*February Weight Loss Challenge*



  • mommakay25
    mommakay25 Posts: 3 Member
    I want to join in. Can't wait to post everything on Wednesday. :)
  • goomgirl
    The hardest thing for me will be to remember to post! But I'd like to participate. Current: 150. Goal: 125
  • smangani
    smangani Posts: 120
    I'm in too! I want a 5 lb loss this month if it kills me!! LOL
  • Austynl
    Austynl Posts: 19
    I am in!
    My current weight is 219.2(as of today) and my goal in February is to lose 9.2 lbs. Seems a bit high, but if I really work hard I think I might manage it, and if not that is okay, as long as I am making progress. My measurements are
    My diet plan includes staying under my calorie goal each day, eating healthy as possible. My workout plan is 30 day shred amongst other various activities.
  • hockalo0gie
    I'm in! I'm at 225 to start, and want to be 215 by the end of the month! This will be good motivation to lay off the calories this weekend's Super Bowl festivities
  • oleroadslug
    oleroadslug Posts: 2 Member
    In. But I' not sure if I will be a fair comaprison. I'm RNY bariatric, and preping for ab surgery (panni). 230+ lbs lost in last four years.

    For me to lose 5# say now, ( even though it is there ) that is a huge loss now...post op. 220 now. Would like to be 199. Pre-op wt was 432#.

    Oh, though I'm hiding it, so judgement isn't great; here's what over 400#'s looks like.

    http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll150/WC6634/family scans 2011/RobPre-OpPicOct2006.jpg

    Profile pic is very baggy shirt, tight two years ago.

  • wilkes11
    I'm in!! i just joined this site and love it already!
  • Calimama123
    Calimama123 Posts: 128 Member
    I would love to join!

    My current weight is 156, and my goal for Feb is to get down to around 152-153. I usually do about 45 minutes of cardio at the gym everyday, plus walk for 20-40 mins. This month I'm going to try to add in some weight lifting and some Zumba classes. Yay!
  • tmr0206
    tmr0206 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join. This sounds like just the motivation I need! My current weight is 245lb and I would like to lose 8lbs in February. My new treadmill is being delivered tomorrow, so I hope to commit to 30 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week. I haven't been doing any exercise up to this point.
  • lostemt76
    lostemt76 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in and will help me stay on track. My birthday is Feb 29 no lie. This will also help me build more strength to be able to do a race in the end of March.
  • amyhenderson06
    amyhenderson06 Posts: 3 Member
    Ok sounds good count me in :) just the extra push i needed
  • nevergiveup92
    I'm in! :D
  • gagesmom314
    gagesmom314 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm in!! I have been weighing in on Saturday's but I will change to Wednesday's with no problem since I go to the gym on Wednesday's. Can't wait to post on Wednesday!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I'm in!!
    I'm weighing roughly 247 right now and I would LOVE to be at least 235 by the end of the month.
    I don't want to say "I'm on a diet" Because I'll fail. I want to make better decisions and eat less!
    I am quitting dr. pepper :( HARD HARD HARD lol
    Continue walking at least 1 mile a day! Hopefully get a few more in!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,409 Member
    I'm soooo in! I will post my weight, plan and goal on Wed! My birthday is March 2! I would love to be at my goal wieght bt then!!! :smile: :smile: GOOD LUCK everyone!
  • okhollycow
    okhollycow Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in ! Have just started a weight loss plan and will enjoy the extra accountabilty. Will post on wed.
  • emilycroom
    Count me in! I could use a little challenge to get me going. I just recently rejoined the "new lifestyle" (I don't use the word diet) again! :smile:
  • Cschintz
    Cschintz Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! Will post first set on Wednesday ;)
  • Bitute
    Bitute Posts: 9
    I would love to join it :)
  • mayb92
    mayb92 Posts: 34
    I'm in :D !!