can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Guys forgive me if someone has mentioned this already but I havent read it all yet BUT

    I have just started taking a new herbal medicine that everyone with PCOS raves about (have a look at soulcysters) its expensive as all hell but apparently helps LOADS of women with weight loss and all the other nasty side effects (Its DCI D-Chiro-Inositol) I dont work for them I swear LOL I have not noticed rapid weightloss or even any reduction in the hair issues BUT I have had my period 2 months running which is big for me :-)
    Hopefully I will get my miricle and you will too! x

    I was just wondering about this. I read some information about it on the internet. I have read that you can get the DCI from chickpeas and buckwheat farinetta. Foods like grapefruit also have it (but not a significant levels). Anyway, do you think the supplement is worth trying? Where do you get your supplement? Thanks!

    I 100% think its worth trying after seeing some of the results that I have seen people have lots of women report big weight loss, better sleep, acne clears up, more energy, regular periods etc etc I think that you can get DCI from those foods but I think you would need to eat a lot of it, I have heard people make muffins from Buckwheat but again you have to eat a lot. I get my DCI from I have to get it from the UK souce but its available online if you are in the states? It is expensive but if it works I am all over it! Let me know if it works xx

    Guys I listen to a podcast as well its the PCOS CHALLANGE its a greta place for info x
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Guys forgive me if someone has mentioned this already but I havent read it all yet BUT

    I have just started taking a new herbal medicine that everyone with PCOS raves about (have a look at soulcysters) its expensive as all hell but apparently helps LOADS of women with weight loss and all the other nasty side effects (Its DCI D-Chiro-Inositol) I dont work for them I swear LOL I have not noticed rapid weightloss or even any reduction in the hair issues BUT I have had my period 2 months running which is big for me :-)
    Hopefully I will get my miricle and you will too! x

    I was just wondering about this. I read some information about it on the internet. I have read that you can get the DCI from chickpeas and buckwheat farinetta. Foods like grapefruit also have it (but not a significant levels). Anyway, do you think the supplement is worth trying? Where do you get your supplement? Thanks!

    I 100% think its worth trying after seeing some of the results that I have seen people have lots of women report big weight loss, better sleep, acne clears up, more energy, regular periods etc etc I think that you can get DCI from those foods but I think you would need to eat a lot of it, I have heard people make muffins from Buckwheat but again you have to eat a lot. I get my DCI from I have to get it from the UK souce but its available online if you are in the states? It is expensive but if it works I am all over it! Let me know if it works xx

    Guys I listen to a podcast as well its the PCOS CHALLANGE its a greta place for info x

    is it okay to take DCI while taking metformin and clomid?
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    Mel - the medical studies I've read only said that the safety hadn't been evaluated in pregnant and/or nursing women. So while I think you are safe taking it with the metformin, my concern would be that there will be a small period of time when you get pregnant that you may not know it and be still taking the DCI. So I would just run it by your ob/gyn just to be safe. (Just my personal opinion, I don't have any medical training so take it as you will. :tongue: )
  • dishonour
    dishonour Posts: 15 Member
    I haven't read through this ENTIRE thread, but I share each and every frustration with all you other PCOS ladies out there.
    Some days I think 'Yeah I can do this, I'll kick some PCOS bum!' and then I stick to plan for months, eventually losing about 2lbs in the whole time...then it's back on again within 3 days! So then I get into the 'What's the point in trying?' frame of mind.
    It's an incredibly vicious cycle and I would honestly do anything to get rid of PCOS.

    Being in a semi-positive mood today I will wish everyone luck with the eternal battles against body hair, weight gain and every single other bad side effect that comes as a result of this horrible disorder. Don't let it beat you!

  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    Dear life shredding monster, aka PCOS,

    Sometimes I spend hours and hours just wondering what I did to deserve you. I hate that there is so little information out there about you and hardly no one knows what the hell you are. It makes me feel very lonely and isolated at times. Losing weight is such a struggle and though I try not to think about what other people must think of me I still hate that my efforts don't show very clearly. I shouldn't complain perhaps, as I have lost 39lbs in 4 months still, but I know how hard I have worked for that and how much more rewarded a person without PCOS would have been.

    Contrary to what I was led to believe the weight loss has not helped with my cycles at all. I used to skip one or two completely per year before and I don't do that anymore but now I can have two periods in one month instead and they're much more painful than before and hardly even proper. They're super light now and lasts for a day or two which is very frustrating! I'm stuck wondering if I'm even making things worse for myself?!

    PCOS works as a massive wall between me and my friends, with me being scared of even trying to introduce them to the concept. How could I? They wouldn't understand.

    People say that you have to love yourself before you can be loved by others... well, it's a lot to ask of me to love the stubborn extra weight, never being able to eat normal foods like pasta and potatoes, the extra hair and most likely, infertility. I thought a healthy BMI would help tackle at least some aspect of this monster but so far it hasn't changed a thing.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Clomid round two: 16 DPO no AF yet....waiting to test.:blushing:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    BFN after 18 DPO geez...Feels like we will never get pregnant. Oh well. This month Im focusing purely on diet and exercise. Skipping clomid this month. Hope you all are doing fantastic Ladies!!!!!:tongue:
  • Dear PCOS,

    Thanks for the excess facial hair, the incessive worrying about when/if i'm going to have a period and the lack of buns baking in my oven.


    ;) LOL

    All of this.

    I get my period every like... 70-80 days and I'm not even sure if I'm even ovulating. Every time it's late I'm like OMG POAS!!!! So much wasted $$$. Plus the whole "growing a beard faster than hubby" thing. UGH
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I have developed a habit. When Im done with the long day of work and exercise, I sit on the couch, tweezers in hand, Watch Nancy Grace, and pluck my under chin hair for an have been doing this for at least 2 months now.... almost every night. that is how hard I have to keep up with my crazy little under chin one else ever see's them and my hubby always makes the comment " still looking for that eliusive chin hair babe? " lol omg what has my life come to?!
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    Just a quick note on the whole infertility thing. I tried and tried and tried for years. Clomid never worked for me. I was actually clomid resistant as a lot of PCOS patients are. Try asking your dr about Femara. :) I got pregnant my first cycle using it, sadly it ended in m/c and I decided that I needed to take a break and focus on me, but it might be worth looking into.

    :) Good luck!
  • eks81
    eks81 Posts: 1 Member
    For those who want bubs, I am testament to the fact that it's possible. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January 2010. I went off the pill towards the end of 2009 (seems that was keeping me in the dark about my issues since it kept my period regular) and my hubby and I started TTC in December. Hadn't had a period for about 50 days so thought I was pregnant. I wasn't, so some tests were done and that's when I was diagnosed. I declined the medication (both the metformin and clomid) and instead started seeing an acupuncturist as I wanted to explore all options before medication (I don't even like taking panadol). My gyno said she would be VERY surprised if I fell pregnant at all without clomid in the least, and possibly IVF. January 2012 and we are the proud parents of a 10 month old baby boy! Somehow it took us just 6 months which if we had no issues would still be considered within the normal range.

    It sucks that I have to be extra diligent in order to lose weight, but I have done it before and know I can do it again.

    PCOS, you truly, truly suck.
  • Oh. When I was diagnosed with PCOS, I didn't know it was such a big deal. I didn't know I wouldn't be able to have children. I want to have biological children.

    Also, I don't know what would be best: Trying to lose weight with only calorie counting and exercise and then seeing a doctor about it and taking metformin, or seeing the doctor and taking metformin right now?
  • Bump
  • What does PCOS mean? Lol I feel like a moron asking that, but oh well.

    Also I think you should SOOO do a "venting" thread!
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    OMG. I feel like crying. I can't believe there are so many people on here that have the exact same problems as me!!
  • I started to quote a few to reply, but then I realized that I would have to quote them all! lol I've had PCOS for 10 years, and it just sucks!
  • Cturner7911
    Cturner7911 Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with pcos a few years back and it made me feel like i was no longer a woman. The possibility of never getting pregnant, the facial hair that, even tho i'm back to a mostly regular period, still wont stop coming in. But I did get pregnant and i blame the pcos for my miscarriage, i too wasted money on pregnancy tests because with this you never know if you're pregnant or if your body is playing tricks on you. I hate having this.

    sickoffood incase you did'nt get your question answered, PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome.. cysts on our overies
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    You know what, PCOS? I HATE YOU!!!!! I hate that I am constantly having to check my chin for ugly beard hairs. I hate that I want to be able to eat pasta like a normal person without feeling like I am doing crack. I hate that I have the freakin belly that I have because of the imbalances. I hate that I was fine until puberty. I hate that I have to work out for about 2.5 hours a day and keep my calories rediculously low with minimal carbs to get the same result as a normal person would just by switching to "light" beer. I hate knowing that It was never truly my fault that I gained weight and now have to fight a lifelong uphill battle that I may never win. I hate that because of you, my parents told me constantly "You would be pretty if you werent so fat". I hate that I was bulemic for 4 years and have been on multiple forms of drugs just to be thin because you made me blimp up at 10. I hate that people assume I am pregnant all the time, when in reality I am mostly infertile. I hate that I have never felt "pretty" because you made me shaped funny. I hate that you have driven me to a suicide attempt. I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could blow you up like you did me.

    Now I am gonna go sit in a corner and cry because of what you made me.
  • Cturner7911
    Cturner7911 Posts: 2 Member
    I have developed a habit. When Im done with the long day of work and exercise, I sit on the couch, tweezers in hand, Watch Nancy Grace, and pluck my under chin hair for an have been doing this for at least 2 months now.... almost every night. that is how hard I have to keep up with my crazy little under chin one else ever see's them and my hubby always makes the comment " still looking for that eliusive chin hair babe? " lol omg what has my life come to?!

    I hear you on that one, i'm constantly feeling my chin and finding sharp hairs or i sit using my magnified mirror in the living room pulling hair, i got and stand next to the light to get more light on the subject, i will even pull them in the car when i'm not driving, i hate having the facial hair its horrible, i have even had dark hairs growing on my chest that i have plucked as soon as i have found. I often wonder why this even exists its not fair for us.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Dear PCOS
    Can I just say that it SUCKS BIG TIME...that I cant do carbs like everyone else. I am not saying overload..but come on..a PBJ once in a while shouldnt kill me.

    I hate the fact that most processed carbs..whole grains is something you dont use for energy..but for fat storage..I mean really? I hate the fact that I cant have a cycle and the fact that you make me lose 3 babies...

    But I will say one thing I love about you..because of you being an *kitten* made us speed up the adoption process..


    *Just want to add...many of these stories brought tears to my eyes...not from joy..but from shared pain...*