Seniors Golden Sneakers Club for JUNE



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good Morning to all

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey thanks for posting the pictures of you and Day. You are a darling couple.

    :flowerforyou: Marie----you are the champion of planning healthy meals---get back to it right away.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, take it easy at work. Wouldn't it be great if there were a way that you could retire and take that strain away from your body and mind.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I hope you have better weather today for doing fun stuff.

    we have another beautiful day
    I'll go to line dance, work on putting things away at the motorhome, and go to the dentist. Jake will play golf and work on the motorhome. We'll try to find time to take the girls to the dog park and of course, eat healthy, drink water, and ride the exercise bike.

    hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thank you Jeffrey. What a dahing couple you too make. You are both beautiful.
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Ok there are now 2 photos! One of me and one of Day and I. Don't you all be laughing! Talk to you soon. Work out time.

    Nice to see your photos, Jeffery. I don't think anyone is going to be laughing. You look great.

    How are you feeling these days, Marie?

    Hope your day goes well at work, Gayla. Well, half day anyway.

    I missed your post yesterday, Barbie. Sounds like you are enjoying your home time, tho' perhaps not the dentist so much.

    This is my WI day and here I have gained, yes, gained 2lbs since we left California last week. Can you believe it? I think I'll head south again if that's what does it!!:smile:

    It's a new day tho', and a new week to work on getting rid of those 2 and hopefully more.
    Hanging in there.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone - i'm going to try and get a quick post in here - I'm off in a few minutes to the closing on my new construction loan since this house has run over budget:noway: SCARY!!!!!!! It got textured yesterday, sitting today (we have had so much rain so it's just not drying like it should), trim carpenter and primer tomorrow, paint, wood floor and tile in the next few days. WHEW! Plus my friends from AZ are here for a visit with their motorhome - usually they park at my house but there's just no space right now. There's a big dirt pile where they usually park!

    Sorry - i just blabbed about what i've got going on..........and now i hafta run. I'll try and post more later!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Good Evening Everyone,

    Had a busy day today, went and got my hair highlighted and trimmed, then a manicure and pedicure. :bigsmile: Tonight my granddaughter (the dancer) had a non graduation, they instead called it an end of year recognition. So no cap or gown, but they did wear their Sunday best as suggested. I prefer an old fashioned graduation but as of next Wednesday the 10th, she will be out of middle school and starting high school in the fall. It is hard to believe where those years have gone. :ohwell:

    I have been bad as far as exercising, I did not exercise yesterday or today, but will make it up tomorrow. I did follow my calories though, so that is good. :tongue:

    Jeffrey you look amazing and your wife looks so pretty. I think we would all like to see a before and after picture of you since you probably look a 100% different. :happy:

    Marie, you just have to start eating the way you used to and your good eating habits will be back in a flash.

    Ellen, we all go up and down, so don't get discouraged. That is why we stay connected to help each other get through the good and bad times. :flowerforyou:

    Elli, again you are making me tired just reading your post. Slow down and take some time for yourself, you deserve it.

    Barb, you are like Elli you two are like the bunny who doesn't stop. :laugh: Glad you take such good care of your girls though. By the way, we are getting a new puppy. My husband and I love Old English Sheepdogs and we talked to a breeder that I know and we are hoping to get a little girl in July. They were born a couple of weeks ago and I told her I would really like one. So hopefully we should know something soon. :bigsmile:

    Going to watch a little TV before bed, sweet dreams everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Gang

    I was at my Doctor office yesterday and he will get started nextt week on my other leg. I will have to go in to hospital for a test and then back in for the stents. I am not looking forward to it for the test is just like surgery, I have to lay on my back for 5 hoirs so alter they pulled the draniage hose out of my artery I will not bleed to death. And they have to press down on it for 15 minuets. The same thing over again after the stents are put in. But will be glad it all over with. and I can get back to my routine. So I am waiting on the hospital to call me and set things up for next weeks.

    Sammy and I had our walk this morning. The doctor told me to get as much exercise in that I can.

    Jerry brother and his wife will be here Momday. We are going to rent them a motel room. And they can come by for visit and we will eat out. They are surpose to be here just one night and then head nn down to the Texas coast to visit her relative.

    See you guys Later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh Sandy. a new baby in the house. How wonderful. and good luck on getting hime house trained. Sammy was a very slow learner. It took us over a year to get him to go outside everytime. But one day a miracle happen, he grew up.

    I love little puppys. I would have got one of Kathy's Australian sheppard puppie but our yard is not big enought for a big dog.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I am so happy that you are going to get a new puppy. Will you get to visit the puppies while they're growing up before you can take one home? we got to do that with Shilo, our Golden Retriever, but not with our poodles.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm sorry that you still have a bumpy road ahead of you, but before long you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so glad to hear you found a solution with your brother in law and his wife that doesn't involve you playing chef, hostess, housekeeper, entertainer, etc.

    :flowerforyou: Elli---you never have to worry about keeping active either in brain or body. Everything you're doing now will pay off big time in the long run and I bet you never have to worry about feeling useless. Keep up the good work.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, today is the day to redouble your efforts to add exercise and look over your food journal to see what empty calories you can eliminate and what healthy foods you can put in their place.

    It's another beautiful day here. I'm off to line dance in a few minutes.

    Big hugs to all of you:love::love: :love: :love:
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    :heart: :heart: Thanks, Sandy and Barbie for your kind words of encouragement. Things are better today. And I just looked at Jared's blog of his journey down 200lbs. Wow

    I CAN do it, just keep on keeping on and Never Give Up.

    Sorry you have to go through more medical stuff, Marie. And hope you can enjoy your company now, sounds good.:smile:

    Hope you are all doing well today.

    Our valley is filling up with smoke from forest fires. It's started sooo early this year. Some rain would be a good thing.

    Talk to you later, need to finish the laundry etc.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello. Just thought I would drop in thiss afternoon and see whats going on.
    Look like everybody is taking a nap.. or busy, busy.
    Things have calm down around here.I have got to get back on my eating program. I have been eating everything in sight.

    They are just about thru remodeling the old house beside of us. We heard their will be a couple girlfriends moving in. Now that ought to be interesting in this old neighberhood of ours.. But I am sure they will be nice neigbors. The house is looking real nice. We heard the sme people want to buy the house across the street from us and remodel it. Its has been vacant for 23 years. and then we have one more vacant house and it is on the left sde of us. Don't know what the grandkids plan to do with it. I know what our kids will do with this old house. Sell it when the times comes.

    Well time to get in the kitchen and fix a bite to eat.
    Barbie it will be healthy. Like grilled chicken and sugar snap peas. ice tea.


    It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    toning and firming aging skin. Is it possible? I am 58, almost, and have put on 10 pounds over this last winter and then thanks to MFP lost it again but I have gotten all puckered up and arms like my grannies were and my legs are downright frightning. I guess it must be the dreaded cellulose perhaps. I never had it before. I still have about 20 pounds to lose but if it's just going to hang there then I dunno if I want to lose it. I know we lose elasticity as we age but if I were to use arm and leg weights and do sit ups etc. could I get my old arms and legs back? Please? Has anyone seen them anywhere? I have someone else's....
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi chowhound. You need Barbie to get a hold of you. She is our insprirations. She can tell you how to handle it. And Jeffrey is so good at exercises too. He has been trying to get me moving since Dec. I am doing a lot better. Just got back from our afternoon walk. The leg he put stents in made it just fine but the other leg gave out on me. Had to sit and rest a couple times. this is a good bunch , the best to hang out with. My doctor said keep moving. I had a light meal tonight. about 2 0z of grilled chicken and some sugar snaps peas. and ice tea. Hoping to see more of you here Janet. I been enjoy getting your PM.

    Hello to all of you Seniors. I dying to see the new baby , Sandy.
    Gayla--- Hope you are feeling better., Phoebe---Where are you??
    Ellen I know you will be posting a little later, Elli. Working on that house.
    Jeffrey---What size were you when you started on this exercise and diet. I wish My son looks as good as you. You look taller than I imazine you to be. You have done a wonderful job.'
    Barbie and Jake---I am so glad you are both back home.
    Big G.---drop in to see us. you are missed. , Beth --- take care,
    If i missed anyone I am sorry. Will catch you next time.
    :heart: Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Marie...I have been here...I posted on Monday.....Nothing new in my life...but I do come and read what you all are doing....

    Like I said I have gotten back on track with my eatting...When I left my other site in Feb...I weighed 142...and Monday I weighed 146.8.....So the scale is going in the wrong direction and I am nibbing it in the bud.....

    Hope everyone had a good day....and that tomorrow will be wonderful....:flowerforyou:
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Sorry but I double posted....and did not know how to delete it so I erased it but have to write

    HAVE A GOOD EVENING......:flowerforyou: and a GOOD FRIDAY :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We went to the yoga class today. I went twice and Jake went once before our trip, then we were gone for four weeks, and now this one class before we leave again next week for another four weeks. It will be nice when we can go consistently week after week.

    I took the dogs to the dog park. They lay in the shade a lot but I walked for 40 minutes and burned a ton of calories.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie---I love your quote from Confucius. I'll try to remember it and use it. enjoy getting to know your new neighbors. I know they'll enjoy getting to know you.

    :flowerforyou: Chowhound, I don't know much about firming aging skin. Jeffrey is the one who has lost a lot of weight and does amazing workouts. I'm just glad to be wearing smaller clothes I don't think I'll ever be 30 again, but at least I can take steps to be thinner in my 60's.

    :flowerforyou: big G---glad you're on track again and that it didn't take you ten or twenty or more pounds to wake you up.:bigsmile:

    It was in the 80's today but it's supposed to go back to the 60's tomorrow (our usual weather):bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a great evening.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member

    Went to a meeting today, then dinner with my brother and sister in law. Had grouper with white rice and a salad with some honey mustard. Shared a great dessert of brownie with ice cream. I didn't eat that much but it was sooooooooooo good. Downfall was the wine, but I still am under calories. :bigsmile:

    Barbie you truly amaze me, I don't think you ever cheat or eat what you are not supposed to, what discipline you have. You should probably write a book and inspire other people. :heart:

    Marie, I too am sorry you have to go through so much again, but the end result will be worth it. Think about being without pain and being able to finally ride around on your bike. I hope I don't offend you but for your age your are so amazing and I don't think you even realize it. :heart:

    Bgamma, so glad to hear from you, I have missed you so much. You were the first person who gave me such encouragement. Please keep posting with us, because we love you. :heart: :heart:

    Chowhound welcome and stay with us. I also hope to firm up with exercise. It is not as easy as younger people but certainly possible. Most of it comes with correct breathing while exercising and doing the right exercises. I am sure Jeffrey can tell both of us how to do this, right Jeffrey???

    For the rest of you I hope you all are well and doing what you are supposed to do. I know I couldn't have done what i have done without you.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Good evening for everyone, I hope. Just a quick hello. Not much to report. I am off track regarding weight loss. I'm not overeating, but I am not focusing on making better choices like I was doing before. It is probably just a phase.. one of those, rushed to do so much and forget what my priorities should be. It is the busiest season for us, and it gets crowded sometimes.. I need to make several doctors appts for us, and then make lists of what I am going to see them for.. LOL! I need to make a lot of lists..
    Marie, I will be checking in if not posting, to see how you are.
    Gayla, hope your back will ease for you.
    To the rest of you, I have been trying to read posts daily to keep up, but I know I haven't welcomed one or two newcomers.. chowhound I remember..I like that name!
    take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning my friends. I am up early this morning.
    I just found out last night that my best friend and her husband son is dying of porstate and bone cancer. He is only 59. Just like my brother has. My brother is still holding on seems to be just coasting along for now. Please say a prayer for them. They were both on my mind all night.

    Alice will be out Sunday for our getting out day. She gained 5 lbs while on the cruise. But she is back on her diet now. She took a bunch of pictures so We will be looking at Alaska. I would love to go on the railway trip. It sounded real good.

    We have serveral Canadians here on our group. Ellen, Gayla, and Chowhound. their country sound so pretty. And is pretty from the pictures i have seen. Hope i didn't leave any out. For they are all my special friends. You are all my specaial friends.

    OK barbiecat, where are you and Jake off to now. I am looking forward to another trip with you two guys. I enjoy yours and Ellen trip to Calif. Too bad you 3 didn't meet and had one of your special meals.
    sometime Phoebe is pretty close to my house. but don't have time to stop by. Gotta keep the tucks moving. But I know she thinks of me. One of these day maybe we will meet in person. I would really like that. I would really like to meet all of you. all of you have become so dear to me.

    Wwell time to get breakfast ready. I think it will be scramble eggs and toast. and a bowl of strawberries.

    Have a wonderful day everybody. Marie:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    The living room is full of bags and boxes of stuff to go to the motorhome.

    The table is covered with lists of things to do and things to take to the motorhome.

    The calendar is filled with last minute appointments and people to see before we leave.

    We leave Tuesday morning to drive to the same RV park we started with last trip---the one that's 125 miles from here and has the big fenced dog play area. From there we head east to Yakima, then to Pasco and Deer Park, Washington on the way to Trail and Rossland, British Columbia. We'll head home across southern British Columbia, stopping in Oliver for Canada Day then to Lynden, Washington for US Independence Day.

    We've already planned our first dinner with friends on the trip----kebabs on the grill (chicken, onions, peppers, pineapple), salad, and steamed veggie.

    Some of the discipline we've had so far has come from drawing a line and setting some rules. I've found that if I allow myself to stray even in a "healthy" way, I will keep going until it's unhealthy. I've decided that food cannot be my recreation. I need to find my fun elsewhere. I am grateful on a daily basis for being able to stick with the food plan I lay out the night before. I want to be thin more than I want anything else right now.:bigsmile:

    More later. Breakfast is calling me.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Where is everybody. I know Barbiecat is busy packing for her next trip.
    But I don't know about the rest of you. Too Pretty of a day to be cooped up in a house. We have been busy too. Had to get out and sign paper work on our new carpet. Been to grocer store. Jerry been to get hair cut. Such a busy day. We got revservation for his brother and his wife a room at a nearby motel.. They will be here Monday afternoon. We can visit awhile and then go out to eat. . I am going to have some fied okra for my supper. Just seen this on the food networth, you just slice fresh okra length wise and frie without cornmeal o flour and they fried up crisp and crunchie. And a piece of ham with a small salad. Ice tea. See you guys later.