Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • mspears1198
    mspears1198 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow, I' m reading the above posts and some people are so rude! Death stares to anyone who feels the need to say something negative about my weight.

    My favorite, You're cute for a fat girl. Also, "Your brother is soo fine but you're soo fat."
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    "You're fat".
  • Havend1
    Havend1 Posts: 52 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me. I've always been the fat one. Every time I run into family friends that I have not seen in a while...especially the older folks...they confuse me with my older sister who was always the thin one. They are always amazed at how much I have lost by saying " you were so fat and look at you now "
  • robintwin
    While walking the dog one day, a convertible car with 2 young men stopped at the stop sign nearest me. I heard one tell the other "Look, a hog walking a dog"....OUCH!
  • jiggy_gibby
    I sat on a plastic chair at a birthday party and the leg snapped. Everyone's face said it all.... hostess was gracious but I always sit on ground or porch at outdoor parties now.

    Also sad --- "Mom, you're the fattest mom of all the moms in my class."
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Sisters can be the worst.. what is wrong with them?
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    I don't know what was worse, when my 3 year old said she liked daddy's fat tummy, or when my wife said I repulsed her?
  • dot513
    dot513 Posts: 38
    you have a very pretty face....implied that the rest of the body needs work:sick:
  • Canonoch
    Canonoch Posts: 120
    I was getting on to a bus and the driver said " You trying to blow out my tires". Happened many years ago and I wasn't at my heaviest. People can be cruel and that is wqhy we ay it is a cruel world. But people can also be good and then it becomes a good world. I'm glad you are all here trying to do better for yourselves. Keep on smiling all
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    One of my students once told me that the back of my neck looked like a package of hot dogs.
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Drop 20lbs and give me a beer and I'd f**k ya..! (Total stranger at the Walgreens)
  • thunderlight7
    You need a cheesesteak!!!!!!!!!!!
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Well they're using a metaphor correctly, right? Sorry.. :(
  • lucywhatford
    lucywhatford Posts: 30 Member
    I had the majority of it when I was at school, not so much now, but unfortunately when you are at school it is the time when most stuff sticks in your head!!
    Had always had "fatty/eurgh look at the size of her" then one day when I was about 15 a boy I was friends with, but not close, turned to my best friend and whispered something, she suddenly looked horrified, when I made her tell me what he had said afterwards the words were "no-one would ever rape her, she's not pretty enough"

    Then when I was 16, I was at the station on my way home from school and a family surrounded me and started taunting me, there were various children ranging from 6-14ish with 3 adults who all joined in, and as i walked to get onto the train one of the adults shouted "who ate all the pies? that fat c**t!!"

    Those were probably the worst...what gives me a little satisfaction was one evening in town I was out with my long term boyfriend, I think we had been together for just over a year, and this boy was there are starting trying to be all friendly with my O/H. He was having none of it, and we just walked away while he was called a name I won't repeat on here!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    When I lived in Japan, people always told me "You've got a really pretty face, and beautiful eyes, but you should really lose some weight."

    Thanks, guys.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    a co-worker of mine was having trouble with his gf and so he told me it was over and he had all her clothes and things in her car. he looked at me and said i'd give you her clothes, but no way they'd fit. he's known me for years and has seen the weight i lost, so he knows i've been working at it and his gf is this tiny little blonde who's had two kids. i was just shocked, said nothing and walked away. people need to think before they speak.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    My mom once admitted to me that she's prejudice against overweight people, and that she has ugly thoughts about me because I am heavy. However, at the time she was 50 lbs overweight.
  • bre_88
    bre_88 Posts: 4
    I think that the only thing that hurts me more than anything else is when people say " you shouldn't lose weight, you already don't have boobies or a butt, you gone look anorexic or sick with a big head ". :sad: ...being a female you want that perfect body to feel a certain way, and the more I try to fix it the worse I feel because peoples comments really shoot me down and makes me very depressed....but maybe by joining MFP i can make some new friends that aren't so judgemental but motivational to me. :wink:
  • samanthasky
    samanthasky Posts: 114 Member
    Some old lady from my church had approached me while I was sitting next to my friend (and CRUSH!) and she literally said "You getting bigger aren't you? You're gaining weight right? Oh... you need to fix that." So embarassing and rude.

    "See you later 300 pound girl!" from my own grandfather. (I've never hit 300lbs either, not even 250!)

    "Hey what team do you play for!? Aren't you a linebacker?" from my uncle.

    "Do you really think you should be eating that pita chip? As you noticed you are fairly larger than everyone else." A little kid from my church who seemed like he was only 7.

    I'm used to hurtful comments at this point. :x
  • geistmadl
    OMG the things people say. When someone asked me when my baby was due, I said "x years ago" (depending on how old they were). It made some people stutter and turn red. Once, I had someone tell me how "disgusting" she thought obese people were. I looked at her (and she was probably at her correct weight but no muscle tone), rolled my eyes and said, "You know, those "disgusting obese" people can lose weight, you on the other hand can get rid of your big nose (it was....) but you'll always be a *****." And walked off.

    Strangely enough, I've never heard from her again. :devil:

    My husband's brother started ragging on him after not seeing him for almost 10 years. I took him aside and told him to knock it off, that he didn't need to state the obvious and that it was hurtful and wrong. He started blathering on about "ok, ok, but he's fat." And I said "yeah but you've got a roll too (really little but there)- are you going to do anything about it? It doesn't help to make him feel like crap." And then because he was saying, "But he is, he is..." I likened him to a Nazi and the way they categorized people. He's German and Jewish and I knew he'd be mad. It got him to stop picking on my husband.