Is anyone that needs to lose 30+ pounds NOT using pills or c



  • SherNY
    SherNY Posts: 87
    Yep! Thus, I've only lost a few pounds over a couple months. Change is damn hard, but it's going to be soooo worth it!
  • Hi My name is Jennifer Harmon 6 yrs ago i was at 220 pound and i was on medication due to Epilepsy (seizure) and they switched the med and i lost 100 pounds really fast and with in a yr i was at 125 but had a lot of baggy skin. then i gained alot of it back. and it went back to 190 and i desided i was going to do this right . the slower you go the longer it stayes off and also the more lean musle you gain the better chance to keep the weight off. so i have now changed my eating habits and eat 5 small meals a day got off all my anti depress med and out of 6 i am only on 2 and i am working out i have stoped drinking soda and eat the good food i still have hard time eating some veggie but i do good in other and with out any diet pills they don't work it help beening on this sight and haveing a support team also. you may add me as a friend and please as me any question .
    right now i am dealing with a accident at the gym i got hit in the face with a 45 pound weight in the face and am waiting for a doct appt on feb 1 and this happen 3 months ago any way good luck on your work out YOU ARE NOT ALONE WE ARE ALL WITH YOU TO SUPPORT YOU TOGETHER.

  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have lost 293 lbs. the old fashion way... Alot of Hardwork and Dedication.... Eating right and exercising and still losing 1 to 2 lbs. a week....... Anything is possible if you believe in yourself!!
  • brownll
    brownll Posts: 29 Member
    This is my 26th day of writing down what I eat on MFP. I just discovered that the very healthy chicken wrap I invented cost me over a 1000 calories because of the very innocent looking sliced almonds I added to it. Recording daily is helping me realize a lot.

    I also go to the local TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly) chapter for weigh-in accountability and support. This week we learned from a peer member about the benefits of red wine vinegar and I've splashed it into my recipes, including today's chicken wrap.

    I have lost 5 of my 105 pounds in my 26 days of recording. That sounds like little, but it is over 1 pound/week.

    I was a couch potato before using the MFP site. Now I exercise at least 4 days/week. I found that if I ride my exercise bike in the morning, that it helps my knees hurt less when i square dance at night. So, not only do I get to record my exercise for MFP kudos and burn calories, my knees hurt less.
  • Horskrzy
    Horskrzy Posts: 71 Member
    Good ol fashion lifestyle changes, changing what we eat and how much of it and exercise every day is working for me. Averaging 2.6 pounds per week loss and I even had pizza yesterday! Woot woot! :drinker:
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    No pills, fad diets or nonsense here!! Since starting I've lost about a pound a week. This is a lifestyle change for me and slow and steady is the way. Eating normal food just watching calorie intake and incorporating exercise. The only way to go!! I feel a million times better already. Good luck in your goals and decision to do this the right way!!
  • I am 169 trying to get to friend was a fitness model for Zenadrine,,so I expected her to totally say we should use it,,but she said you know what? All those diet pills come down to caffeine..and they can also cause heart tremors..So she made us understand that when you see the people who lose all this weight..DO NOT think it took some magic pill..she said sometimes she worked out 4 times a day because the next morning was her weight in and photograph that was mandatory..I guess my point is..

    I have been busting my butt for 3 weeks and eating healthier..and i lost..2 me want to run to the Haagen Daz factory! but I know that this is important..fat on me means less years to see my children grow, and be on this earth..Diabetes is taking over due to obesity..

    I try to eat healthier,..and think like an addict..ONE DAY AT A TIME..every time you choose an apple instead of a handful of oreos, you have won..every time you drink water with lemon instead of a diet have won!!!! and my other new motto:

  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    I have lost 293 lbs. the old fashion way... Alot of Hardwork and Dedication.... Eating right and exercising and still losing 1 to 2 lbs. a week....... Anything is possible if you believe in yourself!!

    Amen! Amen! So true!!
  • That would be me! No shakes, no fancy drinks, no pills, no liquid diets, no purges, no gym membership, no workout video, no exercise classes, etc. I walk a half mile at a time. Our school has a program. So far I've walked 160 miles and lost 16 pounds. So, I figure I lose a pound for every ten miles! I also watch what I eat more closely. If I'm up in my calories, I go up and down the basement steps! It can be done!
  • blind4
    blind4 Posts: 28 Member
    these time around i am doing it with out Pills, just eating right and working out, i am aveg. 2 pounds a week
  • peggyj49
    peggyj49 Posts: 32 Member
    Most of the people here are making permanent lifestyle changes in their eating and exercise . I do not take pills for weight loss. I want a slow natural loss that I can sustain . The eating habits and choices I am making now will last me the rest of my life. When you take pills or do a fad diet when you stop you go back to your old weight . A change in eating lifestyle is forever. And yes I have bad calorie days but I have more good ones than bad ones. I am learning about nutrition and how much to eat. I have lost 35 pounds and have 43 more to go. I wish you well in your efforts. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Nope, lost all my weight the RIGHT way. I eat less and move more. :flowerforyou:
  • No fad diets or diet pill on my part either! Honestly, I don't understand many of the fad diets out there anyway. Twinky Diet? Isn't that an oximoron?

    I am in it for the life style change too. I've added more excersise and better eating habits to my life. I do home workouts that my brother, created for me for excersise and I have added lots of fresh fruit to my diet too. I do a better job choosing what to eat and controling portions.

    In general, as I choose what I eat and what I do, I ask myself, "Could I do this for the rest of my life?" If the answer is yes, then I am on track! I am not interested in a quick fix! If it's not something that I can do for the rest of my life, then I am not as interested. I make much better choices with my diet, the foods I eat and the serving sizes, and I still eat some of things that I love (chocolate, ice cream, chips...). I am just more responsible and I stay within my limits.

    I am halfway to by goal weight, but this will be a continual quest to be healthy. I am learning so much on my journey so far and I am excited about what lies ahead!

    Sans fads and pills...
  • SheriSpen
    SheriSpen Posts: 2 Member
    I am not using any pills or the other additions, just working out, changing my eating for the Lifestyle CHANGE not a fad and def NOT quick. I know it's slow and go but I feel I am better off that way. I tried Phen Fen way back when and had heart palpitations then sleepy, tried the other pills that make ya not hungry those made me sleepy and my heart race which was crazy. Can't afford Jenny Craig and all the foods and things that come with it, tried Quick Weight loss years ago which was on the line of Jenny Craig, couldn't afford that either. Tried Nutra System 2 years ago.. too expensive too, I don't like gyms or memberships so I hit the pavement walking & running. I hit the living room on rainy days with Walking with Leslie Sansone, Just Dance I, II & III on some days, I purchased Zumba, I have kettle bells, Biggest Loser for WII, Jillian Michaels, Taebo, Insanity and P90X. I incorporate different things to switch it up so it's not like I'm always working out but moving to some great music or program.

    It IS a mind set and discipline...
  • Lifestyle change for me as well. I need to lose 56 pounds. I would rather lose it slow and do it right then lose it in a month and gain it back later.
  • I'm with you!!! I want a life change not a drop quick scheme.
  • jen6608
    jen6608 Posts: 2 Member
    Tried all the gimmicks they don't work. Finially wising up and doing a lifestyle change. I started Zumba a month ago and have come to actually like excercise. yea me!!! I'm only down 7 lbs but feeling better. have some things to work on yet with the eating after work!! keep on truckin.......
  • bbrobi2
    bbrobi2 Posts: 6 Member

    I am so determined to prove that a woman over 45 yrs of age can lose wt and keep it off w/o pills, diet programs, starvation and working out more than 45 mins a day. I'm in it for life.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Def all about the lifestyle change.. Once in high school I took hydroxycut and all it did was give me crazy insomnia. Comes down to eating less crap and moving more.. Been a long journey but along the way I've done things I never thought I could do, including today when I ran 8 miles!! The hard work is so so rewarding in the end.
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    I've been doing WW since August and MFP since September and have lost 27 lbs without any pills. Just watching what I eat and exercise. I'm losing it slowly but for the first time, my scale isn't yo-yo-ing.