MEN ONLY: Bro code poll



  • Bro's code? When women come into play 'code' goes out the window lol
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    In all honesty I think your wife should be upset if she knew it mattered at all to you. The only reason it would matter to you is if you still had feelings for this other woman. When I go back home I see women that I dated in high school all the time, with their husbands who were good buddies with me in high school. I'm happy for both of them finding someone. I have a wife and couldn't be happier with my situation, so why the heck would I care?
  • tafinney
    tafinney Posts: 18 Member
    I will not read through 13 pages of comments on this subject, so this may be a repost.

    NO. Your friend is not obligated to tell you anything and your wife should forget about it. HOWEVER, he should abide by Bro Code Law #150, where:

    150) No sex with you Bro's ex. It is never ever permissible for a Bro to sleep with his Bro’s ex. Violating this code is worse than killing a Bro.

    But, having said that, you are bound by Laws:

    62) In the event that two Bros lock on to the same target, the Bro who calls dibs first has dibs. If both call dibs at the same time, the Bro who counts aloud to ten the fastest has dibs. If both arrive at the number ten at the same time, the Bro who bought the last round of drinks has dibs. If they haven't purchased drinks yet, the taller of the two Bros has dibs. If they're the same height, the Bro with the longer dry spell has dibs. Should the dry spells be of equal length, a game of discreet Broshambo* shall determine dibs, provided the chick is still there. *Rock, paper, scissors for Bros.

    (You were first... 17 years ago. You married and have forfeited all rights to this female)

    66) If a Bro suffers pain due to the permanent dissolution of a relationship with a lady friend, a Bro shall offer nothing more than a 'that sucks, man' and copious quantities of beer. A Bro will also refrain from pejorative commentary - deserved or not - regarding said lady friend for a period of three months, when the requisite BACKSLIDE WINDOW has closed.

    (After 17 years, your BACKSLIDE WINDOW has expired)

    You ARE required to do the following though:

    110) If a Bro is hitting it off with a chick, his Bro shall do anything within his means to ensure the desired outcome.
    116) A Bro shall not kill another Bro or that Bros’ chances to score with a chick.

    And lastly, I hope YOUR Bro's did not violate:

    32) A Bro doesn't allow another Bro to get married until he's at least thirty.
    132) If a Bro decides to let all of his Bros down and get married, he is required to invite them to the wedding, even if this directly violates the wishes of his fiancée and results in a "no sex" penalty or whatever lame domestic punishment couples might employ.

    In closing, Yes I violated Law #4, but not in its entirety. There are other Man-Laws that focus on the area at question, so you should check those also to ensure compliance.
  • tafinney
    tafinney Posts: 18 Member
    Ill state clearly again.
    My apologies... "Permission" was the wrong word to use. A respectful call of notification would have been more appropriate.

    Yes My buddy and I are still close. I have not spoken to or seen the ex in over 10 years (there are no lingering feelings at all)

    The Ex recently added both of us on Facebook and 3 days ago messaged my wife and asked her if, We (my wife and I) were available to get together (with her and my buddy) 2 weekends from now. My wife inquired if the two of them were together. My wife asked me if I was a aware. I was not.

    So why do I care. I care because "My Bro" didn't let me know he was in a relationship with an ex...Not because she was my ex but BECAUSE he is my bro. You are right he doesnt have to check with me...its about mutual respect. MY wife thought I had something for the ex too as I was initially upset and my reaction was visible. That is not the case. Its about respect between 2 guys who have been close friends since the 4th grade. I only applied the Bro code theory in my explanation because it fits. The rule applies on both sides and time limits only apply if the issue is with the Ex.

    If you dont get that and cant comprehend then I'm sorry that you have never had a friendship like that where you could understand. When I say he is my Bro I would consider him my brother.

    For those that think I'm too "Old" for Bro code ...Maybe the bro code is applied for different reasons at a younger age but to me many of those rules are about respect between guys that have a bond of brotherhood. Age doesn't defy that

    Thanks for some of the comments that were legitimate and well thought out. To the others thanks for the foolish answers they were humorous at best.

    I did not read through all the posts and did not see this one, I was wrong for doing that. If he is still your Bro, then he should let you know that because of the "Bro's before Ho's" clause.
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    It's been 18 years.....Hell NOOO why would you even care? You can't be a Bro anyway you're married!!! How can you take one for the team?? You can't, therefore your bro card is invalid. Part of being a Bro is being the faithful wingman even if it means being a kamakazi.

    OMG, this was TOOOOO funny!!! Bring on the kamakazis...

    Sorry, the second the posting said MEN ONLY, I had to peek...
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member