Worst Wedding Proposal EVER



  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    while at his aunts house laying in his cousins bed watching the movie bed of roses i decided to ask him to marry me... he said no. i wanna say this was september. nothing more said about it. now keep in mind he was engaged to a girl for 2 weeks 3 days of which she wore the beautiful 2 carrot ring. one day in november he decides he is going to sell the ring (i would have gladly worn it, i mean she only wore it for 3 days and it was amazing) so go does just that. only got 500$ for it. we then were walking through the mall went into a store i picked out ring. the woman handed it to me to try on, didnt fit but i wanted to wear it to thanksgiving dinner at my grandmothers so i had them put a ring sizer on it. a week later i got it sized, got married in feb. he never actually asked me to marry him, didnt put the ring on my finger nothing!!!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Mine was my birthday weekend the whole week before he kept telling me how great my birthday present was. This of course made me angry because I like to be surprised and I also had not been feeling well and wanted to stay home, but he told me I had no choice we were going out. Well before we even left the house he calls me into the kitchen makes me close my eyes and then tells me I can open them he has the ring shoved in my face and he then says "Well you put in the time" he made a proposal sound like a prison sentence we had been together for 9 years and he made me feel like well since you stuck around I guess I could marry you. Hindsight I should have said no at his horrible proposal, but I married him anyways and we are still married. We still talk about it and he even told me that he was surprised I agreed to it. He try's really hard to be romantic, but it just isn't in him I guess.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Some of these are actually really sweet. Not all, mind you, but some are...
    We were lying in bed, at his parent's house in Florida, the first time I had met them. Just snuggling and he asks me if I want to get married before he leaves on deployment in two months. It was simple, it was nice.
    Being a girl, I asked him to take me out to dinner and propose properly, which ended up being a nice Italian dinner at a beach front restaurant, followed by a sweet walk on the beach where he did the whole on one knee thing. While it was nice to have a more romantic story for family about how he proposed, I remember the first proposal with more fondness. It was so us. More our style than any of that romantic walk on the beach in moonlight and down on one knee stuff.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Mine didn't even propose to me. I, yes ME, bought HIM a damn ring, I threw it at him and said yo we're getting married! lol
  • JJhoney
    JJhoney Posts: 29
    I feel like that would be a red flag
  • jchesketh
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Men are so funny! hahaha :) At least you have a unique story...

    My fiance didn't know what to get me for Christmas so he decided on Christmas eve when he was out shopping to buy an engagement ring. I don't even think he realized what he was doing... Christmas morning in front of both our families I opened the gift and everyone was ooohing and aaaahing....and then about 10mins later my mom says: Hey, is there a question that goes with that ring?

    So my fiance was like...oh, okay...uh, will you marry me?? LOL

    He didn't even get on his knee either...kind of just leaned in from where he was standing looking like a deer caught in headlights. I think he was more shocked that he asked the question then me....lol
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    SO glad I didn't marry this schmuck, because at the time, stupid and 23, I prolly would have....

    Together 5 years, right around Christmas time, he tells me in this proud kind of way, "I think I know what I'm going to get you for Christmas.... I think you'll really like it."

    My eyes shone a little brighter, since he usually sucked at gifts and it sounded thoughtful this time. "Really?"

    "Yeah... but, I kind of think I should ask your dad about it first...."

    My eyes were probably saucer-wide and jiggly like in those anime cartoons. I wasn't the typical girl who had always dreamed of her wedding - who was pressing for the engagement - who was desperately waiting for 'that moment'. I was the independent type that scoffed at marriage and said I didn't need it. But at that moment, with the MAN OF MY DREAMS!(:sick:), my heart shook just a bit and my inner-me clasped her hands together. ".....Oh really?"

    Turned out to be a f@#$ing Bersa 380 pistol he bought at discount from his boss.


    He was a drunk anyway. Seriously, though. I don't even think he knew how it (what he'd said) came off sounding like. I think he really was that stupid. Then he got mad at me for being let down and almost crying.

  • TopazWarriors
    TopazWarriors Posts: 5 Member
    well My ex husband did get a gorgeous ring.. BUT he handed me the box I opened it and he said Welll??? Do you wanna?? lol that was it.. I was just stunned.. no romance .. nothing.. I said um I guess he said ok.. and went back to playing computer games... Hmm We are Divorced now...
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My dad "proposed" to my mom when they were driving in his car and he glanced in the back seat and said, "I think we could fit two or three kids back there, don't you?" :laugh:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I'm so sorry you guys feel that you proposals were bad, i would just say different. I fell down a flight of stairs on my 1st day of work and when I finally hit bottom all sprawled out on the floor and this guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go dancing with him. Really? I said no 2 months later we were living together and on the 4th month we were on our way to the SS Office and in the car he said you wanna get married? I said lets go back and I'll get a white blouse and a camera went to Vegas $35 for license both rings together were $62, which I paid for. $30 for service. Never regretted a moment of it we were married for 23 years 2 wonderful now adult children. He has now since passes and Id do it all again. He never bought me flowers he always picked them. So we were married in jeans. What a wonderful day!
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    Many moons ago, I ended a long term relationship and moved to a new city just so I wouldn't have to risk bumping into the guy. I had been living in my new place for all of a week when one morning I woke up and my ex was in bed next to me, awake and apparently watching me sleep. Creepo. He had somehow convinced my roommate's boyfriend that we were still together so he let him in the house. I'm lying there, half asleep in pajamas and unbrushed teeth- totally pissed (plus mildly freaked out because I never told him where I was moving to) and then he pulls out a ring box. I was so angry I didn't even look at it and kept trying to get him to answer my questions about how the hell he had found me and wtf he was doing in my bed. He wouldn't answer me and then he opened the box to reveal the ugliest ring I have ever seen... and on top of that it's 4 sizes too small. What a moron. Come to find out he had bought it at pawn shop on the way to blindside me at my new place. Quite the romantic that one.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    My husband rolled up to my office... on his bike... on a Wednesday afternoon... drenched with sweat and carrying a greasy bag of Arby's sandwiches and curly fries.

    He said 'I brought you lunch... and also (getting down on one knee) I wanted to ask you to marry me'. I pretty much said 'HECK, YEAH!' and we've lived together happily ever after for almost 15 years.

    I'm crazy about that man.

    And just in his defense - he had something really sweet and elaborate planned. A hike to a secluded waterfall, with a candlelight picnic dinner set-up and his friend playing cello music from above the waterfall. He just got too excited and couldn't wait three more days to ask me! That ring burned some kind of hole in his pocket! He picked it up from the jeweler right before picking up lunch from Arby's.
  • francinev97
    He stood over me, held out a ring box (not opened) and said "well, will you?"..... I didn't.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    My dog had bloated and was in the hospital, he'd gone through a five hour surgery because of complications. I was a mess and was heading over to visit him. Was on the computer checking care instructions when my now-hubby walked in, got on one knee, opened the ring box and said what amounted to "will you join the club of marriage with me?" in Russian. He used google translator instead of asking my parents to teach him the words. I asked him to repeat in English just to be sure, said yes, put the ring on and we went to visit rocky at the vet.

    Bad timing but at least he put a little effort into it :)
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    We were laying on the floor watching TV. He reaches over with the ring box and says "Do you want this?" I did laugh and say yes... Married 18 years
  • Isrn2
    Isrn2 Posts: 160
    Let's just preface this with I was young and very stupid ...

    I'd found out I was pregnant a couple of weeks before. We had talked about getting married, but I told him I didn't want him to feel obligated to marry me unless he really wanted to. The night of the proposal we had driven down to the small hick town where his brother was working. He got drunk and stoned that night. After several hours of partying he stumbled out to the pickup truck where we were sleeping (in the bed on sleeping bags, and where I had been waiting for him since I didn't want to be around the alcohol or the smoke) ... asked me to marry him and then promptly passed out. I had to ask him the next morning if he even remembered what he'd asked me.

    Unfortunately he did and I spent the next 14 years in H*LL.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    We were on a cruise and there was some drama the night before (not with us, we never fight but with other's on the trip with us, long story..lol) but we ended up staying up pretty much the whole night and decided to go see the sunrise on the ship (sounds romantic right)... as we were leaving he just looked at me and handed me the box, and I said YES, not particularly sweet but I guess it was okay.
  • ffuunnnnyy__ggiirrll
    I'm so sorry you guys feel that you proposals were bad, i would just say different. I fell down a flight of stairs on my 1st day of work and when I finally hit bottom all sprawled out on the floor and this guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go dancing with him. Really? I said no 2 months later we were living together and on the 4th month we were on our way to the SS Office and in the car he said you wanna get married? I said lets go back and I'll get a white blouse and a camera went to Vegas $35 for license both rings together were $62, which I paid for. $30 for service. Never regretted a moment of it we were married for 23 years 2 wonderful now adult children. He has now since passes and Id do it all again. He never bought me flowers he always picked them. So we were married in jeans. What a wonderful day!

    That's quite an amazing story, I'm sorry for your loss. You were a lucky woman.