

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm wondering if the reason I was feeling so "not wanting to exercise" was because of the overload of fats/carbs that I had yesterday. Or maybe I'm just trying to rationalize it, I don't know. Anyway, I did an hour of HIIT today on the elliptical. I must admit, when I was done, I felt so much better. Tomorrow I'll go to a yoga class. Jessica is here, I usually go bowling after yoga but I'll probably come home.

    We had company over for dinner. I made lobster tails and had a sweet potato. One couple brought a baguette, so I had some along with some butter. that did me in. but that's the only thing that I really felt that I didn't need. Even tho I did go over on the calories, I did log everything. One step at a time...first logging, then making sure that red number doesn't show up

    I'm going to give the rest of the baguette to Jessica to take home along with the magic cookie bars that I made for her.

    mukamom - congrats on those jeans! doesn't it feel good to get comfirmation that you are losing inches????

    Welcome Susan!

    genalace - just what you needed! First your bf, then the furnace

    Jeannie - happy birthday to your son!

    Jane - good luck with the MRI tomorrow! Remind me again, what is the reason are you going?

    Nancy - I was thinking, also, that you might look at Oriental Trading to see what they have. Depending how many of an item you need, what about some sort of glow stick/necklance/etc?

    Well, I better post this, Jessica wants to use my computer to play some sort of computer game, don't think I'll be able to get back on later

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Got a phone call from DBF about 1:30 to say that the doctor had been to see him and he was going for surgery today. I went to the hospital but had just missed him as they had an operating room available.

    I came home and then went and didn my grocery shopping and paid some bills at the bank. I went back to the hospital about 5:45 and got home from the hospital at 10:45. The surgery was 6.5 hours and they did 3 by-passes and repaired the mitral valve. His #2 son and I stayed (#1 son and his GF went home because he didn't want to see his dad) and were able to go in to see him for a couple of minutes. He was totally sedated with breathing tubes, draining tubes from his chest etc.

    The doctor said that he had congestive heart failure and was having a crisis which is why they went ahead so quickly when there was a window when he seemed to improve a little.

    They will not remove the breathing tube tonight and might sometime tomorrow or possibly not until the day after, it just epends how he goes on. They want to keep him sedated overnight, then allow him to come to a level of consciousness on his own and probably won't remove the breathing tube until after that.

    If there is any concern overnight they will phone me, and then I'll phone the boys.

    The upside of a 5 hour wait in the family room was that I got a lot of knitting done!
  • valpreston
    Hello all,
    Just joined MFP and found the leader for this forum on the right hand side, thought I would take a look and introduce myself.
    My daughter and I just started a fitness challenge at a local gym - and I am feeling my age! After the first night, my wrist was wrapped up (swollen and painful from the push-ups), so had to modify my workout for that. On the 4th night of workouts, I overworked my knees and now they are painful. I have to give the instructors credit, they are always able to suggest tips on my form and how to make the moves low-impact for me (I am the oldest and most overweight woman in the class, no guys in this class).
    We (my daughter and I) have been working out together off and on for a number of years now. We have been forced to take to the gym as winters here are horrendous (currently -40 with the windchill, sideways snow building drifts that I will have to shovel out before work on Monday!). Us and the animals are hunkered down inside beside the woodstove!:ohwell:
    Weigh in might be tomorrow (or Tuesday) - hoping for good numbers given the effort and pain I have put in so far. Wish me luck!
  • mimi7grands
    Just checking in after 3 weeks away. Oh My Goodness. I can hardly believe the number of posts. I'll work on catching up over the next few days. My dad is doing well after his surgery and I'm glad to be back!!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Had some blood work done yesterday and my protein levels were normal!!
  • kleinbuenstorf
    Good morning everyone,

    for no reason at all I woke up at 3 AM and could not go back to sleep. :grumble: Time to make some coffee and catch up on reading.
    I haven't posted in a couple of days, but my walking is going well and I almost have reached my " 100 miles in January " challenge!! :happy: After today only 10 more miles !!!:bigsmile:
    Now for a new challenge: I would like to enter the " Susan G. Komen walk for a cure " which will be here in Dallas in Nov.and it would be 60 miles in 3 days !! :noway: I have no idea if I can do it, so I thought I give it a trail run next week and see how I come out of it before I commit myself to do the walk !! :tongue: My family is very supportive and thinks I can do it.

    Exermom - sometimes I don't feel like walking, but once I start and have completed about 2 miles the endorphines kick in and
    I feel great!! :wink:
    genealace - I hope everything goes well for DBF and that you have the strenght to keep up with everything. :flowerforyou:
    valpreston - welcome and stay warm !! :laugh:
    Mac Madame - great news on your bloodwork !! :smile:

    I have no plans for my Saturday, I usually do that will I walk, so I'll let it just happening!!! :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, :flowerforyou:

  • kleinbuenstorf
    I need more coffee, can't even spell my name right !!!:laugh:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello all,
    Just joined MFP and found the leader for this forum on the right hand side, thought I would take a look and introduce myself.
    My daughter and I just started a fitness challenge at a local gym - and I am feeling my age! After the first night, my wrist was wrapped up (swollen and painful from the push-ups), so had to modify my workout for that. On the 4th night of workouts, I overworked my knees and now they are painful. I have to give the instructors credit, they are always able to suggest tips on my form and how to make the moves low-impact for me (I am the oldest and most overweight woman in the class, no guys in this class).
    We (my daughter and I) have been working out together off and on for a number of years now. We have been forced to take to the gym as winters here are horrendous (currently -40 with the windchill, sideways snow building drifts that I will have to shovel out before work on Monday!). Us and the animals are hunkered down inside beside the woodstove!:ohwell:
    Weigh in might be tomorrow (or Tuesday) - hoping for good numbers given the effort and pain I have put in so far. Wish me luck!
    Hi Val, it's great you've joined, you'll find this to be an excellent way to keep track of your foods and exercise, plus get support from lots of wonderful people. Oh, do be careful with working out....build up slowly and give your body time to adjust. You might try walking on the treadmill or doing "gentle" elliptical for a few weeks in order to focus on burning calories. "Counter" push-ups are much easier and still quite effective in building muscle in the arms. Our knees are vital elements...when they're sore and it hurts to walk, then we tend to stop moving. I overdid many things at first, too, and found that the saying "no pain, no gain" might be fine for someone in their 20's, but for me it's bunch of hogwash. Don't hurt yourself. Go slow, be steady, it'll eventually get easier and be lots more fun.
    :^) jb
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Heading out for a cut and color. Just popping in to report the scale and tape measure are both still moving in the RIGHT direction :happy: Down 4 more pounds!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Today is Ritter first vet appointment. He just had a bath and he is running all over the place. I am really ramping my spirits up to attack this lifestyle change with determination this time.

    I am so glad you are back Mary. (Mimi sister veggie queen) I really missed you. I hope you get a chance to go back thru the posts and meet my new family member Ritter. I am glad you dad is doing well.

    Welcome newbies. You have found the best group of ladies in the world.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Good morning/evening everyone. I'm probably not going to have any time to post for the next while - I'm heading in to silly season - working 6 days/week 8-10 hours daily. I am going to try to keep logging and stay on track but I've noticed at this time of year I frequently forget to eat so I will have to be careful to keep veg and fruit at hand to snack on. Have a great spring - I'll be back end of April. :laugh:
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Happy weekend everyone,
    Yesterday was supposed to be my first day of zumba at our gym but by the time we got ready, ate breakfast and drove the 27 miles to the gym we were too late for the class. We talked about it a little and have decided that it might be smart for us to do lighter workouts for a few weeks since we just started back after not really exercising a lot for the last 3 months. So we will go 2 or 3 times a week and work out our kinks and gain a little more strenght back before doing their zumba class.

    I am so happy to read all the posts from the new posters and learn from posters old and new.
    For those who remember that my goal a few months ago before our cruise was to wear a dress that I loved while on the cruise, I have added a picture of me wearing it...I really like this dress. When I described the dress to you I know everyone must have cringed....black with large royal blue and purple flowers on it ...OMG, that sounds horrendous, but I fancy the dress.
    So more work to do in my closets today, getting close to the end though, anything that does not fit is going to the womans's shelter. I only want clothes that I can wear in there. I am close to my goal and think that those clothes will still be ok, just a little loose and I love that. I just have to remember that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels! xoSissy
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Mac – Glad the blood work turned out OK.

    Scompton – Gratz on the inches loss! That is great.

    To all the ladies in the Great Northwest – I hope you all weathered the storm safe and sound. I saw some pictures on FaceBook and it sure did look like a lot of snow.

    Susankaye – Welcome.

    Genealace – I hope your DBF is doing better and your furnace is fixed for good. It sounds like you could use a hug, so I am sending one your way.

    I almost made it through a whole page of the posts before the rest of the house woke up.

    Hugs to all,

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi All - Back after a few days away from this Message Board. I can't get over the overwhelming responses everyone places here. I'll try to keep up. I enjoy everyone's input and support. Being a newbie - only a few weeks - I look here for ideas, support and MFP peeps. Have a good weekend all! Barb
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good Morning everybody :drinker:

    Today is ALL ABOUT ME day :laugh: I'm heading out for a haircut, then I have a manicure, pedicure and a massage booked. :heart: can't wait.... then I'm meeting up with the girls to go wedding dress shopping for my friends wedding. I'm in the wedding party which is why I decided to start DIETING again lol....but this is the last time!

    AHealthierSuz and MacMadame - very happy for the good news for you both....it's always nice when things go well in whatever we do.

    Valpreston - good luck with the weigh in - but don't let the numbers get to you - go on how you feel. I'm trying to learn that myself actually. There's nothing worse than feeling great after 3 or 4 days of working out and then stepping on the scale to see it go up...just keep telling yourself you're doing a great job!

    Desiree - I'm with you - I need more coffee :drinker:

    well I'm off to start my ME DAY....I hope you all have an awesome day whatever you decide to do today!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    DBF is doing ok. The hospital said he had a reasonable good night and is conscious this morning and was able to squeeze the nurse's hand.

    The furnace is a whole different issue. When I got up and turned the heat up, it was ok for a few minutes and then started making loud banging noise - thought someone was using a jack-hammer outside. So I killed the breaker and called the service people for visit number 5 this week. He has just gone and furnace is working away warming up the house. It is noisier than before because, he explained, the motor is running faster. He still needs to change one drive but it is ok for now. He will call and come back on Monday or Tuesday to do the work.

    He also said he is going to look at all the invoices I've paid this week. I didn't have to pay today.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Happy Saturday! It snowed a little last night, which was fine, then iced on top of it, which wasn't. We knew it was coming, though, so we got all our errands done last evening then came in and we're hibernating until tomorrow when at least the ice should melt.

    Last evening I did my most challenging DVD "Leslie Sansone Walk At Home 5 Mile Walk" the 5 Advanced Miles segment. It's mile of walking with hand weight exercises, a super fast mile, a mile of walking plus resistance, another super fast mile and another mile of walking/resistance. When you're done you've walked 5 miles in an hour PLUS done about 20 minutes of upper arms. That DVD kicks my behind and I can't do it two days in a row or my calves go on strike, but I try to do it at least once a week.

    My 15 year-old daughter decided she was going to do the DVD with me. She made it through the first two miles but gave up halfway through the 3rd mile. I'm more fit than my 15 year old! I did remind her that I didn't start with the advanced CD and couldn't have done it at first so she should give herself a little time. But I still think she was embarrassed.

    Today I did "Sweatin' to the Oldies 2". Richard made me do crunches! Lots of fun, I like it as well as volume I. Sunday is an off day as long as I've worked out 5 days since the previous Monday. I may do some light toning with the hand weights but that's all.

    MacMadame, I'm so thrilled your protein levels are normal! That's great news.

    For the snow shovelers: I haven't looked, does MFP have a pre-entered category for you to enter shoveling? Because that's a serious cardio AND strengthening workout!

    rjadams: hope Ritter's vet visit goes well. I have fallen in love with your puppy! And Bodi seems like a tolerant saint of a big brother.

    Sally CC: What time of day were you measured? We do shrink during the day. As we sleep our spinal cords relax, as we sit and stand all day they settle and we're as much as 1/2" shorter in the evening than we are in the morning. I've grown since I lost weight. I do stand up straighter - I really feel like the fat was weighing me down. I measure a solid 5' 8" and a hair in the afternoon, whereas before I was not quite 5' 7 1/2" before.

    exermom: Since stress or depression (whether medical or situational) can severely affect both our eating and exercise, I'm thinking all of the stress and worry you've been dealing with is probably the root cause of both. {{Hugs}} and give yourself a little bit slack - I'm not saying give up trying to eat right and exercise, just don't be too hard on yourself.

    genealace: I'm glad your DBF came through surgery well; with congestive heart failure it can sometimes be tough to even do a surgery. Sending prayers and good thoughts that he recovers quickly and smoothly.

    valpreston: Please be careful not to push yourself too hard. It's important to challenge ourselves but if you do more than your body can handle you're at risk of an injury that might keep you from working out at all and THAT is super discouraging (also painful). Work your way up and you'll be surprised how soon you'll be able to do all the things you wish you could do now.

    Kleinbuenstor: 90 miles this month so far?! That's amazing. At that rate, I bet you make 125 miles.

    AHealthierSuz: 4 pounds is terrific, congratulations. And I think I enjoy the inches as much as the pounds!

    sissygok: Great idea to purge your closet. I made a decision right at the start that I wasn't going to keep anything even one size up (except if I could still wear it to save money on new clothes). I loved getting rid of the size 30 bottoms and 28 tops, but when I gave away my first size large shirt and all my size 14 jeans I almost cried. I couldn't imagine myself getting into size 14s, much less shrinking out of them!

    schmogo9: Good for you! Everyone needs an "all about me" day, and there's nothing I love more than a mani and pedi. I have to admit I've never had a massage, but I'm thinking about trying it for a treat. Hope you come home feeling pampered, beautiful and totally awesome in every way.

    I'm sitting here drinking a protein shake and feeling particularly unambitious. Other than shifting my laundry, I predict a very lazy afternoon!

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm wondering if the reason I was feeling so "not wanting to exercise" was because of the overload of fats/carbs that I had yesterday.
    I know overdoing carbs and sweets makes me feel sluggish and sleepy. I've been thinking that was probably my problem last week -- too many carbs.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Snowy Saturday. The skiers are happy.

    To celebrate being ½ way to my goal weight :flowerforyou: I gave myself a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor. I needed a watch anyway. :ohwell: I wanted the FT7, but the FT4 was available at a local store and I try to shop in town when I can, so that’s that. Yesterday I figured out all the settings on the watch part, today I’ll test it out. Nothing like a new toy to keep me motivated.

    Thanks for the suggestions about prizes for my students. It was on my mind when I got to work today so I went to the source and asked them. The responses: stickers (and they’re 12-13 years old!), pencils, erasers, bouncy balls (no way, not in my classroom!), and other dollar store treasures. So you were right on track and I’m going shopping this afternoon.

    Mukamon – keep going on the treadmill. I was amazed how quickly my ability, tolerance, fitness (whatever you want to call it) improved on the treadmill. Exercise banishes the blues, that’s my new theme song. :smile:

    Kckramp/KC – what do you teach? Oh, I admire you getting exercise in before school. I’m pushing it just to get self and family out the door on time.

    Genealace: I'm relieved to hear that your DBF is doing better and I hope your furnace is rumbling away as it should. At least the engineers come when you call!

    Jb_2011: “Gonna go look for the beauty” I think I will add that to my list of favorite quotes! :smile:

    Virginia: Teenagers & school. :grumble: All I can say is choose your battles. Not sure how write this without being all jargony, so bear with me. It helps if she sees herself as a scholar and a successful learner. Self-image. It also helps, as someone else has mentioned, if she is in a peer group who value learning & success in school. I credit a lot of my daughter’s success in high school to a very special teacher who took her under her wing, made sure she knew that she was important and that someone was watching out for her, expecting her to do her best. Is there someone at school you can enlist?

    Rjadams: I love spreadsheets too! I hope you’re feeling more inspired today. :drinker:

    Sally: Getting shorter? :noway: Sigh. If I get any shorter I’ll disappear. Definitely time for the inversion boots.

    Michelle: Oh, baguette, :heart: joy and bliss! DH and J’boy were in the city yesterday to have J’boy’s braces adjusted and DH brought home 3 from the fantastic French bakery there. I indulged, with real butter too! Serious carb overload which I am feeling this morning.

    Sissy: “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” Another one for my list of favorite quotes!

    Shmogo9: haircut, manicure, pedicure & massage! You must be feeling faantabulastic!

    Hasta pronto,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    We had a surprise opportunity to go out to breakfast with a bunch of friends this morning. I had already had my usual breakfast “shake” and walked the dogs for about half their usual walk. After reading about all the yummy egg, toast, pancake, waffle, etc. choices, I ordered oatmeal (without brown sugar) with raisins and blueberries. It came with a little pitcher of half and half and I had that, too. :laugh: Then I came home and walked the dogs for another hour and shoveled the rest of the ice and snow off the driveway.

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, now that I have a heart rate monitor, I use those calorie numbers for whatever I do…..even if MFP has a number in their data base, now that I weigh 113, I figure that their number is likely to be too high for me……..I, too, purged my closet as I lost weight……I bought a few temporary items along the way but didn’t buy much until I reached my goal…..I had clothes that I loved and I cried when I gave some of them away, but I will never be that weight again nor have the need to wear “blousy fitting” jumpers.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Genealace, I am so relieved to hear that your DBF is recovering from his huge surgery…..the last time my husband was in the hospital for a heart related emergency he was in another state so I know how it feels to let go and trust that the hospital is doing the best things even when I can’t be there to oversee them….best wishes to him for a speedy return home to his normal life with you.

    :bigsmile: :heart: Mimi, welcome “home”. I have missed your upbeat posts and all the inspirations about eating vegetables. I am so glad your dad is doing well:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Desiree, I’m an avid walker and I feel daunted at the idea of 60 miles in 3 days…..good luck. I wear a pedometer all day every day and that looks like a huge challenge.

    :flowerforyou: Val, welcome…..slow and steady wins the race….be safe in your workouts……I am reading “Strong Women Stay Young” and beginning a strength training program and the book recommends starting slow and working your way up to heavier weights and greater challenges.

    :bigsmile: Sissy, your dress sounds and looks fabulous
    if I had seen it in a store, I would have bought it, although because I’m always so cold I would have had to wear it over many layers of long underwear (in bright colors):laugh: :laugh: ….good for you getting rid of the clothes that are too big……there is a woman out there who will be grateful to have them

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, congrats on getting a HRM---I was not as principled as you----I wanted a red Polar FT7 and all they had locally was a black one so I ordered mine online…….I love my HRM and it has inspired me to be more active.

    :flowerforyou: Jake has bathed and groomed both poodles this morning…..my job is drying them and then cleaning up the dog hair that’s all over the floor…..I also sit nearby in case he needs me (thus, my opportunity to be on the computer for such a long time).

    :heart: Temps in the high 30’s will melt the snow soon and we’ll be back to typical cool wet times

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    January goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."