water intake - relating to coffee, liquids, salt, etc



  • shale367
    shale367 Posts: 14 Member
    I log only water as water.....I log my coffee and other drinks for my calories
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    i log coffee, tea, juice, soda, and water as water. that said, i drink coffee maybe 3 times a week, tea about half that and juice and soda are a couple times a month, if that.
    its all water, and the dehydrating effects arent really so serious that you dont get any benefit at all from the water the drink is made from.
    i never thought to add soup as water intake, but i dont eat/drink a lot of soup either.

    wtf :huh:
    what about that is wtf worthy? o.O

    I think they were just surprised that you count everything as water. *serious question* how to do log soda? 12oz soda= ? oz water

    12oz soda = 12 oz water.

    ok........it just seems weird to me but as one of the above users said "to each their own"

    I thought it was warranted... Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water, so why would you want to replace that with soda, coffee, juice etc.
    And just what percentage of water are the drinks you named? Do tell.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    HMonsterX, I love you so much for always fighting the fight. it only proves that the majority of people don't care about evidence.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I only log water as water because only water is water...lol

    My running coach told me that coffee, tea, pop, etc is a diuretic...which means it draws water from your body. She advised that for every cup of coffee/tea/pop you drink it should be replaced with TWO glasses of water.
  • christinal83
    christinal83 Posts: 84 Member
    Because it tastes good.

    replying to jcr85
  • Kona54
    Kona54 Posts: 30 Member
    water is water..everything else is a beverage...they have to go through your kidneys..water helps flush out toxins..and fat..so drink tons of water...
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member

    I thought it was warranted... Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water, so why would you want to replace that with soda, coffee, juice etc.
    and i asked why you felt it was warrented ;)
    did you miss the part where i said i drink coffee MAYBE 3 days a week? or tea half as often? and soda and juice 2 times a month?
    whether i drink those things or not, i still drink around 8 glasses or more of water a day.
    i drink coffee to help wake me up in the mornings to take my daughter to school. i drink soda because i like the taste and the bubbles. and i drink juice because sometimes i like to drink my fruit, so ill grab a bottle of Naked and chug it.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    It says water consumption not Water, Coffee, Tea and Just. Water. Nuff Said. But just to make a point. WATER!!! ONLY LOG WATER!!!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    water is water..everything else is a beverage...they have to go through your kidneys..water helps flush out toxins..and fat..so drink tons of water...
    So water doesn't get filtered through your kidneys? You have weird kidneys.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    It says water consumption not Water, Coffee, Tea and Just. Water. Nuff Said. But just to make a point. WATER!!! ONLY LOG WATER!!!
    Do some research. Nuff said.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I only log water as water because only water is water...lol

    My running coach told me that coffee, tea, pop, etc is a diuretic...which means it draws water from your body. She advised that for every cup of coffee/tea/pop you drink it should be replaced with TWO glasses of water.
    Newsflash...water is a diuretic. Your running coach is incorrect.

    Here's a few points to chew on....but you can find a whole lot of information on this subject out there.
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I don't log water...logging food is quite enough. I just make sure I refill my 20 oz water bottle 3-4 times a day which comes easy for me b/c I don't really like juice and soda, and coffee makes me feel crappy so that's a no go as well. That whole coffee as water thing doesn't sound right to me but to each their own.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Really, can't we all have a conversation without sarcastic-ing the hell out of eachother. If we were all perfect and knew everything like professional water chemist weight looser doctors ;) then we wouldn't be here...And I'm sure of those doctors exist if they were smart enough they'd admit they don't have all the answers.

    I apologize to the people who are being harassed due to this thread. I was clearly delusional when I thought adults could be adults and talk about water without having any "I'm better then you because my water is different then yours" conversations.

    We're allowed to have different opinions.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    So, we should be really accurate about this, the water you drink should not be logged as water, because it contains sodium and minerals, not just water....:tongue:
    Nice sarcasm. Anyway, that's not what I was trying to imply. If you're drinking or eating things that should be flushed out, you should drink water after. I can't see any side arguing that as a bad thing (given that you haven't had copious amounts of water)

    That's not sarcasm. It's splitting hairs. Or nit-picking. Tongue-in-cheek, if you will.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I only log water as water because only water is water...lol

    My running coach told me that coffee, tea, pop, etc is a diuretic...which means it draws water from your body. She advised that for every cup of coffee/tea/pop you drink it should be replaced with TWO glasses of water.

    How about actually reading this thread, instead of just hitting reply? If that were true, how can people live on purely tea and coffee? By your logic, theyd be dead.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Really, can't we all have a conversation without sarcastic-ing the hell out of eachother. If we were all perfect and knew everything like professional water chemist weight looser doctors ;) then we wouldn't be here...And I'm sure of those doctors exist if they were smart enough they'd admit they don't have all the answers.

    I apologize to the people who are being harassed due to this thread. I was clearly delusional when I thought adults could be adults and talk about water without having any "I'm better then you because my water is different then yours" conversations.

    We're allowed to have different opinions.
    This is why we can't have nice things.
  • RodrickF
    RodrickF Posts: 11 Member
    I just read recently that Coffee isn't dehydrating, although it is a mild diuretic. That study showed that the body's hydration level only increases with cofee consumption. I log my tea and coffee consumption as if it was pure water. That said, there's nothing better for you than pure water. Except for maybe cofee and tea! :-)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    That's it, I'm going to my room to eat chocolate truffles, and I'm not going to drink water after :P
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    We're allowed to have different opinions.

    Yes, we are ofc.

    However, some of us bring FACTS, not personal opinions. Others try to pass off personal opinion as FACT.

    That's the point.
  • RodrickF
    RodrickF Posts: 11 Member
    How about a nice cup of green tea instead? Although I haven't completely replaced my three-pot-a-day coffee adiction with pure water yet, green tea has taken over my afternoon and evening liquid consumption. It might just be better for you than pure water!
    I do still drink a 16 once glass of water with or before every meal.