Nobody has noticed



  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I didn't read all 6 pages of replies so someone may have already have said this, but here's my thinking.... I personally don't always mention to people if I notice a weight loss-depending on my relationship with them- for this reason... They may think it's too personal. And I believe that others sometimes feel uncomfortable mentioning weight, because they may think that then you'll know they thought you were fat to begin with.... it's easier at some point to say something like, "Gee, you look really nice...." then you can reply with a simple thank you, or mention the weight yourself. And some people are just too wrapped up in themselves to notice things about others, no matter how important those 'things' are to us! Congrats on your loss, and continued good luck!
  • curliefrii
    curliefrii Posts: 56 Member
    It took 6 months for people to start saying stuff about my weight change. Sometimes, people just are slow or feel uncomfortable. :) Keep up the good work!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I just comment to people who have lost..You are looking great! its kinds open and doesnt say weight, but, gives that attention to efforts. Also...Your doing this for you...Not for them! Just take pride in you and your accomplishments:-) Good job!
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    It is frustrating when people don't notice, because each change feels drastic and exciting to you. I have just always chalked it up to they aren't as intimately acquainted with your body as you. Period and no one can know how it feels to thrive in your skin.
  • casshole
    casshole Posts: 68 Member
    If you have a lot of weight to lose, its like taking sheets off of a roll of paper towel. If you take a few sheets off of a full roll, you dont really notice, but once you get to the end, you can tell. Dont let it discourage you! Keep moving forward and do it for YOU! :wink:
  • EJsMummy26
    EJsMummy26 Posts: 101 Member
    I left my old job, and got together w/ some old co-workers. One of them was having a bad day, and she had lost quite a bit of weight. My thought was, "I hope she's not sick." I didn't want to say anything to create an uncomfortable situation, I figured if she wanted to talk about it she would.

    Come to find out, the next time we got together she was in a better mood and told us she was doing weight watchers and had dropped 50 lbs.

    Congrats to you! Buy a new outfit to make you feel better and contragulate all your hard work and celebrate your success so far.
  • That is amazing you have done so well in such a short time. That's very encouraging :) Though people may not comment/notice, I am sure you notice and probably feel so fabulous about yourself and your success, which will motivate you to keep going. I am sure if you compared pictures of before and now you can see a difference :)

    I had the opposite problem - people noticed and commented, and I hated it. Not that I didn't want to hear kind words, it just through me for a loop as I do not like attention and suddenly I was getting it. It took me 6 months to finally start to see what everyone had been telling me. Even now I still see the "old" me. It is definitely a life long journey and good for you for making a commitment to getting healthy :)
  • 12kfwilson
    12kfwilson Posts: 9 Member
    well done i must say your a true champ i had a simlar thing at one stage right at end people say have you lost weight um just 15 kilos
  • Chanels_mom
    Chanels_mom Posts: 45 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this topic. I feel the exact same way and have lost around 16lbs as well. However, I know that it's going to take about 50lbs or so before I get noticed by anyone. This has discouraged me in the past. This time around I am just going to keep pushing forward and show them that I can lose beyond 15-20lbs.

    You just keep on pushing because YOU know that you've lost and in no time others will too.

  • I guess it will take few months until they will notice you. I agree with you, it's kinda hard to pursue your target goal in losing weight when nobody's around that cheers you up. All I can say, just never lose hope and continue what you've started. Try to attain your goals in losing your weight fast. I have not yet achieved my target goal but I know I can get it in the shortest period of time. I stumbled across to and found out their effective vegan diet plan and also their fitness plans.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Last time I lost weight it took 16kgs (almost 40lbs) before people started noticing - I had gone from about 200 down to 163.
    Will be interesting to see what it takes this time.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Remember, you aren't doing all this work for anyone but yourself. Don't do it for the kudos. Do it because you're worth it. I know the "atta girls" feel good, and they will come. Just keep up the hard work and keep moving forward!! :)
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    I think that in the workplace (and other similar situations where you know people, but don't know them that well), some people may find it awkward to make a comment. I know that if I worked with someone, but only knew them professionally, I would be hesitant to make a comment about their weight loss because I would feel like I was somehow intruding on their personal life.

    I've lost 24 pounds and no one at work has made a comment. And I wasn't even that big to begin with (5'6.5'' and 170 pounds) so the change is pretty noticeable. I work in a department store where we all wear uniforms, and no one has seen me in anything other than work clothes so it's understandable that it's harder to see a change. I've had a couple of people take second looks at me but that's about it.

    As long as YOU know that you're achieving something fantastic, that's all that matters! One day they will notice, there always seems to be a magic weight where people notice, and this differs with individuals. Good work and keep it up ! :)
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    I'm sure people noticed. But careful what you wish for, comments cut both ways, You wouldn't want comments about any weight gain.
    Do it for yourself. Good work.
  • Have to remember who you are doing this for...YOU!!!! The praise from others feels good but putting on jeans several sizes smaller is better than any compliment someone could pay me!! Keep it up they WILL notice :) Good Luck!!!

    totally agree
    sometimes working in an office can be *****y aswell and they may be jealous of your progress.
    i felt i had lost loads in december - inches - work trousers all saggy - only 1 person said something.
    this is 4 u and only u & ur health and ur close family. dont let it get u dwn. good work.
  • :flowerforyou: While it is GREAT when people notice the weight loss, doing it for yourself is the most important thing. You already said it sister, you FEEL better, you fit your clothes better, your hair is healthier.. YOU are the most important factor! Keep up the great work!!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    So I am down 16+ pounds in less than 2 months. I know it has not been that long or that much weight, but I feel drastically different. Better outlook, wearing nicer clothes, happier. Even my hair looks better.

    Meanwhile, not one person has said a word. Coworkers, friends, nothing.

    In the past, I have lost less weight and had people ask if I had been losing weight. I know I have much more to go, but I would have thought I would have someone notice. Ugh. :(

    aw :(. They see you everyday, probably why. However, it is guaranteed that one day you will go into work or see your friends and they will ALL notice at the same time.

    btw 16lbs IS a lot of weight, so you can stop thinking that it isn't right now! :flowerforyou:
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    I think I had lost about 35-40 pounds before anyone noticed I had lost weight. Now that I have lost around sixty pounds all my co-workers notice, but my family still doesn't notice anything. Just keep up the good work and do it for yourself and your health!
  • I know it feels good to have them notice but be sure your doing it for YOURSELF you can get discouraged easly if your doing it for other's to notice.
  • Last year, after I had lost nearly 20 lbs, a coworker asked if I was pregnant. Apparently my weight loss everywhere else made my stomach pooch that much more noticeable. Mrrrrrr!!!!