I'm craving burgers- HELP!



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Best Burger Ever:


    Drrrr... sorry, no beef in this one! I need to pay closer attention to the full post!!

    This is an insult to burgers

    Eewww... it sure is! It looks awful!
  • Cgrrrl
    Cgrrrl Posts: 5
    You can jazz-up the beef a million and one ways... if you're making the patties yourself! Throw in chopped up herbs of any kind, or green onions, curry powder, there are zillions of recipes online if you were to google something along the lines of "gourmet + homemade + burger patty". Don't be shy to experiment! You can make it more Italian by throwing in basil and oregano, and topping it afterwards with a quickly-prepared bruschetta mix (fresh, helathy, tasty and garlicy mmm!), or make it more Indian by combining with curry and some grated ginger in the patties, that kind of thing. Try herb mixes like dried rosemary, thyme, sage, etc.
  • CruzZ8
    CruzZ8 Posts: 71
    I would just do lean beef, or have a burger and plan the rest of your day's calories around it :) I'm actually into turkey burgers, so don't knock 'em lol I actually really like veggies so maybe I won't have the best advice because what I do is have 1/2 cup of ground turkey...I season it really well and stuff it with bell peppers and then I bake it for 25-30 minutes in the oven at 375%. I like it this way because it's still juicy and very tasty. I top it with a portebello mushroom and two tablespoons of cheddar cheese. I love it, but understand if you still want the beef because I know that sometimes I really just want a beef burger. Just do a thin burger out of lean beef and top it with yummy veggies, opt for mustard. I think the point of changing your lifestyle to lose and maintain weight is to find a reasonable way to eat all of your favorite foods so that it's a lifestyle you can maintain and actually ENJOY because you have to be happy.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    substitute all your ground beef with ground turket breast, dress up the burgers when you are making them, it will be delicious.

    Ditto. I have to say, I respect your lust for real beef but let me tell you.. ground turkey breast will make you question your sanity on this one. Throw it on a grill.. I top mine with shredded carrots, avocado, touch of feta cheese.. I often add a little bit of balsamic to the patty while grilling.. skip the bun..
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    I have eliminated white bread, with all the useless calories. I have switched to these, which I get at BJ's Wholesale:


    100 calories for a whole sheet.... lots of protein and omega 3.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Just have one. Work out a little bit extra later
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I don't know if this has been posted yet (didn't read all the replies) but lean beef often has the same amount of fat and calories as ground turkey, and WAY more taste.
  • zoominzozo
    zoominzozo Posts: 92 Member
    You can jazz-up the beef a million and one ways... if you're making the patties yourself! Throw in chopped up herbs of any kind, or green onions, curry powder, there are zillions of recipes online if you were to google something along the lines of "gourmet + homemade + burger patty". Don't be shy to experiment! You can make it more Italian by throwing in basil and oregano, and topping it afterwards with a quickly-prepared bruschetta mix (fresh, helathy, tasty and garlicy mmm!), or make it more Indian by combining with curry and some grated ginger in the patties, that kind of thing. Try herb mixes like dried rosemary, thyme, sage, etc.

    Totally trying the curry powder thing it sounds amaaaazing. Thanks for the idea :happy:
  • aldailey27
    Steam it. It is really good. Keeps all the flavor loses all the bad stuff.
  • marialynnporter
    marialynnporter Posts: 95 Member
    cook a 80 or 90% lean burger, and put a slice of american kraft cheese and 2 tablespoons of katchup. you don't need the bun, the bun has lots of calories unless you can find one that is low. and have side salad, or sweet potato fries, or some kind of veggie, i do this when i want a burger and it helps, with out eatting all the calories. :)
    I hope this helped.
  • MaryD4900
    MaryD4900 Posts: 135 Member
    Ground chicken is actually really good for making healthier burgers. I find that is stays jucier than turkey does. For me the best part about burgers is the toppings... onion, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, brown mustard, jalepenoes or banana peppers... mmmm
  • joan41
    joan41 Posts: 170 Member
    Walmart make a 96/4 beef that is sold by the pound. It is good. But I use turkey. The butterball turkey breat only has 1 gram of fat per serving. I get 4 burgers out of the pack. I mix 1 pack of instant oatmeal with 1 pack of lipton onion soup mix and the ground turkey. My kids love it. I eat it with a whole wheat sandwich round. It's Yummy! The burger has 185 calories, and the sandwich round has 100. Sometime I will grate some zucchin squash, but most of the time I don't. Hope this helps.
  • deedster_a
    deedster_a Posts: 91 Member
    Add a little Liquid Smoke for a char-grilled flavor.
  • MystiqueASAP
    As others have said, just have your burger and include it in your food count, make adjustments for other meals, and maybe work out a little extra. It is good to treat yourself once in a while, rather than denying yourself and pretty much eating your way to that craving. Have it and get it out the way. What we eat should be a way of life..., don't look at it as dieting. Enjoy your burger! :smile:

    Tip: I try to plan and pre-log my meals every morning so that I know where to allocate the calories and etc if I have such a craving.

  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    search for crockpot cheeseburgers in the recipe section :D they're amazing.
  • estevo66
    estevo66 Posts: 56 Member
    Yes Buffalo is a good one!
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    My walmart and Kroger carries the 4% ground beef..but I really Love the Turkey and ground chicken burgers better now:)
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    Have one! I hadn't had areal burger in months, and I finally had one last night.... so good.... but now I'm not gonna allow myself to have one for a long time :(
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    You can have 2 lean burgers! Just don't have it with any bread and very little condiments. It will definitely satisfy the craving!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I would go for the burger and make sure to pile high with lettuce tomato and onions if you like them.

    I'm not suggesting it now (after all you're craving a real burger), but later you might want to try a portobello mushroom burger. They taste very meat-like and they're extremely low calorie, too. It's just that you have to watch the other stuff.

    And, baked sweet potato fries are delicious (to me).