It is not good idea to count calories in vegetables!!



  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    calories are calories are calories

    i think you ment to say calories are calories are FAT! lol :sad:
  • potatos ARE a vegetable. Just because it's not a super healthy vegetable, doesn't mean it's not one. You can't pick and choose what are and aren't vegetables.

    You're right, you cannot. So you cannot decide potatoes are a vegetable, just because they are eaten as a side dish by many Americans.

    From Wikipedia alone:

    "The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial Solanum tuberosum of the Solanaceae family (also known as the nightshades). The word potato may refer to the plant itself as well as the edible tuber. "

  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    if you eat 5 apples you have still eaten 300 calories. calories are calories.
  • littlebeans
    littlebeans Posts: 36 Member
    While I do agree the point of counting calories is to try and count as much as possible not just to record everything but to understand how to balance a healthy meal, I take this kind of recommendations with a grain of salt.

    I think the OP does have a point in that people should eat more vegetables, the good kinds not the potatoes-as-vegetables kind of thing. Let's say its the end of the day, I've eaten all my well rounded meals but I still feel hungry. The first thing I do to test if I'm seriously hungry for more good protein/fat/carbs is I grab a carrot, green pepper, or an orange, etc. If I'm seriously hungry for real substance, those won't do it. If I'm not, I usually feel content after that quick snack. The point being, sometimes I journal those last minute fruits and veggies and sometimes I don't. I've been losing steadily all the same though. So I'm not saying everyone should stop counting vegetable and fruit but perhaps for some people it isn't a few stray carrots that is going to put them over the edge, it's the bag of chips they (I used) to reach for at the end of the night.

    And to be frank, I've browsed a lot of journals here that are mostly prepackaged meals, meal replacements, & protein shakes with very little fruits and vegetables. Perhaps the OP has a point that some people totally avoid vegetables because they don't want to "waste" the calories, so maybe encouraging vegetables like spinach, carrots, peppers, etc as being not as strict when counting would mean people could be both healthier and fitter.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    potatos ARE a vegetable. Just because it's not a super healthy vegetable, doesn't mean it's not one. You can't pick and choose what are and aren't vegetables.

    You're right, you cannot. So you cannot decide potatoes are a vegetable, just because they are eaten as a side dish by many Americans.

    From Wikipedia alone:

    "The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial Solanum tuberosum of the Solanaceae family (also known as the nightshades). The word potato may refer to the plant itself as well as the edible tuber. "


    You're so smart. :huh:
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I agree with this person, that she can lose weight without counting her vegie calories. And if she is, indeed, losing weight, who are we to criticize her?

  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    I also know several people who have been successful not counting veggies because I think the point is, there are few people that could eat that many. Additionally, there are reverse calorie foods that take so much effort to digest that they have a net negative effect. i.e. pickles - so nosh away. I say do what works for you. I've known people who have had success both ways.
  • ChangingJojo
    ChangingJojo Posts: 30 Member
    The point of this whole process is to stop eating excessively period. You are not doing yourself any favors by not making yourself accountable for what you've eaten no matter what it is. Sure vegetables are low calorie if you eat them in their natural state. A lot of people will rationalize over eating by saying "oh it's just vegees" and not take into account how they've been prepared and what's been added to them. Just log and be honest with yourself.
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    BTW...elephants eat only fruit and veg...have you ever seen a skinny one?

  • ChelleRenee1
    ChelleRenee1 Posts: 22 Member
    Starchy vegetable such as corn, carrots, cauliflower, and potatoes should definitely be counted. Many diets such as Weight Watchers, Dr. Phil's Ultimate Weight Loss Solution, ETC....count green vegetables as freebies. I count them but not as accurately as I do my other foods. For example, My Salad serving size may say 1 cup but I sometimes go back for seconds and do not record. I do, however, count any extras that go on the salad such as dressing, cheese, carrots. The cucumbers and lettuce are fine to not count.
  • I am eating an apple slice right now and I'm not logging it! :laugh:

  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    No one can ever get fat eating tons of vegetables so i don't see the need to count the calories in them.

    i don't add my veggie calories and still lose weight.!:happy:

    You lose weight because you burn more calories than you consume. Not some magical veggie doesn't provide my body with calories diet.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I also know several people who have been successful not counting veggies because I think the point is, there are few people that could eat that many. Additionally, there are reverse calorie foods that take so much effort to digest that they have a net negative effect. i.e. pickles - so nosh away. I say do what works for you. I've known people who have had success both ways.

    No, there are no negative calorie foods. This is a myth.
  • The point is, the vege calories are negligible and if counting them discourages you from eating them then you should stop.

    I think this is a very real concern. As it's been said, it's really hard to overeat on vegetables, but very easy to have too few. I get concerned that people who are on a very low-carb diet don't get enough nutrients because fruit and veggies - sources of much-needed vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients - have "too many carbs" and fall by the wayside.

    I may get shot for saying this, but the point of all this should be getting healthy and giving your body what it needs, not losing weight solely for the purpose of looking skinnier.
  • imkegoal
    imkegoal Posts: 156 Member
    I am sure you will continue to loose weight if you don't count your green vegetable related calories- as it is hard to overeat on them.

    however, I think you are cheating yourself, and you would loose weight better if you include everything you eat in your diary.

    Having said that- I don't weigh my greens the way I do patatoes etc. I had a jacket patato last week, and weight it as precisely 220 gram, whereas I write down any any salad I have with my dinner as '2 cups of salad' as I don't think it makes much difference in the sceme of things if it is 1, 2 or 3 cups ....
  • robinxhope
    robinxhope Posts: 125 Member
    I chart my vegetables to remind myself I ate them. And be proud!
  • daeljo
    daeljo Posts: 38
    so does that mean I can eat all the potatos I want and still lose weight? yay!!!!!! *throws french fries in air like confetti*

    potatos ARE a vegetable...

    Bahahha i wish
  • I'm pretty sure if I started eating 1800 calories of strictly vegetables, which is 600 calories over what my daily calories are supposed to be, I'd gain weight. That is silly logic, my friend.

    True, but I DEFY you to eat 1800 calories of strictly vegetables! Especially if we are talking the green leafy kind, etc. You can't do it. The point really is, it is impossible to overeat on vegetables. (I am excepting starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, etc. from this discussion.) That is why programs like Weight Watchers have always allowed those vegetables to be "free."

    I agree with this person, that she can lose weight without counting her vegie calories. And if she is, indeed, losing weight, who are we to criticize her?

    Everyone has their own style of doing things...but just observing this thread...I think it hit a nerve with the title "It's not a good idea to count calories in vegetables" Not counting them is a personal choice that may work for some people but I don't see the sense in declaring it's a "bad" idea to count them. Well unless you want a busy thread that is :)
  • Quarrysider
    Quarrysider Posts: 56 Member
    rule of thumb.. "in your mouth .. on your log "

    I'm too perverted to take this how you meant it.

    me too .....

    ummm me three

    Wow. There's an entry in the database for THAT??!!!:huh: :wink: *wanders off to see how many calories....*:wink: (OK, sorry, I'll get my coat...)
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Well that may be but on a menu in a restaurant they are listed under veggies. When little kids wont eat their veggies, many times they are refering to green beans or peas. When I order a sandwich at Jasons and opt for the fruit cup they never bring me a side of beans. By the book they may be a legume, or a fruit, or for some people they may be considered a protein. But for most of us in the every day, day in and day out world we live in here in the U.S. we consider beans and peas a vegetable.

    I live in the U.S. and never have I considered a can of Ranch Style Beans a veggie.