate wayyy too much last night. But trying to get back on track from that mis-step.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I have a psychotic run planned for tomorrow... 10-11miles (not exactly sure) and planning to run up the Niagara escarpment :bigsmile:

    I've had the week from HELL and I need it! I can kill it. Just need to focus and take my time. Not going to smash my time on it, but I am going to really work hard.

    That is all for me! Here's an updated goals list for us all to reference... It's Jan 20th - how are you doing so far?

    Abby459 - Run 100 miles in January. Find a 1/2 marathon training plan and actually stick to it!! And for my weight, I guess I would like to be under 135 by the months end!!
    Corbinam - to complete the 30 day shred (which i started today), to drink very little pop (maybe even none at all), and keep logging my food and exercise here on MFP!!!
    ChocChipMuffin - keep logging my food and exercise on MFP, start and regularly go to pilates and yoga classes again, keep remembering to take vitamins (I always forget)
    Boolahboo- run 3 times a week, and complete the 30 day shred!
    SeeEmRun2012- maintain a consistent healthy eating pattern, loose one jean size before summer vacation, and run at least once a week (on top of working out 4 days a week)
    Meagalayne- Complete 5 weeks of training for the ATB 30K race, running at least 3x week with long runs on Saturday up to 11 miles, lift weights 2x a week + spin with CrazyCarl on Mondays, stop binging on holidays treats to cope with stress at work, and finish the novel I started in NOLA.
    lalonmeg000 (meg or meghan) - water, water, water! starting that Insanity, 6 days a week :), pack my lunches throughout the week! clean out my car every sunday
    tiffterry- run 2-3 times a week, add some yoga, go to bed a half hour earlier, and go for evening walks.
    missjessicann - Get out of the 150's, stick to month 1 schedule of Insanity, drink enough water, and getting into bed by 1am.
    missgolightly727(Emily) - Lose 5 pounds(which will FINALLY put me into the 150s!), run twice a week(lets try that again...), try something new, no sodas, post on this board more!!
    jlrushton12- Lose at least 5lbs, try (and stick to) 30 Day Shred, limit sugar (except from fruits), burn more calories than in December.
    mrswhitehair-Complete the 30 Day Shred, be able to complete the video with no stops & non-modified pushups! Limit pop intake (after I get into the swing of things with student teaching this month, I will set more challenging goals next month!!)
    nicalillo - work out twice a week and for weight somewhere below 120
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - Plan, plan, plan!! Plan my meals for the week! Drink my water everyday! Get in as many workouts as my life will allow. Stay on track! Keep reading!!
    naoblue - log all food and exercise on MFP & to make sure to stretch after each workout
    Jessie544- log all my food/excercise on MFP, lose at least 10 lbs, stick to cardio classes I've registered for at the gym....
    npryor100- do not eat 2-3 hours before bed, say 'no' to processed foods and desserts, complete weight/circuit training at least 3 days a week
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia) Train for my 1/2 marathon (March17th), continue weight training 3xs/week if possible fit in some stairs (hill) or other random workouts (hiking, mt. biking), keep hydrating properly, eat more protein, sleep more, give myself a full R&R day! Be more positive in my daily life/work life! Lose 2 pounds or lose some inches overall!
    USNGirlMel- Start working out more often, no late night binge eating, get into marathons! Lose 15 lbs. Plan my meals..... but i need friends and encouragement!!:)
    YLopez04 Continue to log every day on MFP, run 5 miles non stop out door, sign up for my first 5k!!!
    ladyjoie - log all my food in MFP, eat more fruit and veg, go on my crosstrainer 3x a week, lose 7lbs this month, do yoga or pilates twice a week.
    Maridelsol82-Drink at least 10 cups of water a day & exercise everyday. Even if its just a walk.
    mkingraham (Megan)- Actually hit up the gym, stretch everyday, eat healthier
    DDBeard - Workout (Zumba/Cardio/weights) at least 5 times a week. Do not exceed my calorie count 1 day. Eat fresh veg/fruits at least 2 times a day (just getting started and not a fruit/veggie person so this is a challenge for me). Survive my best friend destignation wedding weekend without breaking my diet (Jan 28)
    Ninjalis- workout 3-4 times a week consistently, logging food intake everyday and trying to maintain less than 1500 cals.
    stacyann1001 - cardio 3 times a week, yoga 1 time a week, learn how to use weights (dont laugh, i have no clue what to do with them), no cheese snacking while home!!!!! (this is my weakness, my most favorite food, i could sit on the couch and eat a pound of cheese and a box of crackers every night), be more positive mentally and emotionally and learn to appreciate my natural flaws
    PattyCake123- Workout on my off days from work as well as the days I only work 8 hour shifts. Plan my grocery shoping before I go. loose 4 lbs and get into one-derland (I'm 1.2 lbs away). Stay well hydrated, especially at work. Log all of my food and exercise daily. Maintain not eating fast food or drinking soda.
    Wrightstuff0- lose 5 pounds and to workout 3 times a week and start zumba class at my gym.
    Lindz625- Stick to my daily calorie goal. Exercise at least 5 times a week.
    AJones1021 - Pre-plan and pack my lunch every day for work. Log my food/exercise in to MFP every day! Continue to take Zumba/belly dancing class 2x a week at the gym.
    Leela 30 - weight train 3-4 times a week
    Miss_magzy - work out 4 times a week, get out of the 170s and into the 160s, drink lots of water and NO SODA
    LisaJuliette: burn 7000kcal a week. be 74kgs by end of Jan (79kgs now)
    maru84- Log my food every single day, even if I go over. Increase calorie awareness. Continue the steady decrease I've been seeing! (In the long term--> stick to my calorie goal with a little wiggle room for a cheat date night on Friday nights, and then increase my activity to make up for those extra calories on that cheat night!)
    cassandralutz- loose 5lbs and work out 3 times a week for at eat 30mins a day
    asbelle- Attend pilates classes once a week at my school's gym; Loose 2 pounds before the month's end; be able to run 3 miles on the treadmill (I ran all the time in high school).; do 3 outdoor sports (I live where it is cold and snowy) before January is gone; Limits my desserts to 3 a week in the cafeteria.
    lilieslosinit- Workout 9 times in 11 remaining days; Below 165lbs.

    Hope that's everyone! For the first time ever I'm actually on track to meet EVERY goal. Just have to keep working!

    Happy weekend, lovelies! :heart:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Finally able to post!!

    Abby I don't think it will effect our training plan too much the way I see is if we get out there and do our long runs outdoors plus one more run outdoors we should be good! And btw I had a great workout at bootcamp but stopped for a minute because I felt really nauseous to the point of puking not good! Which reminds me you don't get sick from running anymore I remember months ago you would feel sick?? Obviously not anymore since you can run 10 miles non-stop thats is a major accomplishment! You're doing awesome and for the child getting stitches I think with time you will get more used to it, moving to pediatrics might help if you think about you will deal with that more frequently that you actually won't have a choice but to thicken up, thats just a hard job overall. You seem like great person and very hard working, and I wouldn't worry about your "binge eating" you have plenty of calories left today so it definitely balances out! :wink:

    Meag Hope your Friday wasn't as bad as your work week and got some rest! Make time for that you know your body needs it! Preaching to the choir :wink: Hope you have a great run tomorrow 10-11 miles in the freezing cold man you are one kick *kitten* woman! Im excited to buy the ingredients to try your recipe woohoo been waiting all week hope I don't screw it up! Have you always enjoyed cooking??

    Meghan great job kicking some booty with the Insanity program did you take measurements or pics to gauge your progress, I see lots of people do that because they'll comment on how they are not losing weight yet still losing inches which of course is a better indicator of loss IMO! Dancing for 40 plus hours omgosh thats a full time job lol And as far as the recipe for the chili goes I made it on a stove I still have yet to buy a crock pot! I would make an appt because although your schedule is busy stress levels and anxiety could lead to something more serious my older brother has had 2 anxiety/panic attacks and it was not good he had to go to the hospital cause he thought he was having a heart attack, please check that out thats a priority! And as far as your roommate let it go, don't let that stress you, you choose to eat what you want and maybe they didn't invite because they know you're trying to eat better, I myself had to refuse chinese also. Apparently one of the girls at my work texted everybody the night before to make lunch plans, uuuhhh I didn't get a text so i made my lunch and was a bit bothered, but i still ate my regular home cooked food vs the imitation chinese food they had lol. Roommates can be difficult to live with regardless of how long you know them or how close you are!! Thanks to you for always being so positive and honest about your journey I love this group as well! :bigsmile:

    Welcome to all the new people hope to see you guys around more often because like Meag said they post their goals and bamm disappear!! lol Not quite like that but you get the gist!! :wink:

    AFM I decided to sleep in because I basically need more sleep, I did manage to get a nice Vinyasa yoga at home workout in and it was awesome especially the part where you incorporate weights!! I went over my calories but no biggie have a long run planned tomorrow between 9-10 miles it has been raining here and suppose to continue until Tuesday, so our run will be interesting and fun! Kind of excited for that i just have to be careful not to bust my *kitten*! :noway: Im meeting with a group of runners Ive only met one and the rest are strangers but looking forward to that since I have never ran with a running group, found this out through the coach that gives us bootcamp classes! Which btw my bootcamp classes where intense to the point of barfing had to take a minute to gather myself might have pushed a bit much but love that challenge!! Thats it for me ladies nothing to special planned for the weekend except for some running, cooking/baking and spending time with the BF and hoping to watch Courageous and Kevin Hart's new comedy!! have great night and an awesome weekend!! :bigsmile: Cynthia
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    This week I have concurred my goals. I've workout out not 3 times but everyday this week and I have achieved 5lbs of weight loss. I hope everyone has a good weekend and meets their goals and stay motivated!
    This week my goal is to make it through all 30 minutes of my cardio scuplt DVD, that has been kicking my butt since I started!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Meag - I hope you have an amazing run today!!! And the nI hope you get some relaxation time this sound like you need it!! Le me know how the run went!!

    Cynthia - Thanks!! I am amazed by my run still!! And glad that you got to sleep in today...sometimes you need it!! I did that yesterday too since I was off. Of course it lead to me not eating any breakfast...but oh well I was exhausted!! And your right, I dont think the TM runs will hurt us at all. I figure in one more month I will be back outside full time and then I still have 2 months until my 1/2. And no I dont get sick anymore at all!! They found that I had H. Pylori and it just took a months worth of antibiotics and I am all cured!! No troubles at all since!! So hopefully your nausea was a one time deal!! Good luck with your long run and be careful in the yucky weather!!

    AFM - I am stuck working allllll weekend again....buts its OK since its snowing/hailing here today anyways. I dont feel as bad being stuck inside!! But I am glad that I did my long run yesterday and didnt wait until monday since it will still be yucky out!! I can still remember being on here talking about how excited I was when I first ran 3.1miles without walking and now I did 10 miles....its crazy to see how far I have come in the past 6 months or so!! Well better get back to work now...I'll check in tomorrow!!
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Life's been a bit crazy since the beginning of senior semester last week, hence the quiet on this side.

    Abby - 10 miles is quite the accomplishment. Lookin forwards to the day I can do that myself.. Keep up the awesome work.

    Cass - Wow, talk about kickin *kitten*. Way to burn that fat.

    Cynthina - We all need that one day to catch up. Good luck with your run with your new group.. Hope they can keep up with you.

    Meagan - 10-11 miles? Dang you guys are quite the inspiration. Do you just keep running short distances until you get to enough stamina to do the longer runs?

    This past week I did not work out at the gym 4 times a week.. Only 3, since one of my usual days of working out was out of town testing for a possible position after college is done. (Waking up at 4 in the morning to take a test at 9:30AM.. Brain fried, but got it done.) This week I am jumpin back on ship however. Going to the gym today for 40 minutes of intense lower body strengthening, and then 30 minutes of running intervals. Got to get that stabilization up. This week my aerobics class is starting to actual get into working out as well, so looking forwards to learning all sorts of different options.

    Keep up the *kitten* kickin girls, it's hard to believe we're already nearing the end of the month.

    - Emily
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks for letting me vent the other night, I feel better now :)

    abby- I don't think it's intentional, she is in a tough part of her life right now, trying to figure out what she wants to do after graduation, and what her long-term boyfriend is doing (i don't care for the guy)...and honestly its made her very self-centered. But whatever, she is still one of my best friends, I will be here for her no matter what mood she is in. Great job on your 10 mile run! That is so exciting and really hard work. We all have our binge nights, just hop back on track and you will be fine :) I realize you are probably wishing the snow and hail would stop, but I on the other hand am very jealous lol, in my entire life I have never seen snow. Ever. Sleet doesn't count. And you are right, in 6 months so much can change! You are doing awesome, keep up the hard work!

    emily (moocha)- 3 days at the gym is still and accomplishment! Great attitude though, and you are going to rock it this week!

    meag- hope you had a nice run and that your weekend was stress free!

    cynthia- thanks for the insanity encouragement :) that was the plan to take pics...but I forgot lol, so I do have one about a week before I started, then I am going to take one not this Monday, but the next for my 1 month marker. I don't own a scale, a threw it out because I became obsessed with it (weighing myself multiple times a day), but I am taking measurements with the pics. So far no significant losses, but I am defiantly stronger. I keep hearing month 2 is winner as well, so holding strong till then. And yes 40 hours a week of dance for 3 years lol, it was intense but I loved it. I probably average 10 a week now and only parts of the year. And you are right, I do need to go have the anxiety checked out before I really harm myself, its been a long time coming, and I tried going once but the lady told me I was a "silly freshman girl, who's own fault it was why I was so stressed, and I needed to quit everything but school." never had the guts to go back, but I know I should. Thanks again for your support! Hope your running group goes well, and get some rest this weekend!

    AFM: So the mutual friend ended up not coming over, which was bitter sweet, yes I wanted to see her, but deep down I chuckled and sneered at my roommate because FIINNAALLLLYYYY someone told her no. Childish? yes, but I was okay with it. I didn't workout yesterday, instead I went to a well deserved girls night with some girls on my dance team and drank an entire bottle of wine by myself, accompanied by 1 cupcake. Did I feel guilty about it? not in the least. I am going to try to make up yesterday's workout today, but I am feeling lazy and have homework up to my ears, might just tack that missed day on at the end of the program.

    Monday will start week 4 of insanity! Cannot believe its already been a month!!! wow! Here are my results so far. For those who don't know exactly how the program works, every 2 weeks you take a fit test, to gauge how you are coming along. The fit test is comprised of 8 exercises that you do for a minute. You try and do as many as you can in that minute, of course without losing proper form.
    Day1 / Day 15

    Switch kicks- 81/87
    Power jacks- 42/32
    power knees- 65/80
    power jumps- 12/17
    globe jumps- 6/7
    suicide jumps- 11/12
    push-up jacks- 14/21
    lower plank obliques- 30/44