

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh! I forgot to tell you guys! My BFF that came in from Ky on the 17th of last month to be here for Alex's graduation has decided not to go back to Ky!!:happy: She got a place about 45 mins from here and I am thrilled!!:drinker:

    We're driving her back to Ky today to pick up her things and wont be back til probably tomorrow afternoon, but I am sooo glad to have her back up here again:blushing: We always have the best times together, Ive missed her so much since she moved away 4 yrs ago. Its rainy and cloudy and kinda yucky here...but its sooo gonna be a great day:heart:

    Have a great day everyone, talk to you guys tomorrow!:flowerforyou:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Morning team!!:flowerforyou:

    You guys may plot behind my back today to get a straight jacket for me, but here goes: I am soooo glad that I gained 1 lb this week!

    Just so you dont think Im completely off my rocker, here's why:
    1. I expected to gain about 3+ lbs this week after the graduation festivites last week and not much exercise.
    2. I was losing to fast...I was going at about 4+ lbs a week for to many weeks in a row and it got to my body. I had several days for weeks that I was 800-1000+ calories a day SHORT. Not good. Took an episode of almost fainting during a workout to get me to the Dr to find out why I was feeling so run down and weak:embarassed: I was cheating my body out of alot of "fuel", but still expected it to run like I had a full tank so to speak. Cant do that. Learned the hard way.

    So, I may have gained a pound this week and I may not be at the 100 lbs gone yet...but I feel sooo much better and that IS what I set out to do in the first place. Losing weight was a side affect from eating better, moving more, and feeling better. Dont get me wrong, I dont want to have a gain every week:noway: but for this week, I will take it. I have to get back on track of doing it the correct way, the healthy way. So, heres to gaining 1 lb:drinker: :drinker: :laugh:

    You don't sound crazy to me at sound like a woman who is concerned with being safe and healthy about her lifestyle. Great job for recognizing what you need to do, and most of all DOING IT!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Morning team!!:flowerforyou:

    You guys may plot behind my back today to get a straight jacket for me, but here goes: I am soooo glad that I gained 1 lb this week!

    Just so you dont think Im completely off my rocker, here's why:
    1. I expected to gain about 3+ lbs this week after the graduation festivites last week and not much exercise.
    2. I was losing to fast...I was going at about 4+ lbs a week for to many weeks in a row and it got to my body. I had several days for weeks that I was 800-1000+ calories a day SHORT. Not good. Took an episode of almost fainting during a workout to get me to the Dr to find out why I was feeling so run down and weak:embarassed: I was cheating my body out of alot of "fuel", but still expected it to run like I had a full tank so to speak. Cant do that. Learned the hard way.

    So, I may have gained a pound this week and I may not be at the 100 lbs gone yet...but I feel sooo much better and that IS what I set out to do in the first place. Losing weight was a side affect from eating better, moving more, and feeling better. Dont get me wrong, I dont want to have a gain every week:noway: but for this week, I will take it. I have to get back on track of doing it the correct way, the healthy way. So, heres to gaining 1 lb:drinker: :drinker: :laugh:


    You are so positive and beautiful. What an inspiration you are. You made me happy this morning.

    Awww, thank you Lynnie:blushing:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Morning team!!:flowerforyou:

    You guys may plot behind my back today to get a straight jacket for me, but here goes: I am soooo glad that I gained 1 lb this week!

    Just so you dont think Im completely off my rocker, here's why:
    1. I expected to gain about 3+ lbs this week after the graduation festivites last week and not much exercise.
    2. I was losing to fast...I was going at about 4+ lbs a week for to many weeks in a row and it got to my body. I had several days for weeks that I was 800-1000+ calories a day SHORT. Not good. Took an episode of almost fainting during a workout to get me to the Dr to find out why I was feeling so run down and weak:embarassed: I was cheating my body out of alot of "fuel", but still expected it to run like I had a full tank so to speak. Cant do that. Learned the hard way.

    So, I may have gained a pound this week and I may not be at the 100 lbs gone yet...but I feel sooo much better and that IS what I set out to do in the first place. Losing weight was a side affect from eating better, moving more, and feeling better. Dont get me wrong, I dont want to have a gain every week:noway: but for this week, I will take it. I have to get back on track of doing it the correct way, the healthy way. So, heres to gaining 1 lb:drinker: :drinker: :laugh:

    You don't sound crazy to me at sound like a woman who is concerned with being safe and healthy about her lifestyle. Great job for recognizing what you need to do, and most of all DOING IT!

    Thanks Shuntae...I gotta tell ya, it sure scared me. Talk about a reality check! :embarassed:

    8 months ago I would have never guessed that my biggest problem would have been NOT getting enough food in me a day!:laugh:

    Congrats again girl on your awesome success!!:drinker:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Roni, what a great attitude! After all the hard work you've done it's ok to gain a pound and feel alright with it. I'm sure you will be successful and your body will thank you for making sure you are treating it right.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Internal struggle alert- I swear I am my own worst enemy sometimes. I woke up with a headache, it's yucky outside, I know it's the kids last day of school and what is in my inbox? Job openings for teaching next year. NOOOOOOO!

    I have my teaching certification, when we moved to Florida last year I got it transferred here, it's for Pre K to 3rd grade. I substitute in the schools that my kids go to now, don't work all that much and honestly, it gets on my nerves. Subbing is not fun. I know your own classroom is so different.

    So here's the thing. My hubby is gone alot (Air Force) and it's just me taking care of the 4 kids, their appointments, their sports, everything they need and everything around the house. Hubs says he doesn't care if I work, yet if I mention it he doesn't discourage the idea, in fact seems a little excited over the thought. I really don't want to work. BUT, the money sure would be nice. Our kids are getting older and they sure are expensive!

    I did apply for jobs at my kids elementary last year and the principal didn't even interview me, so I don't imagine it would be any different. However! As soon as I see these job notifications I start going back and forth. Do I apply, do I not apply? Do I want to work? Can I take on more? Do I want to take on more? Can I stand to be around little kids all day long? Do I still have the patience for this? I want to turn it off! The amount of fighting and arguing both sides that goes on inside my head is incredible- and it's just a job posting!

    I had always worked, I worked full time when my kids were little. It wasn't until I got remarried and his two kids moved in with us and we moved to MD 4 years ago that I stopped working. I'm still enjoying this stay at home mom stuff. I feel selfish, but I don't want to give it up. I like the time for me. I like going to the gym. I like being able to take care of things when they kids are at school. I don't miss running around in the evening and on weekends to do all the household chores.

    Ahhhh. Sorry. Had to vent my internal struggles. I guess this got long. All of you who are working moms can smack me now for whining......
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good morning Team!! What's on the agenda for the day? I have to go grocery shopping first thing so that sounds like sooo much fun. After that I guess I am coming home and cleaning tha house.2.gif So that will burn some calories. And I gotta wash clothes 4.gifand then it's time to break out the jump rope again. My mom used it yesterday twice. I think she got about 5 jumps in each time and stopped. My DD was cheering her on! You did it grandma!! Lol!! Then maybe if it doesn't rain I can get my walking/jogging in this evening. It us supposed to storm and I think there is a 70-80% chance of rain today. Yuck!! I hope you are all doing good. Can we weigh this week or no? I didn't and I am on my 2nd cup of coffee so I won't be weighing today anyway.

    Roni-Be careful girl! I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. That sounds scary!

    Vanessa-Be careful with your balls! lol....... They can't taste too good. How many calories are in one of those things anyway???? Lol!!4.gif Oh and look at you! You lost the most this week of us all!!! Yay!! 2.gif
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Lori, take this3.gif and think about it for a while but don't let it stress you out. How long do you have to think about it? I am NOT one of those people that can be around that many kids at one time because most of them do NOT listen to anyone and it would drive me up the wall!!! I think it is great for anyone that can handle kids like that all day. Good luck to you!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Renae- I'm not sure in my older age I'm one of those people who can be around kids all day either! That's part of the problem. I did do a long term substitute position right before we left MD last year, it was in Kindergarten. I did like it for the most part, which was a shock to me.

    My problem is I can talk myself into or out of anything. I'm great at convinving myself of what I want to believe at the time. I know if I got a job I would do fine. You get used to things. You learn to live up to what you are handed.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Renae- I'm not sure in my older age I'm one of those people who can be around kids all day either! That's part of the problem. I did do a long term substitute position right before we left MD last year, it was in Kindergarten. I did like it for the most part, which was a shock to me.

    My problem is I can talk myself into or out of anything. I'm great at convinving myself of what I want to believe at the time. I know if I got a job I would do fine. You get used to things. You learn to live up to what you are handed.

    Yea that's true and I am the same way. Sounds bad huh? Lol! Whatever decision you make will be a good one. Don't stress over it and just take time to think about it.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    tag for later.

    love the challenge - need to cut out the crap.... (soda not so bad, but beer and crystal light need to go...)

    thanks, Janie
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    bump bump bumpity bump!
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    I told my kids yesterday that there would be summer rules starting on Monday, bedtimes, wake up times, chores, etc. They looked at me like I had horns. My 12 and 13 year old boys think there should be no bed time and claim all their friends stay up as late as they want.

    Lucky friends.... too bad my kids don't have their parents. Huh? :laugh:

    Sounds like my kids. We are just bad parents for teaching responsibility, rules, and boundaries!! They don't realize it will make them better adults in the
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Internal struggle alert- I swear I am my own worst enemy sometimes. I woke up with a headache, it's yucky outside, I know it's the kids last day of school and what is in my inbox? Job openings for teaching next year. NOOOOOOO!

    I have my teaching certification, when we moved to Florida last year I got it transferred here, it's for Pre K to 3rd grade. I substitute in the schools that my kids go to now, don't work all that much and honestly, it gets on my nerves. Subbing is not fun. I know your own classroom is so different.

    So here's the thing. My hubby is gone alot (Air Force) and it's just me taking care of the 4 kids, their appointments, their sports, everything they need and everything around the house. Hubs says he doesn't care if I work, yet if I mention it he doesn't discourage the idea, in fact seems a little excited over the thought. I really don't want to work. BUT, the money sure would be nice. Our kids are getting older and they sure are expensive!

    I did apply for jobs at my kids elementary last year and the principal didn't even interview me, so I don't imagine it would be any different. However! As soon as I see these job notifications I start going back and forth. Do I apply, do I not apply? Do I want to work? Can I take on more? Do I want to take on more? Can I stand to be around little kids all day long? Do I still have the patience for this? I want to turn it off! The amount of fighting and arguing both sides that goes on inside my head is incredible- and it's just a job posting!

    I had always worked, I worked full time when my kids were little. It wasn't until I got remarried and his two kids moved in with us and we moved to MD 4 years ago that I stopped working. I'm still enjoying this stay at home mom stuff. I feel selfish, but I don't want to give it up. I like the time for me. I like going to the gym. I like being able to take care of things when they kids are at school. I don't miss running around in the evening and on weekends to do all the household chores.

    Ahhhh. Sorry. Had to vent my internal struggles. I guess this got long. All of you who are working moms can smack me now for whining......

    Maybe going back to work would be a good thing. Just get a new routine. Plus you would have extra money to spend on a new Don't get me wrong, it will be hard to set a new routine. I am struggling with full time work and school for myself, plus my new healthy lifestyle, and kids extracurriculars, i.e. cheerleading, clarinet, guitar, and baseball. Hell I don't even know how I do it, but I get it done. Good luck on your choice
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I told my kids yesterday that there would be summer rules starting on Monday, bedtimes, wake up times, chores, etc. They looked at me like I had horns. My 12 and 13 year old boys think there should be no bed time and claim all their friends stay up as late as they want.

    Lucky friends.... too bad my kids don't have their parents. Huh? :laugh:

    Sounds like my kids. We are just bad parents for teaching responsibility, rules, and boundaries!! They don't realize it will make them better adults in the

    I have a 15 year old brother in law who thinks the house revolves around him. And sad to say but it does. :grumble:

    As Marla would say LITTLE PUNK!!

    His dad has been sick and can't work and his mom is working 2 jobs that barely pay the bills. Stays up all night on the computer or video games. Slaps his mom in the face kicks his sick dad. failing classes in school and he doesn't seem to care. Last year he actually told his parents it doesn't matter if he fails because the president has a leave no child behind law!! WHAT A LITTLR PUNK!!! Not my kids they are going to respect their parents.

    Lori good luck on what ever decision you make.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,933 Member
    24oz least 40oz more to go. Just filled up my 2nd 24oz bottle....

    Water challenge + skeleton crew at work = less opportunity for potty breaks. If you see someone floating by shortly, that'd be me. Cheers friends!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Internal struggle alert- I swear I am my own worst enemy sometimes. I woke up with a headache, it's yucky outside, I know it's the kids last day of school and what is in my inbox? Job openings for teaching next year. NOOOOOOO!

    I have my teaching certification, when we moved to Florida last year I got it transferred here, it's for Pre K to 3rd grade. I substitute in the schools that my kids go to now, don't work all that much and honestly, it gets on my nerves. Subbing is not fun. I know your own classroom is so different.

    So here's the thing. My hubby is gone alot (Air Force) and it's just me taking care of the 4 kids, their appointments, their sports, everything they need and everything around the house. Hubs says he doesn't care if I work, yet if I mention it he doesn't discourage the idea, in fact seems a little excited over the thought. I really don't want to work. BUT, the money sure would be nice. Our kids are getting older and they sure are expensive!

    I did apply for jobs at my kids elementary last year and the principal didn't even interview me, so I don't imagine it would be any different. However! As soon as I see these job notifications I start going back and forth. Do I apply, do I not apply? Do I want to work? Can I take on more? Do I want to take on more? Can I stand to be around little kids all day long? Do I still have the patience for this? I want to turn it off! The amount of fighting and arguing both sides that goes on inside my head is incredible- and it's just a job posting!

    I had always worked, I worked full time when my kids were little. It wasn't until I got remarried and his two kids moved in with us and we moved to MD 4 years ago that I stopped working. I'm still enjoying this stay at home mom stuff. I feel selfish, but I don't want to give it up. I like the time for me. I like going to the gym. I like being able to take care of things when they kids are at school. I don't miss running around in the evening and on weekends to do all the household chores.

    Ahhhh. Sorry. Had to vent my internal struggles. I guess this got long. All of you who are working moms can smack me now for whining......

    Maybe going back to work would be a good thing. Just get a new routine. Plus you would have extra money to spend on a new Don't get me wrong, it will be hard to set a new routine. I am struggling with full time work and school for myself, plus my new healthy lifestyle, and kids extracurriculars, i.e. cheerleading, clarinet, guitar, and baseball. Hell I don't even know how I do it, but I get it done. Good luck on your choice

    BUZZZZZZZZ-- wrong answer-- :wink: j/k

    seriously-- Lori, you're learning now that the older your kids get, the more they need you in some areas-- and trust me, the more supervision they need in other areas--

    If you can swing it on one income, I would not, not, not go back to work-- your kids still need you home.

    My two cents--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla- I do like being home for my kids. I like being here when they get home from school. I complain sometimes but I do like the fact that our house is the after school hang out for all the kids around. I like knowing what is going on. It's important to know what is going on.

    I struggle with working every time I see a job in my son's elementary school. I was actually going to go on the website and hit apply and hold my breath and hope that they didn't call. (I guess it's the fact that I can at least feel like I tried.) Anyway, long story short, I logged in and the site wouldn't let me apply, it's for transfers ony. It was sent out as a posting wrong. Whew! Safe from myself for now.

    Really, I can't tell you how many times this year alone I made the comment, "I'm sure glad I'm not working, I would be crazy!" I need to remember those times when I consider it. I should also unsubscribe from the email alerts so I don't do this to myslef!

    We can do it on one income, granted two would be nicer, but we would then just spend all of that too and still want more.... the American way.
  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    Internal struggle alert- I swear I am my own worst enemy sometimes. I woke up with a headache, it's yucky outside, I know it's the kids last day of school and what is in my inbox? Job openings for teaching next year. NOOOOOOO!

    I have my teaching certification, when we moved to Florida last year I got it transferred here, it's for Pre K to 3rd grade. I substitute in the schools that my kids go to now, don't work all that much and honestly, it gets on my nerves. Subbing is not fun. I know your own classroom is so different.

    So here's the thing. My hubby is gone alot (Air Force) and it's just me taking care of the 4 kids, their appointments, their sports, everything they need and everything around the house. Hubs says he doesn't care if I work, yet if I mention it he doesn't discourage the idea, in fact seems a little excited over the thought. I really don't want to work. BUT, the money sure would be nice. Our kids are getting older and they sure are expensive!

    I did apply for jobs at my kids elementary last year and the principal didn't even interview me, so I don't imagine it would be any different. However! As soon as I see these job notifications I start going back and forth. Do I apply, do I not apply? Do I want to work? Can I take on more? Do I want to take on more? Can I stand to be around little kids all day long? Do I still have the patience for this? I want to turn it off! The amount of fighting and arguing both sides that goes on inside my head is incredible- and it's just a job posting!

    I had always worked, I worked full time when my kids were little. It wasn't until I got remarried and his two kids moved in with us and we moved to MD 4 years ago that I stopped working. I'm still enjoying this stay at home mom stuff. I feel selfish, but I don't want to give it up. I like the time for me. I like going to the gym. I like being able to take care of things when they kids are at school. I don't miss running around in the evening and on weekends to do all the household chores.

    Ahhhh. Sorry. Had to vent my internal struggles. I guess this got long. All of you who are working moms can smack me now for whining......


    Looks like you have a great routine going. And if you go back to work I'm afraid that the time you have alotted for yourself would suffer. Going to the gym sounds out of the question. And you might fall into the trap of having to eat fast food more often.

    I work full time & manage to work out 4-5 time/week, but I don't have 4 children at home.

    Just don't make a hasty decision that you will regret later on.:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Wow...some heavy conversation going on today.

    I really have no advice to offer since I don't have 4 kids at home to think about, but I hope you're able to come to a decision that you are happy with. *hugs*