Worst Date Ever



  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Several years ago I was talking to this guy I had met online. I didn't feel a ton of chemistry with him but he was persistant so I continued to carry on an online and phone relationship with him. We live in the same general vacinity so when the time came that he asked me to meet him on a date I accepted.
    We made some tentative plans for a picnic type lunch. Sounds nice, I agree. I guess the first mistake was my fault. A friend of mine had free tickets for Kings Island that weekend that she offered to me. As none of my kids could use them and I already had plans with this guy I asked him if it was ok to go to Kings Island instead. He accepted. This was a corporate day which included free admission (about $45 each), free parking ($8) and a free meal (chicken dinner, desserts, drinks, you do the math). The reason I included the price is important later.
    The park is about 1 1/2 hours from me but he is about 30 minutes closer so we decided to meet at his house and drive to the park from there. When I got there he came out and held out his arms to his sides and turned around so I could check him out. He said, "What do you think?" I didn't tell him what I really thought, that would have been rude. I heard Thumper's father in my head so I held my tongue.
    We proceeded to the park and rode the various rides, had our dinner which was great but he complained about everything about it. Remember, it was free! There was even a band in the picnic area just for our group. They happened to be playing "Knocking on Heaven's Door". He previously told me how much he hated my taste in music, especially anything folk related, especially Bob Dylan (who I dearly love). So being the brat that I am I asked if he knew who sang this song. I figured he would answer Guns & Roses but to my surprise he very angrily answered Bob Dylan. Heehee.
    Now, lest you think I was being mean, you must understand some previous conversations. Remember he knocked every singer or type of music I like, very openly. The only kind of music he likes is country or disco, weird combo. He complained that I didn't want to go to the water park even though it was raining more than it wasn't. And Honestly, I didn't want to be in a bathing suit in front of him anyway, especially on a first(and obviously last) date. He went on and on about how wonderful his son's were because of this or that, especially his oldest Kyle, who had served as a missionary. Great, nice, yeah for him! He said that he deserved more respect than anyone because he had been a missionary. OK?? Then, when we saw a group of Goth kids he started making fun of them. I asked him not to because my (non-missionary) son dressed like that. He then proceeded to tell me his Kyle (missionary boy, right) beats up kids dressed Goth. Allrighty then!! Date is pretty much shot. I am more than an hour away from home, without my car, which is at his house. I decide I am stuck for the long haul but call my sister when he is in the bathroom for backup just on case I have to bail. She said she would get me if I needed her to, problem is I am not sure how to get to his house from where I am. Then I saw a mom of a friend of my youngest son and asked her for a ride if I needed it. She agreed too. I knew it wouldn't be easy but decided it would be best if I stuck it out.
    It was very hot that day and I really needed a water. Since he never offered to buy anything I asked if he would like one and bought both of us a water. When I came out of the bathroom later he was standing there eating a slice of pizza and drinking an icee. He didn't ask if I would like anything nor did he even seem awkward that he was eating in front of me. Luckily this was about the end of the night. I don't think we even stayed for fireworks, they may have been rained out.
    On the way home he told me he was going to convince me to like country music and proceeded to blast some hideous song about a train very loudly and all the way home!
    I was never so glad to see my car as I was then. I did thank him for the date, not sure why because all he did was drive, got in my car and never looked back. When I got home I promptly blocked him on the website where we met.
    Moral of this story: Never plan an all day date, far from home, without an easy escape plan. And never ever date an idiot!!
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    I also had a guy try to pick me up in a bar one time by telling me about all the feral cats he'd been shooting. Ugh. Just creepy and weird and sad.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Must say I never had a really bad date. Only ever dated my wife and we have been married for 32 years since.

    I love stories like this!

    I hate to remember my bad dates...but I can share one of them:

    When I was younger, I had my friend set me up on a date with his friend. We went out to a local bookstore and ordered drinks from their cafe. We sat at a table next to the window and, literally, chit chatted about nothing particular. Although we were nice and cordial to each other, we stared out the window at the street more than anything. It was VERY awkward! I've not asked to be setup like that since. LOL. I felt bad for the guy.
  • MrsHallum07
    MrsHallum07 Posts: 60 Member
    I had ran into an a guy that I had dated at one time & we agreed to go out one night. He calls me up & asks if I would like to go out, & I said yes....well come to find out when he came to pick me up that evening I noticed there was a girl in the car driving. When I got into the car, he introduced me to his gf!!!! How messed up was that! :noway:
  • mortla
    mortla Posts: 73
    I have spent a lot of time reading these posts and I think I may have the mother of all bad dates. Let me know if I am wrong. Warning: This is a long and detailed story!!!!

    This happened several years ago after I got out of a 4.5 year marriage. I had met this guy online (mistake #1) and we chatted off and on for a month. He was really sexy, funny, smart, ect and I really wanted to meet him. Our schedules conflicted a lot so it took us a while to get together.

    We both had a night free and he asked me out. I was psyched to finally meet him. I had forgot that I agreed to pick up a sofa I bought from a co-worker that night and said I would have to meet up later. He said no problem and that he could help me pick up the couch and transport it back to my home. I thought that was very sweet so I accepted.

    He shows up at my house and he is 10 times sexier than his pictures. I was thrilled because I felt this was going to be an amazing date. Boy was I WRONG! We got into his truck and proceeded to head into the city to go to dinner. We were not even 5 minutes from my house when he just decides to say out loud "God I can't wait until I get off probation!" I instantly freaked out. All these things ran through my mind like...WTH did this guy do that he is on probation??? I didn't want to be a jerk and jump to conclusions so I nervously asked what he was on probation for. He began to tell me this enchanting tale which went a little something like this:

    He was at a club in the city and black gentleman (he used the racial slur instead...uncool!) he had had run ins with before was talking crap to him. He got really mad and decided he was going to "keep it real". He went out to his truck, pulled out a gun and shot up the dude's car in front of a crowd of people. Apparently gun shots bring about a lot of attention...so he had a nice little audience. He unloaded the gun in the dude's car and took off. Within a few hours the cops showed up and arrested him.

    Ok so at this point I am wondering am I safer staying in this car with this psycho or jumping out of a truck going 65 miles an hour....should have taken my chances with a huge leap out the door but I didn't. I got very nervous and slid as close to the door as possible and gave him a freaked out look. He saw how panicked I was and touched my leg and told me it was ok, it happened years ago, he went through anger management, and it's all good. Well the massive idiot that I am, I let it go because he was so cute (man I am an idiot sometimes!). I casually asked what kind of vehicle he shot up...I am thinking a Ford Fiesta or a Gremlin....NOPE! He shot up an Escalade! What the hell ever happened to a strong "F/U" when someone talks crap to you? In the end result, he ended up paying the guy in civil court for a new vehicle and this is why he was on probation. Again...let me say I was an idiot and let it slide since he was so hot.

    After the probation story wrapped up...he asked me if I smoked. Now I am naive and I thought he was talking about cigarettes (which I am a CIGARETTE smoker) and I replied yes. I was relieved because I needed a cigarette after that damn story. He replies "Thank God" and proceeds to pull out a roach from his ashtray. I jump back and yell "I MEANT CIGARETTES!!!!" He saw how upset I was that there were drugs in the vehicle and said oh I am sorry I won't smoke in front of you. I thought that was the end of it...NOPE!

    He proceeds to tell me that weed is okay and said...and I quote "But you know what I really love? Cocaine!" My eyes were the size of Mars! I started looking around thinking ok am I on a freaking hidden camera show? This is RIDICULOUS! Nope...no hidden cameras...I was just in hell! He proceeds to go on and on about his love for cocaine. He informs me that he loves it so much but he cannot do it anymore because it turns his nose to hamburger and that when he sees people doing a line in movies, his mouth waters because he wants some cocaine so bad. At this point, I just want to be hit by a BUS! I cannot believe I am hearing this.

    Fast forward......we are at my co-workers house to pick up my new sofa. We both come in and she shows us where the sofa is. Mr. ProbationGunCocaineA**hole decides he is going to life the couch by himself. Well the guy was pretty buff so I let him do it. He proceeds to bend over to pick up the couch..that's when I heard this blood curdling ripping sound....yep....his pants ripped from the top of his fly all the way down to his knee. I just stood there wanting to drop dead of embarrassment but apparently I had not suffered enough. This is the part where he whispers to me "Thank goodness I am wearing underwear tonight...I usually go commando!" Needless to say I ran out as fast as I could with him and my new sofa. Work on Monday was gonna be fabu!

    After we left the pants ripping party house, he asks where I would like to go for dinner. I asked him if he was going to change his pants first and he replied, no I am fine. Needless to say I had my fill and I said it's okay we can just go to my house (meaning, TAKE ME HOME A**HOLE!). We finally get to my house and he is unloading my sofa and carrying it in to my house. I go to shut the door when I hear him gasp for breath and start wheezing. I then shout out "You have F***in ASTHMA????" He nods and is motioning that his inhaler is in the truck. I run outside and start looking for it. I am thinking holy crap what am I going to find in here? A gun, more drugs, a dead body???? I finally find the inhaler and run back in. He puffs on it and comes back down. I hollered at him why did you do that if you had asthma. He gave me some stupid reason, but I had had my fill of this idiot.

    After the little medical emergency he asks if he can take off his pants because he feels silly with a rip in his pants. I said why do you feel foolish now? Well basically it was his way of asking for a bit of oral. Needless to say...that was my breaking point and I asked him to leave. I never called, emailed, texted, pigeon messaged this idiot again. I come to find out that this guy wasn't even single...HE WAS MARRIED with a pregnant wife at home! I didn't know if I felt sorrier for myself or her!!!!

    The End!
  • mommybambi
    mommybambi Posts: 25 Member
    Years ago before online dating was really big I tried using the personals in the newspaper to meet someone. You could reply to someone's ad using a voicemail box and then they would call you if interested. Problem is that all the mailboxes had access codes that were just 1 or 2 numbers off. I left a message for a guy and I swore his name was Dave. Then I get a call from a guy who says it was his ad but his name is Bill. I think I must have heard wrong and go with it. I meet him at his place and I end up driving since he doesn't have a car at the moment. I can't even remember what we actually did for a date. He asks me to stop at his Mom's and while I wait in the car he brings out several bags of stuff that he hadn't gotten a chance to move out before. Now I'm his moving truck. He tells me that he doesn't have a traditional job and says that jobs are for losers. He goes to college campuses and signs up kids for credit cards. He tells me how he lies about their income on the applications because he gets a commission for each one. He also tells me how with his ex he had her 9 year old daughter selling candy bars for charity but the charity was actually themselves. Then he proceeds to tell me more about his ex and how he had to "*****" slap her because she would get him angry. Then he says " I'm sure you'll never do anything that will make me hit you". That night ended ok but I stupidly went out with him 1 more time because I was desparate and just came off a breakup from my first serious relationship. I got myself in a bad situation when he wanted to play strip poker. I then realized that he had actually stolen someone else's messages off the personal line. He called me after that begging to see me and how he thought I was the "one". I told him off and told him I knew he had lied to me about everything about himself. The only good thing was that it taught me that I deserve better.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    I think mine might be the WORST!

    I once went out with a guy who had me pick him up a taco bell, kinda weird, but I did it anyways. Once he was in my car, he proceeded to take out his phone and show me a picture of his ****. There was no warning, he just took out his phone and showed me! I was shocked and disgusted, and brought him right back to taco bell and told him to get out of my car.

    We have a winner!^^
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    SOOOOOOO many Girls do the texting thing so much, they completely miss out on life. Every time I go out to a bar, restaurant, or special event, i see most of the young 20s and 30s are always on their phones and the guys, friends, or parents are so bored. Women, no one wants to hang out with you to just watch you text. How can someone go out to a bar, sports, concert, or outdoors activity and all you want to do is text and tweet. How about this, actually do the thing that you are texting and updating statuses about.

    You are boring and you are so missing out on life. The life that you think you have in your phone is not better than your real one. Please be respectful and actually engage with the people who are trying to spend time with you. Sorry but this is such a pet peeve for me. A few times me and my friends would just walk up to them and ask the people being ignored f they want to hang out with us or buy them a drink and not the disrespectful texter.

    Sometimes I do believe that cells phone are bad and ruin relationships. In many cases, this is where the cheating starts. I know many people as soon as they get mad at their partner, the first thing they do is start texting other people. Sorry for venting. I just can relate to the original poster and it sucks. When it happens to me, I just leave the restaurant even if I took them there. They can just text someone for a ride. I dont put up with it.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    I spilled soda all over my pants on my first date.
  • flagator11
    flagator11 Posts: 103 Member
    Not really a dating story for me, but it was part of someone else's date. A couple years ago, one of my male friends kept going on and on about one of his co-workers that he was interested in. But, she would only go on a date with him if she could bring a friend along. He kept on me for a few weeks to be his wingman and occupy her friend. After saying no for a while, I finally agreed. I was 33 at the time, and my friend was 30. We get to the restaurant, and I find out for the first time that his co-worker is 22...and her friend that I was to occupy was 20. It was awkward enough that I felt like I was on a date with my daughter, I noticed people staring at our table the entire time. To add insult to injury, I think the 20 year old only stopped talking long enough to eat. That night is when I knew my youth was gone forever.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    I had been chatting back and forth with this really smart, funny dude from Craigslist. I had a lot of respect for him and we had similar interests and similar views on humanity. He did all sorts of volunteer work and had a dog he loved. I thought for sure he was a winner.

    I was moving to Europe for a semester abroad on the 4th of January and we still hadn't met up, so he asked me to come out and see him for New Year's (2 hours away. Heavy snow) I was a little miffed but he had his own place and I didn't, so I said sure. I was about 250 at this point but he knew that. So I drove all the way out there.

    First thing he did was roll up a massive blunt and barely offer me any. He was watching TV on his laptop and wouldn't even look at me. Awkward silence. Occasionally he'd smack the laptop and go "I hate this commercial." He spent a lot of time talking to his dog and asking him what he thought of me.

    Eventually I suggested going for a walk. I reminded him I had trouble walking and asked him to go slow so I could keep up with him. Instead, he took the dog and walked about five steps ahead of me, leaving me to struggle to keep up.

    We reached the park and watched the fireworks. Stood in silence for about five minutes. Then he turned around and walked back to his apartment, leaving me five steps in his wake like he wanted nothing to do with me.

    Finally he tells me "Well, I'm going to bed. No offense, but I don't really feel anything. Are you cool with the couch? I don't have any blankets or pillows. But we can be friends. Let's go to breakfast." Then went into his room and shut the door. I waited about five minutes, got dressed and left. About ten minutes later he texted me "Please come back." I didn't respond.

    I got lost on the way home in the blizzard. It took me about three hours. He never offered me gas for going out there. I got out of the car and sat in the snow and cried. Then I got up and continued home.

    A few days later he had a grand mal seizure and forgot it all. To this day he still emails me about how much he liked me and misses me. He just can't remember the part where he treated me like dirt because he didn't like how I looked in person. Or something. I don't respond.

    That was THE worst date. Had a couple more that were ridiculous. I went to the movie's with this stoner guy and his mom was there. He never even talked to me. Then he and his mom drove by me walking home across town (I told him I lived an hour's walk away) and honked and waved.

    Another time there was this guy I really liked on the baseball team so when he invited me to hang out I was thrilled. He showed up at my room drunk & had snorted Klonopin. He told me to lose some weight, forced himself on me, and left. He became my boyfriend of three months because I had a fix-it complex. Ugh.

    So glad I'm not alone.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    tee-hee! gotta bump this one for later :laugh:
  • afugua0002
    I have spent a lot of time reading these posts and I think I may have the mother of all bad dates. Let me know if I am wrong. Warning: This is a long and detailed story!!!!

    This happened several years ago after I got out of a 4.5 year marriage. I had met this guy online (mistake #1) and we chatted off and on for a month. He was really sexy, funny, smart, ect and I really wanted to meet him. Our schedules conflicted a lot so it took us a while to get together.

    We both had a night free and he asked me out. I was psyched to finally meet him. I had forgot that I agreed to pick up a sofa I bought from a co-worker that night and said I would have to meet up later. He said no problem and that he could help me pick up the couch and transport it back to my home. I thought that was very sweet so I accepted.

    He shows up at my house and he is 10 times sexier than his pictures. I was thrilled because I felt this was going to be an amazing date. Boy was I WRONG! We got into his truck and proceeded to head into the city to go to dinner. We were not even 5 minutes from my house when he just decides to say out loud "God I can't wait until I get off probation!" I instantly freaked out. All these things ran through my mind like...WTH did this guy do that he is on probation??? I didn't want to be a jerk and jump to conclusions so I nervously asked what he was on probation for. He began to tell me this enchanting tale which went a little something like this:

    He was at a club in the city and black gentleman (he used the racial slur instead...uncool!) he had had run ins with before was talking crap to him. He got really mad and decided he was going to "keep it real". He went out to his truck, pulled out a gun and shot up the dude's car in front of a crowd of people. Apparently gun shots bring about a lot of attention...so he had a nice little audience. He unloaded the gun in the dude's car and took off. Within a few hours the cops showed up and arrested him.

    Ok so at this point I am wondering am I safer staying in this car with this psycho or jumping out of a truck going 65 miles an hour....should have taken my chances with a huge leap out the door but I didn't. I got very nervous and slid as close to the door as possible and gave him a freaked out look. He saw how panicked I was and touched my leg and told me it was ok, it happened years ago, he went through anger management, and it's all good. Well the massive idiot that I am, I let it go because he was so cute (man I am an idiot sometimes!). I casually asked what kind of vehicle he shot up...I am thinking a Ford Fiesta or a Gremlin....NOPE! He shot up an Escalade! What the hell ever happened to a strong "F/U" when someone talks crap to you? In the end result, he ended up paying the guy in civil court for a new vehicle and this is why he was on probation. Again...let me say I was an idiot and let it slide since he was so hot.

    After the probation story wrapped up...he asked me if I smoked. Now I am naive and I thought he was talking about cigarettes (which I am a CIGARETTE smoker) and I replied yes. I was relieved because I needed a cigarette after that damn story. He replies "Thank God" and proceeds to pull out a roach from his ashtray. I jump back and yell "I MEANT CIGARETTES!!!!" He saw how upset I was that there were drugs in the vehicle and said oh I am sorry I won't smoke in front of you. I thought that was the end of it...NOPE!

    He proceeds to tell me that weed is okay and said...and I quote "But you know what I really love? Cocaine!" My eyes were the size of Mars! I started looking around thinking ok am I on a freaking hidden camera show? This is RIDICULOUS! Nope...no hidden cameras...I was just in hell! He proceeds to go on and on about his love for cocaine. He informs me that he loves it so much but he cannot do it anymore because it turns his nose to hamburger and that when he sees people doing a line in movies, his mouth waters because he wants some cocaine so bad. At this point, I just want to be hit by a BUS! I cannot believe I am hearing this.

    Fast forward......we are at my co-workers house to pick up my new sofa. We both come in and she shows us where the sofa is. Mr. ProbationGunCocaineA**hole decides he is going to life the couch by himself. Well the guy was pretty buff so I let him do it. He proceeds to bend over to pick up the couch..that's when I heard this blood curdling ripping sound....yep....his pants ripped from the top of his fly all the way down to his knee. I just stood there wanting to drop dead of embarrassment but apparently I had not suffered enough. This is the part where he whispers to me "Thank goodness I am wearing underwear tonight...I usually go commando!" Needless to say I ran out as fast as I could with him and my new sofa. Work on Monday was gonna be fabu!

    After we left the pants ripping party house, he asks where I would like to go for dinner. I asked him if he was going to change his pants first and he replied, no I am fine. Needless to say I had my fill and I said it's okay we can just go to my house (meaning, TAKE ME HOME A**HOLE!). We finally get to my house and he is unloading my sofa and carrying it in to my house. I go to shut the door when I hear him gasp for breath and start wheezing. I then shout out "You have F***in ASTHMA????" He nods and is motioning that his inhaler is in the truck. I run outside and start looking for it. I am thinking holy crap what am I going to find in here? A gun, more drugs, a dead body???? I finally find the inhaler and run back in. He puffs on it and comes back down. I hollered at him why did you do that if you had asthma. He gave me some stupid reason, but I had had my fill of this idiot.

    After the little medical emergency he asks if he can take off his pants because he feels silly with a rip in his pants. I said why do you feel foolish now? Well basically it was his way of asking for a bit of oral. Needless to say...that was my breaking point and I asked him to leave. I never called, emailed, texted, pigeon messaged this idiot again. I come to find out that this guy wasn't even single...HE WAS MARRIED with a pregnant wife at home! I didn't know if I felt sorrier for myself or her!!!!

    The End!

    oh yeah, you definitely win!!!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I was set up on a blind date by a former client. I had gone to school with the guys younger sister. So, I kinda knew of him-but had never met. We talked on the phone before the date night and things seemed ok. I met him at a local resturant. He had brought 7 of his friends including his sister- with him. LOL...
    We alll order dinner and are talking. One of his friends starts making derrogatory racial comments which progressed to comments about homosexuals. I spoke up, saying .. uh.. my sister is gay... Which led to a lovely discussion about lesbians... which ended with, the *kitten* I was set up with saying.. "let me give her some of my "root".. she wont be lesbo anymore.".... yes he said "root". Needless to say, I said thank you for the dinner. And left. As I was leaving I heard the guys sister say- I don't think you'll hear from her again.
    Dumbass backwoods redneck.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    My worst date started out as my best ever! The guy took me to a minor league hockey game (I love hockey!) afterwards we went to get a late dinner at the pub, and we're starting to get cuddly at the table, when his LIVE IN GIRLFRIEND came in and started screaming at him, in front of about 100 people for not showing up her parents place...he then had the balls to introduce me, and tried to give me a kiss as I tried to get out of there. The worst part-he asked me out again to apologize for the "interruption"
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Why was it such a problem that he was blind? Seeing as he was a great guy I wouldn't have thought it should make any difference!

    I agree. :ohwell:
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Years ago I went on a date with this "high power" lawyer. I showed up first, and opened a bar tab so I could order a drink, because, you know, it's weird just sitting in a nice hotel bar, not ordering. He scolded me when he arrived because I "wasn't supposed to pay for anything." During the date he flirted with our waitress, and talked more about his cars than anything else. He actually told me he'd have to buy me a TV for my apartment (I didn't have one) so that he could watch sports at my place (on a FIRST date). And it just got worse from there, thankfully it was only drinks. When I emailed to tell him thank you, he emailed me back calling me a freak and saying there was something wrong with me. Apparently I wasn't impressed enough by his Astin Martin.

    There you go - it's Aston Martin ^^

    lol I am wrecking my brain but I don;t think I had aweful first dates, akward yes, ****ed up second dates, yes...
  • im_blessed
    im_blessed Posts: 74 Member
    I have spent a lot of time reading these posts and I think I may have the mother of all bad dates. Let me know if I am wrong. Warning: This is a long and detailed story!!!!

    This happened several years ago after I got out of a 4.5 year marriage. I had met this guy online (mistake #1) and we chatted off and on for a month. He was really sexy, funny, smart, ect and I really wanted to meet him. Our schedules conflicted a lot so it took us a while to get together.

    We both had a night free and he asked me out. I was psyched to finally meet him. I had forgot that I agreed to pick up a sofa I bought from a co-worker that night and said I would have to meet up later. He said no problem and that he could help me pick up the couch and transport it back to my home. I thought that was very sweet so I accepted.

    He shows up at my house and he is 10 times sexier than his pictures. I was thrilled because I felt this was going to be an amazing date. Boy was I WRONG! We got into his truck and proceeded to head into the city to go to dinner. We were not even 5 minutes from my house when he just decides to say out loud "God I can't wait until I get off probation!" I instantly freaked out. All these things ran through my mind like...WTH did this guy do that he is on probation??? I didn't want to be a jerk and jump to conclusions so I nervously asked what he was on probation for. He began to tell me this enchanting tale which went a little something like this:

    He was at a club in the city and black gentleman (he used the racial slur instead...uncool!) he had had run ins with before was talking crap to him. He got really mad and decided he was going to "keep it real". He went out to his truck, pulled out a gun and shot up the dude's car in front of a crowd of people. Apparently gun shots bring about a lot of attention...so he had a nice little audience. He unloaded the gun in the dude's car and took off. Within a few hours the cops showed up and arrested him.

    Ok so at this point I am wondering am I safer staying in this car with this psycho or jumping out of a truck going 65 miles an hour....should have taken my chances with a huge leap out the door but I didn't. I got very nervous and slid as close to the door as possible and gave him a freaked out look. He saw how panicked I was and touched my leg and told me it was ok, it happened years ago, he went through anger management, and it's all good. Well the massive idiot that I am, I let it go because he was so cute (man I am an idiot sometimes!). I casually asked what kind of vehicle he shot up...I am thinking a Ford Fiesta or a Gremlin....NOPE! He shot up an Escalade! What the hell ever happened to a strong "F/U" when someone talks crap to you? In the end result, he ended up paying the guy in civil court for a new vehicle and this is why he was on probation. Again...let me say I was an idiot and let it slide since he was so hot.

    After the probation story wrapped up...he asked me if I smoked. Now I am naive and I thought he was talking about cigarettes (which I am a CIGARETTE smoker) and I replied yes. I was relieved because I needed a cigarette after that damn story. He replies "Thank God" and proceeds to pull out a roach from his ashtray. I jump back and yell "I MEANT CIGARETTES!!!!" He saw how upset I was that there were drugs in the vehicle and said oh I am sorry I won't smoke in front of you. I thought that was the end of it...NOPE!

    He proceeds to tell me that weed is okay and said...and I quote "But you know what I really love? Cocaine!" My eyes were the size of Mars! I started looking around thinking ok am I on a freaking hidden camera show? This is RIDICULOUS! Nope...no hidden cameras...I was just in hell! He proceeds to go on and on about his love for cocaine. He informs me that he loves it so much but he cannot do it anymore because it turns his nose to hamburger and that when he sees people doing a line in movies, his mouth waters because he wants some cocaine so bad. At this point, I just want to be hit by a BUS! I cannot believe I am hearing this.

    Fast forward......we are at my co-workers house to pick up my new sofa. We both come in and she shows us where the sofa is. Mr. ProbationGunCocaineA**hole decides he is going to life the couch by himself. Well the guy was pretty buff so I let him do it. He proceeds to bend over to pick up the couch..that's when I heard this blood curdling ripping sound....yep....his pants ripped from the top of his fly all the way down to his knee. I just stood there wanting to drop dead of embarrassment but apparently I had not suffered enough. This is the part where he whispers to me "Thank goodness I am wearing underwear tonight...I usually go commando!" Needless to say I ran out as fast as I could with him and my new sofa. Work on Monday was gonna be fabu!

    After we left the pants ripping party house, he asks where I would like to go for dinner. I asked him if he was going to change his pants first and he replied, no I am fine. Needless to say I had my fill and I said it's okay we can just go to my house (meaning, TAKE ME HOME A**HOLE!). We finally get to my house and he is unloading my sofa and carrying it in to my house. I go to shut the door when I hear him gasp for breath and start wheezing. I then shout out "You have F***in ASTHMA????" He nods and is motioning that his inhaler is in the truck. I run outside and start looking for it. I am thinking holy crap what am I going to find in here? A gun, more drugs, a dead body???? I finally find the inhaler and run back in. He puffs on it and comes back down. I hollered at him why did you do that if you had asthma. He gave me some stupid reason, but I had had my fill of this idiot.

    After the little medical emergency he asks if he can take off his pants because he feels silly with a rip in his pants. I said why do you feel foolish now? Well basically it was his way of asking for a bit of oral. Needless to say...that was my breaking point and I asked him to leave. I never called, emailed, texted, pigeon messaged this idiot again. I come to find out that this guy wasn't even single...HE WAS MARRIED with a pregnant wife at home! I didn't know if I felt sorrier for myself or her!!!!

    The End!

    oh yeah, you definitely win!!!

    i agree!! OMG sounds like something straight out of the movies lol
  • jonbobfrog
    The guy showed me "Two Girls, One Cup" while we were waiting for dinner. I'd met him, oh, 20 minutes before? Yeah, THAT went well.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    I've been on very few dates in my life, but I'd have to say that my first date was my worst. The guy showed up in a tuxedo and we were going to a casual restaurant and a movie. I was very nervous and ordered a burger at dinner and he he mocked me for ordering a burger at a such a 'nice' restaurant. (It wasn't). I know this doesn't compare to some people, but it seemed especially bad for me as I was only 16. I remember seeing some friends at the movie theatre and they were wondering why the hell he was wearing a tux:embarassed: