Why Batman is not a super hero



  • chelleymarie88
    Ok so after reading all the whole thread (30+ minutes, but what else am I going to do at work?), there was a point being made that Batman is not a superhero because he does not have super powers. However, there was an argument that Tony Stark / Iron Man is a super hero because of his Arc power source and Uni-Beam projection. If someone can please provide a credible source saying otherwise, I believe Tony Stark cannot shoot Uni-Beams from his chest without his suit, hence the removal of Tony Stark from superhero categorization. His chest reactor should be likened to a pacemaker or a car battery. Without the suit, he is just a regular man with extraordinary intellect and brilliance, as well as an overabundance of wealth.

    Batman, or Bruce Wayne, stripped of his belt and suit, is also just a regular man with extraordinary intellect and brilliance, as well as an overabundance of wealth. Perhaps the fact that both Bruce and Tony clearly are able to access more of their human brain ability than average humans might make them 'super'. These two individuals' intellectual capability is far superior than 99% of the human population, but does being superior intellectually equate being 'super'? Using your brain to the maximum capability, or at least to a level above even a certain Kryptonian, should qualify as a power, if not a super power. Batman augments his intellect with tools that help him achieve his goals, just like Iron Man does. Batman has been dubbed 'the world's greatest detective', and that should qualify him as a super, right? Greatest, meaning there is nothing better. Top of the charts, second to none. Super? Quite possibly.
    Sorry about the confusion :) I was referring to his Extremis armor most of the time and when he was a cyborg. I would still consider Tony Stark a super hero, because of the fact that with his chest reactor, he is able to shoot uni-beams. In several issues was he able to control his suit with his mind/body. If you would like to debunk Tony Stark in order to accept that Batman is not a superhero, then that is fine. I will consider him a super hero nonetheless :p I won't argue that Batman is highly intelligent, but I will argue that his intelligence does not make him super.

    Now I did some research (again, what am I going to do at work all day?) and found out that at one point, Batman had willpower strong enough to wield a Green Lantern Ring, thus technically becoming a Green Lantern himself. Are Green Lanterns not superheroes? I seem to recall that certain Green Lanterns already possess super strength, and their ring adds to their prowess. Hal Jordan, or whomever the current Green Lantern on Earth is, is a superhero via alien technology, much like Venom is a hero/anti-hero via alien technology (or is that also up for debate?). Are the Power Rangers superheroes? They possess super strength, super speed, 'magical' and 'power' item generation, etc, all through alien technology too. It's also been noted that Batman is at the PEAK of human perfection, and shown to be able to bench-press at least 1000 lbs. To me, that's a pretty good measure of being superhuman, all without any external devices, DNA-altering chemicals/radiation, or given non-human powers. Captain Marvel's strength rating is 1000 lbs normally without his Nega-Bands (marvel.wikia.com/Strength_Scale), so perhaps Batman qualifies in this sense based on super strength? Captain America can only lift 800 lbs, but he's a superhero, right? Captain America "has no superhuman powers, although as a result of the Super-Soldier serum, he was transformed from a frail young man into a "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning", much like the Caped Crusader, sans serum.

    By the way, while I was Googling for information and research, this very thread came up #1 on one of my searches. Lol.

    Way to go, MFP!!

    You bring up the best points, I applaud you for researching lol. Someone brought up a great point to me... Captain America can lift Thor's hammer. I was in disbelief that he can only lift 800 lbs; however, I do know he regenerates health faster and never runs out of stamina. I've seen Batman get winded. Also- do you have any idea how heavy Thor's hammer is? Lol. Let Batman try to pick that up :o Honestly, I see no interest in Green Lanterns; therefore, I haven't read much, so I can't really speak on that topic. I do know; however, that even through your argument, I see no reason to call Bruce Wayne a super human. He is rich and intelligent, with some awesome martial arts moves....but I don't see him past that.

    ETA: I'd also like to add that even though he has reached the "peak" of human strength, that does not mean he has surpassed the ability of a human. Which concludes, that he is nothing more than human.
    Captain America is super human. He has super human strength; therefore, he is the epitome of a super hero.

    Iron Man arguments: see previous pages, lol.

    Which superhero are you referring to when saying, "he has reached the "peak" of human strength, that does not mean he has surpassed the ability of a human. Which concludes, that he is nothing more than human"? :-) Both specimens are at the PEAK of human development / conditioning. Captain America still has to maintain his regimen lest he joins us on MFP one day. Same with Batman. And the Captain (not Morgain, he's a weekend warrior, lol) does have stamina limitations, although "he can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours without rest and before showing any signs of fatigue" (marvel.wikia.com/Captain_America_(Steve_Rogers)). And as far as picking up Thor's hammer, one just has to be deemed worthy to wield Mjolnir, either decided upon by Mjolnir's enchantment itself or by Thor. I'm pretty sure Batman would be worthy in Thor's eyes to hold the hammer for a bit.

    I strongly doubt that Batman could wield Thor's hammer. Hulk can't even pick it up. Technically he did, when he lifted Thor, but that's beside the point. Captain America is pure and known as a SUPER soldier. Hint at super. He is more than man. I am referring to Batman when I say reached his peak. I don't know anyone that is human that has (okay nearly) unlimited stamina like Cap does... or regenerates health as quickly...do you? :)
  • chelleymarie88

    I just died @ this
  • chelleymarie88
    I will be right back to this thread.... Need to get one more work out in, then I'll resume it lol.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    This thread has BAZINGA written all over it!!
  • chelleymarie88
    One last thing before I go out for my jog....My Dr. Doom action figure says anyone who opposes me will suffer. :o

  • sr823204
    sr823204 Posts: 53 Member

    I just died @ this

    freaking hilarious!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MissClarey
    Best. Argument. Ever.
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    From Merriam-Webster dictionary

    a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also : an exceptionally skillful or successful person

    Thats Batman, the very definition of a superhero.
  • chelleymarie88
    This thread has BAZINGA written all over it!!

    What does that mean?
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    From Merriam-Webster dictionary

    a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also : an exceptionally skillful or successful person

    Thats Batman, the very definition of a superhero.

    I'm in full concurrence with this dude.
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    What does that mean?

    It's a reference to Big Bang Theory, a show about nerds (who happen to looove comics too)
    I'm in full concurrence with this dude.

    Cool tattoo, you're like Iron Fist (he has a Dragon)
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    What does that mean?

    It's a reference to Big Bang Theory, a show about nerds (who happen to looove comics too)
    I'm in full concurrence with this dude.

    Cool tattoo, you're like Iron Fist (he has a Dragon)

    Thank you kind sir.
  • chelleymarie88
    What does that mean?

    It's a reference to Big Bang Theory, a show about nerds (who happen to looove comics too)
    I'm in full concurrence with this dude.

    Cool tattoo, you're like Iron Fist (he has a Dragon)

    Thanks for clearing that up. :) I have never seen the show before. I have exhausted nearly all of my arguments on why Batman is not considered a superhero; however, good job on finding a different definition lol.

    OOOOO, WA. Iron Fist is bad *kitten*. :D
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    Yeah I'm a big Iron Fist fan, Danny Rand is awesome :)
  • Indy_Mario
    Yeah I'm a big Iron Fist fan, Danny Rand is awesome :)
    Iron fist?! I prefer Iron chef myself! Batali FTW!
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I LOVE Batman!! <3


    That is all.
  • chelleymarie88
    Yeah I'm a big Iron Fist fan, Danny Rand is awesome :)
    Iron fist?! I prefer Iron chef myself! Batali FTW!

  • chelleymarie88
    I'm sorry, but this is full of win.

  • chelleymarie88
    OMG iron man didn't uni beam wolverine... they fought when he was a Cyborg but it was Cyclops that made it to where he couldn't regenerate....optic blast :0 *fails at life*
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    the red and silver/gray iron man was awesome