How to not cry when getting your *kitten* chewed??



  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do


  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    Yell to yourself in your head while the other person is verbally belittling you: "I CAN DO THAT TOO! YELLING IS FUN! AHHHHHH!!!" You might start laughing... but you definitely won't be crying! "ALL THIS YELLING IS NOT NECESSARY! I HAVE VOCALS TOOOOOO!!! AHHHHH!!!" ;)

  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Someone trying to chew my @ss out usually makes me turn around and walk away.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    I thought everyone sued everyone in the USA?

    so you guys dont have employment tribunals and workplace rights?

    make it HR's issue, not yours.

    If my boss dreamed of shouting at me in a million years i would have his *kitten* in court faster than he could whistle Dixie.

    But he wouldnt, cos im like a foot taller than him. i'd kick his *kitten*.
  • woah, I read that literally @_@
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I used to cry a lot when being told off, mainly due to anger and you can never think of a really good response at the time. But the posters that have said try and divorce yourself from the tone and concentrate on the content are right.

    Listen intently, do not respond verbally at all during the rant, that is crucial. When you are sure they have finished, Then respond with "I have listened very carefully to everything you have just said and I will get back to you with a considered response after I have double checked the facts. If the rant has taken place in public then I woud add "By the way I would prefer it in future if we could discuss these kind of things in private and not in front of my colleagues as it makes us all uncomfortable.

    The calmer you act the more unprofessional they look. You can go and cry in the bathroom afterwards.
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    Don't listen to the tone, but focus on each of the words. Look for the key word that they use to describe why they are chewing you out. Then politely stop them and ask how you can rectify the situation or at least prevent it from happening again (using their key words to describe the event). If you focus your mind on a constructive solution, you're less likely to get pushed by the person's emotions.

  • amjolst
    amjolst Posts: 22
    Don't listen to the tone, but focus on each of the words. Look for the key word that they use to describe why they are chewing you out. Then politely stop them and ask how you can rectify the situation or at least prevent it from happening again (using their key words to describe the event). If you focus your mind on a constructive solution, you're less likely to get pushed by the person's emotions.


    I'm definitely a crier. Someone gave me this advice a couple years ago, after my district manager reamed me out on the sales floor in front of my associates. I tend to bite the inside of my lip, too, when he gets going. It keeps me from opening my mouth and getting myself into trouble.
  • EmilyB589
    EmilyB589 Posts: 11 Member
    I didn't read the whole thread so maybe someone else has said this:
    If you are on the verge of tears press your tounge into the top of your mouth - it should hold back the tears.
    Apparently it's something newsreaders do.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    look at her boobs and nod your head while thinking NICE!!!

    Wait, that might not work. Never Mind.. LOL
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    As the person starts yelling, start looking at the window (like you're not listening anymore), and after 10 seconds or so, look in their direction, yawn loudly, and just say: "Booooooooring!!!".

    Seriously. Why are you even listening/trying to argue with someone who is shouting at you. Pointless.

    Alternatively, just as they start yelling, put your fists on your eyes and shout "Boo-hoo-hoo I am going to cry now!!!" with a childish voice. Fun stuff to do.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Depends on who is chewing my *kitten* out... I sometimes become amussed and start laughing then I get yelled at even more. I just find their facial expressions very funny... But when it's the boss yellin I just try to look dumb bc I know I am in deep ****!!!
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 108 Member
    If they are out of line and disrespectful, I assume that is the case, only focus on the tone and not the details. Know you do not deserve disrespect no matter what is going on. Don't get into the details and possibly defending yourself. Tell them the way they are speaking is not acceptable and you will be happy to talk when they are ready to work it out respectfully. As confidence grows, like possible when losing weight, we may suddenly decide to not let certain behaviors continue that previouslly we allowed. When this happens it can be wise to set our new boundaries slowly/gently to not cause more problems in the relationship. This may be totally off track from your incident but may be worth mentioning. I guess I am thinking of a personal situation not a boss. That can be another matter. I cry easily and have been in that situation also. Good luck!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    This hasn't happened to me too often because I am really careful about not screwing up, honest when I do, and work my *kitten* off all the time. But there have been a couple occasions where I've been disrespected by people who are above me on the totem pole in the lab. I don't cry. I actually wait for them to take a breath, and then cut in with

    "I find your tone/choice of words to be disrespectful/inappropriate. I would like to continue the conversation without raising voices/yelling/swearing."

    That pretty much diffuses everything. I even told my actual boss once that I thought his choice of wording was offensive. Just take a deep breath and say this BEFORE you get really upset. Just because someone wants to chew your *kitten* out doesn't mean you have to let them. Also, your boss has a boss too! Don't forget that! :)
  • just laught when some shouts at you just makes em more angry
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Try not to get your *kitten* chewed. :flowerforyou:

    Yeah. That's the best bet.

    I cry when I'm angry. I hate it, but at least I've never broken my hand or foot punching or kicking something when angry.
  • I always just have to remind myself that although in this situation this person may feel like they are above me, really they are just an imperfect person too. No one is perfect, so they shouldnt expect it from you.....but if they feel like they have the right to treat someone as less than instead of just talking things over politley then its probably just how they always get treated. They probably just dont know any better way to deal with those have kind of got to feel bad for people like that.....
  • imitedlay7
    imitedlay7 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for all of the responses guys. Just a little background, I'm in the military and it was my supervisor giving the chewing for an issue that was partially my fault and partially his fault. I admitted my fault but I was pissed that he would bring up this subject (leadership) when he's one of the worst leaders I've ever had, and I cry when I'm angry.

    Also, I didn't mean "weak little girl" or "take it like a man" in a sexist way. I just meant that I don't want to appear weak and I need to learn how to be stronger, stand up for myself and be assertive.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Thanks for all of the responses guys. Just a little background, I'm in the military and it was my supervisor giving the chewing for an issue that was partially my fault and partially his fault. I admitted my fault but I was pissed that he would bring up this subject (leadership) when he's one of the worst leaders I've ever had, and I cry when I'm angry.

    Also, I didn't mean "weak little girl" or "take it like a man" in a sexist way. I just meant that I don't want to appear weak and I need to learn how to be stronger, stand up for myself and be assertive.
    Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on things.

    RE: "take it like a man" - what else are we gonna do except jump to conclusions and debate incessantly about it? It's the forum! :drinker:
  • Aww Im sorry :(

    I get yelled at a lot. I usually just listen to what they are saying, put up a front and act well-put and mature.....then wait til I get home to cry